"We have to find a way to disrupt the service. This coronation must not happen," Orion said to Luna Ahuma, confusion stabbing her mind as she stared at him.
"What are you talking about? Isn't this the reason why we came?" She had no idea she was being used by him to achieve his selfish desires.
Orion did not want to tell her, but Valerie was already walking down the aisle, and it would be too late if he didn't act before it happened.
With this, he had to come clean and began to explain it to Luna Ahuma for her understanding.
"If Luna Valerie is coronated, she would become the most powerful Luna of all times, including ancient origins."
Still surprised, Luna Ahuma asked, "how did you know? Were you just using me? Are we really mates?"
Orion was more and more frustrated. "I will explain it to you later, but cause the distraction, and you'd be happy you did."
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