Of course, simply sleeping the day away when you were the talk of the Academy was easier said than done. Karl hadn't even had time to sort through his gear to see what was depleted and what needed replacing before there was someone knocking at his door, then another, more insistent knocking.
"Good morning, was there something you needed assistance with?" Karl asked the stern looking woman at the door.
She was wearing a visitor's pass, which she would have needed to get up the stairs without being redirected by the spell, and she was holding a briefcase in one hand and a clipboard in the other.
"Wonderful, you are still here. Come with me and we can get started." She announced.
"Started on what? Perhaps you can explain what you are talking about over breakfast." Karl responded.
"I'm afraid that our time is short, so if you would, we need to be going." She replied.
Sorry everyone for the messed up chapter orders. I had presecheduled a number of chapters, and they went into Volume 1 instead of volume 2. Hopefully, by the time that you read this, the order will be fixed.