Tan Lidan placed five banknotes in front of Duan Yixin and said, "Miss Duan, this is the down payment of five hundred taels of silver. I will pay the remaining silver after receiving the herbal tea."
Duan Yixin nodded, took the banknotes, and said, "It's not convenient for me to go out these days. How about Shopkeeper Tan sending someone to get herbal tea in two days?"
Tan Lidan agreed and said, "Then I will follow Miss Duan's arrangement."
Seeing Tan Lidan casually handing Duan Yixin five hundred taels of silver, Hong Qiaole's eyes flickered. She knew that Duan Yixin's products must be expensive from their calm and casual behavior when handed over the money.
If even the stingy Tan Lidan were willing to give five hundred taels of silver as a down payment, then he would have to pay Duan Yixin at least three to four times more when he received the herbal teas. With this thought in mind, Hong Qiaole was worried about the price of herbal tea.
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