Unduh Aplikasi
33.33% smut collection / Chapter 6: chapter 6

Bab 6: chapter 6

He said smiling before shrugging, "After that you can all relax and makes yourselves at home." He said before giving a wave of his hand, "Don't worry about the clean up that will be taken care of~"

"And i'm sure you four likely have question about my plans..." He started to gain a devious smirk, "But that will have to wait till after the press conference I arranged today~"

Some hours later a good number of reporters where standing in front of the KND main office building...all called by the CEO of the company himself.

"to be a toymaker he certainly has quite a pull on the press"

dressed in a blue suit and glasses the figure of Clark Kent towered a good head over the other reporters (not that anyone noticed)

"You said it Smallville" Lois Lane (dressed in a purple business blouse, white mini-skirt and black heels) answered looking around "I think i saw news teams from Gotham, Central and Coast city, the New York times and even DC alongside the local news"

"Yeah.." Clark said with a slight frown looking over the large crowd, "It's kinda strange now that you mention it." He said arching a brow at Lois, "Any idea why Mr. Uno wanted so many reporters.."

Lois gave a shrug, "Who knows but my guess he wants as much attention as possible for whatever he wants to announce."

She said tapping her pen against her chin before letting out a snort, "Maybe he wants to give his latest toys some good press or something." She said sending her partner a amused smirk with Clark giving a good nature chuckle while internally getting a good feeling that something bigger was going on

He might not be the detective Bruce was but he still had his instincts from years of being Superman and right now all of them were telling them that something was up

"Hey guys" Jimmy Olsen called approaching with his camera ready "Something really big must be happening cause i saw some big dogs of news out there..and i mean the likes of Vicky Vale and Iris west"

"Urg Vale." Lois repeated with disdain frowning as she rolled her eyes, "West is fine and someone I can deal with or even respect but Vale." She let out a snort, "I swear that if the fact that woman isn't still reporting for tabloids or gossip columns isn't a sign of Gotham corruption nothing is."

With Clark sighing giving his partner a slight chiding look, "Come on Lois play nice.." He said with her rolling her eyes, "Yeah..yeah."

She said with a slight scowl before she gave a blink and grinned, "But yeah forget Vale because it looks like we're about to get some answers."

She said pointing at Benedict Uno owner and CEO of KND walking out of the main office building being followed by a blond teenager and up to the podium, "Testing..testing this thing on?"

He repeated into the mac with a slight nervous stutter before smirking, "It is..good!" He clapped his hands together and started to rub down while smiling down at the crowd, "Now i'm sure you're all wondering why I gathered you all today right?

"Understatement of the century" said Lois eyeing the blonde girl wondering who she was and why she thinks she has seen it somewhere else.

feeling that raised when some of the local news began whispering also noticing (and apparently recognizing) the girl

"First let me assure you that this conference has nothing to do with Kids Next Door toys." Benedict said raising his hand up, "Though we are in the planning stages for some very special new rainbow monkeys~"

He added with a excited laugh before smiling nervously, "We just have to find a way to contact certain people to get their permission to use their images and likeness legally." He added rubbing the back of his neck before blinking, "Oh and incidentally and this is completely unrelated I assure you.." Benedict said with a laugh, "If Miss Lois Lane of the Daily Planet if you could do me a solid.."

He looked over spotting Lois in the crowd next to Clark and Jimmy with the reporter feeling on the spot as she frowned and narrowed her eyes at Benedict while Clark had his own frown and guard up before the CEO continued, "Could you tell Superman next time he saves you that I would really appreciate a meeting that would be great!"

He said with a wide grin before blinking, "Than again he might see this press conference so that probably makes the favor moot huh?" He said mumbling to himself as he rubbed his chin

that caused some laughs around the crowd....and to Clark to have a sweat-drop as he did know about the "rainbow justice friends" line Mr Uno has being planning for a time now (he knew Barry still had nightmares after he mentioned Batman the idea)

"Ahem but moving on." Benedict said smiling at the crowd, "I've got some big announcements today for you all!" Though the smile fell at the next words, "Including revealing something very personal that i've kept hidden from the world all my life."

This comment caused many in the crowd to stare and mutter in intrigue with Lois giving a slight curious hum while Jimmy muttered off to the side as he took a picture, "What do you think he means?"

"Considering past experience with billionaires with secrets likely something big." Lois said while her mind went to Bruce and Luthor, with Clark also giving a frown hoping whatever it was Uno intended to reveal to the world it wasn't something dangerous.

"But first things first.." Benedict gestured over to the side at the blond teenager, "I would like to introduce my new ward Kitten Walker!"

He said with a wide grin that turned slightly nervous, "Who I gained legal custody of after arranging her release from prison."

This caused the reporters voices to raise up as pictures were taken of Kitten, "After the unfortunate events of last week where Kitten's father who some of you may know as Killer Moth dragged her into acting as a accomplice for his plot against the city!"

Thats when the murmurs started...being the strongest the ones from the local news.

"The daughter of Killer Moth?"

"Didnt she blackmail the leader of the titans into a prom dance?"

"Yeah or she would release a swarm of carnivorous giant moths on the city"

"Wasnt she arrested with a boy with a spider for a head?"

"People, people please calm down!" Benedict said raising his hands, "I know there's been a lot of vicious rumors going on about what happen."

He said before speaking in a steel tone, "But let me assure the events of that night fall solely on the shoulder of Killer Moth!"

He banged his fist on the podium, "Everything Kitten did was in the misguided desire to make her father happy and proud of her!" He said staring hard into the crowd, "It was only due to his influence and the influence of Kitten now ex-boyfriend Fang, that Kitten got involved in the plot against the city and now has criminal record."

Benedict explained before sighing and shaking his head, "Naturally when I learned of Kitten circumstances I couldn't just sit by and let a bright beautiful young girl with such potential and her whole life ahead of her throw it all away like this."

He shot Kitten a smile, "So i'm proud to say as of early this morning i've paid Kitten bail and taken her under my guardianship where I hope to help her realize her true potential, and set her on a better path and future."

A lot of people looked between each other in shock and confusion.

"Ok that certianly is news" said Clark taking notes.

"Daughter of a villain being taken in by a rich dude to help her grow?" Lois repeated "Sound like a bad version of Bruce"

"Now than.." Benedict smiled over at Kitten, "Kitten dear before I move is there anything you'd like to say yourself to the press?"

He asked arching a brow, "You don't have to talk if you don't want to of course dear." He hurriedly added placating in front of the reporters and camera, "Only if you desire to or want to get your side of the story out there in your own words." He explained with slight subtle smirk

The blonde girl took a deep breath before approaching the mic.

"I...ummm...i want to...apologize" she finally said "I know my...aptitude that night caused a lot of...inconveniences for many people...and i know you might not believe this but...im ashamed of my actions that night"

The crowd of reporters muttered in reply with camera either flashing or displaying this footage live though those from Jump City gave wary distrustful looks, as Benedict shot Kitten a comforting smile while placing his hand on her shoulder squeezing it in assurance and support

"I....I will take this chance Mr Uno is giving me to become a better person" she continued "i just hope you can give me a chance" she finished before moving away from the mic

Benedict smiled at Kitten, "Well there you have it folks." He stepped up to the mic, "What you have before you isn't some dangerous criminal but a brilliant young lady who made a mistake do to her father."

He shook his head with a sigh, "Really the only crime she should be charged with is letting herself trust and love the wrong person." The man said with a tone of sorrow before smiling at Kitten, "But I think she deserves not only a second chance but a round of applause don't you folks~?"

He asked sending a smirk at the crowd

some people clapped although it was noticed some did it with doubts on them.

"if thats the great announcement i think he has to much money to spend" said Lois.

Clark raised an eyebrow.

"Come on Lois..i think its great a young mind like that one is trying to move away from her father´s crimes" said the reporter

Lois however simply shot her friend a dry look, "Yes truly the heartwarming scoop of the decade." She stated dryly before sighing at Clark look, "Don't get me wrong i'm all for the kid getting a better life and not following in daddy moth footsteps...but."

She gestured at the large crowd of reporters from all over the country including the big names like herself, "But if Benedict arranged this conference to just tell us that he really went overboard."

Clark gave a hum thinking about Lois words however Benedict than spoke up himself, "Now than I believe it's time to start getting into why i've brought you here."

He said with a serious frown, "It's time to address a status quo that's gone on for to long, it's time for someone to step up and speak out for a percentage of earth population that have been exploited for far too long!"

He banged his fist on the podium for emphasis, "It's time to talk about meta humans and the needless state of paranoia and fear this country no this world has let itself fall into!"

that made more murmurs coming from the crowd.

"Excuse me sir!" Iris west raised a hand "What do you mean by that?" she asked "if you are referring to meta-racism isnt that suppose to be in a new low after the founding of the Justice League?"

"That is true yes." Benedict said with a nod, "And I agree the Justice League have done wonderful work to not only protect us, but have also helped acted like a beacon for meta human rights."

He said to the crowd with Clark despite himself feeling a slight surge or pride at that though he kept his gaze on the CEO still unsure and feeling slight uneasy on why the man a toymaker and CEO of a toy company wanted to address issues like this while also remembering his earlier comment about his intent to reveal something personal to the world

"However.." Benedict voice carried as he narrowed his eyes at the crowd, "The fact of the matter is that the Justice League have also helped create a dangerous status quo for meta humans."

The man said over the mummers of the crowd as Benedict explained, "Ever since various super villains and heroes started emerging bring with them a dawn of a new era for our planet."

He scanned the crowd keeping a close subtle eye on Clark Kents group reactions, "The meta human populace has found themselves trapped in a seemingly endless war where they have to choose a side.."

Benedict held up his hands, "Crime..or Justice." The CEO shook his head with a sigh, "More and more meta humans feel pressured or are outright press ganged to use their gifts as either super criminals or heroes."

The man frowned heavily, "Even though their gifts could have open other roads to them in many other potential fields.." He sighed sadly, "Never mind the dreams and desires of the meta human in question."

He said before growling angrily, "And that's not even going to when they are out right forced into being human weapons!" He roared with outright fury in his tone with some catching his eyes flashing a amber color under his glasses, "Like our own government did with the meta humans that Joker liberated from a secure facility while making them into his Royal Flush gang!"

that made the murmurs go higher as flashes of cameras lighten up.

"Excuse me!" Vicky Vale called again "you are saying the the royal flush that attacked Las Vegas was made by the government?!!!" she called in shock and a bit of delight...talking about news.

and she wasnt the only one

"Clark Kent from the planet!!" Kent called "those are strong words Mr Uno...first of all do you have any evidence? and secondly arent you taking some things out of proportions? The League doesnt force anyone specially metahumans to become part of the group"

Benedict did his best to hold back a smirk, "First off to Mr. Kent I'm sad to say i'm hardly blowing things out of proportion."

He said before letting out a bitter snort, "If anything i'm underselling the problem." He said with a frown giving the man a critical look, "While the League yes hasn't forced meta humans to become part of their organization even after expanding it and recruiting more heroes to their roster."

Benedict looked across straight into Clarks eyes, "The fact of matter is they've created a dangerous precedent and their impact on our world, society, our very culture has lead to it's current statuos quo that in my opinion is more harmful than beneficial to meta humans."

He clenched his fists, "The Justice League might mean well but they've created the belief that a meta human can only help the world with their abilities by becoming a hero blinding them to the fact they have other options besides heroics or crime."

He than turned his attention to Vicki Vale, "And yes Miss Vale I am saying the Government were behind the Royal Flush and I do in fact have proof." He admitted with a slight smirk, "Not only from the Joker own mouth during his broadcast bragging during the Vegas attack...but also."

He reached down and picked up a envelope, "Through my own contacts, resources, and the bravery of a man who risked his life to bring me this evidence but wished to remain anonymous."

He narrowed his eyes, "I have right here names and data proving that the Royal Flush gang were taken by the US Government with the intent of turning them into their personal weapons!"

that really caused a major reaction with camera flashing and people crying for the names to be read.

"Excuse me but are you saying Metas shouldnt be using their powers to help others?" asked Lois

"Oh i'm not saying that Miss Lane." Benedict said back with a shake of his head, "I merely believe that meta humans should have the right to use their gifts in whatever way they choose, in whatever field they pursue."

He narrowed his eyes staring at Lois, "They shouldn't be either forced into a life of crime, or feel obligated to use their powers to risk their lives becoming superheroes."

He explained before giving a sad mournful sigh staring down at the podium, "Nor should they be afraid of not only the world but their own gifts to the point they hide and suppress their gifts and true selves from everyone." He said with a deep frown clenching tightly on the podium

more murmurs filled the reunion..no one expected this from the toy maker.

"Im sorry Mr. Uno" Clark voice sounded with a frown "but im not sure what you mean...there isnt anything that stops a meta from using its power unless he or she use it for evil stuff"

Internally Superman was trying to understand what the man was saying...since when are Metas afraid of showing their powers?

Benedict gave a sigh before speaking, "Let me respond to that question with a question of my own." He arched a brow down at the reporter, "How many meta humans do you know or can name that use their abilities in other ways besides committing crimes or fighting crime?"

That made the everyone pause.

None of them...could think of anyone.

"I...im sure there must be someone" Clark said trying to think on ANYONE outside his fellow heroes...or the villains he fights daily

"There isn't really." Benedict stated in dry blunt tone before letting out a snort, "At least none that i've managed to turn up in my own research."

He gave the crowd a serious look, "Which is part of what I want to address!" He banged his fist against the podium, "My research has shown that meta humans can be divided into several separate groups."

He began to tick down his fingers as he listed down, "Those who use their abilities to fight crime, those who use their abilities to commit crimes,...or"

He narrowed his eyes, "Those who are either too afraid to show themselves or their abilities to the public out of fear of ending up in the first two categories."

He said before letting out another bitter snort, "Or are like a number of Bang Babies you'll find in Dakato."

He stared hard into Clark Kent eyes, "And I don't mean those like Static or the Meta Breed." He moved his gaze across the field of reporters, "I mean those that have had their heads filled with lines that their powers are a threat to themselves and others.."

He let out a slight growl, "And as such it's safer for everyone if they stay out of the public eye in hospital or labs where they can be properly monitored and contained for everyone's safety."

He explained with a eye roll and bitter derision letting his opinion of this being quite known before adding with a growl, "I'm all for for helping meta human train or control their powers but that kinda thinking is not only a step to far but just a step below of what happen to the Royal Flush gang!"

"But Mr Uno" called Iris "dont take this in the wrong way...the problem of metahumans and the racism they face is a problem" she had investigate The big bang incident after all "and if what you say about the Royal flush gang is true then its obvious there are big spheres of our government that have their own agendas" wouldnt be the first time the government did something to control metas...the suicide squad came to mind..."but you are a toymaker not a politician...what could you do about that?"

"Hehe i'm glad you asked my dear!" Benedict exclaimed pointing at her with his smile widening to a dark smirk, "Which brings us to the heart of why i've gather you all here today~"

He said staring at the crowd narrowing his eyes, "I've got a big announcement for the whole world!" He exclaimed pounding his fist on the podium, "One that I guarantee will be the scoop of the year at least!

He told the crowd of gathered reporters before pausing, "Well technical two major announcements." He said sighing giving a week smile, "After all I did tell you all I would be revealing a large personal secret of mine today earlier didn't I?"

Some nodded in agreement at that...however after the whole "meta-rights" speech they wondered what could the toymaker have under his sleeve

"So than.." Benedict let out what could be called a dark smirk as he took a step back from the podium, "Let me show all my..little...SECRET!"

He said and than exclaimed before a small raging inferno popped out of nowhere and engulfed his body with his body itself becoming completely black with a red outline along his body and eyebrows, giving him intimidating silhouette-like appearance, and last change being his now bright yellow eyes staring chillingly at the reporters

Screams followed (with Clark pushing Lois behind him).

However noticing the fire wasnt expanding (plus the new form of the toymaker) made more than one look up in shock.

"ok..i didnt see that one coming" said Jimmy starting to take pictures

"Yes your eyes don't deceive you." Benedict Uno said his voice now changed to a deeper dark one as the flames died down but left his new shadowy silhouette behind as he stepped back up to the podium, "I am and have always been a meta human!"

He proclaimed out to the world as he looked at the gathered reporters decided to go in for the kill while they were all shocked, "And I am here today to not only reveal this to the world."

His yellow eyes gave off a slight glow as they (Or at least what felt like to a certain secret man of steel) landed on Clark, "But announce my intent like a fellow billionaire to run in the next upcoming presidential election!"

"And hopefully become the first meta human president of the United States of America!"

"Ok..that is news" said Vicky with a smile before turning to her cameraman "tell me you got that?"

"Every second of it" said the man.

Many other reporters were all either muttering in shock, trying to take picture, or keeping broadcasting and recording camera focused on Benedict Uno new form

With many reeling from the shock of what just happen, "Okay maybe the trip here was worth it." Lois admitted with her own tone of shock before letting out a slight snort as she internally thought considering her past luck with billionaires in the egomaniac that was Luthor and the secret caped crusader that was Bruce Wayne she really should have seen something like this coming in hindsight

She than gave a grin of amusement as another thought her hit, "How do you think Luthor will react to his new competition in the next election." Lois asked turning her head to look at Clark curious at his own thoughts on all this

"Knowing him...not good" said the reporter knowing the Lexcorp owner wont be happy this this development "still..a Meta for president?" Clark wasnt sure what to think...nothing against metas but...he knew people wont take such thing that easily

"Now than.." Benedict spoke up drawing the attention of the crowd further, "Now that everything out in the open."

He swiveled his head looking over the crowd, "Does anyone have any questions?"

multiple hands shoot to the air everyone talking at the same time trying to call his attention

"Hmmm let's see." Benedict said as he raised his hand, "Eeny, meeny, miny.." Choosing the go to classic option for making a choice much to sweatdrops and chuckles, "Miss West from Central City."

He leaned across the Podium, "Since you kindly gave me the perfect set up to reveal my secret you may ask your question first." He said and though his mouth could no longer be seen it felt like he was sending her a smile

"Yes thank you" Iris said "Ok sir...i think first of all...and think we all want to know..you said you have been a Meta all your life? Why hide it?"

Benedict at this question gave a sigh as he reached down down to his leg and seemingly out of his shadowy skin pulled out a pipe which he placed in his mouth, "Well for starters there was my father."

He raised his hand staring at it as he clenched it as flames surrounded it, "As some of of you are likely aware when I first took control of the company I also openly exposed my father under the table dealings, and how he used KND toys as both a front and cover for criminal operations."

He gave a sigh shaking his head, "It took a lot of hard work, dedication, and the creation of rainbow monkeys to drag the company out of his dark shadow."

He gave a growl, "A shadow that's hung over me all my life." He stared off into space, "Because while the public knew him as a criminal I knew him as a monster."

"And unknown to the public he like myself was a meta human and who I inherited my own powers from." He stated as a wreath of flames surrounded his body for a moment before dying down

So you decided to hide your powers for shame of your father history?" Vicky Vale asked

"Shame and admittedly fear of becoming like him." Benedict admitted with a sigh before narrowing his yellow eyes, "And still wish I knew what happen to the old bastard."

He muttered to himself before his eyes flew open, "Ah crud.." He stated uneasingly before looking down at the crowd, "Am I allowed to swear this will be going onto live television after all?"

this cut some of the tension as some laughed at that.

"i dont think we will have a problem" the blonde reporter said "so you hide the fact you were a Meta for all your life...but now...what made you reveal yourself? Im guessing it has to do with this sudden idea of becoming a president and the whole speech you did"

"Right you are.." Benedict stated with a nod folding his hands behind his back, "I won't lie ever since I was a child I was terrified of my powers, of not only becoming like my father, but of hurting people the same way he did and enjoying it."

"And over the years when more meta humans started popping out the fear grew." He sighed, "The event that happen when Darkseid brainwashed Superman only added more fuel to the fire."

And with that statement his body lit up in a small blaze but he continued on regardless, "It was a horrible downward spiral.." He stated in a grim mood, "But soon I was hit by a realization.."

He looked over Iris West, "I realized that I was being a fool and everything my father accused me of growing up.."

The man let out a growl, "A spinless, sniveling, fool!" And with that exclamation the flames shot up from his body but as the reporters took a step back with Clark keeping a careful eye on the man ready to intervene if necessary while hoping internally it wouldn't be, "I was letting my father control me even after he was long gone!"

"I was letting the world fall into chaos, while people like me were exploited, experiencing the same feeling of fear like I felt...or."

His eyes narrowed, "Becoming trapped in a endless vicious cycle of crime vs justice."

"Mr. Uno!!!" Lois called "What do you mean by vicious circle?" she asked the question everyone was confused about

"I mean like I explained earlier, " Benedict stated in a grim tone, "The world has fallen into a vicious status quo."

His eyes narrowed, "If meta humans aren't hiding out of fear, being quarantine, or exploited." Flames flared up from his body, "Than they are being dragged into the vicious cycle that's become the world of super villains and heroes."

He shook his head, "Never even considering other options their gifts could give them."

"What other options would those be?" asked Clark with some suspicion

"Why whatever they'd desire." Benedict exclaimed, "The sky's the limit!" He exclaimed raising his hand into the air clenching, "Construction or demolition think how easily someone with super strength could do the job."

He looked at the reporters, "Or imagine what someone with abilities like Poison Ivy could do when applied to growing food or repairing damage done to the forests and eco systems across the planet."

"Thats good and all but you forget Poison Ivy is a known Eco-terrorist that have no desire to help humans" said Clark

"Sigh sad but true just another example of meta humans that have let themselves be lead astray when their abilities could do so much good in the wider world."

He said shaking his head, "But that was just example the point stands that somehow with her abilities could do a lot to help people outside of beating up criminals if applied properly."

"And that's something that goes for all meta humans." He said nodding at the crowd, "Though don't misunderstand.." He held up a hand, "That doesn't mean their path's should be decided solely by their powers I just believe a meta human should be allowed to be open with their powers while applying their talents in other ways that don't involve crime or fighting crime."

"Take for a example running a very successful toy company or stepping up into the political ring in hopes of making history for this great nation." He said with a shrug

"But wouldnt that be dangerous?" added Lois "Metas using their powers all the time in such mundane ways couldnt be a risk not only for them but for others?"

"No more dangerous than any other person operating heavy machinery perhaps." Benedict gently rebutted, "And I fully believe that any and all meta's should have access to facilities to not only help train their abilities but also have the freedom to pursue their passions and desires whatever they may be."

"Mr Uno" Vicky Vale called "so you plan to become president to let metas have more freedom...arent you worried about those that are against that trying to stop you?"

"Oh almost certainly.." Benedict said with a agreeing nod, "But this country and it's citizens with dreams of making the world a better place for their people have always faced adversity from those that opposed their views.."

He narrowed his eyes as flames flared up, "So I say to those that oppose my agenda..." The flames exploded into a towering inferno shooting up into the sky as he exclaimed, "HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT!"

more pictures were taken.

"Ok..that is a way to get into politics" said Jimmy.

"You can say that again" said Lois still trying to understand what just happened

Clark himself was also trying to wrap his mind around all this even with his experience as Superman he could admit he hadn't seen all this coming.

He gave a concerned frown as he stared at Benedict Uno worried for the potential consequences of what might result from this. But also found himself thinking about everything the man said and couldn't help but wonder if he perhaps had a point?

He gave a slight sigh realizing whatever would result from this the League would have keep a close eye on this that's for sure.

Speaking of he thought with a slight frown he already knew Bruce was going to call a meeting about this conference with the other remaining founders.

"Now than.." Benedict said looking over the crowd, "Are there anymore remaining questions?" He asked as the flames died down, "Because if not than I and my ward shall take our leave and let you good people of the press get the word out~"

People murmured also trying to make heads and tails of what just heard.

"Just one Mr Uno" said Vicky "how do you plan to start your campaign and also are you planning to approach the Justice league or any of the hero groups to support you? after all there are a good number of meta humans there that might be attracted by your words"

"For your second question Miss Vale." Benedict began looking at the Reporter from Gotham, "I would personally be quite honored if any heroes spoke up in support for my campaign."

He said in a pleased tone of voice as he raised his hand up to his heart, "Whether it be the Justice League or Jump City's own Teen Titans." He gestured grandly out to the crowd, "True yes.." He raised his hand placating, "I've made it clear that I don't agree with the status quo the superheroes have unintentionally created for meta humans.'"

He shook his head, "But that doesn't mean I dont' recognize their bravery or the nobility in their actions as they work to protect people."

He said puffing on his pipe, "And as for your first question.." He rubbed his chin, "As I made clear with my new ward Kitten here."

He sent a nod over at the girl, "I'm a believer in second chances.." He looked across the crowd, "I'm also someone who's established that meta humans shouldn't be limited to becoming criminals or heroes...so."

He gained a slight smirk in his tone, "I think i'll start my campaign by announcing my intention for two meta humans from Dakota City.."

He looked across the reporters, "These two attempted to break away from the status quo by becoming not criminals or heroes but instead rather bounty hunters.."

He gave a sigh, "However they let their greed and enthusiasm get the best of them which has lead to their current status behind bars.."

He narrowed his eyes with a gleam, "So I would like to announce my intent to pay bail for the meta humans known as Onyx and Puff and offer them positions under me as bodyguards!"

"As part of a second chance program of sorts~"

Lois jaw fell.

"you cant be serious" she said.

"Excuse me but arent those two responsible for mayor public damages and try to kill Dakota´s Static?" asked Superman remembering the name of the electric meta that batman actually recommended for the League

"True they've made mistakes.." Benedict said with a nod with a tad sheepish tone rubbing the back of his head, "But I believe if given the proper chance to apply themselves and with a little help to reach their potential."

He looked at Clark, "They could be a model for not just meta humans everywhere, but a prime example that everyone deserves a second chance."

"Why.." Benedict rubbed his chin before snapping his fingers, "Look at Plastic Man!" He said with a tone of glee, "He was a career crooks but now according to my sources he's one of the heroes to have joined the expanded Justice League."

"If he can can be given a second chance to become something great why shouldn't Puff and Onyx be given the same opportunity?"

"On that he is right Kent" said Iris "and even Flash have made some villains turn a new leaf or at least make sure they dont do harm to others while still keeping their freedom" the reporter from central city also began thinking about talking to her red speedster about this

"Thank you Miss West.." Benedict said sending the reporter with a nod, "And it is my hope that helping Puff and Onyx is but a first step in helping many other meta humans who have had to resort to crime finding a better path."

Murmurs filled the crowd again as everyone took on the words of the toymaker.

"Now if there are no more questions.." Benedict said staring at the crowd, "I'll be taking my leave.." He said before pausing and face palming, "Oh and before I forget."

He grabbed the file folder he had held up earlier and held it up, "Miss Lane this is a copy of the data and names of all those I could find connected to the government operation attempt to train the Royal Flush metal humans into weapons."

He stared at the reporter, "I've already secured other copies and plan to release them but.." He gave a shrug, "I'm not one to put my eggs in one basket so considering your legendary stubbornness and your ties with the man of steel."

His yellow eyes gleamed, "I think you can be trusted to not only get the word out, but be safe if anyone tries to silence you~"

"They have tried before...i think i can take it" said the woman approaching to take the folder.

At the same time Kitten descended walking towards Iris with a similar folder.

"Don't think I forgot about you Miss West." Benedict said staring over at the Central City reporter as he handed the folder to Lois, "Considering your city is home of worlds fastest man I think the Flash can be counted on to keep you safe should anyone try anything."

"Oh and Miss Vale." He looked over at Vicki Vale, "Please don't take this as a insult to your stand as a reporter." He said giving a nod at the Gotham reporter, "But while the Dark Knight has my respect considering the criminals that call Gotham home you might be safer if I didn't give you my own copy."

the Gotham reporter huffed.

"Well i wont say i will be leaving with empty hands but maybe thats for the best" she said "but i will be asking for a more personal interview later Mr. Uno"

"Of course.." Benedict said with a nod before looking at the crowd, "And with that ladies and gentleman of the press I bid you good day."

He remarked before walking off with camera flashing and following him as Kitten followed after him all them contemplating or in a state of shock at everything that had happen and could only wonder what result from this.

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