Unduh Aplikasi
3.57% The Enlightened One (Senju!SI) / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Bab 2: Chapter 2

What are the odds the day I decided to sneak out would be the same day Naruto…or Naruko was supposed to save Hinata?

That was the question on my mind as I ate my very large plate of food.

Six months have passed since I met Naruko and Hinata. During that time I had only gone out to visit and play with Naruko thrice.

Not much had happened regarding me over that time. I spent most of my time in the orphanage working out in secret and scarfing down as much food as possible to grow big and strong.

As for Naruko…

The very hyperactive girl enjoyed my visits, and grew even more saddened when it was time for me to leave. I explained to her that my situation simply wasn't the best to keep visiting her all the time, and that seemed to cheer her up.

The girl is so broken she thought I was visiting so rarely because I was annoyed by her. It honestly made me feel like shit every time I had to leave.

Like having to go to work and leaving your dog by himself all day.

"Hurry up and eat, children or you'll be late for your first day!" Mama Reiko rushed us with a soft smile.

It was finally time for us to become academy students.

There were 17 orphans my age that would be starting their path to being a shinobi with me. A larger group than usual due to the Kyuubi attack.

"C'mon, let's go Lei." A black haired, brown eyed boy my age ushered me.

"I'm almost done, Kuzan." I answered back with a mouth full of food.

Children are cruel, and to survive in a place with so many children, one must form alliances.

Kuzan is decidedly the most athletic and popular boy in the orphanage.

By that I mean he's the fastest so all the boys and girls look at him as if he was some god.

So I decided to make an offering of peace by allowing him to sneak out with me the three times I did go out, and return back while I visited Naruko.

Risky, I know, but even if I got caught, worse that would happen is Mama Reiko would put me in timeout for a couple of hours a day for about a week.

Plus being alone sucks, and for a kid, he's pretty damn chill.

As I took the last bite of food, I placed my dish in the sink and ran out to catch up to Kuzan and his squad of three other boys.

Boys I still don't know the name of to this day.

"Took you long enough. You sure eat a lot, Lei." Kuzan smirked.

"Gotta grow up big. Thanks for waiting." I rolled my eyes.

The rest of the walk to the academy was spent with the four boys trying to predict how the academy would work and if we'd learn cool jutsu.

I just let them continue dreaming. I'm almost certain we won't actually be doing any jutsu training for a year or two. Throwing kids into that shit without any kind of academics sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

When we entered the academy we made our way to our classrooms and a huge smile engulfed my face when I saw a head of pink hair sitting patiently at one of the tables.

If Sakura is here then the others should be as well. I was worried I would be put into a different class, but it appears my worries were for naught.

The tables were grouped so only three people could sit together. Kuzan offered to sit with me, but I turned him down so his group of four split into two groups and sat at different tables.

I went all the way to the back left of the class and took my seat at the empty table. Typical anime protagonist seat, and if I wanted to survive in this world, I would need to soak in all the plot armor energy that such a seat provides.

I put my feet up on the table, threw my hands behind the back of my head and closed my eyes as I waited for the others to arrive.

Twelve minutes later I heard a familiar albeit slightly more childish voice.

"I can't believe you're not even a little excited, Shikamaru."

I cracked an eye open to see the faces of this next generation's Ino-Shika-Cho squad.

"Of course I'm not excited, Choji. This whole thing is such a drag." Shikamaru lazily waved off his friend as he took a seat at the top middle table. The table directly to the right of mine.

"That's just like you, you lazy bum." Ino rolled her eyes as she sat down at his right with Choji taking his left.

"Lazy is a compliment." He yawned and put his head on the table.

Externally I was minding my own business and resting my eyes. Internally…I was going fucking crazy. I'm in the same class as the Konoha Nine! I know I shouldn't be so excited, but these are people I spent hours watching, fillers and all. I watched their good times, their bad times, everything in between and the development they made to better themselves.

Shikamaru being my favorite of all of them.

Lord Eighth Hokage himself.

"You can all bow, your future rookie of the year has arrived!"

Everyone's eyes instantly locked onto the younger form of Kiba Inuzuka who was grinning like a mad man.

While everyone was busy deadpanning at the arrogant child, I couldn't help but notice he lacked Akamaru.

Perhaps he hasn't received the best boy yet?

That's a fucking shame. His dog was really the only redeemable part about him.

"Move you mutt." Another child walked in. It was a girl with long black hair tied into a ponytail that reached well past her waist and deep onyx eyes.

"Wha- Who are you calling a mut!" Kiba shouted as his fist balled in anger.

The girl walked past Kiba before turning around. When she did my eyes widened.

On the back of her shirt, clear as day, was a massive Uchiha clan symbol.

The Uchiha Massacre still hasn't happened, so either this is one of the unfortunate girls who will be cut down in a year, or…

"I called you a mutt, mutt." She answered nonchalantly with a hand on her hip.

"Shut up, who the hell are you supposed to be!"

I couldn't see the girl's face but I could tell she was grinning by the way her second hand went to her hip.

"Hear well, mutt, I am Satsuki Uchiha, the first daughter of Fugaku Uchiha, the current Head of the Uchiha clan." She proudly announced.

-Well that answers my question.

"U-Uchiha!" Kiba stuttered.

Huh, guess his mom taught him exactly how fearsome the Uchiha are. Even the weaker members could keep up with skilled members of any other clan as long as they had a sharingan.

Such a fucking broken dojutsu. So unfair.

Satsuki didn't grace Kiba with any more words and instead settled for finding a seat.

By now every table already had one or more people sitting at them.

Her eyes trailed over the room then settled on me.

No fucking way she comes to me.

She walked up the stairs leading to my table then stopped at the table directly in front of mine where two of the girls from the orphanage were sitting.

The girls eyed Satsuki, then their eyebrows rose in confusion when she jabbed a thumb out to the side.

"This is my table, get lost." Satsuki ordered and the two girls took the hint instantly. Quickly rising and finding another table where a lonely guy was sitting.

Well, she probably just made that guy a few friends, so if you look past the blatant bullying, you can find a sweet soul…

Yeah I can't even lie to myself.

Satsuki took a seat in the middle of the table and put her legs up.

"Lei!" A gutsy feminine voice shouted.

Kill me.

Everyone's eyes looked towards the blonde girl who had just entered the classroom. They watched as she ran up the stairs quickly and stopped at my table.

"We're in the same class! See, I told you we would be!" She cheered while holding out her hand for fist bump.

Why the fuck does she have to be so loud?!

"It's as you said." I returned the fist bump with a twitching smile.

"Mhm!" She nodded as she sat right beside me.

The rest of the time before class was spent talking with Naruko about what we'd be doing in class. She of course was very loud which got the eyes of the others on us often. Although my eyes did stray to the familiar Hyuga girl who walked through the door and noticed us seconds later.

"Hey it's you!"

God damn it, Naruko. Wait…how the hell does she remember Hinata!? I had thought she would have forgotten about her!

Stop asking questions, Lei. It makes life easier.

Hinata squirmed under the gaze of the class before slowly making her way towards us and quietly sitting down beside Naruko.

"Hey, I just realized, we never did get your name." I said to the timid girl. Naruko's eyes widened in realization.

"Oh yeah, we totally didn't, did we? Haha!"

"It was your fault, you're the one that ran." I growled more to myself though Naruko definitely heard me, pulling at her eye and sticking out her tongue at me.

I'm gonna fucking kill her.


"Nice to meetcha Hinata, the name's Naruko Uzumaki, and this is Lei Kazuki, believe it!"

"It's Kazumi, Lei Kazumi. At least try and remember, blondie." I snorted.

"Hey my name's Naruko, don't call me blondie!" She countered in annoyance.

"Get my name right and I'll do the same."

"N-Nice to meet y-you b-both." Hinata said as she bowed her head to us.

I completely forgot she was here.

As the rest of our classmates filed in, I realized that there are nine tables which means twenty-seven seats, and just as many students.

A smirk grew on my lips when I watched some random civilian boys hesitantly sit with Satsuki since there was literally nowhere else to go.

"Alright settle down class, my name is Kaito Hirana, but you will call me Kaito-sensei, are we clear?"

""Yes!"" Everyone answered in unison.

He eyed us all for a bit, his eyes lingering on Naruko before continuing.

"Good, then I'll start by saying, welcome to Konoha's Academy for Shinobi Training. Your time in this academy will span six years, and come the end of it you will all take an exam to hopefully graduate and become Genin to start your shinobi careers."

Everyone silently followed along as the man explained.

"Your first year will consist of a basic curriculum. Reading, writing, history, math, and chakra theory and a few chakra control exercises. Your second year will consist of much the same with an addition of added chakra training. Your third year will start to set you all apart. You'll have required classes and you'll be able to choose electives to take in order to specialize. During this year all girls will be required to take the Kunoichi 101 class as a required course in place of your first elective. Your fourth, and fifth years will be mostly electives with exception of your homeroom class. In your sixth year you will be able to choose between the civilian route, or the shinobi route. Should you choose the civilian route you choose your classes and then graduate and do whatever profession you chose. As for the shinobi route, you all will share all classes as we cover the general information all genin must know. Any questions?"

No one put their hands up. Definitely because they're too fearful. Who the fuck doesn't have questions after all that information drop?

I threw my hand up and Kaito-Sensei eyed me for a bit, his eyes moving to Naruko before calling on me.

"Yes, you in the back."

"You said we'd be able to take some electives at the start of our third year, what do 'electives' entail?"

"A good question, electives can range from a business class all the way to a stealth operations or war tactics class and everything in between. These classes are taught by different people depending on the class. A stealth ops class would be taught by a retired anbu black ops team member, while a business class would be taught by one of Konoha's volunteering merchants. Does that answer your question?"

"It does, thank you, Kaito-sensei."

I'm going to abuse the fuck out of those classes.

He nodded and scanned his eyes around the rest of the class.

Another hand went up, this time it was Sakura's.

"Yes, young lady?"

"Why must all girls take the Kunoichi 101 class? Do guys have to take a Shinobi 101 class?" She asked with a small frown.

I think we're a little young for the actually answer-

"That's because Shinobi and Kunoichi have different ways to approach, kill, and escape. There is also the constant fact that this world is cruel and men are dastardly. If a shinobi were to get captured, he could expect to be interrogated and then killed when he is deemed no longer useful, for a kunoichi, it's a bit…different. You will learn about why that is within that course." He finished with a hardened gaze.

Most of the kids - Bless their souls - had no idea what the man meant by that. A gaze at Shikamaru's horrified face told me he understood almost as much as I did.

"If there are no more questions, let's begin." He said as he made a hand seal with one hand.

A puff of smoke appeared on his desk and when it cleared we all saw a box of books.

"Reading and writing will be your first subjects of the day."

"That was so boring!" Naruko groaned as she slurped down a cup of instant ramen.

The first day was finished and we were back at her place.

"Yeah, it could have been worse though." I shrugged. It was an incredibly easy day, considering it was just basic academics. Math was by far the easiest thing I've ever experienced.

"When do we get to learn all the fancy jutsu?" She asked me for the twelfth time, already knowing the answer.

"When we graduate. All the academy jutsu aren't fancy and we won't even learn those until the third year if I had to guess."

"Uh! That sucks!"

"C'mon Naruko, we should enjoy our younger years shouldn't we?"

"You sound just like the old man!" She snorted.

Even though I was acting like I wasn't affected by how slow we'd be progressing that couldn't be further from the truth.

I was absolutely livid.

I have to fight Madara Uchiha in ten years and you're telling me I can't actually start doing shit for another seven years, are you fucking with me?!

No, I would need to start grinding now. This very moment. The only problem is that fucking one eyed old man who I am one hundred percent certain is watching Naruko and I as we speak!

Danzo Shimura. The bane of my existence and the only reason I haven't started using my meta knowledge of chakra control training to get ahead of my class by a few years.

Hell if he wasn't constantly being a pain in the ass I probably would have got down tree walking by now. I've had over a year to learn it after all.

I haven't seen any kids get swiped yet, but that's because there's no one interesting that I've noticed. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like I'll be able to do anything extraordinary while he's around.

It's at times like these where I wish I was an Uchiha, Senju, or an Uzumaki, or something that would make me important to the village. The reason why Danzo goes after orphans is because no one is going to miss them. However if I were one of those clan kids, Danzo wouldn't even think of going after me. He'd probably try to coerce me to his side, but outright kidnap me…never.

Hiruzen would smite him like the feeble mortal he is if he tried.

Which would cause a civil war between Konoha and Root which is something Danzo definitely doesn't want.

…Unless he used Kotoamatsukami.

Nah, nobody would go that far for a fucking clan kid. Unless he was like the second coming of Hashirama Senju and his busted ass cells.

Unluckily for me, I'm not.

Around six months had passed since we entered the academy. Not much has actually happened. Classes are mostly the same, completely easy. The only notable things that happened were me meeting the rest of the Konoha Nine, but that was pretty inevitable since we're in the same class, and all of us finally got introduced to some chakra control exercises!

Specifically stuff like circulating chakra throughout our bodies, infusing it to get it ready to be expelled, and feeling how the air around us shifts when our chakra disturbs it.

The last one was what I spent the most time on. Simply because it's the most important one to master. To be able to feel how your chakra naturally acts around you means you would be able to feel when there is an unnatural presence around you. Such as a fist being thrown towards the back of your head…or a blade.

Basically it'll save my life if I can master it and best of all, it doesn't actually require any flashy training to get down. Meaning I won't have to worry about Danzo's men snatching me in the middle of the night.

So currently I'm sitting in one of the cabinets that I usually hide in during the day testing how the air usually feels in an enclosed space. It's unsurprisingly unmoving since no new air is entering the area. I can already feel the effects of this training. If I were in a closed off building I would know from how slow the air dances around me, but if even one window were to be opened I would know because the air around me would speed up.

I'd simply have to notice that shift.

I was interrupted when the door to my cabinet was opened.

"Found you." Kuzan said with a slight smirk.

"That you did." I nodded. "So what do you need?"

As I mentioned earlier, Kuzan is a really chill kid. If he's interrupting my training it means he thinks there's something better I should be doing or it's something so important I need to hear it.

"Our classmates are at the park playing ninja, wanna tag along?" He asked, his smirk growing.

"Of course." I smiled. Kuzan stepped out of the way as I hopped out of the cabinet and followed him.

Ninja was a game most of the academy kids started playing together. The game lasts thirty minutes and is basically like tag, but like ninja style. Which means climbing trees, stealthily approaching behind bushes, or even outright doing assassin takedowns. A simple tap wouldn't be enough to catch someone though, you would need to 'kill' them by running a toy kunai over their vitals. The people who were 'killed' would have to sit out until the last person was caught or time ran out.

It was my favorite game for many reasons. It improved and tested my stealth against people in our age group, while also showing where I stand in the class in terms of strength and speed.

Totally not because I enjoy winning every game…

We made it to the park within five minutes. I was completely surprised to see the entirety of the Rookie Nine there. It wasn't strange to see most of them, but Shino and Satsuki usually didn't show up when we played. Actually now that I think about it, Satsuki never showed up when we played…

Holy shit she's my only competition isn't she?

Why the fuck does she gotta ruin the one thing I have going for me?

"Kuzan, why did you bring Lei?!" Kiba asked in shocked anger.

"Just because he's good at the game doesn't mean he can't play." Kuzan smirked back.

"He's going to ruin it for the rest of us!" Kiba continued while pointing at me.

"It's rude to point at people, also don't blame me for being great at a game, blame yourself for being trash." I shrugged.

"Trash?! I am not trash, I'm the second best ninja here." Kiba insisted with a proud grin.

"Yet you're the worst civilian, the smell of you leads the ninja right to us." Shikamaru snorted.

Everyone barring Shino burst out into laughter, even Satsuki smirked at the look on Kiba's face as he turned to Shikamaru.

"Should you be talking? You're the worst ninja here!" Kiba growled.

"Hunting people down is such a drag, ruins my cloud watching." Shikamaru sighed tiredly.

This man ain't lying. Every time he's the ninja he spends more time cloud watching then he does finding people, and when he's a civilian he just lays and watches the clouds whenever he gets 'killed' he just shrugs and stays in the same place.

"Shikamaru barely tries and he's still a better civilian than you. Why does it matter who plays when you can't win anyways." I grinned at the dog boy.

Kiba was about to retort when Choji interrupted.

"Let's just play, you all know the rules." He announced as he twirled the toy kunai on his finger before throwing it up into the air.

Whoever grabs the kunai is ninja. The ninja then gives the others five minutes to hide.

Ino, Sakura, Choji, and a bunch of other civilian kids were already starting to run away. They have never won the toss, and they know damn well that today isn't going to be any different. Naruko jumped up from where she was sitting on the ground and eyed the kunai carefully. Satsuki, doing the same.

Then the kunai started its descent.

I looked at Kiba and an idea popped into my head. As the kunai fell and the others prepared to grab it, I went a few steps behind Kiba before running full speed and using his back as a ramp to jump up and grab the kunai.

"Seems like I'm the lucky ninja of this evening's game." I smirked.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Naruko groaned.

"Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Kiba shouted, his fists already balled up.

"There are no rules against it, if you want to spar about it, I'm more than ready." I shrugged.

"You, you're just a nobody, just because you sit around your betters doesn't mean you are one of us." Kiba snarled.

I decided to stay quiet. Not because I didn't have anything to say, but because I'd rather not bully a six year old. The little bit of fun we were poking was just to take him down a peg. To get personal as he got personal with me would be overkill considering I'm twenty years old mentally.

"We have five minutes, let's just go, Kiba." Kuzan rolled his eyes as he ran towards the bushes.

Kiba glared at me for a couple more seconds before running off with Kuzan.

"Well Lei, good luck!" Naruko smiled and gave me a thumbs up. "You'll never catch me!" She added as she ran through the trees.

Everyone else cleared out one by one until there was only a lone girl in the clearing with me.

"So you're the best at this game? Really? A clanless kid. Seems this generation's clan heirs are a bunch of thumb suckers." Satsuki taunted.

Well they are like six…

"Playing something like this is beneath me, but I thought it best to remind all of you which clan is the best in the village." She continued with a prideful smirk.

"Mhm." I nodded while checking under my nails. A ton of dirt has been getting under there recently.

She eyed me with wide eyes for a few seconds before her eyes narrowed and her lips bit into a snarl.

"I'll show you the skills of an Uchiha!" She declared as she ran towards the trees.

I have no doubt in my mind that she will. Even if I manage to find her, taijutsu with her simply doesn't sound too fun.

I walked over to the hour glass and held it as I counted down the final minutes.

When I reached five minutes, I flipped the hour glass and began my charge into the trees.

Within the first five minutes I had already found twelve civilian kids, Sakura, Ino and Shikamaru whom I dealt with quickly before searching for the others. The people that remained are Kuzan, Naruko, Kiba, Shino, Hinata, Choji, and Satsuki.

I honestly was surprised with how hard I found it to find them. The park is decently large, but not large enough for them to truly hide from me.

Unless they're above.

I looked up and lo and behold, sitting there waving above me was Naruko. I waved back then disregarded her. She's occasionally been tricky and hard to take out, either that or the easiest, so I'll save her for later.

I walked several paces further into the thick bushes all the while looking above, and finally I saw prime prey.

The dog.

I wasted no time climbing the tree, jumping from branch to branch. Kiba tried to run and to his credit succeeded since he's faster than me, but I have a trick up my sleeve. I eyed him as he ran into the bushes where he would most certainly catch his breath once he saw I'm no longer chasing him.

That's where he made his mistake. In my past life I was what people would call a "an unloved virgin tryhard no bitch getting rainbow six siege sweat."

The art of flanking is embedded in my very soul.

I quietly snuck behind him and held the kunai against his throat before cutting slowly. I wanted him to feel every centimeter of kunai across his flesh. A message.

"There are only two things that are eternal in this world. Death and Taxes, and I'm the bill collector."

I watched as Kiba broke out into a cold sweat before falling on his ass. By the time he turned around I was gone.

That'll definitely be giving him nightmares…whoops.

And then there were six.

I started making my way back to the center of the park and frowned when I saw the hour glass. It was less than a fourth full meaning I had a little over fifteen minutes left to find the rest.

I ran into the opposite side of the park and smiled when I saw Hinata sitting still in the bushes.

She's always been super nice in these games whenever I'm ninja and basically just offers herself up to me. I know she's giving me the wins because I've seen her use her byakugan when I was a civilian. Something that gives her a great advantage in a game like this since she can see the entire park and almost three hundred sixty degrees.

I walked behind her and tapped her with the kunai on the shoulder.

"Gotcha Hinata."

"Y-Yes." She stuttered, bowing her head a bit before walking back to the center.

She's a real cutie, that one.

I continued running to explore that side of the park and a beetle walked into my path.

A chakra beetle.

I prodded the air with my chakra but I couldn't quite tell where Shino was. So I climbed a tree and the insect loving boy watched as I did. I waved at him when I saw him and surprisingly he waved back before he started making his way back to the center in a slow walk.

Does that count?

I shook my head, I don't have time to ponder on useless things. The next people I found were Kuzan and Choji. I facepalmed when I found them because they were casually eating two bags of chips.

"Oi, *Crunch* took you long enough." Kuzan waved.

I deadpanned as I walked over to them and tapped both of their hearts with the kunai before running back to the center.

I passed right through the center, most of the people there ushered me to hurry and catch the rest so we could start a new game which I would gladly do…if I could fucking find Satsuki. I frowned as I made my way back to where Naruko was to see her still there smiling like a fucking asshole.

"Wanna come down here and handle this?" I challenged, knowing full well this girl would never turn down a challenge.

She quickly dropped down, landing perfectly without taking a lick of fall damage. Something I can't do yet.

"I thought you'd never ask!" She grinned ear to ear before taking off into a forward charge.

Naruko is a physical talent unlike anything the leaf has seen. That, I can say without a doubt in my mind. However…her straightforwardness is her biggest weakness. I easily sidestepped her charge and as she tried to readjust, I poked the kunai at her neck.

"Ack-" She choked as I realized I may have poked a bit too hard.

"Sorry, Naruko, you alright?"

"Y-Yeah, it's my loss." She cleared her throat and made her way back to the center.

I frowned as I watched her go. I really gotta start giving her pointers. She has the potential to be kunoichi of the year when we graduate. All I have to do is help her apply herself.

But that could get eyes on me.

I quickly shook my head and started my search for Satsuki. A search that I realized I wasn't going to succeed in.

I searched damn near the entire park, but no matter what I just couldn't find her. I threw the stupid kunai down. Losing to an Uchiha this early bodes horrible signs for me. Another reminder that I'm just a weak civilian with nothing going for me.

Why the hell couldn't I reincarnate in a better body, hell why the hell couldn't I reincarnate in a better anime?! You know how much I would love to be in a world like High School DxD, or Konosuba, hell even Re:Zero could have been…

Yeah, nah let me not lie to myself and just thank my lucky stars I didn't end up there.

Or in Berserk.

I shivered slightly and closed my eyes to regain my bearings. Weird enough I felt a strange warmth within my body. Then suddenly I felt warmths all around me. There was a bunch of warmth coming from the center of the park and one lonely fire a bit further away from me. I opened my eyes and still felt the warmth.

I decided I had nothing to lose and followed it. As I grew closer, it got further. My eyes quickly widened in realization.

That's Satsuki! She's running from me! Wait if I can sense a warmth coming from her that means I can sense her chakra and if I can sense her chakra that means…

I'm a sensor.

…That's fucking bad! That's horrible! I had to stop myself from freaking out as I dropped to my knees.

Sensors are incredibly rare and in very high demand. If I'm a sensor I just became a bit more important, but not really important enough for Hiruzen to truly care if I happened to go missing. Just important enough that Danzo wouldn't mind going kid shopping for a bit.

Fuck calm down! I ordered myself as I forced in deep breaths. Returning to my feet I shakily started running after Satsuki. I might as well win this game, there aint shit I can do about avoiding Danzo so why stress over it?

Fuck I can't even convince myself!

"What's up with you?" Satsuki asked, although by the smile plastered on her face I could tell she wasn't the slightest bit concerned.

"N-None of y-your business." I panted out through nervous breaths.

"Are you really this scared to fight me? Makes sense, you're dealing with a mighty Uchiha afterall." She taunted.

Is it bad that I kind of want them dead right now? Just so I can have a panic attack in peace and not have to listen to some bitch of a brat taunt me for going through said panic attack.

I rushed her with the kunai taking a wild swing, but with my shaky legs and shallow breaths I didn't stand a chance. Her sandal met my face and darkness welcomed me.

Kakukami Kakukami

Check out my Patreon.com/Kakukami

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