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40% Pokemon Legacies / Chapter 2: A Historic Duo

Bab 2: A Historic Duo

Usual intro of the Pokemon time explaining the Pokemon region and the world of Pokemon. …

The scene begins by showing Shay sleeping. His room and showing around his room a lot of posters of trainers champions and Pokemon with Pokemon figures and league-attending pictures, tickets and souvenirs.

"Here is a young boy about to begin his journey he is Shay Seldom from Sinnoh but still not have woken up yet. Look like he needs a little help" says the Nararator.

A Bronzor slowly approaches and uses a psychic and pushes lifts him up and puts him on the ground. He falls. Shay yells "Moooooooommmmmm".

Downstairs Adriana was cooking and after hearing the scream.

"Okay, he is woken up".

Then Shay immediately realises the speciality of today. He became excited..

"Today is it, it's finally today I get my own Pokemon. Make way for the greatest Pokemon trainer. Ooooh catching rare Pokemon's oooh I can't wait...." says Shay looking at the mirror excited and he immediately starts to change his attire.

"Mom Shay is speaking to himself again" says his sister Lola hearing his talk from outside.

"Oh," says Shay.

Shay immediately dresses and comes downstairs and immediately heads to the door for exit.

His mother was waiting for him near the door catches him by the ear. "What about food young man?".

"Ow" squealed Shay while returning with his mother to the dining table.

At the dining table, Shay starts immediately hogging on food. Shay's father Arthur makes an entrance upon seeing Shay eating the food. "Shay slow down," says Arthur.

"Okay Dad, Mom I'm done," he says and immediately washes his hands.

"Take the backpack and meet Professor Kelen all the necessary items are here," Adriana says while handing the backpack to Shay.

Before mom could finish Shay immediately took the backpack and was already outside, running.

"Okay, Mom thanks bye Dad" shouted Shay running while turning towards the house.

"Wait there is a car waiting" said Mom. But Shay did not hear as he was far away.

"Oh, that boy" commented Arthur at the dining table.

While running to the professor's lab he notices another guy running like him in front a couple of meters in front.

It was Dray.

He immediately increases his speed to catch up Dray notices it and starts to increase his speed.

"You can't even beat me to the lab Shay give up while you still have the chance" Dray provokes him.

"Oh that Dray" he looks at Dray with a scorned look.

At the professor's lab meanwhile,

"Professor Kelen is giving out starter Pokemon to the trainers who have arrived and making their preparations to go to Kanto where the first Pokemon league championship is about to take place," says the Narrator.

In the lab, there is a lot of commotion and crowd there.

"Alright everyone since everyone has received the Pokemon you guys can take the outside bus to go to the airport and make your way to Kanto where Professor Oak will be giving you the Pokedex of the Kanto region." says the professor to the assembled crowd.

"Okay, professor" replied everyone.

A particular Pokemon was looking sad in Professor Lab it was a Shaymin and he was waiting for a particular trainer.

"Nooooo professor waittttt..." shouted two boys immediately making a jolting entrance while running into the lab. It was Shay and Dray. Shay and Dray stop gasping for breath.

"Why you boys are running was there no car available?" says Professor.

"Yeah right?" both forgot about that due to the excitement of starting their journey and receiving a Pokemon and also their goal was to see who reached the lab first.

As soon as Shaymin saw Shay he immediately came forward and knocked Shay on the floor and started licking him in his face.

"It's nice to see you too Shaymin what's gotten into you today" says Shay while lying on the ground.

"Min," says Shaymin excited.

Shay looks at the professor "Professor why is Shaymin excited and smiling too much today is it because" his eyes became starry as he asked the following. "Is it because, I'm getting a Pokemon today is it cheering me on"

"No Shay you are not getting a starter Pokemon today". Professor responded.

"Whaaaaaaaaat" "Why not?" asks Shay disappointed.

His facial expression immediately changes and looks down disappointed.

"Ha ha ha ha nice, one down," says Dray on seeing Shay.

"No no, you got it all wrong" on seeing the situation. "You will get a Pokemon but it won't be a starter Pokemon" Professor added.

"What do you mean?" asks Shay confused.

"Shaymin wants to come with you for your journey so he wants to be the partner Pokemon?".

"Really?" Shay responds and looks at Shaymin.

"Min," says Shaymin excited.

"All right" shouts Shay in excitement jumping.

"Min" Shaymin joins him.

"But professor he is a legendary Pokemon, right? You are giving it to Shay it will already make him a strong trainer right?" asks Dray to the professor.

"A Pokemon doesn't make you a strong trainer, it is how you treat and train your Pokemon that decides how strong you are. Moreover, if a Pokemon have decided that it will follow only a particular trainer then only that trainer can unlock its potential that is the loyalty a Pokemon gives its trainer unless the trainer betrays it," explained Professor Kelen.

"Well in that case I choose you Chimchar. I have a type advantage, Shay. You just wait we will be ten times stronger than you Shay I will train double time" Dray commented.

"We will see Dray" responds Shay.

"Alright here are the poke balls for Chimchar and Shaymin and also gracedia flower for you Shay. This is required to change Shaymin to its sky form I think you already knew that," says Professor handing them over to Shay and Dray.

"Yes professor" says Shay.

"Alright professor see you later" says Dray. Dray walks off to the bus with Chimchar.

Shaymin jumps onto Shay's shoulder.

"We are starting a new chapter today Shaymin and we will show them that we are the greatest Pokemon masters the world has ever seen" says Shay with determination.

When Shay was about to go to the bus.

"Shay could you hold for a second" called out the Professor.

"Yes professor" Shay responds and stops to look at him...

"While in your journey could you help me with my research" asks Professor.

"Sure professor," says Shay.

"As you already know while you were coming here I'm researching rare Pokemon so it would help me if you would catch some rare Pokemon while on your journey so that I can continue my research it would be a great help," Professor explained.

"Sure Professor I'm also interested in catching and training rare Pokemon so I will do my best". Shay responded.

Looking at Shaymin Shay asks "But Professor Dray is right you know. Shaymin is a rare Pokemon right so why would you allow me to keep it."

Professor looks at him and remembers the incident which took place five years ago.

Five years ago, 

There was a selected group of students from all regions came for a scientific visit to the lab which was just built, and the Professor gave a tour of the lab which was like a zoo where many Pokemons existed and could be seen outside through the glass by the visitors meanwhile inside was like a sanctuary for all pokemon. They reached a particular spot where they stopped to look at a Pokemon. The professor introduced the Pokemon as Shaymin.

"It is a legendary Pokemon also known as gratitude Pokemon and we are currently researching more about it." said the Professor.

"Aww cool I always want to catch rare Pokemons" said a boy. And he ran forward to touch Shaymin.

"No kid" yelled Professor. Shaymin sprayed dust powder on him. The boy got smoked. The professor was very impressed with the kid making a move like that.

" What's your name boy?" Asked Professor.

"My name is Shay," said Shay while lying on the ground coughing dust.

"Ha ha ha ha" Everyone started to laugh.

"It's still not friendly," said the professor.

After a while when they were having a break Shay went to the professor and asked

"Professor, why is Shaymin behaving like that? I thought all Pokemon are supposed to be friendly towards us as we are supposed to train them and make them strong right?"

"You are right Shay but some Pokemon's are badly mistreated by their trainers or may have had a very bad experience from us humans so they behave towards us in that way. This Shaymin must have had a bad experience in the past we in the lab have been trying all sorts of methods to please Shaymin in order to cooperate with the research but nothing all were in vain." Professor responded.

"A bad experience for a Pokemon huh," Shay added.

"Who would do such a thing to Pokemon professor, Once I become a strong trainer I will fight them all and save everyone Professor," says Shay with determination.

"I'm sure you will" responded Professor smiling.

"Professor, I would also like to know more about rare Pokemons as I would like to catch them all one day" Shay added.

"Okay then you can come to the lab whenever you have time I will tell you more about them." came the reply.

"Thanks professor who knows I may befriend Shaymin as well in the process," says Shay.

"That would be lovely," said the Professor smiling.

At the end of the day.

All the students were in line and the Professor was giving the farewell speech from a stage

"This is a world where Pokemon and humans can coexist. There are many possibilities for every one of you Pokemon master, Pokemon performer, Strategist, Champion, Gym leader, etc where Pokemon can help each and every one reach new heights, they help you to unlock your potential and help in your day-to-day activity. Five years from now you will all embark on a journey which will be the turning point of your life. Cherish, be happy and always help each and every one out." said the Professor.

But suddenly a loud explosion was heard from inside the lab and fire started to come out. The students professor and Pokemon were all inside the lab at the moment. More blasts started coming and people in the lab assistants started yelling "Fire fire".

Professor on hearing the screams

"All quickly exit the lab quick" and on hearing this all students, teachers assistants started running out.

The assistants who were already outside started counting the number of students outside to take the count and noticed that one of the students was missing. By that time Squirtle, Blastoise, and all water Pokemon were trying their level best to wipe out the fire but the fire was still engulfing the lab. Shay heard the assistant shouting that one student was still missing so without thinking twice he started to run to the lab.

On seeing him going back to the lab the lab assistants and teachers yelled

"Stop kid don't go".

Inside he just saw fire inside. Shay started to go inside somehow avoiding the fire and started to shout.

"Is anyone here? Can you hear me?" "Hello anyone?".

Suddenly he heard a cry for help. "Heeeeeeeelllllllllpppppppp" it looks like a girl's voice.

Shay noticed that the sound was coming from the first floor and somehow started making his way up. By this time Professor and all lab assistants were out with all Pokemon and when Professor Kelen came to know about what happened.

"Shay is inside sir. One of the students was missing so he went in to get her" said an assistant.

"Noooo the kids" exclaimed Professor.

Professor was sitting on the ground due to an injury in his leg but still Professor tried to get up but couldn't.

Just then an assistant came and yelled

"Sir, shaymin is also still inside he has not been found".

"Oh no" shocked Professor.

By this time media, ambulance, and firefighters were all outside as the fire was large.

Meanwhile, Shay inside kicked a log covering his path, pushed the door open and saw a girl sitting there scared and shivering.

"It's okay come now no need to worry," said Shay with a smile. Shay lent out his hand. The girl quickly grabbed the hand. And Shay pulled her close towards him as all around him was fire. He saw a curtain in the window not caught in fire he pulled it apart before catching fire and wrapped it around the girl to not get burnt. The ground beneath them suddenly collapsed and they fell but nothing happened to them. Shay asked, "Are you okay?". "Um hum" the girl replied.

The floor where they fell was near the entrance which was out of fire. The girl started tightly grabbing Shay.

"There is no fire here," said Shay.

She opened her eyes and saw the boy for the first time.

She started to blush as they were close together.

Shay immediately heard another cry

"Min min min". "A Pokemon?" Shay couldn't make out the Pokemon though.

"Come now that's the entrance Let go" Shay held the hands of the girl and made it to the entrance.

"You go on now I will take another look" says Shay.

"But" the girl replied.

"It's okay" Shay smiled and said, and he immediately ran inside. Meanwhile, everyone saw a girl running from the lab towards them. Professor Kelen asked the girl

"Where is Shay?".

The girl replied, "He is still inside he heard a Pokemon cry so he went to look at it".

"Then that might be Shaymin," thought the Professor.

Meanwhile, when Shay turned back he saw that the flames were even more spread than before.

"Min min min" the Pokemon kept on crying.

"I can't go back since I've heard it I can't go back" thought Shay.

He immediately ran to the ball of fire swiftly and fell then while lying on the ground he started shouting

"Hello anyone? Heelllooo" shouted Shay as he struggled his way more inside.

"Min min min" responded the Pokemon on hearing a sound.

Shay heard that the sound was from inside the compound and went there. Then after some tries he reached the compound and saw the Shaymin who he had seen earlier.

"Min?" cried the Pokemon confused.

He noticed that the roof above Shaymin was about to collapse.

"It's okay shaymin I did not come to hurt you come now let go" said Shay while slowly approaching Shaymin.

Shaymin becomes more and more cautious.

When Shay tried to reach out his hands Shaymin attacked him with bullet seed and kept on doing it but despite this, he still approached closer and closer as he noticed the roof above was wobbling and would collapse soon.

"I don't care whether you attack me Shaymin but I still need to catch yoooouuuu" he shouts in pain and he immediately grabs Shaymin. Just then the roof collapses and Shaymin immediately realises what happened.

Shaymin now in Shay's arms looks at Shay surprised by his actions. Shay lying on the floor in pain struggles to get up but slowly gets up holding Shaymin and looks for an exit.

"Let's get out of here" he says struggling while Shaymin notices the determination in his eyes and his pain Shaymin sheds a tear for him. Shay covers Shaymin in the curtain and he struggles but carrying Shaymin he makes a run for the exit. Around him, the building and floors start to come down. The moment they are outside the entire building collapses. By this time there was media, an ambulance and everyone present outside. When the building collapsed there was a large amount of smoke and dust and no one could see a thing because of the incoming residue from the collapsed building. When the dust settles they notice a kid carrying a thing wrapped in a curtain walking from just outside the collapsed building. Suddenly the kid collapses on its back having the thing wrapped in a curtain above him.. Shaymin notices this comes out of the wrapped curtain and starts to lick Shay.

"It's okay Shaymin you are safe now don't worry" he says with his struggling voice lying on the ground.

"Min, min" Shaymin started to cry.

The professor medic all runs towards the boy the moment he collapses and a big ruckus of news assistants talking students are taken in the shot…

Coming back to the present,

"I know Shaymin is in the safest hands possible moreover if Shaymin wants to go with you who am I to say no you are the person who saved it after all. You are the only person he will listen to. Because of your help Shaymin cooperated with our research, it is my way of saying thanks for all that I believe your adventure will be a historic one indeed" said the Professor.

Shay started to smile and said "Huh I'm sure we will be, right Shaymin " as he looked at Shaymin.

Shaymin smiled "Min".

"Thanks for everything professor bye now". And Shay heads to the bus headed to the airport.

"Take care Shay" said Professor waving back.

Meanwhile in Kanto the day before,

Showing a house where there are a lot of apples, flowers and lots of fruits all in big bags so many grass-type Pokemons and ground-type Pokemon outside grazing.

"Let's meet another trainer Ava whose yet to decide on a dream but her family is one of the prominent cultivators of the Kanto region. And is the third generation of cultivators. They are one of the important people of the region as they won a lot of plantation" the Narrator says.

Mom and Ava were helping the apples to put in the bag.

"Ava you need to know all this soon how to take care and grow various trees in the plantation so that you can run a great plantation someday. And how to effectively use the Pokemon for cultivation keep practising on the training I taught you." Mom says to Ava

"Yes Mom okay" responded Ava uninterested.

Her mom notices her and gives her a secret stare.

"Hmm," she said to her silently.

"How can I tell her?" thinks Ava while packing the apples in the sack. "Anyway here goes" said Ava getting some courage. With a look of determination, she says

"Mom I have decided to go on a journey" said Ava.

"Huh why all of a sudden?" asks her mom.

"Because, because I.." stummers Ava.

"It's okay dear going on a journey gives you a lot of experience and if that's what you want so be it" she adds.

"Thanks, Mom," says Ava surprised.

"Woah what a relief" thinks Ava.

Next morning,

Showing a girl's bedroom and her mom cooking downstairs. A girl is getting ready by putting the final touches and packing her backpack.

"A young girl is starting her journey as well, her name is Ava and she is getting ready to go to the lab to receive her Pokemon from Professor Oak." the Narrator says.

"Ava you are going to be late if you don't go now." says her mother. "Okay Mom," says Ava.

She's also excited. Staravia was standing near her bedpole.

"Today I get my Pokemon, Staravia".

"One more friend for you to meet" she adds looking at Staravia. "Ravia" says Staravia. She runs downstairs where her mom has already packed Ava's backpack.

"Mom I already packed my backpack," says Ava. Looking at the big size suitcase she packed.

"Now these things are the only ones required for your journey" says Mom handing her the backpack.

"But mom" sighs Ava.

"Have you decided on what you want to do?." asked Mom.

"I will decide on the way, Mom," says Ava.

"Well with you it's one day this and one day that so I am just curious dear".

"Mooooommmm" shouts Ava.

"Okay run along now don't forget to also get your Pokedex from Professor Oak okay?" says her mom.

"Okay, Mom sure" Ava says from outside running and turning towards her home.

"Go find your dream baby," thinks mom.

At Professor Oak's lab. There are many kids gathered there to receive their Pokemon and pokedex from Professor Oak.

"Okay, kids make sure you get your Pokedex because it contains all the information about the Kanto region and also the Pokemon info and types. It also serves as a tracking system for us as it is served with a unique identification number for each trainer which is required at each place. If you get lost just see the map in the pokedex as it will give you real-time info." explained Professor Oak.

"Okay, Professor" replied all.

The arrived kids started leaving the lab one by one happily after receiving the starter Pokemon for their journey into the new world of Pokemon with their partners.

In the lab as Ava was standing in a line, just then a girl called out

"So Ava did you choose the starter Pokemon you are going to pick." Ava looked in that direction and saw it was Tonya with a Bulbasaur.

Ava gave an unimpressed look.

"So you have not decided what you are going to be huh?" asks Tonya. "That is none of your business" Ava responded.

"Chill out I was just asking" Tonya added.

"Anyway make sure you watch poketube from now on because one day I will be the greatest Pokemon performer in the world, unlike some people who don't even know what they are going to be," Tonya said with a smile.

Ava turning red boiling with anger.

"Bye now" and Tonya runs off.

"That Tonya I will show her" Ava think.

"Ava it's time for your starter Pokemon selection" a lab assistant called out from the front.

"Oh okay, ma'am" Ava responds and approaches.

On reaching the spot

"Now which Pokemon should I choose." thinks Ava.

"Well comparatively I like the blue colour and also since Squirtle looked cute amongst the three Pokemon." thought Ava

"I choose you, Squirtle," says Ava pointing at Squirtle. After that Ava received her Pokedex and started to leave the lab.

Professor Oak notices Ava

"So Ava you have decided to go on a journey eh? Your mother told me".

"Yes professor" Ava responded.

"Then I wish you all the best" Professor added.

"Thank you professor" says Ava and goes off on her journey.

Ava walks out of the lab.

"I hope, I hope this journey gives me a purpose" says Ava outside the lab with tears of joy in her eyes she starts walking away from the lab.

Meanwhile, the plane from Sinnoh lands in the Kanto region and everyone is excited. Shay is sitting near another trainer talking.

Shay coming out of the plane.

"This is it the moment I was waiting for time to be the strongest trainer and catch some rare Pokemon in Kanto ready to go Shaymin"

"Min" responds Shaymin excitedly.

"Alright," Shay jumped with excitement.

In Professor Oak's lab when everyone is getting the pokedex. Professor Oak notices Shay's shaymin.

Shay after receiving his Pokedex starts to head off the lab.

"If I am not mistaken, you must be Shay right young man?" asks Professor Oak. Shay stops and looks at the source of the voice.

"Yes, professor" Shay responded.

"I noticed it cause of your Shaymin, Professor Kelen told me all about you. He is my protege," he said while tickling Shaymin.

Shaymin smiles. "Are you going to participate in the Pokemon League?" asks Professor.

"Sure professor it's one of the steps for becoming the strongest trainer you know and catching rare Pokemon for Professor Kelen," Shay responds.

"Nice wonderful. It will also help us in research. And make sure you register for the league on time at the Pokemon centre okay?" Professor added.

"Thanks, professor see you later" waves goodbye to the professor and starts running out of the lab.

"Have a great journey and call sometimes" Professor waving back. "Will do" responds Shay from outside.

"Alright Shaymin let's go catch some Pokemon" says Shay outside running.

"Min," says Shaymin excited.

Meanwhile, in Sinnoh, Arthur Seldom and Merlin Natlan were attending a fundraiser for charity. They were getting drinks in the bar. "So Dray and Shay set out on their journey today huh," said Arthur. "Yeah those boys are often fighting with each other from the very childhood trying to be the best at everything I guess they won't be travelling together for sure" Merlin responded.

"Even, we used to be like that remember," says Arthur.

"Yeah, those were the times" responds Merlin.

"But Arthur, there is more serious news I would like to discuss," Merlin adds.

"What is it?" asks Arthur.

"Drakkon" responds Merlin.

"What?" says Arthur.

"Yes," Merlin replies.

"Even now those people still are like that? I thought it's all long gone." Arthur comments.

"Yes, it seems Malcomm have taken over Drakkon's empire and he has activated team Genesis again. Reports have sighted multiple trained Pokemon that have been missing from Pokemon centres and Professors from research labs have been kidnapped and recruited top trainers secretly for huge sums of money all over the region. My only guess is Team Genesis is the only one capable of doing that at this scale." Merlin explains.

"Does the police know about all these?" inquires Arthur.

"Yes, I have informed the minister to take care of it. But there is no point we have been trying to locate the base of their operations for many years now. Still no use." Merlin adds.

"If he is starting to do all this then that means he must have found a way to ignite or control Giratina's powers or even worse Arceus," says Arthur.

"We have to be cautious and keep this a secret from everyone. Don't want to cause a panic you know," says Merlin.

"Hmm," says Arthur in a serious tone.

"So what were they talking about and who is Drakkon what lies ahead for Shay and Ava is a mystery. Is it going to be a smooth journey for them? Anyway their journeys have begun." adds the Narrator.

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