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Bab 2: Chapter 1 Medallion

In the majestic Castle, on a luxurious bed, a beautiful little boy of about 4 years old was lying and snoring sweetly.

"Um... Phew... When I fell asleep Wha... What the hell" - waking up and rubbing his head, Xi Yu felt a pair of knuckles sticking out of his head.

Jumping out of bed and opening his eyes wide, Xi Yu began to look around in a panic in search of a mirror. At this moment, he didn't care about the unfamiliar surroundings or anything else, all his attention was directed to the small knuckles sticking out of his head.

And as soon as Xi Yu found a mirror and looked... It was as if he had fallen out of reality!

Xi Yu looks at his reflection in shock, not understanding whether this is a dream or a fantastic reality. Moving his hands and making faces, Xi Yu tried to figure out if it was really him in the reflection of the mirror.

A boy of about four years old was looking at him in the mirror, repeating the same movements with his hands and head as he did. He had: Black, thin eyebrows and eyelashes. Red slit-shaped eyes (Like a reptile). The skin is white and tender, without a single blemish. Silk, smooth hair, milky white. And two small elegant horns, shaped like tree branches, looking like a piece of art carved from high-grade milky white jade. But this is not the most important thing... Xi Yu discovered that he has a snow-white fox TAIL! It was a real tail growing from the tailbone... It felt like an arm or a leg, and did not bring discomfort.

Having barely recovered from the shock, Xi Yu began to come to his senses, remembering the last thing he remembered. Xi Yu was adopted by the Lei family at the age of 7. Because of his talent, he had an amazing memory and an incredible mentality that stood out even in childhood. He had never seen his real parents, and did not know how he ended up in the orphanage. After his adoption, he was given the surname Lei, which is how he became Lei Xi Yu. In the Lei family, even their own children did not receive love, let alone adopted children, but they took the upbringing and maintenance of the family's reputation seriously. At age 20, Lei Xi Yu became the youngest archaeologist in the group working for the government. And at the age of 25 they were sent to excavate the found meteorite...

"Exactly! I remembered. This is the medallion found in the meteorite. As soon as I touched him ... he lit up with bright, dazzling, light, and then the darkness ... And now I don't understand where ... th .. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa He was suddenly struck by a sharp headache, from which he lost consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, Xi Yu woke up, lying on the floor near the mirror.

"What happened? I had fun playing with various objects in the treasury, and then... Argh..." rising from the floor and holding his head, which was splitting from pain, Xi Yu began to think about what was the last thing he remembered. And as soon as he lay down on the bed, a new wave of headache suddenly pierced Xi Yu's head.

"Phew... I survived... What a terrible dream... Or not a dream? What's happening? Ah, so that's what it was... Now everything is becoming clear... It's all that medallion! He was in that world too... And this Lei Xi Yu, who had the same name as me, also touched him... But how did his soul get into my body? And why did I gain his knowledge? Our souls merged after my victory? What a wonderful world they have... You can communicate and see each other at a distance without Spiritual Energy..." - Zhu Xi Yu began to enthusiastically think about a lot of new information, his head still hurt, but his thoughts became clearer, and he began to think much faster .

"There are several options... But most likely... After Lei Xi Yu touched the Medallion that he found in the meteorite, his soul fell into the Medallion. Which somehow ended up here, or is this the second such Medallion, and is there a connection between them? Doesn't matter! The important thing is that after I touched the Medallion, Lei Xi Yu's soul began to merge with mine... But my soul, due to Spiritual development, is stronger than his, and this led to the disappearance of his EGO which I no longer feel... I received everything his knowledge, and my soul became stronger... I sympathize with the fate of Lei Xi Yu, but having lived only 4 years, I am glad that I was not in his place... I was lucky to receive so much interesting knowledge... It's a pity that in our world there are no phones or the Internet... I could contact my mother and talk..." thought little Zhu Xi Yu, remembering the only moment about his mother that was present in his memory.

As a baby, Zhu Xi Yu watched as an incredibly beautiful woman breastfed him. Apparently she is his mother Rose. She was incredibly beautiful and had ears like a fox, and at the back were 9 magnificent tails, which she used like hands, giving herself the objects she needed...

"Mom... When will you come back? I miss you so much... Ayane said that you have business in the Demon God Sect, but can't you and grandma come back for at least a couple of days? Yes, and grandfather... Did that 7th lotus surrender to him? He is the Spiritual God, and will live forever... Isn't it really possible to pay a little attention to the family?" - Zhu Xi Yu mentally lamented, experiencing melancholy and loneliness.

"STOP! Something is wrong... This is all somehow very familiar... Demon God Sect, Spiritual Gods, Demonic Beasts, Laws... It can't be... In the Soul that I got through the Medallion was the light novel "Tales" about Demons and Gods"? Why is it so similar to my world... I need more knowledge..." - the more Xi Yu thought, the more fascinating these similarities seemed to him. Zhu Xi Yu didn't even notice, but after merging with the soul of Lei Xi Yu from Earth. He acquired knowledge, life experience, his worldview expanded, and his soul itself brought him considerable benefit, which will gradually begin to reveal more and more opportunities in his life.

Knock Knock Knock

- Your Highnesses, have you woken up? Can I come in? - a female voice with notes of alarm was heard from behind the door.

- Yes, Ayane, come in. - Xi Yu answered without thinking, since all his thoughts were filled with plans for the future.

When Zhu Xi Yu was first born, he was already at 1 Star Legend Rank! But at the age of 2 he learned the cruel truth... He is a Hybrid - Disabled! His bloodlines clash, fighting for supremacy, preventing his potential from awakening. The strength of his bloodlines is so great that not one of them will obey the other, so Zhu Xi Yu's potential will remain blocked for his entire life. And he would never, in his entire life, be able to become stronger than the Heavenly Fate Realm. Even his powerful ones: grandmother Amber, mother Rose and incredibly mysterious father, were powerless to help him in any way with this problem.

Zhu Xi Yu, like his relatives, also gave up on this issue, but having received the knowledge and life experience of Lei Xi Yu, for the first time in the last 2 years, Zhu Xi Yu's eyes were filled with desire...

"Ha-ha, submit to fate? Never! As long as I breathe, I will not give up, no matter how difficult it is, I will strive for the top! Rather than existing and crawling like an insect, death is better! Considering the beauty of grandma and mom... I will destroy them all!" - While Zhu Xi Yu was pondering his life path, it suddenly dawned on him.

Having gained the life experience of a 25-year-old adult, he began to guess why his grandmother and mother did not return to the tiny world. Considering their heavenly beauty, inherited from the Nine-Tailed Demon Foxes... They are being held back by force! Although it had not yet been confirmed, Xi Yu was content with just this possibility. And at this thought, Zhu Xi Yu's blood boiled, and her desire and motivation soared to the skies!

- Oh, why are you already up? How are you feeling? You scared us all so much, Your Highness, you should rest a little more - Ayane said entering the room.

"I'm fine, did you manage to find out anything about what happened to me?" Xi Yu asked a question that interested him.

- You were in the treasury, and, as usual, you were playing with different treasures. But this time, a bright flash suddenly appeared, after which you lost consciousness. The healer said that you are mentally exhausted and you need to rest a little, after which you will return to normal. Her Ladyship Latfi said to make sure that you can rest peacefully, and no one should disturb you - Ayane calmly explained, checking whether everything was really okay with Xi Yu.

"I'm asking about the treasure itself, did you manage to find out the reason why I lost my mental strength?" - Xi Yu rephrased the question.

-... - Ayane was speechless, her young Master had never had such thoughtfulness, and his manner of speech does not belong to a child.

Ayane is a tall, slender girl who replaced Xi Yu as a nanny. She is not beautiful, but not ugly either, having a pleasing appearance. She dresses like a maid, and her racial traits are from one of the fiercest Demonic Beasts, Weasel! Even in Xi Yu's infancy, Ayane entered into a blood contract with him, with strict conditions that were not nearly inferior to slave ones. Ayane comes from this tiny world and followed Xi Yu's mother to the Draconic Ruins Realm. But without sufficient talent, she was stuck for many years in the 5 Realms of Heavenly Fate. Xi Yu's mother's name is Rose, and she is a Nine-Tailed Fox Demonic Beast from the very Ancient and now defunct Kitsune Clan. Xi Yu's grandfather is the strongest Demonic Beast in a Tiny World, Zhu Long! The same Demonic Beast that mastered the Law of Ice and became the Spiritual God of Ice. In the light novel, he was chasing the Spiritual Fire God Yu Yan, who was rescued from the Black Spring by Nie Li.

Zhu Long was not as cruel as he was described in the light novel. He strives very much for strength and power, but this is all due to the desire to protect his family by eliminating any threat. He met Grandma Amber several thousand years ago. She was frozen in some ancient temple and when he helped her thaw with the help of his Law of Ice, they began to spend a lot of time together, after which they fell in love and started a family. Grandma's strength was incomprehensible, it was many times greater than Zhu's.

Long and after the grandmother gave birth to two children, Xi Yu's mother, Rose and her brother Ratz. She went to the Draconic Ruins Realm to ensure safety from those who were native to the tiny world and could return with greater power, wreaking havoc.



Rose founded the Empire of Light, calling it Lakti. And her brother Ratz founded the Empire of Darkness, calling it Sharkha. These two empires divide the entire tiny world in two according to power, and have no conflicts. Although Ratz could be cruel, he is completely different when it comes to family. Ratz could not have his own family because he was infertile.


Having founded an empire with her trusted maid Lakti, who has a talent for this, Rose went to the Kingdom of Draconic Ruins. There she met the mysterious father of Xi Yu... Little is known about his father, except that he is very powerful and belongs to a very Ancient family of Dragons.

"But still... there are so many similarities with the light novel "The Tale of Gods and Demons"... Will I be able to see Nie Li, Ye Ziyun, Xiao Ning'er? Or were they not born yet? Or maybe they grew old and died? Or they never existed at all... What a pity that I am not a person, but a "Hybrid - Disabled!" I have a Demon Spirit, not a Soul Vessel like people do. This means I cannot use cultivation techniques... And the fact that demons obey and revere the Sage Emperor makes me Nie Li's enemy. And I don't like the Sage Emperor himself," Xi Yu thought, not noticing Ayane's suspicious look.

"Your Highness, you're acting strange..." Ayane asked with suspicion in her voice and apprehension.

- From now on, I will seem strange to you in many ways... This is a secret, but I think there is no point in hiding it from you... That Medallion that lit up revealed to me Wisdom, knowledge of the future for 20 years in advance and the life experience of several people. Don't ask me about the details, I haven't figured it out myself yet... There are too many of them! Xi Yu said calmly.

Ayane cannot contradict Xi Yu's orders or harm her in any way, so she can be trusted with any secret without fear. Even if he orders her to kill herself, she will do it immediately.


- Your Highness, are you telling the truth? - Ayane asked in disbelief. She was shocked to hear from Xi Yu about the experiences of several people.

- Ayane, would you lie to someone who would kill himself if you ordered? I have no need to lie to you, you are the last person from whom I will hide something. "You better take me to the treasury," said Xi YU, and without waiting for an answer, he headed to the treasury.

- As you wish, Your Highness! - After listening to Xi Yu's arguments and rejoicing at his trust in her, Ayane answered.

Finding ourselves in a huge treasury room, with a bunch of shelves on which lay a wide variety of things. No one knew what they were needed for. It was a treasure trove of strange but undoubtedly precious objects.

Walking to the familiar row on which the Medallion lay, Xi Yu met him again. I somehow didn't want to touch him again; the first touch caused a loss of consciousness, but it undoubtedly brought benefits. This is definitely a treasure! The power of which was even able to transport souls across worlds.

But knowing that Fortune smiles on the wise and brave... Although Xi Yu was not wise, the unenviable position of his mother and grandmother gave him extraordinary courage!

Touching the coin-shaped medallion, Xi Yu closed his eyes, preparing for any mishap the medallion might throw this time, but even after several minutes, nothing happened. Taking the medallion in the palm of my hand and rubbing it, nothing happened.

"How strange... No reaction, like an ordinary coin," Xi Yu thought, relaxed and disappointed.

"Oh, yes... as they always do in light novels with divine artifacts" - as soon as this thought came to Xi Yu's head, he bit his hand until it bled and began dripping blood onto the amulet.

- Ah! Your Highness! What are you doing? - Ayane exclaimed, noticing how her Master bit his hand. And I thought that this was again the action of the damned Medallion.

- Ayane, don't interfere. I won't die from this! If you don't stop making noise over trifles, I will make you wait for me outside the treasury," Xi Yu said in a serious tone, trying not to be distracted.

After which Ayane fell silent and continued to watch him. Preparing to call a healer at any second if her Master lost consciousness again.

The amulet was covered with very small runes, each of which was so small that even Xi Yu with his dragon vision, it was difficult to see them. There were countless runes on it, and as soon as a drop of blood fell on the Medallion, it immediately absorbed it. After the first drop, the second, and then the third... And after the 9th drop touched the medallion, all the runes began to come to life and glow with a golden light. After which there was a flash that blinded both Ayane and Xi Yu. And when they were able to open their eyes again, and they got used to their familiar surroundings, there was no trace of the Medallion. No matter how hard they looked for him, he was nowhere to be found.








































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