The maidservants knelt on the floor and lowered their heads, "Please forgive us for being late, Eldest Young Lady."
Duan Yixin was surprised by their sudden apology and said, "Get up quickly. Don't kneel to me for no reason. I don't like it."
The maidservants exchanged glances and said in unison, "Yes, Eldest Young Lady."
After they stood up, Duan Yixin asked, "Why did you suddenly kneel to apologize? Isn't this the first time we met?"
A maidservant stepped forward, saluted Duan Yixin, lowered her eyes, and said, "Answering Eldest Young Lady. We are late and should be punished."
Duan Yixin turned to look out the large circular window and found that the sky had just changed color. There was no sunrise yet, and it was still very early.
She looked back at the maidservant and said, "I just got up early today. Usually, I wake up around six in the morning. From now on, just come after I wake up. I don't like others to disturb my sleep."
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