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93.22% Persona: The Phantom Masquerade. / Chapter 107: The Star's Offer

Bab 107: The Star's Offer

As Ren entered the cafe, his eyes met Naoto's, and a mysterious smile appeared on her lips.

"Ah, Ren Amamiya. I have been waiting for you."

"Did you break in? Sojiro usually locks the door by this time." Ren said, catching her slightly off guard. She, however, managed to hide her surprise well as she cleared her throat.

"No, I told him I wanted to talk with you. So he allowed me to wait inside." She answered, standing up to look him directly in the eyes.

Ren smiled. He had a feeling this would happen sooner or later, so he walked past her and directly behind the booth, grabbing one of the aprons and looking at her with a smile.

"May I interest you in some tea? I have a feeling that this is going to be a long conversation. Miss Detective Prince."

From the simple fact that she had been spying on them, it was clear that she knew about them being the Phantom Thieves. The way she had spoken to him during the interview was enough to raise his alarms. But the stalking afterward was enough to seal the deal.

However, he wouldn't serve the name Phantom Thief properly if he just came out in the open and said it, so he wanted to play another game of cat and mouse. He felt like he was winning against Akechi, so now he wanted to see how much he could get from Naoto.

He carefully poured two cups of tea, before guiding Naoto to one of the booths and sitting down with her. Her eyes hadn't left him the entire time, but she hadn't said much as she watched him.

"You don't seem surprised to see me here." Naoto began, raising the cup of tea to smell the fragrance before taking her first sip.

"Well, you said you would come visit the cafe sometime, so I assume that's why you are here. Though I will say, your timing is a bit strange." He said with a chuckle, taking a sip of his own.

Naoto looked at him seriously before reaching into her bag and placing a few pictures down. They showcased the Thieves near Madarame's house, vanishing into nothingness as they entered the Metaverse.

"I'm not here to play games, Amamiya. You know why I am here, so let's get to the point. I know that you are The Phantom Thieves. And I am also aware of the other members of your team. I have looked into all of you, and from what I have gathered, you must be the leader." She said as she placed down even more pictures and files.

Ren's eyes widened slightly as he looked at all the information she had brought. If he was being honest, he felt slightly disappointed that their cat-and-mouse game had finished before it even began. 

He had underestimated just how thorough Naoto had been in her investigation because she had everything since his first transfer to Shujin from all the files she had brought.

"As I spoke before in the interview. I am not here to arrest you. I am here to understand you better. I can see that the Phantom Thieves have good intentions. I need to know how you operate and why you are doing what you are doing."

There was a moment of silence in the cafe as Ren's mind processed the information. Naoto, however, waited patiently for his response. 

"I am trying to remember what you said during that interview. But if I am not wrong, you said something like, 'I see a younger version of myself in them.' What did you mean by that?" Ren answered her with a question of his own. He needed to test the waters more before deciding how much to reveal.

"Are you familiar with how I gained my fame as the Detective Prince?" Naoto asked. "Though it started before I moved to Inaba, the thing that really made me famous was solving the serial murders that happened in Inaba. I believe you used something similar to change the hearts of Kamoshida and Kaneshiro."

Ren smiled as he heard her. However, he shook his head.

"You didn't answer my question, Miss Shirogane. I'm a bit more wary of tricks like that now."

Naoto smiled as she heard him, nodding her head as she continued.

"In order to solve the murder cases, I believe we used a similar method as you do now. Just like how I was trying to solve a murder, your team is trying to solve the 'Corruption in Japan.' Or at least, I believe that is how you put it during your announcement."

Ren's eyes widened slightly as he heard her, and after thinking for a few moments, he asked.

"Was the fog in Inaba related to the murder cases?"

He looked into Naoto after noticing she had been spying on them. It was a long shot, but one of the things that was out of the ordinary was the persistent fog that covered the entire city for most of the year. 

Naoto chuckled slightly as she nodded her head.

"Yes, the fog was indeed related to the murder cases. But now that I have answered some of your questions, how about you answer some of mine? What is the purpose of the Phantom Thieves?" 

Though Naoto appeared to be relaxed, she also gave off a strong and dangerous feeling. As if she wouldn't accept any lies he tried to say. After thinking briefly, he decided to go with the truth. From the small information he had been able to gather on her, it would probably be the best course of action.

"I'm sure you have heard about the mental shutdowns and the psychotic breakdowns. Our goal as Phantom Thieves is to stop the people behind them."

Naoto didn't seem surprised by his words. She simply nodded as if he had confirmed her suspicions.

"I see… and how do you access the other world?" 

"Is my method different from yours?" Ren asked, though Naoto once again was straightforward.

"Yes, the method my team used is no longer available. We also could not enter from the middle of the street."

Leaning forward slightly, Ren focused on her as he asked one of the most important questions.

"What would you do if I tell you how we enter?" 

A slight chuckle escaped Naoto as she reached into her coat, retrieving a sleek card which she placed on the desk between them. "

"We want to help. The mental shutdowns, the psychotic breakdowns, the changes of hearts, these are things we've been monitoring closely. I'm sure there's a lot you don't understand, but like the Phantom Thieves, we aim to prevent these tragedies."

Her fingers lingered on the card for a moment before sliding it toward Ren.

"I've investigated every member of the Phantom Thieves. None of you are in a position to defend yourselves if things go south. The Kirijo group wants to offer its support. Persona users are rare and valuable allies."

Ren looked at the card. It was simple yet elegant. It only showcased Naoto's name and phone number, but it was also exactly what Ren had been searching for. If the SIU Director wasn't the leader of the Antisocial Force, then they would be taking down someone with influence. Enough to send all of them to jail, or worse, kill them.

His mind began to race as he held the card in his hands, but then his eyes settled on the Arcana Naoto represented: The Star. To put it simply, The Star signified hope.

"The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed…" Ren muttered with a smile, causing Naoto's eyes to widen in shock, though she hid the expression just as Ren looked up from the card.

"I want to accept the deal. However, this is not something I can accept on my own. Could you give me some time to discuss it with my group?"

Nodding, Naoto stood up.

"I understand. I will be awaiting your phone call."

"Oh, and one last thing before you go." Ren said, catching her attention. "We already changed the heart of Madarame, so when the news and everything happens, that doesn't mean we are acting without calling you back. It's just something that has already been set in motion."

With a final nod, she left LeBlanc, a small, satisfied smile playing on her lips as if she had found the answers she sought. Outside, the quiet streets greeted her as she pulled out her phone and made a call.

"This is Shirogane… call them off. I think we can trust them. We'll arrange a meeting soon to finalize everything," she said, walking toward a waiting black car. "Yes, I believe they will join us."

She paused before entering the car, her tone shifting. 

"There's also something I want to talk to you about…" With that, she slipped into the vehicle

Unbeknownst to her, Morgana watched from a nearby alley. He quickly darted back to LeBlanc, his tiny paws padding silently on the pavement. Once inside, he jumped up onto the counter, shaking his head.

"I couldn't get much, but she said to call them off. I assume if the conversation had gone wrong, something bad would have happened," Morgana said, a hint of frustration in his voice. "I could have tried to sneak into their car, but I didn't know where they would take me."

Ren nodded, his expression serious. 

"No, don't worry about that. It would have been too risky. Even though we just had one, I think it's time to call another meeting."

He pulled out his phone and quickly typed a message to everyone.

[Ren:] Urgent meeting at LeBlanc. Tonight. Need everyone here.

— — —

The entire group rushed into LeBlanc, the late hour doing nothing to suppress their anxious energy. They paced around the café, absorbing Ren's retelling of the meeting.

"Ain't that good? The Kirijo group has a ton of effin' power." Ryuji said, his voice breaking the tension.

"No, you dumbass, what if it's a trap?" Ann shot back, her nervousness evident.

"But we can't deny that if they wanted to hurt us, they probably could have done so already," Makoto added, her tone thoughtful.

Takemi, who had been leaning against the counter, spoke up. 

"I've noticed a few strange people around my clinic. Originally, I thought it was because of my past as the plague, but it might have been the Kirijo group." Her words added a new layer of tension to the room.

"This could be a good thing. I agree with Ryuji. We've been taking too many risks. If we're going to step up and fight stronger enemies, it would help to have someone watching our backs," Shiho added.

The usually quiet LeBlanc was buzzing with conversation until Futaba spoke up, her voice cutting through the noise in a surprising show of bravery from her. 

"If Ren thinks they can be trusted, then it should be fine, right? I trust him. I couldn't find much on them when I researched, but that might be because they're also working in the Metaverse and being careful."

The group fell silent, turning to Ren, waiting for his opinion.

"I think we can trust them." Ren began, his voice calm but firm. "We shouldn't reveal everything and should keep an eye on our backs, but this might be exactly what we've been looking for. The person behind all of this is likely either a president or a high-level politician."

He paused, ensuring he had everyone's attention. 

"We've got Okumura and the SIU Director, both highly influential and rich. The boss behind all of this must be even more powerful. Someone who can create a criminal empire without being caught must have roots all across Japan's infrastructure. We've been fighting in the Metaverse, but now we might be able to fight a two-sided battle."

"Eff it, if Ren's in, I'm in," Ryuji declared, giving a thumbs up.

"You were already in...weren't you?" Morgana asked, shaking his head. "I'm in, too. But let's keep my talking a secret. It might help me gather more information from them."

"I have no strong opinions either way. I'm still new to the group, so I'll pass on my vote," Yusuke said, stepping back. He looked deep in thought but pushed it aside for now.

"Uh… Sure, I'll trust all of you. If things go wrong, we'll figure a way out," Ann said, hesitating at first but then finding her confidence.

One by one, they all agreed. In just a few minutes, the team knew their next steps.

"It's kinda funny. Just after we discussed our plans, this happens. Though I guess it doesn't change much," Morgana muttered.

"Want me to send the message today?" Futaba asked. "I have everything ready."

"Yes. The sooner, the better."

With a nod, the group quickly wrapped up their meeting before heading their separate ways.

— — —

Sae Nijima walked through her office in the dark of night, the silence only broken by the hum of the city outside. She was one of the last people in the building, driven by a relentless need to work. 

Now, not only did she want to advance to prove her worth, but to make things easier for Makoto. She knew that Makoto wanted to become a detective, so if Sae was able to promote, she would be able to pull some strings to make sure Makoto would be protected, even if she still continued with her idiotic dream of becoming a police officer like their father.

"You really should take a break, Miss Nijima. Otherwise, you're going to work yourself to death," Akechi joked, handing her a coffee as he sat down beside her.

"You're one to talk, Goro. You juggle school and work here, solving more cases part-time than some of our full-time detectives." Sae replied, taking a sip of the coffee. The warmth and caffeine revived her slightly.

"Maybe you should find yourself a hobby. I know I did, and it has actually made things far more interesting." Akechi muttered, a small smile appearing on his face as he took a sip of his coffee. 

"Oh, really? What kind of hobby?" Sae asked raising an eyebrow, letting the conversation distract her from her work for a few minutes. She was starting to get a headache from looking at all of the files. They all led nowhere.

"I guess you could call it people watching." Akechi answered with a chuckle." Lately, though, I have also been playing games with someone. I am losing, though, so I should probably do something to tip the scales back in my favor. Losing so much isn't too fun." 

Sae smiled softly. This was one of the few times Akechi didn't look quite as tired or overworked as usual.

"Oh, who are you playing your game with? Is it someone I know?" She asked, lifting up her cup to take another sip

"Yeah, I believe he is dating your sister. His name is Ren Amamiya…." Akechi chuckled, savoring the moment. "He's got quite the harem going. Honestly, I'm surprised you're letting it happen."

Sae froze, her cup halfway to her lips.

"I'm sorry?" She asked, somewhat dumbfounded, not quite believing what he had said.

Covering his mouth as if he had just misspoken, Akechi pretended to be embarrassed.

"Oops, seems I've said too much. I thought you knew. Makoto should be the third... maybe fourth? He keeps so many girls around him it's hard to keep track." Akechi said with a chuckle before covering his mouth again.

"Whoops, sorry, I bet he is going to get mad at me now. I should probably stop talking so much; I guess it just shows how tired I am. Perhaps I should call it a day and go home." He chuckled again, enjoying her shock. 

Gathering his things, Akechi stood and made his way to the door, leaving before Sae could unleash her fury.

Sae couldn't shake the memory of Makoto's sudden change in clothing, her once-conservative sister now dressed like a punk. Initially dismissing it as a phase, she now saw it as something more troubling.

She pulled out a CD from her desk, the one she had confiscated from them the first time she had met Ren. She had forgotten to return it, and since they never asked about it, she just left it on the side to gather dust. 

As Makoto's guardian and older sister, she was responsible for ensuring her well-being, so she knew she had to protect her from anyone who could hurt her. She had approved of Ren since he had taken care of Makoto when she collapsed, but now she was regretting not stepping in more.

She didn't know if she should believe Akechi, but he would have no reason to lie. She wanted to see what kind of trick Ren had used to get Makoto to take him to their house. Yet, just as she was about to play it, she saw an email appear on her computer.

[Hello, Sae Nijima.

As we told you before, we aimed to dismantle the network behind the mental shutdowns. After seeing your work with the evidence we provided, we come with new information. Ichiryusai Madarame, the vain artist is collaborating with those who work in the shadows. He is selling fake copies of the Sayuri to fund them.

We are aware that you are a prosecutor, not a detective. However, after seeing your work with the Kaneshiro investigation, we have decided to continue supporting you. 

We want you to follow the money and see where it leads.

Trust no one, especially not Shiryuu Daiko, the SIU Director. They are compromised. You should not trust anyone closely related to them.

Remember, if Shiryuu Daiko is compromised, he will lose his position once the conspiracy has been revealed, leaving an opening for you, as the one who exposed him, to take the role of the new SIU Director.

If you are able to gather any information, contact us at 1031-05-2019 


The Phantom Thieves of Hearts]

Sae stared at the email, her grip on the CD tightening before she let out a frustrated sigh. Placing the CD back in her drawer, she stood up, the weight of the new mission pressing on her shoulders.

"Follow the money…" She muttered, promising herself to look after Makoto when she got back home.


Naoto Shirogane (The Star) Rank 2

Sae Nijima (The Judgement) Rank 4

(Sorry for not being as consistent as I used to be. Imma focus more in the p5 story this week since I got a good stockpile of the tensura story. But oh boy, is there not enough time in the day. I would do a longer author note, but I gotta set up for bed.)

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