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7.44% Ultimate Herrsher in DxD / Chapter 7: [7]Azza the fallen

Bab 7: [7]Azza the fallen

After the long day of fun the group went back to the hotel, tough this time, Otto, Welt, Himeko, and Leviana we're all waiting for Ms. Scot in Otto's and Welt's room




Hearing the knock on the door Otto opened it revealing Ms. Scot

"Hey Miss Scot" Otto greeted her

"Hello child, let me in would you. I believe we have much to talk about" she said with a gentle smile.

Otto nodded and leted her in.

After everyone sat on their own comfy spots Azza spoke "I know you have many questions as so do I but I will start with saying that Lavina will be coming back with us" the news didn't surprise Otto but Laviana was jumping in joy, Laviana was quite worried that she wouldn't be able to come with them.

"Second..." With a snap of her fingers 12 jet black wings spirouted from behind her.

"My name is Azza or Samyaza, and I am a fallen angel" She looked at their faces, waiting to see their faces full of shock but

...there was no reaction.

"Yeah we already figured it out when you released your mana, the name Azza kinda sold you out" Said Otto with a nod from Welt, Himeko and Laviana hadn't figured it out themselves yet like Welt and Otto so they informed both.

"...hahaha of course you did, fu~ both of you truly are bright children" she couldn't help but comment, most wouldnt be able to figure it out by just her name so she wouldn't blame them if they couldn't find out her real identity, but they did, and this made her happy.

"Alright then first question goes to you two" said Azza Which earned a great full nod from the kids.

"So are you currently affiliated with any faction, especially Grigori considering the fact that you are a fallen angel" asked Otto.

His biggest concern was Azza being a orphanage director for a faction so that they could use the children for multiple things that weren't so pretty.

"No I am not, in fact I became an orphanage director just so that I could escape the supernatural world and live a peacefully life. I was affiliated with Grigori once but I left a long time ago" Azza used to be one of Grigori's too executives but being in that position for so long tired Azza out to her core, hence the reason she left and became an orphanage director.

She I enjoyed teaching and watching talented children that Grigori took in so her current job was only natural for her.

"I see, your turn next" Said Otto, he was quite nervous if she ask how he knew a lot about the supernatural as he didn't want to tell her the truth, at most he would lie to her that he could see the future to some extent.

"How did you know so much about the supernatural?, I'm sure you haven't had contact with anything of that nature yet you informed welt a out so much accurate information"

'fuck' was what Otto though as he cursed himself for taking about the supernatural in the schoolbis

'wait, let's just blame it on the vampires since we're in Europe' Vampirea were mostly active in Romania but that didn't mean that there weren't any in other countries in Europe.

"I had a run in with a vampire a while back, I almost died but I managed to semi-awaken my powers, I managed to get some info out of him before I killed him" he lied obviously, and he said semi-awakend since he doesn't know if Azza is aware that he only awakened his mana and Hersher abilities a week ago.

He would just say that he managed to fully awaken his powers recently if she truly knew how long ago Otto awakened.

"A vampire?, tch!, those blood suckers are a pest no matter were you go in Europe" Azza has had some run in with Vampires that tough she was 'easy prey'

Sadly for them, Azza was just that good in energy controll.

Azza was so good that she seemed like a normal human with no mana Wich was also the reason why Otto and Welt never noticed that's she could use it to begin with.

But Azza wasn't mad with the vampires specifically but the fact that they targeted the children under her care.

She swore that she will patroll their local area once they go back to Germany and eradicate all the vampires there.

Both Otto and Azza continued to ask eachother questions for the next hour while the others just listened.

Laviana was mostly shocked as she had just found out a few hours ago that she could use magic, and now there's supposed to be devils, gods, and Angel.

Himeko was also nervous but she felt safe that both her friends would protect her and Welt was amazed by all the information he was being exposed to.

"And I believe that about it child, no more questions?" Asked Azza.

"I do, could you teach us magic?" Even if Azza was someone that focused on physical fighting or martial arts, Otto was sure that she atleast has some knowledge concerning Magic.

Otto, Welt, and Laviana already have big mana reserves without any training but it's absolutely useless to have if they don't know how to use it.

Himeko also has talent for magic but it isn't available to her until Otto makes Himeko into his Hersher.

"Of course sweetheart, we will start lessons when we go back home" She was quite happy that Otto would ask her to teach him magic.

Otto nodded enthusiasticly as now he had who was probably one of the best teachers he could have.


A week soon passed by and the class made it back to Germany.

Tough everyone had fun, not much happened besides me turning Himeko into my Hersher of fire(Against my Will). I also got [Abyssal Flower] as a reward for turning her into a Hersher, the thing can destroy and create to the atomic level.

Fire is coming your way?

Bam, disintegrate!.

It can also help heal wounds and create vegetation that can be added for combat.

Kind of like hashiramas wood release but in a smaller scale.

I have also seen that my score with Leviana is around 75% as a very close friend but to turn her into a Hersher she needs to have a score of at least 80%.

So I won't be able to turn her now but surely in the future.

As soon as we made it back home home to the orphanage we had Lavinia accommodated in the orphanage. Basic needs, new clothes, school, we prepared everything for her.

Though now Lavinia shares a room with Himeko, I can sense some tension between them (or should I say Himeko against poor Lavinia) but I'm sure they will get along fine, Reni will eventually get past the wall Himeko made against Lavinia.

She's just jealous that she got so clingy to me, that's all.

We have also started magic training with Ms.Scot

I have to say that it's not that hard, it's kind of like programing certain commands in the form of a magic circle, you draw it out to do what you want and then you juice it up.

But it's probably easy for me thanks to my super brain.

Otto, me, and Lavinia have high aptitude towards magic, especially Lavinia.

She managed to learn it faster than both me and Welt even tough her brain isn't a supercomputer us.

Well that's talent for ya, she's meant to be a magical witch wether she got picked up by the Grauzauberer or not.

And Himeko is pretty good with magic tough not on our level. But what she does have talent for lies in her energy controll, Hersher powers, and Sacred gear.

Oh yeah, when I told Ms.scot that 5 children in her orphanage have Longinus Class sacred gears I swear that she was holding back from fainting, heh.

Anyways, back to the main topic.

She's already at the stage were she can makee the fire not burn.

How did she make the god-slaying fire not do what it's supposed to do?

No fucking clue

But she did it anyways.

But it's probably because sacred gears aren't fueled by mana, but through raw emotion.

Why do you think Issei could use the Boosted Gear with such an abysmal amount of demonic energy and no training?

Because his emotions and feeling for boobs were in the form of completeley raw lust.

One of the strongest primal urges besides anger.

Issei was the best yet worst user for a Longinus sacred gear.

Best because of his lustfull emotions yet the worst because he would use the power to make a harem.

I don't know what emotion fuels Himeko to have such a strong use of her sacred gear but I'm sure that it's envy against Lavinia.

Welt also has good controll over [Unknown Dictator] and his [Reason], with the help of both the [Science for dummies] book and the [Hyperion Blueprint prints] he managed to create a smaller version of the mounted rail guns.

He usually makes them and moves them around mid-air while fighting with either honkai energy or his sacred gear.

I recommend to him that he should learn martial arts since technology alone can only take you so far, I kinda want welt to go through the avatar metal bender route.

As for me I have been practicing with almost everything.

[Reason], [Fire], [Binding], [Annihilation Maker], Magic, I've trained on it all.

But of course I have mostly been focusing own my sacred gear and [Binding].

Also remember the custom Valkyrie suit I got?

Yeah, I decided to model it after Luocha's outfit from star rail. Ms. Scot was confused as to were I got the high quality outfit but I just told her that I found it somewhere.

The thing is pretty dam sturdy to, it's S-Rank after all but I didn't think it would be this good.

I tried shooting myself with a gun I made while having the suit on and I have to say that the thing is worthy of it's rank, I didn't even feel the impact.

I haven't tried it against magic or Honkai powers but I'm sure it will hurt a lot so I didn't try it.

I'm not a masochist after all, I'm more of a sadist of were talking about the spectrum.


"Are you ready welt?" I asked, we were currently in a forest far from civilization with Himeko and Levi so that we could train.

"Of course, as ready as I could be" He snapped his fingers and multiple futuristic guns floated behind him.

I took out [Lumina] and created an iron one-handed sword.

My current fighting style consist of [Kaslana-Style Gun kata] Wich is a fighting style that includes martial arts, gymnastics, guns, and swords.

while I also use my [Binding] chains as defence.


I began to run up to welt with a strong burst of speed, Welt seeing my direct approach, began to fire his cannons.





The flashing beams soon closed in on me, I agiley dodged the projectiles coming at me tough a I had to pary two of the attacks with my sword.

As I got past his first volley I swung my sword sending out a slash of energy.

"Divine Departure!" Yes, I copied it.

The slash of energy found it's way towards Welt. He quickly but barely dodged to the side, avoiding a really bad cut to the chest.

He raised his hand and flipped it upward making iron sprout out of the ground.

"Shit" I jumped into the air as multiple spikes of iron attempted to penetrate my body.

I created small platforms of Honkai energy under my feet allowing my to change my direction and maneuver myself midair.

I dodged all the spikes and landed on the ground safely but a fist suddenly appeared right Infront of my face.


I ducked my face quickly as Welt's iron covered fist flashed over my head.

Seems like he took my martial arts comment to heart.

I punched upwards to hist face but moved slightly.

As we continued to exchange blows I tried to kick his face but he put up his arm to block.

Sadly for him I tried some Brazilian martial arts.

[Brazilian kick]

My leg swirved over his arm and to his head and slammed down.


Welt's head got buried into the ground from the sheer force, usually this would be anough to knock him out but he managed to reinforce his head with honkai energy before I made impact, lessening the damage.

I stomped the place were he was buried but he managed to remove himself before I curve stomped him causing the floor to crack like a spider web.

"Damn it Otto you're going to kill me!" He yelled at me as he made distance between us.

"My bad, but do be careful next time. Always be ready to counter attacks even if you were in defence" I recommend, he could have easily dodged my attack and fought back but he only tough of defending, not what would happen after.

He seems annoyed but nodded, at least he is smart enough to take tips.

But my combat knowledge comes Anime so I wouldn't blame him if he doesn't take it seriously.

We continued to fight for a few more minutes but Anim- I mean combat knowledge and techniques are above him so I beat him.

Welt is smart, definitely could be smarter than me but what he lacks is creativity. His attacks are obvious and direct.

Well it's not like I'm any original since I can just copy stuff I watch from anime but in my defense-

If it works, it works

That's what matters.

"Alright then Welt take a break, Lavinia and Himeko your up" I said.

"Okay~" she said ij her usual cheery voice.

"Got it" Himeko nodded and walked over.

They both came to the field with both facing me.

Of course I'm not crazy enough to fight two Longinus wielders by myself just for training.

[Annihilation Maker]

From my shadow two monsters rised up.

The first one was a Gardevoir while the second one was a enderman.

Why though?

Becuase I want them both to have experience against different types of enemies.

Gardevoir has her psychic powers that include mind reading or at least surface thoughts.

And enderman have their speed and teleportation.

I've already put them both against physical and elemental type monsters so I wanted to get the out of their comfort Zone.

I could make something a little bit stronger like a weakened elder dragon from Monster Hunter but that would be overkill and we would call to much attention.

I'm quite happy that my Sacred Gear is [Annihilation Maker] since the only limit to it is your imagination. I also remember reading some fanfic called "Annihilation Maker in DxD" by Soul_caliber.

I liked the fanfic because he got pretty creative with how he would use Annihilation Maker, monsters in the shape of glasses that could give you x-ray and shit like that.

He could even make stands tough they couldn't be made in a spiritual form so that they would be invisible. He did some pretty nifty things.

Anyways, I looked over to Himeko and Lavinia who were having trouble with both Pokemon.

Himeko was trying to cover herself in flames to stop the teleporting enderman from punching her but that will cause her to burn out even faster, and the enderman's weakness is water so it's funny seeing her fight with the opposite.

And Lavinia wasn't having such a hard time with the Gardevoir, originally the Gardevoir was dodging all of her attacks due to reading Lavinias mind but it seems like she figured out how Gardevoir was reading her attacks and countered by blocking her psychic powers somehow, I can only guess magic.

That's good, I need them to become strong and to adapt to things they don't know. Especially since we live in the world of the supernatural.

I also need the training since I'm already planning on saving Gasper and Valerie.

Those two are way to valuable to fall into Rias or the Tepes factions hand.

And I'm sure they will both be happy to get out of that hell hole. The only problem is that I don't know we're they are, I know that it's in Romania in some castle but I don't know Wich one.

I've been researching about disappearances around those location and the one that has the most should be the one with the vampires.

If that doesn't work I'll just hunt down any vampires that I can find and interrogate them.


After a bit of training we came back to the orphanage, everyone was sweaty and full of dirt especially the girls.

Opening the door I was surprised that Ms. Scot was waiting for us.

"Hey Ms. Scot do you need something?" I asked.

"Yes sweetheart, today I got a war orphan into the orphanage. Originally he was going to be sent to one of the churches orphanages so that he could be turned into a Soilder but I didn't want him to become a tool after such a horrible experience" she explained.

I don't really have beef with any faction but one exception.

The church.

Those fuckers do a lot of horrible stuff in the name of 'god', truly corrupt to the core.

The only people that I would like from the faction is the angels as they are stupidly naive and have to much faith in their own people, this why they are able to get away with so much stuff.

"I see and you want me to help how?"

"I would like you to be friends with him and show him around, you are one of the. Children that I think could relate to him the most and the most mature" she responded.

Hmm I guess I could do it, who knows, maybe he could be the next Einstein and he smarter than me and welt.

It never hurt to make connections and I also pity the child.

"Alright I'll give him the tour" I accepted

"Thank you Otto, follow me he is waiting on my office" she said with a smile, we began to walk towards her office.

Once we got there she opened the door and we entered.

The boy was young man with blond hair, green eyes.

He looks kind of familiar.

"Now then, Otto this is Dulio Gesualdo" she introduced him.

The boy seemed nervous, can't balme him since he just got out of a war.

...wait did she say Dulio?

Like the weilder of Zenith Tempest, the second strongest Longinus just behind Tru Longinus?

Holy mother of God.

"Is something wrong Otto" Ms. Scots question Snaped me out of my stupor.

"No nothings wrong, in fact I'm great" kekekeke, keep bringing me Longinus welders straight to my lap Azza.

I ran up to the nervous boy and shook his hands enthusiasticly "hey Dulio my name is Otto Apocalypse, let's be friends" I said with my biggest smile.

"Really?" He seemed confused as to my enthusiasm.

"Yup let's be friends" my words seemed to have changed something in him as he looked at me with an equally enthusiastic smile"Yes let's be friends!"

"..." (Azza)

Ms. Scot definitely knows that I know something that she doesn't know.

But who cares!

I just cought myself a wild Zenith Tempest hahahahah!

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