Since Duan Yixin already said so, Tang Sanniu could only answer her question, "The first location is close to the mountain, and the price is lower. You can buy it for ten taels of silver per acre. Another place is close to the village and costs fifteen taels of silver per acre."
Duan Yixin calculated in her mind that she would need at least two acres of land to grow corn and said, "I want to buy the land near a mountain. Village Chief, can you help me go through the purchase procedures?"
Tang Sanniu nodded and said, "No problem. We can go to the town tomorrow together."
Thinking of her plan to grow seeds with hydroponics, Duan Yixin asked, "Village chief, can the land around my house be purchased together with the farmland?"
Tang Sanniu thought for a moment and said, "It should be possible. How about you ask the officer tomorrow when we visit the local magistrate's office?"
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