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Bab 17: Hello Karasuno!

Author's Note:

Sora is going to have a slightly different personality.


It's been months since Sora and Shoyo have been practicing with Ukai and the neighborhood association. Precise to say, both of them improved.

They also practiced with their juniors in the Yukigoaka Volleyball Club for the last time and appointed a new club leader for the club since they were graduating from Middle School.

Of course, Sora did not forget about improving his skills in Tennis. He participated in the Nationals and won again.

They also found out that Izumi and Koji will join a different high school, which saddens them. Sora planned a group hangout with them after graduation and it was a blast.

Right now, Shoyo and Sora are currently walking the road towards Karasuno.

It's their first day of High School, and both of them are looking forward to this, especially Shoyo.

Not only that, Sora also received a Sports Scholarship a week before the first day of school, which made him glad.

"Ngh!" Sora stretched his arms out, "Time flies that fast, huh," Sora said.

Sora kept his undercut hairstyle as he liked it, and it made him look more mature than he looked. He also grew by one inch; he went from 5'9" to 5'10".

"It does, Aniki," Shoyo agreed. "I remembered accidentally slipping when Shimada used a jump float serve."

Shoyo, on the other hand, still has the same haircut as in the manga. He also grew 1 inch from 5'5" to 5'6".

Sora looked at Shoyo and smiled. "To think my younger brother also grew faster than I thought," he said with a hint of pride.

Shoyo then smirked. "Oh, is someone feeling a tad jelly that I might outgrow him?"

Sora responded with a grin and a theatrically dramatic sigh. "Oh, my dearest little giant," he said, tousling Shoyo's hair lovingly, "even if you reach towering heights, you'll forever be my pocket rocket on the court. I'll be right there, leaping above the net with you, no matter what!"

Shoyo rolled his eyes and swatted Sora's hand away. "Geez, cut it out," he protested, fixing his now-disheveled hair. "I'm not a kid anymore, you know? Do you have any idea how long it took to get my hair just right?"

Sora chuckled and tried to stifle his laughter. "My bad, my bad," he said, grinning. "I know you're all grown up now, and your hair game is on point, my stylish bro!"

Shoyo huffed, a hint of a smile breaking through his pout. "Thanks, I guess..."

Following their playful exchange, Sora and Shoyo shared a peaceful silence. They exchanged knowing smiles, a silent affirmation of their unbreakable brotherly bond.

Sora's face lit up with a mischievous idea, and he couldn't resist proposing a friendly challenge to Shoyo. "Hey, Shoyo," he began.

Shoyo looked intrigued. "Yeah?" he replied.

"The one who gets to the volleyball gymnasium first buys the meat buns later!" Sora declared, then took off running ahead of Shoyo, determined to claim victory.

"What?! Not fair!" Shoyo then sprinted after Sora, determined to catch up and win the race to the gymnasium.


Inside one of Karasuno's volleyball gyms, the rhythmic sound of a volleyball being served echoed through the air. The gym's lighting was dim, with the large windows on one side partially covered to reduce glare. It was late in the evening, and the gym was mostly empty except for one determined figure on the court.

Tobio Kageyama stood at the back of the court, his eyes focused on the net.

With a deep breath, he bounced the ball in his hands a few times, feeling the texture against his skin. The gym's silence gave him the concentration he needed as he prepared for the perfect serve.


The ball left Kageyama's hand with incredible force, a sharp and controlled spike of energy as it shot toward the other side of the court. He watched it closely, analyzing its trajectory and the slight spin he had applied to it.

A satisfied smile crossed his face as he saw it land precisely where he had intended, brushing the line with pinpoint accuracy.

"I've won!" shouted Shoyo, his orange hair standing out against the gym's subdued lighting.

"No, you didn't, I won that one!" Sora insisted, his voice filled with conviction.

However, just as Kageyama was about to celebrate his successful serve, he heard two familiar voices approaching from the gym's entrance. They burst into the gym, each wearing matching grins of excitement.

Shoyo crossed his arms and tilted his head defiantly. "No way, Aniki. I got here first. My legs are faster!"

Sora refused to back down as he continued to argue his point with Shoyo.

He pointed a finger at his brother and declared, "What are you on about? I'm taller than you!"

Shoyo crossed his arms. "Height doesn't determine who's faster, Aniki. It's all about agility and speed. And I've got you beat in that department."

Sora sighed, conceding defeat in their playful argument. He knew that even if he had won, he'd still end up being the one to buy meat buns as a way to make amends.

With a good-natured smile, he replied, "Hayst, okay okay, you won. I'll buy you meat buns later."

Shoyo's eyes lit up at the prospect of his favorite treat. "Deal! But you better not forget, Aniki!"

Kageyama, whom the Hinatas had not noticed, analyzed their faces and remembered that they were twins he faced off in Inter-Junior High.

"You two were at last year's..." Kageyama's muttered as it caught the attention of the twins.

The twins had different reactions when they saw Kageyama. Shoyo was surprised while Sora was annoyed.

'What the hell, I forgot that he was too dumb to enroll at Shiratorizawa!' Sora thought. He still hates the annoying attitude Kegayama has.

Sora knew that Kageyama has a attitude problem in the start due to his past. However, Sora, being petty, remembered their last encounter was not pretty.

Kageyama raised an eyebrow at the mixed reactions from the twins. He remembered their faces clearly from their encounters during Inter-Junior High tournaments, particularly Shoyo's fiery and competitive nature on the court. It seemed that his presence had elicited some strong emotions from the twins.

Shoyo, still surprised, spoke up first, his curiosity getting the better of him. "You're Kageyama Tobio, right? We played against you in the tournament last year."

Kageyama nodded, acknowledging the recognition. "Yeah, that's me. I remember you two as well."

"So," Sora began as he clapped both of his hands. "What is the King of the Court doing here?"

Kageyama's expression tensed slightly at the mention of his infamous nickname, "King of the Court." It was a title he had earned due to his exceptional skills and precise plays on the volleyball court, but it also carried a complicated history and a reputation he wasn't entirely comfortable with.

"Don't call me that—"

"Oh, it seems the rumors are true." Sora cut Kageyama off.

"Huh?" Kageyama furrowed his brow, not quite sure what Sora was referring to.

"I heard you get angry when people call you that," Sora smirked. He then crossed his arms and did a thinking pose. "A king is pretty cool, huh? It fits you perfectly."

Kageyama's jaw clenched as he felt a surge of frustration building up. He had worked hard to shed the reputation associated with the "King of the Court" nickname, and Sora's comments hit a nerve. He took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure, but the irritation still simmered beneath the surface.

Sora's playful smirk persisted, and he continued to prod at Kageyama, seemingly enjoying getting a reaction. "Come on, Kageyama, embrace it! Kings are supposed to be strong and confident, right?"

When Sora read the manga, he didn't like how Kageyama acted so arrogant. He knew the author gave Kageyama that attitude on purpose to show character development later, but it reminded him of the cocky opponents he faced during his time in his previous life.

Shoyo, stepped in, his hand on Sora's shoulder to diffuse the tension. "Aniki, I don't know what the rumors are, but I think it's not a good idea to piss off one of our teammates."

Shoyo couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he observed his twin brother, Sora, taunting Kageyama. It was indeed an unusual behavior for Sora, who had always been known for his kindness and easygoing nature, even in the face of adversity. Shoyo had seen Sora deal with bullies and difficult situations with remarkable patience and a smile.

"What's your problem?" Kageyama asked as he looked directly at Sora's gaze.

Sora smirked as he successfully got a reaction from Kageyama.

"From the short time we faced off in Inter-junior high, I was impressed that your team was patient to put up a setter like you," Sora smirked as he walked past Kageyama to approach the volleyball. "I know I couldn't."

As soon as Sora picked up the volleyball, he casually tossed it from hand to hand, a mischievous glint in his eyes. His tone carried a sharp edge as he continued to taunt Kageyama.

"Speaking of patience," Sora said, his voice laced with sarcasm, "I couldn't help but notice that match you lost. It was a real spectacle, wasn't it? Your teammates must have had the patience of saints to put up with your... quirks."

Kageyama's frustration finally reached a breaking point, and his normally controlled demeanor slipped.

His eyes flashed with anger, and he couldn't stand Sora's taunts any longer.

In a sudden move, he closed the distance between them in a few quick strides and grabbed Sora's collar, his fingers gripping the fabric tightly.

Sora's smug expression remained intact as he had expected this reaction from Kageyama. He had a history of being a competitive and spirited player, and he knew how to push buttons when he wanted to. His confidence didn't waver even as Kageyama's grip tightened on his collar.

Shoyo, on the other hand, was in a state of shock. His eyes widened, and he felt a surge of panic wash over him as he witnessed the sudden escalation. He knew that he had to do something to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control, but his instincts warred with his uncertainty about how to defuse the tension between his new teammates.

Sora and Kageyama's locked eyes seemed to convey a silent challenge, each refusing to back down. It was a battle of wills, pride, and determination, all playing out in that intense moment of confrontation.

Kageyama, with a controlled exhale, loosened his grip on Sora's collar. His fingers gradually relaxed, and he stepped back, putting some distance between them. The tension that had hung in the air began to dissipate as the immediate threat of a physical confrontation subsided.

"We're lucky to have Kitagawa Daiichi's setter and the twins of Yukigoaka!"

Luckily, they heard three unfamiliar voices that managed to ease the tension further.

They turned around and saw three teens approaching them. One has grey hair, one has dark hair, and the last one is shaved. All of them are wearing black tracksuits.

Sora knew who they were. They were none other than Sugawara Koushi, Sawamura Daiichi, and Tanaka Ryunusoke.

"But they need to be put in place." The shaved one said.

"Come on now, don't pick on anyone!" The grey-haired one said.

"I wouldn't do that!" The shaved one said.

Sugawara and Daiichi had welcoming smiles on their faces while Tanaka tried to look intimidating.

Shoyo was the first one who greeted them. "Good morning!"

Sora and Kageyama followed. "Good morning!" they both said at the same time.

Tanaka then went near to their faces. "Hey, you punks..."

Before he could finish, Daichi pulled him back and said, "You're Kageyama and the Hinata twins, right?"

Sora, Shoyo, and Kageyama nodded, "Yes."

"Good to see you three chose Karasuno," Daichi said with a smile.

Tanaka then hardened his face to look "intimidating", "Suga-san, as a third-year, do me a favor and set these kids straight."

Sugawara looked at him with a closed smile. "Tanaka, enough with that face." He then chopped Tanaka's head.

"Ow!" Tanaka exclaimed as he held his head.

Sora couldn't help but smile. He loved them when he was reading about them in the manga, and the chance to talk and see them in person was amazing!

"We saw your match last year, and we were impressed," Daichi said.

Tanaka nodded in agreement, "Yeah, you guys were amazing!" He then looked at the twins, "Especially your quick attack!"

The tension that had gripped the gym just moments ago now seemed like a distant memory as Sugawara, Daichi, and Tanaka greeted the newcomers with warmth and encouragement.

The twins and Kageyama couldn't help but feel relieved by the friendly reception from these more experienced players.

Sora and Shoyo exchanged excited glances as they received praise for their performance during the previous year's match.

"Thank you!" Sora said with a bright smile. He then patted Shoyo on the back, "My twin here is probably the most excited here since this is his dream school!"

"Is that so? Why is that?" Daichi asked.

"Well, it's because I wanted to be Karasuno's ace!" Shoyo admitted.

When Kageyama heard Shoyo say that, he was skeptical. From what he observed, he thought Shoyo was only good at spiking while his other aspects were average.

"Hey, you just got here and you have the guts to say that?" Tanaka then went near to Shoyo's face and made an intimidating face, "Aren't you courageous?"

Shoyo, despite being confronted with Tanaka's intimidating demeanor, didn't back down. He stood his ground, meeting Tanaka's intense gaze with determination.

"Yes, I am," Shoyo replied, his voice firm but not disrespectful. "I believe in setting high goals and working hard to achieve them. And I promise to give my all to earn that title."

Sora couldn't help but smile at his brother's confidence. If this was the original Shoyo, he would've probably shuddered from Tanaka's intimidating face.

Tanaka was caught off guard by Shoyo's unwavering determination and courage to stand his ground, despite Tanaka's attempt to intimidate him. It was not the reaction he had expected, and it spoke to Shoyo's strong spirit and self-confidence.

Tanaka, still grinning, slapped Shoyo on the back in a friendly manner and chuckled heartily. "You've got guts, Hinata! I like that!"

"I'll do my best!" Shoyo replied with a grin.

"Hey you," Kageyama directed his attention to Shoyo. "If you're going to be an ace, I assume you honed your other skills?"

Shoyo met Kageyama's gaze, determination in his eyes. "Of course, I—"

"Ah, does Shoyo not meet your lofty standards, Your Highness?" Sora interjected with a sly grin, cutting Shoyo off mid-sentence.

Kageyama's focus shifted instantly to Sora, prompting an intrigued raise of his eyebrow.

Sora's mischievous grin widened as he continued, "I mean, if Shoyo doesn't measure up to your exalted expectations, perhaps you should demonstrate what makes you the King of the Court."

Shoyo glanced between Kageyama, Sora, and his three senpais, his nervousness evident.

Daichi tried to intervene. "Hey you two, play nice. You're no longer opponents-"

"Fine, I'll show you what I can do." Kageyama's determination shone through as he interrupted Daichi, his competitive spirit getting the best of him. He was eager to prove himself and demonstrate his skills, not just as a setter but as a player on the court.

"Daichi-san is still speaking!" Tanaka chimed in, trying to redirect the attention to their captain.

"Sure thing, King," Sora said, handing Kageyama the volleyball he had held earlier.

However, Tanaka's attempt to refocus the group fell flat as Kageyama accepted the ball and retreated behind the service line.

The scene was set for Kageyama's jump serve, and as he prepared to unleash it, the anticipation in the air was palpable. With a powerful jump and a swift, controlled motion, Kageyama delivered a thunderous jump serve.

Yet, just as the ball was about to land on the opposite court, Sora appeared seemingly out of thin air, executing an astonishing receive that left everyone in awe.

"Is it just me, or has your serve slowed down since our last encounter?" Sora taunted, his words dripping with playful mockery.

In response to Sora's taunt, Kageyama's jaw clenched, and his eyes blazed with frustration.

Shoyo on the other hand, was speechless. Not because of the incredible skills presented by Kageyama and Sora, but it's because of Sora's attitude. He has never seen him like this before.

"The volleyball club seems rather lively today," a middle-aged man's voice rang out.

Sugawara, Daichi, and Tanaka all jumped in surprise as they saw the vice principal entering the gymnasium.

"Vice principal..." Tanaka muttered.

"It's 'sir!'" Sugawara corrected him in a hushed tone.

"Sir!" Tanaka exclaimed, swiftly correcting his mistake.

"You guys are not fighting, are you?" The vice principal asked as he observed Kageyama doing another jump serve and Sora receiving it effortlessly.

"Yeah!" Daichi exclaimed and turned to Kageyama and Sora. "It's just a friendly competition, right?"

Sora turned to Daichi's direction. "Yeah! Don't worry about it!"

Sora then saw the vice principal and immediately stood straight up and offered a smile. "Mister Mikoto, it's nice to meet you!" he bowed.

Daichi, Tanaka, Sugawara, and even Kageyama were left utterly astounded by Sora's remarkable ability to seamlessly switch between different states of being, and the fact that Sora and the vice principal knew each other.

Shoyo on the other hand, being Sora's younger twin brother, was accustomed to witnessing his sibling's extraordinary acting talents.

The vice principal interjected with curiosity, "Ah, you're Sora Hinata, am I correct? If my memory serves me right, I thought you were primarily involved in tennis?"

Sora nodded; his expression filled with self-assurance. "Indeed, your memory serves you well. I did, in fact, make the decision to immerse myself in the realms of both Volleyball and Tennis Club during my tenure in high school."

Once again, Daichi, Tanaka, Sugawara, and Kageyama are once again flabbergasted by Sora's choice of words. No one will talk like that in an everyday situation.

Shoyo on the other hand, was once again not surprised.

The vice principal smiled warmly. "I see. I have every confidence that you will excel."

Sora acknowledged the vice principal's support with a respectful nod. "Thank you, Mister Mikoto," he said, bowing deeply. "I would also like to express my deep gratitude for the opportunity you've granted me through the sports scholarship."

The vice principal returned Sora's nod with a gracious smile. "You're most welcome, Sora. It's our pleasure to support dedicated and talented students like yourself in pursuing their passions."

The vice principal shifted his attention to Daichi. "It appears that the volleyball club holds great promise this time around," he remarked. "I trust you'll continue to provide strong leadership for the team."

Daichi stammered momentarily, caught off guard by the unexpected praise. "Oh, uh, yes," he managed to respond with a nod, a hint of humility in his demeanor.

With that, the vice principal exited the gymnasium, prompting the group to collectively release a sigh of relief as the tension dissipated.

"Phew! That was a close one!" Tanaka exclaimed, his voice tinged with relief.

"Hey, Shoyo, how did I do with my acting? Have I shown any improvement?" Sora inquired, his curiosity directed at his younger twin brother.

Shoyo struck a thoughtful pose, contemplating his response. "In comparison to what you've done before," he began, "I think this is an improvement."

Sora grinned. "Nice!"

"Wait a minute, Sora, what type of scholarship did you receive?" Daichi inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Sora responded with a smile, "I earned a sports scholarship based on the numerous tennis tournaments I've won."

Sora shifted his attention to Kageyama, a mischievous smirk on his face. "And what about you, King? Did you manage to secure a sports scholarship?" he teased.

Kageyama made a dismissive noise and turned away; his pride was clearly affected. "I don't need to answer that question," he retorted stubbornly.

"Alright!" Daichi interjected, clapping his hands together to defuse the tension before it could escalate any further.

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