Unduh Aplikasi
91.3% Fake Player / Chapter 42: The 9th World Champion Tournament

Bab 42: The 9th World Champion Tournament

She attacked with a rush of punches and kicks, but without her magic, they were nothing he couldn't handle. He parried and blocked every attack she threw at him, countering with fierce slashes. Cuts and lacerations marred her body, with blood leaking from the numerous wounds.

'This is getting annoying!'

She backstepped, using her footwork to give the illusion of her retreating to draw Shirou in. The second he stepped forward, her foot pivoted, and she rushed him.

He swung. However, she brought her body low and sped up, dodging his swing completely by running under it.

Behind him, she quickly turned around to attack his open back, only to be forced back by a crimson blur, hopping back a few paces.

"Tsk!" Volcánica clicked her tongue. The attack grazed her, blood trickling from the cut that ran along her cheek.

Shirou turned around, and in his hand was a Gáe Dearg. The moment she slipped past him, he switched Kanshou and Bakuya out with the cursed spear and swung in a reverse thrust.

His heterochromatic eyes watched her, his stance was firm and solid. So long as he controlled the tempo of the fight, she would be easy pickings. The magus was in no rush, so long as it meant victory in the end.

Volcánica gave him a look, her eyes narrowing and her countenance puckering in determination.

She bent her knees, her body and center of gravity lowering, and with a stomp, she charged right at him.

'A tackle!' His eyes narrowed.

It was a head-on tackle, but he didn't let that fool him.

His grip on the spear tightened in preparation, waiting for the right moment.

When it arrived, Volcánica had chosen to maintain her tackle with no switch-up, which made it easy for him to react. He attacked with a fast thrust, knowing that she would be too close and too late to evade the attack.

However, that was exactly what she had in mind.

Her hand shot into the path of Gáe Dearg. The Noble Phantasm pierced through her palm with little effort. But instead of backing off, she powered through, continuing her charge as her pierced hand ran down the weapon's shaft. With sheer determination, her hand found his, grabbing onto him before he could pull back.

With the distance between them closed, she swung with her other fist. Shirou blocked it, but that left him open as the lioness quickly returned the favor from earlier by retaliating with a headbutt of her own.

Shirou reeled.

He willed the stuck spear to disperse, recycling the prana to project Kanshou and Baukya back into his hands as he pushed to attack.

However, she wasn't done just yet.

Volcánica brought her bloody, punctured hand to her mouth and sucked in a mouthful of blood. She spat out a spray of blood, catching him off-guard.

He exclaimed in surprise as the blood hit his face, forcing his eyes to close. Even when blinded, his swing still carried through but missed.

He heard her footsteps and tracked her movement. He swung again, charting her position. His eyes peeked open, catching a glimpse of a shadow, only to be blinded once more as it clung to his head.

'Her coat!'

She unfashioned it and threw it, granting her a few more precious seconds.

Volcánica dropped to the ground, his slash missing her completely. Gyrating her body, she swung her leg, knocking him off his feet with a leg sweep.

Shirou fell on his back, and the magus felt her body pressed against his, her arms wiggling about.

With a twirl, he held Kanshou in a reverse grip and brought it down to stab her.

What happened next would leave the magus befuddled as he felt the body on top of him twist and turn, and the next thing he knew, he felt his body being flipped over.

The cape flew off, no longer inhibiting his sight.

The magus landed back on his back, caught in her technique, which looked to be a combination of an armbar and a triangle choke hold. Her well-toned legs wrapped around both his arm and neck, and her thighs pinned his head against his shoulder between them in a vice-like grip. The Granat used her taller height to her advantage, using all of her body and weight to hold him down and to pull on his arm to its limit and beyond.

'She knows how to grapple?!'

Shirou struggled, trying to free himself, but her hold on him was practically absolute.

"Enjoying the touch, loverboy~?" She purred, putting on the pressure.

Her only response from the magus was a strangled choke as she tightened her hold on him, her thighs squishing his head between them and forcing his shoulder to press further against his cheek. The feeling was unbearably uncomfortable.

However, that was nothing compared to the strain that emanated from his arm.

He could feel his ligaments straining and tearing and his elbow joint buckling upwards. Any more, and the bone would dislocate or fracture entirely.

Reinforcement helped to mitigate some of the damage, but it was merely a stopgap. Shirou needed to escape her submission hold before she tore his arm off. He couldn't swing his swords due to their locked position, so he settled for a riskier alternative.

A pulse of prana flared above them, condensing into projections that fired down upon them. Explosions rocked the area, catching both of them in the splash zone. He lowered their yield, but they were powerful enough to make any normal Player react.

However, Volcánica wasn't any ordinary Player.

"Don't think I'll be letting you go that easily." She quipped, still holding on. "Most people would kill to have their heads sandwiched between a lady's lovely thighs. So sit back and enjoy the experience!"

Volcánica pulled hard, his muscles snapping and his elbow bending upward with a loud, scraping crack that reverberated across the entire forest.

"OOOH! THAT SOUNDS LIKE IT HURTS!" Bob cringed in sympathy.

The painful sound earned many winces from the audience, especially those from Ainz Ooal Gown.

White, hot pain shot across his arm, as if molten lava were flowing through his veins, spreading throughout his entire body. He couldn't even scream; his teeth gritted together with such force that he feared they might break.

Black spots slowly dotted his vision as he struggled to breathe.

He didn't know if being rendered unconscious counted towards a loss, but he wasn't going to lie there to find out.

Another pulse of prana filled the air with projections once more.

'Again?' She thought, tightening her hold and bracing herself.

Instead of firing at them, the traced Noble Phantasms fell upon the limb of the branch that connected it to the tree. With a loud, splintering crack, the branch snapped, sending both of them plummeting to the ground.

Shirou expected her to let go of him, only for the opposite to happen.

Her hold loosened from the surprise, allowing him some room to breathe. He freed his fractured arm from her grasp, but she wouldn't be letting go of him that easily. She proved herself to be quite the nimble acrobatic as she used her legs that were still wrapped around his neck as a fulcrum to swing her body around. Her body writhed around his, similar to a snake coiling itself on a tree branch. She ended up behind him, an arm locked around his neck as she hugged his back.

Shirou found it extremely incredulous that she was still trying to choke him out despite their shared predicament.

Volcánica clung to him, screaming as they fell, but it was not a scream of fear or shock, but one of childish laughter and excitement.

It was made very apparent that she wasn't going to let go, so he prepared another solution before they went splat against the rapidly approaching ground.

He projected a sword next to them. But instead of firing it, he detonated the projection immediately, knocking them off course.

The two slammed into one of the nearby trees, with Volcánica's back taking the brunt of the slam. They ricocheted off the tree's rough bark and careened towards another one. This time, it was Shirou who bore the brunt of the collision, his side slamming hard against the tree's trunk.

The two Players continued their freefall, colliding with tree after tree.

Despite Shirou's quick thinking, which helped to bleed off a majority of the momentum of their fall, it was a gauche maneuver at best, and they still dropped from a dizzying height.

The two Players hit the ground hard, their bodies bouncing before separating in the air.

They fell back to the earth with a thud. There they lay on the grassy ground, their bodies wracked with pain as they tried to catch their breath, recovering from the great fall.

He could feel Avalon kicking in, the golden sheath knitting the worst of his internal injuries and broken bones immediately. Using Draupnir, he healed himself fully with [Sacred Twilight].

His hand clutched his chest, right over his heart. He could feel it pounding away, beating at his chest. He quickly used his breathing techniques to get it under control.

While Shirou was trying to keep his heart from exploding from how fast it was beating, Volcánica had a drastically different reaction of her own.

"T-tthat… was… AWESOME!" She punched the air with both her arms, her enjoyment heard even through her rapid, breathless pants. "Again! Let's do that again!"

Volcánica let out a chaotic belly laugh, as if she had just experienced the most exhilarating rollercoaster ride in the world.

Shirou rolled over and looked at her incredulously. She was like an adrenaline junkie and a daredevil rolled into one and cranked up to eleven.

"Where in all the nine realms did Zelretch even find you?" Shirou blurted out, unable to hold back the question and curiosity.

"What's the matter, too much for ya to handle?" She quipped, remaining on her back as she tilted her head back to look at him upside down.

A temporary reprieve settled over the forest as both Players caught their breaths.

"I find it hard to believe that someone like you would go completely unheard of until today."

"Well, considering I only started playing this game about a month and a half ago, I reckon that might be it." She snarked.

A short pause rang out.

"You've been playing YGGDRASIL for less than two months?" He asked in a low tone.

"Yup~" She said, smacking her lip and popping the 'p' sound at the end.

The Catfolk Player rolled over, slowly and steadily getting back up to her feet. Bright, healing flames washed over her body. With Gáe Dearg's effect no longer active, she could call upon her fire magic once again.

"I saw an advertisement for the game and thought, why the hell not? Didn't like it as much in the beginning, but once you figured it out, it started to get fun." She casually chatted, stretching her limbs cat-like and cracking her bones with a satisfactory pop. "I fooled around for a bit before getting bored. Honestly, if it weren't for the tournament invite, I think I might've just quit YGGDRASIL and tried out another game. Playing an MMO-RPG all by yourself gets boring after a while. Still looking for a clan or guild to join though…" She muttered, trailing off.

Another pause rang out.

A gentle breeze rolled over the field, encapsulating the quiet disbelief that Shirou and everyone else watching felt at that moment.

She looked over, blinking at the look on Shirou's face.

"What, did I say something weird?" She inquired genuinely.

YGGDRASIL was notorious for being a game that wasn't beginner-friendly. It was marketed with that premise alone, and that was the main appeal that drew people in.

For new Players, the game was unforgiving and challenging, requiring a significant amount of trial and error to learn the mechanics and gameplay. However, the process of learning was expedited by interacting with other Players and engaging in gameplay, which allowed for a more immersive experience and a better understanding of the game's intricacies.

Adversity brought people together, after all. That was how friends were made, clans and alliances formed, and guilds reigned supreme. Along with other external factors.

It wasn't strictly impossible to stick to being a solo Player, merely more risky. Without the support of a clan or guild, or even a party of friends to call upon, any solo Player would have to brave the dangers of the game alone. Whether it was navigating treacherous dungeons, battling ferocious mobs and bosses, or even defending oneself against other Players and PKers, going it alone was a recipe for disaster.

Everyone watching could only speculate on what she'd done, how she played, or even where she grinded and leveled up to end up where she was now within that short month and a half time of playing.

However, a singular fact remained:

Volcánica, in such a short time, through her own skills and merits alone, left such an impression that it caught the eye of the developers that they selected her to be one of the contestants in the final World Champion Tournament alongside a roster of equally skilled and veteran Players.

To say that this was unprecedented would be an understatement to end all understatements.

"You're a monster, do you know that?" Shirou said suddenly and wholeheartedly.

Volcánica giggled with a playful demure, her tail wagging with delight at his honesty.

"Careful, Tiger. You're going to make a girl blush with those compliments."

A gentle breeze blew over the field as the two Players basked in the tranquil silence.

And then the two burst into action, resuming the match.

Shirou took off running, with Volcánica already hot on his heels.

Flames erupted from her feet, allowing her to take to the air.

"[Burning Knuckle Cataclysm: Barrage]!"

Using the empowered skill, each one of her punches produced a concentrated blast of flame.

She circled him from above, unleashing a barrage of punches and blasts. Each one scorched the land, kicking up a small explosion and leaving pockets of flames across the grassland.

Smoke and flames clouded the field, reducing the visibility of her opponent. Even then, she didn't let up for a second.

From the veil of flames, Shirou reappeared, wielding a large, golden shield.

She observed him blocking one of her punch-blasts, the shield seemingly absorbing the flames of her attack.

After tanking several more of her attacks, the shield glowed a radiant, burning golden hue.

Shirou reared back and threw the shield at her, orange and red flames jettisoning along the shield's edge like blades as it cut through the air.

The blazing disk arced towards her at great speed and with deadly precision.

Volcánica clenched her fist as the shield drew closer, and once it was in range, she punched it head-on.

In a sudden and violent outburst, Svalinn erupted into a massive conflagration of flames. While she didn't take much damage health-wise due to her inherent resistance to fire damage of any kind, it exploded with a force far greater than any of his projections shown before and took her completely by surprise.

The sheer force of the blast sent the Feline Player hurtling through the air, her body careening wildly through the treetops and smashing mercilessly into branches and tree limbs. She collided with the thick trunk of a tree, buried inside it.

Shirou ran the moment he threw Svalinn, already knowing how she'd react and mentally calculating how long it'd take for her to recover. He darted across the grassland, his sight focused in front of him, towards his destination in the distance.

Blackened smoke spewed from the hole in the tree. Suddenly, an arm reached out and grabbed onto the edge, slowly pulling the body out.

"A shield that explodes? You have all kinds of goodies hidden away, don't you, Emiya-kun~?"

Freeing herself, she took to the air once more and gave chase.

Shirou's feet pounded against the earth as he ran, his surroundings blurring into a hazy streak as he focused all his energy on running. The trees that had once towered over him began to thin out, and he could feel the cool breeze from the open air on his face. Soon, he burst through the final line of foliage, having reached the edge of the massive forest.

What awaited him was an expansive and idyllic plain that stretched far and wide. Of note was the massive lake that lay in front of him, exactly as he had hoped in the beginning.

As Shirou took in the position of the lake, the treetop, and the spanning branches of the forest behind him, his mind raced, formulating a strategy to bring the match to a close.

Volcánica blasted out of the forest and hovered high in the air, her periwinkle eyes sweeping the open landscape for signs of her opponent.

However, she couldn't find neither hide nor hair of him.

"Come out, come out wherever you are ~" She called out in a sing-song voice, her eyes scanning the area.

There was nowhere for him to hide, and he couldn't have run far, not to the point of disappearing completely.

So where was he…?

Her ears twitched. She instantly moved to the side, dodging a flying sword that cut through the air.

She turned around, looking back at the treetops.

There, she could make out glints of light from the branches as swords were fired in a straight volley toward her.

"There you are."

She blasted towards the branches, dodging or punching the swords that came her way away with ease. Her keen eyes caught a flicker, a shadowy silhouette moving swiftly along the branches of the tree line.

She blasted upwards, rising higher than the trees themselves.

"[Flare Blitz]!"

Fire wrapped around her body, forming a condensed sphere of raging flames.

She descended, bursting through the canopy from above like a great fireball, and smashed down, sending waves of fire emanating outwards from the point of impact.

The Granat hit her target…

Or at least, what she thought was him.

"What the hell?!" She exclaimed incredulously.

Under her feet were the melted and warped forms of a clump of swords.

From her blind spot, he appeared, having hidden behind one of the trees until the right moment.

The magus took some inspiration from Warrior Takemikazuchi's maneuver in his first match. Having a head start, he retreated up to the branches and traced several basic swords in preparation, as well as tracing a few more swords to form the vague approximation of a stick figure.

When she appeared, he fired his initial projections and made the stick figure "run" across the branches. The shade cast by the trees helped to obscure it further, baiting her in knowing her aggressive play style.

She turned, and all she saw was a pink blur filling her vision.

He swung his fist, wielding Yamako's gauntlet: [Female Sensei's Iron Fist of Wrath].

Shirou scored a direct hit, her body flying backward and out of the forest thanks to the gauntlet's [Knockback] ability.

Volcánica fought to recover, only for her arms to be bound to her side as steel chains materialized, wrapping around her body.

The instant [Female Sensei's Iron Fist of Wrath] made contact and [Knockback] was applied, Shirou dismissed the gauntlets, attaching the tether of prana to her and recycling it to form Rider's chain, as well as tracing an additional weapon.

On one end of the chain was Volcánica, constricted and immobilized. On the other end was a massive, weighty-looking obtuse stone hammer, with the chain wrapping around its handle.

A hammer that was flying towards the lake.

Their eyes met, and for the first time in the entire tournament, her confidence gave way to shock and alarm.

"You sneaking, little fffuuuuuuccccc—!"

Her body jerked violently, being pulled along for the ride as her screams and curses grew fainter.

The lake's surface, which shimmered in the sunlight like a sheet of polished glass, shattered and rippled upon impact.

The heavy hammer sank, dragging Volcánica with it into the deep, watery depths. Her flames ignited and flared with renewed fervor, only to sputter under the aquatic pressure.

She screamed, but all that came out was a gargled noise as water filled her mouth and lungs. Her thrashing intensified, but the chains held, and the deeper she sank, the harder it was to escape.

Bubbles and steam frothed along the lake's surface, with many at first, before dwindling.

Shirou let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping with a sense of relief.

He turned around, his eyes closing as he awaited the commentator's call to end the match.

Only for every single hair on the back of his neck to stand up straight in an instant and his instinct went into overdrive, blaring its warning.

A fraction of a second later, a colossal pillar of flames exploded from the lake, reaching towards the heavens above.

His head snapped back around so quickly that it was a surprise that he didn't suffer any whiplash from the abruptness of the action.

He brought up his arm to shield himself as a searing heat wave radiated forth, washing over him and the forest. Where once the air was cool and wet, it completely evaporated, leaving only an arid dryness. Next came the tidal wave of hot, hissing steam that expanded outward in all directions, blanking the surrounding area.

Standing on top of the branches, he had a clear view of the entire lake and its immediate surroundings.

Where once a pristine and great reservoir of water rested, a massive dry lake bed remained. The surrounding grass dried and wilted, catching fire that quickly spread into something more destructive.

His heterochromatic eyes wandered, searching for Volcánica. He wouldn't need to search for long.

His ears twitched, catching a faint sound.

It started low at first, gradually building by the second until it became recognizable. A chuckle that grew into a loud, cackling laughter.

A heatwave pulsated from the lake, dispersing the thick fog of steam and revealing Volcánica to be alive and well. Better than that, she was invigorated.

"It would seem that this match is far from over. How will Emiya deal with such a development?" The commentary from Sam added.

Shirou's eyes widened at the sight before him, a reaction shared by all watching the sudden reveal.

His nose twitched, his head turning away from the overpowering scent of fire and mana that she radiated.

It wasn't like before, when she was simply wreathed in fire magic. Now, it seemed as though her very being was comprised of fire.

Her body was fire-like, composed wholly of incandescent orange-crimson flames that glowed and burned as brightly as a miniature sun. A wide and joyous grin stretched across her face, mirroring the brilliance of her fiery aura.

"What the hell is that?!" Peroroncino exclaimed, jumping to his feet and pointing a talon at the holographic screens.

All of Ainz Ooal Gown thought the same. Just when they thought the match was over, she revealed an ace up her sleeve.

"Shit… This ain't good…" Warrior Takemikazuchi muttered to himself, leaning against a wall. His relief for his friend's victory turned into apprehension at the massive hurdle before him.

'Has she been hiding that this entire time?' Touch Me wondered, sitting up straight in his seat.

It was clear to everyone that this new form of hers was different and unique. This was her trump card, her ultimate skill. One that she kept close to her chest until now.

This sudden development had the audience and viewers speculating. It was an unexpected development, especially considering the lioness's well-known fiery and impulsive personality. The fact that she had been keeping such a powerful trump card hidden until this point was both strategic but also out of character for her. Others were of the mindset that it was completely deliberate, saved for a crucial moment of need. Many more had their own separate opinions circulating through the crowd.

However, the reality was simpler than one might expect. The simple truth was that she didn't feel the need to use it.

None had pushed her this far. None had provided her with a challenge to make her feel threatened. And none had given her greater enjoyment.

None but him.

[Promēthean Incarnatus].

A unique skill that belonged exclusively to her class and build, and one she happened upon by complete chance.

When Volcánica first started playing YGGDRASIL, she had no guides or help in how she should play. She simply spec'd her job classes according to her whims and what she found enjoyable. Concepts such as viability, min-maxing, and optimization were of little importance to her. All that she cared about was having fun; after all, wasn't that the purpose of playing a video game?

She played, she fought, she died, she experimented and she played some more.

Her dedication would be rewarded upon reaching level 95, where she unlocked a rare job class: [Solus]. By reaching level 100 and distributing her remaining five levels into the job class, she unlocked the job class's ultimate skill: [Promēthean Incarnatus].

"You sure know how to show a girl a good time!" She shouted. "Come on, let's turn up the heat!"

Volcánica kicked off and covered half the distance between them within a blink, her arm rearing back for a punch.

He jumped off the branch without a moment's hesitation, uncaring of the great height.

She punched, and a ray of pure destructive flames lanced forth from her fist.

Unlike the punch-blasts of earlier, this one didn't burn with great intensity so much as it vaporized everything in its path.

An entire section of the treeline was gone, leaving a gaping hole along the treetop. Not even a trace of ash remained.

Shirou almost couldn't believe his eyes at such destructive power.

He projected Rider's chain once more. The nail shot out, impaling a nearby tree as he controlled his fall.

Volcánica kicked the air, catching up to him. She punched again, firing another burning ray.

Shirou pulled on the chain, changing his course to dodge the blast as it barreled through several trees along its path, leaving a massive wound within the giant trees. Her attack felled many trees, their sturdy trunks tipping as they crashed against the ground with a thunderous tremor.

She swung again and again, unleashing a flurry of punches. Her punches were wild, but that made them no less dangerous, as her blasts destroyed the landscape.

Shirou traced another copy of Svalinn, blocking one of her punch-blasts.

He defended against the attack, but the chains were vaporized, leaving him to fall the rest of the way down.

Thankfully, it was only a dozen or so meters, and he landed without much issue.

However, he couldn't afford to relax just yet.

Volcánica was directly above him and punched downward.

The magus brought up Svalinn. He blocked the attack, dropping to one knee under the force of the blow.

The golden shield was hot to the touch, with small cracks developing along its surface and leaking flames.

'Two direct hits and it was already at its limit…'

He quickly threw the shield at her.

She didn't bother reacting, let alone dodge, as the golden shield made contact. A great, fiery explosion consumed her, and just as quickly, it parted.

She showed no sign of damage. If anything, it seemed as if she absorbed the heat, her flames glowing brighter in intensity.

She descended, crashing down to the ground like a blazing meteor. A pulsing shockwave of flames blasted out, knocking him off his feet.

Shirou tumbled and rolled, recovering mid-roll and coming to one knee.

His breaths were labored and the air had grown hot and thick, making it difficult to breathe.

The once lush and tropical forest was now a scorching landscape, with pockets of wildfire spreading and rising all around them.

She strode forward, the fire all around her swirling and dancing at her beck and call.

"C'mon! I know you're better than this! This is all I've got, so it's only fair for you to show the same!" She roared, her untamed smirk demanding more.

"Bring out that massive sword-axe, those spiral sword arrows, or the twilight greatsword. Bring any of them! Bring all of them! I know you're nowhere near done. So bring it on and let's rumble to our hearts' content!"

The flames around them raged, matching her intensity and desire for battle.

Shirou's head tilted downward, his hood shadowing his face.

Volcánica's perpetual grin faltered for a moment, a flicker of worry showing at the downcast head that hid his true expression from both her and the world watching.

Shirou's thoughts raced, taking stock of everything - from his condition, strength, and resources left to him, while also musing over how he could win the match now. His mind was a whirlwind of ideas, with countless plans being generated and discarded within the span of a fraction of a second within his head.

Shirou had meticulously observed her matches, analyzing his opponent's fighting style, strengths, and weaknesses, and had devised several strategies and contingencies leading up to their match. However, they were all predicated on the feats and abilities that she had demonstrated. This new, powered-up form of hers, which she'd shown no hints or inkling of possessing, caught him completely off-guard.

In that regard, the fault lies solely with him. This was the World Champion Tournament after all. It shouldn't have come as a surprise that every contestant, Shirou included, had a secret weapon or two hidden away. It was expected even.

It was foolish of him to think that Volcánica would be the outlier.

'Unpreparedness is your greatest foe.' Shirou remembered the proverb, a favorite of a certain Death Vine. 'Momonga-san and Punitto Moe-san would be so disappointed in me.' He chuckled ruefully, finding a strange sense of humor despite the situation.

While he could think of several options off the top of his head that could contend with her, he couldn't see any immediate routes available to prevail against her.

There was still much he didn't know about her ultimate skill. Her new form's strength, capabilities, and even duration were all shrouded in mystery.

And, even if she were to stand there and allow him to trace whatever he needed, there was no guarantee that she'd just remain idle and allow him to defeat her so readily.

A battle junkie she may be, but she was still very much in it to win.

For the briefest of moments, a looming sense of defeat crept up and hung over him.

'I'll have to leave it to Takemikazuchi-san to finish it…'

His mind quickly wandered, rationalizing the best course of action to take. He needed to push her to the limits of her new form and force her to reveal her strengths and abilities, as well as any potentially exploitable weaknesses. Any detail he could glean would be vital in providing the Nephilim samurai with any advantage he could for when they fight in the final match of the tournament.

As resignation closed in around him, in that moment as well, he remembered something.

"If you're losing at a game, then simply change the game."

His eyes briefly widened.


A memory replayed in his head. A few years ago, the Brain Eater challenged him to a game of chess. It was a best-of-three match, with Tabula taking the first match and Shirou taking the second. For much of the third match, they remained even. As the game progressed, it was slowly looking like it would end with the magus taking the win. Only for Tabula to casually upend the board, abruptly ending the final match.

The two guild members sat across from one another. A table separated the two, with the chessboard in the middle being turned over.

Shirou looked to the side, where the black and white chess pieces littered the floor.

He looked back up to Tabula, who sat with one leg crossed over the other and with his gangly webbed fingers steepled and resting on his knee.

"Well, would you look at that? It seems like it's a tie." He said.

Shirou couldn't help but chortle.

"You still lost." He argued.

"That would say otherwise."

Tabula pointed to the ground, where the two king pieces lay.

"And correct me if I'm wrong, but if the king is tipped over, that means forfeiture. And seeing as how both of our kings are knocked over..."

The virtual magus snorted.

"You only did that because you were losing."

Tabula casually shrugged while remaining poised in his seat, not even bothering to deny the accusation.

"Never took you to be a sore loser, Tabula-san." Shirou jested.

"I didn't lose, Emiya-san. I simply didn't win. And neither did you." Tabula amended, holding his pale head high with a hint of playful arrogance.

"If you're losing at a game, then simply change the game."

Shirou found himself silent, musing over his words.

The Eldritch Heteromorph stood up from his seat.

"So, want to go on some dungeon raiding?" He asked.

Shirou spared one more glance towards the fallen chess pieces. He shook his head, chuckling softly.

"Sure, why the heck not?" He stood up, joining his friend. "Let's see if any of the others want to join in."

Winning and losing were two sides of the same coin.

Contextually, they were one and the same, but there was a difference between "I want to win." and "I refuse to lose."

All his life, he has fought. He'd fought and won, but he'd also fought and lost, and he would continue to fight and struggle ceaselessly.

Shirou wanted to win the tournament and earn the Saber Class card, not because he doubted Warrior Takemikazuchi's skill and capability, nor because he feared someone else getting it instead.

It was as Zelretch said: "...does that mean you admit you're okay with the idea of losing then?"

No, he wasn't.

Shirou wanted to win because he was selfish, and because of that, he refused to concede to anyone.

Not then, not ever, and certainly not now!

Shirou wobbly stood back up, his head rising, and fixed his opponent with a selfish, resolute gaze.

"Atta'boy~" Volcánica let out a hungry purr. Her tongue licked her lips in approval, matching him with her own smoldering gaze.

"If you're losing at a game, then simply change the game." The quote repeated itself once more.

Shirou knew that neither the conventional nor even the unorthodox would be enough to beat her.

If he continued fighting as normal, that would only play in her favor.

No. What he needed was to change the game - make Volcánica play by his rules.

And to do that, he needed to flip the board.

In that moment, his Mind's Eyes formulated and provided him with such a strategy.

One that took a page from Warrior Takemikazuchi's crazy book that would make the Heteromorphic samurai weep proud tears in pride.

A plan so mind-bogglingly ridiculous that not even someone like Volcánica could account for it.

And he had just the Noble Phantasm in mind.

Of course, whether or not it would work was very much up in the air.

'Only one way to find out.'

"You want everything I've got, then consider it brought!"

His magic circuits illuminated, igniting all across his body.

"I am the bone of my sword!" He incanted.

A wave of prana surged forth from his body as he called upon everything he had left. Wild and untamed arcs of brilliant neon prana flared all around the magus, creating a dazzling display of power.

Volcánica's wide grin turned practically feral at the sight before her, her eyes alight with eagerness.

His arms reached forth, his fingers curling as the surge of prana was channeled. He grasped the untamed energy and, with a mighty roar, willed the weapon into reality as he slammed the butt of the weapon against the ground.

Shirou panted laboriously. Perspiration wreaked havoc on his face and neck. The glow of his magic circuits dimmed and hissed as wisps of heat and steam flowed from his body. Fatigue gripped him, yet he still held on.

For a moment there, he was worried that he wouldn't be able to trace it, but he had just enough MP left to manage it.

Step one was completed; now it was onto step two.

Periwinkle eyes wandered, evaluating the weapon and taking in every detail.

It was a spear; that much was certain. It was a long, almost ornate spear that possessed an exquisite appearance and exuded an air of opulence. Its golden shaft extended, with its unique circular guard possessing a distinctive marking that gave the appearance of a singular, all-knowing eye. The spear possessed a distinctively sharp and brilliant electrifying-pink speartip as the center, with jet-black blades curved on both sides.

She hadn't seen this weapon before, and that only added to the thrill.

However, for a certain crustacean blacksmith, the weapon's appearance scratched at his noggin.

"Huh… That looks familiar…" Amanomahitotsu muttered under his breath, one of his hands rubbing his chin. His eyes narrowed behind his goggles, scrutinizing the spear to try and remember it.

Shirou pulled his arm back, bringing the weighty spear to bear for a throw.

Volcánica's entire fiery form was vibrating. Her battle lust and excitement reached a fever's peak, and her eyes shone with anticipation. However, she didn't make a move, no matter how much she wanted to. She hungered for a glimpse of the mysterious weapon's true power, eager to meet it head-on and test her strength against it. Her heart thundered with anticipation as she waited for the first move, eager to see who would emerge victorious in this fiery clash.

With great effort, he reared back and threw the spear with his strength.

Instead of throwing it at his opponent, however, the Fake Player threw it upwards.

Her eyes tracked the spear, watching it as it sailed through the air and continued before disappearing above the leaves and foliage.

{1… 2… 3… 4…}

She stood, rooted in place, for a solid second. She blinked, wondering and waiting to see what would happen next.

Nothing happened.

She blinked again, her body slumping a fraction. Much of her initial excitement and battle lust dimmed, doused as if someone threw water onto a bonfire.

Volcánica turned back to look at Shirou. Her brows knitted tightly together, and her grin puckered into a confused frown.

"Hey! What the hell was… that?" She trailed off.

Shirou was gone, or rather, he was running away.

{...12… 13… 14… 15…}

Again she waited.

And again, nothing happened.

A sense of growing disappointment swelled within her.

What she thought would be a great and epic clash fell completely flat on its face.

She stomped forward, but not before craning her back up to the treeline from where the spear disappeared above, watching and waiting for something, anything, to happen.

Once more, nothing.

{...21… 22… 23…}

A blast of flames from her feet propelled her forward as she chased after her quarry.

Her eyes locked onto him as she closed in, unleashing a barrage of fiery punches from above.

He dodged the beams, relying solely on his speed and agility to avoid the attacks.

As she continued raining down punches, something else became apparent. Rather than mounting a defense or launching a counterattack, he was focused solely on avoiding her strikes.

Or perhaps it was more prudent; that was all he could do.

{...29… 30… 31…}

'Don't tell me he blew his entire load just to make that…'

Her frown deepened.

A burst of flames granted her increased speed, allowing her to appear right beside him. Shirou turned to face her as she punched, her punch-blast consuming him completely within its fiery embrace. A brief silhouette could be seen falling and tumbling back within the blast.

"Huh?" She involuntarily let out.

He survived, but more than that, she was surprised by the relatively low damage taken from her punch-blast.

{...37… 38… 39… 40...}

As she fixed her eyes on him, she noticed sparks crackling and popping around him like fireworks. The air around him shimmered, as if he was wrapped in a spectral shroud with a scale-like texture. One of his rings glowed a brilliant shade of emerald before the light dulled, returning to its inert state.

'That was close...' Shirou internally sighed.

Before their match, Shirou used the one-item substitution ruling to swap one of his rings for the one he just used.

The ring possessed a simple, golden band with a finely cut emerald at its base. It was a Divine class item that possessed the ability: [Salamander Shroud]. With [Salamander Shroud], the wearer could effectively reduce any fire-based attack by a staggering 80%, regardless of the attack's strength or tier.

While extremely useful, it comes with two caveats. The first was that he had only three usages, with it now down to two. Secondly, there was a 25-second cooldown before he could activate the ring's power again.

Shirou ran. Ahead of him was an old and decrepit log — the corpse of a once gigantic tree that fell.

{...49… 50… 51…}

Volcánica stood there for a second, observing him. Her mind turned, trying to make sense of his course of action. Dodging her attacks, she could understand, but running towards the fallen tree, he was practically heading towards a dead end.

Nevertheless, she blasted after him. She punched, firing a blast from behind just as he reached the gargantuan log.


Using Draupnir, he used the spell to dodge the attack. [Blink] was a 3rd tier spell and functioned exactly like [Teleportation], albeit shorter in range and distance.

Shirou blinked upwards, dodging the burning blast as it bore a hole through the log. He gripped the bark, pulling himself up and over.

She caught up quickly, reaching the log with her right leg rearing back as flames and energy concentrated on the lower limb. With a mighty kick, she sent the fallen tree flying.

With the obstruction removed, she scanned the area for where Shirou might run off too, only to find him dashing in. After climbing over, he hung back and waited for the right moment. In his hands was a large branch that he had snagged, wielding it like a club.

He swung, aiming for her face.

Volcánica didn't bother blocking or reacting as the branch smashed against her cheek and splintered into pieces before combusting into flames.

{...62… 63… 64… 65...}

She swung with an uppercut, but Shirou avoided it by jumping back.

He threw what remained of the branch at her.

She casually backhanded it, smashing and splintering it into tiny pieces before quickly burning.

This had the intended effect of acting as a distraction and cover, as her vision was momentarily filled by the burning splinters.

Shirou closed the distance, striking back for the first time with a brazen punch that landed against her cheek.

While surprised, she was unimpressed.

The punch had no power or strength behind it, not enough to where it could hurt her while in her powered-up state. If anything, he was only hurting himself.

His fist reared back with burns along the skin, his face twitching with a wince. Yet he persevered, throwing another punch with his other fist.

Volcánica returned the gesture with a punch of her own. Shirou brought up his hands to defend, but he was still knocked back a few meters, falling onto his back.

"Is this really it?" She wondered aloud, feeling a twinge of disappointment and sadness.

{...72... 73... 74...}

She walked forward, her steps casual and measured, as she watched the virtual magus slowly recover.

His fingers gripped the soil beneath him, grabbing a handful. Once she got close enough, he threw the clump at her, aiming to throw dirt in her eyes.

It didn't even get close, as it burned up due to her fiery aura.

Once again, Shirou attacked her head-on, this time with a roundhouse kick to the face.

{...80... 81... 82...}

Again, no reaction.

He swung around for another kick, but this time, Volcánica's hand grabbed his leg mid-air. With a casual tug, she effortlessly pulled him off his feet and threw him. He landed a few meters back and rolled, clutching his side.

'This ain't fun anymore…' The lioness bemoaned to herself.

Any normal Player would find enjoyment in lording over a weakened and defeated opponent, but for Volcánica, all that she derived from this was dissatisfaction.

Their match could hardly be called a fight anymore. It was like a toddler going up against an adult. It wasn't fair, let alone fun, and that ruined her vibes with regards to their climatic match and finale that she envisioned.

{...93... 94... 95...}

Volcánica blinked, dragging herself back from her thoughts and back to reality.

While the fiery Catfolk was internally moping, the magus recovered and ran.

She blasted after him and caught up yet again. She punched, firing her burning beam point blank.

A repeat occurred, with Shirou using [Salamander Shroud] to protect against the punch-blast.

Shirou staggered, tumbling and rolling against the harsh ground. He reached out, grabbing a hold of a rock and throwing it at her.

Volcánica caught it easily and crushed it within her palm.

If nothing else, he was persistent. She would give him that much.

Shirou was on the ground, his forearm pressing against the earth, supporting him. He tried to stand back up, but his legs shook and buckled.

He remained on his arms and knees as Volcánica walked up to him. His forehead pressed against the ground, and the sound of his labored pants echoed across the burning forest.

{...100… 101… 102…}

"Not going to lie, I'm a bit let down." She said. "Compared to how all your previous matches ended, this one is a major flop. I don't know whether to be mad or just sad."

Her words trailed off, a weak grunt escaping her lips.

She loomed over him, her gaze fixed on him, waiting to see if he would say or do anything.

Shirou remained silent.

{...106… 107… 108…}

"Still…" She said, her voice filled with a mix of regret and satisfaction, "It was fun while it lasted. I had one hell of a time, and I don't regret it. So I can't bitch and complain too much about that."

She slowly raised her arm, her hand clenched into a fist. The flames glowed with greater intensity as she readied the final attack.

{...111… 112… 113…}

"So, any last word?"

Despite the lackluster finale she found herself in, she enjoyed their match for all that it was worth and had her fill. Out of respect for the Player in front of her, she would allow him his final say before bringing their match to an end.

Silence reigned for a few more seconds.

{...116… 117…}

Shirou said nothing.

She readied her fist, figuring that would be it.


"Only… two…" He gasped out, her fist jerking to a halt immediately.


She waited, and that would be her mistake.

"...Time's up."


She raised a brow.

Out of nowhere, the world above them exploded into noise with an ear-piercing reverb boom. The once serene blue sky was dyed in apocalyptic crimson.

Her head snapped to the sky, her attack forgotten as her eyes widened at the change.

The shockwave blew away the treetops, granting clear sight of the cataclysmic view. It was as if a second, great, angry sun appeared high above them. The thunderous crackle of crimson lighting echoed across the realm as the ardent flames spread and intensified, encompassing the entire sky.

"What in the actual FUCK is that?!" She yelled, taken completely aback.

'When did he—?!'

It took her half a second before she remembered, and it clicked in her head.

'The spear…!'

"NO WAY!" Amanomahitotsu exclaimed at the top of his lungs, jumping up from his seat to his feet. His outburst surprised his guildmates, making them jump in their seats. "He managed to get that to work?!"

The moment he laid eyes on the spear, the Heteromorphic blacksmith racked his brain, scouring his memories to remember the weapon. It was only after seeing it active that he finally remembered. The voices of his friends fell on deaf ears as he stood there, his eyes locked on the holographic screens in disbelief and awe.

Shirou was momentarily forgotten as Volcánica's attention was captured solely by the burning skies. He stood up, his gaze resting at the center of the phenomenon, where he could just make out the form of the spear.

'Vasavi Shakti…'

Like nearly all of his YGGDRASIL-made Noble Phantasm, the creation of [Vasavi Shakti] came about from him learning of it - in this case, similarly with the Trap of Argalia - from reading about the Great Holy Grail War and being intrigued by it. The project was a collaborative effort, involving Amanomahitotsu and Ancient One, and their help and expertise would prove invaluable.

However, reproducing the legendary divine spear of the Hero of Charity in YGGDRASIL proved to be a far greater undertaking than the magus initially thought.

While Players had carte blanche to make and design weapons with any ability of their choosing, that didn't mean it would come easily. Finding high-tier Data Crystals and materials was but one of many hurdles in the Players' path. Additionally, several checks and balances were put in place to prevent Players from crafting weapons or items that would be considered too powerful and busted. After all, if there wasn't any restriction, then everyone would be running around trying to make World Item-tier weapons like [Longinus] or [World Savior] with none of the downsides or portal Guild Weapons.

Shirou couldn't count the number of times he and his friends needed to compromise or change something due to a major stipulation or required a workaround to continue.

A part of him still couldn't quite believe that they managed to get down in the end.

But while his projection may bear the name and image of the divine weapon, there was nothing truly divine about it. To even call it a copy would be an insult to the Divine Construct.

Even with all of YGGDRASIL's mechanics and customizability at his disposal, his [Vasavi Shakti] was nowhere near as powerful as the original wielded by the great Indian Heroic Spirit. Despite not being able to match the original's EX rank, it still carried enough potential to pose a grave threat.

However, for all its strength, it came with a number of restrictions.

Volcánica stared up at the crimson skies, enraptured by the sight before her.

While her main reasoning for playing YGGDRASIL was undoubtedly her interest in the game's difficulty and Player combat, another factor that kept her hooked was the fantastical sights that the game had to offer.

In her relatively short time of playing YGGDRASIL, she had been treated to many wondrous locales and zones across the game's nine realms, each one as different and unique as the next. Say what one will about YGGDRASIL, its community, and its developers, but none could deny that the game provided a wealth of immersive experiences. To immerse herself in a fantasy world and indulge in the fun of it all was exactly what she was searching for — an escape from the mundanity of the real world.

"You should be honored."

Volcánica blinked, snapping out of her daze.

She turned around, finding Shirou back on his feet, his gaze also to the skies, before meeting hers.

He smiled, remaining calm and casual even as the cataclysmic sight raged above them.

"Among all of my conjured weapons, it has to be one of, if not the strongest, I have stored in my arsenal. I've tested it plenty of times during practice, but never has it seen actual combat. Until now. Congratulations, Volcánica-san. You have the privilege of being the first-ever Player to face [Vasavi Shakti]!" He boldly declared.

Shirou knew he got her hook, line, and sinker with that last part, evident by her cat ears perking up and twitching.

He wasn't done just yet.

"You can think of it similarly to the Super-Tier Spell: [Sword of Damocles]. Instead of destroying buildings, its sole purpose is to send everything into oblivion."

During its inception, Ancient One drew comparisons between Vasavi Shakti and the Super-Tier Spell: [Sword of Damocles]. But where the Super-Tier Magic was an orbital weapon designed for destroying structures rather than inflicting damage, the spear of Indra was designed to be the ultimate finishing move. The Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm eclipsed that of any Anti-Army Noble Phantasm he held, and its damage output was almost on par with Ulbert's [Grand Catastrophe] and could even one-shot the likes of Bukubukuchagama with her full regalia of defensive buffs and skills active if scored a direct hit.

"Of course, the only real downside is that [Vasavi Shakti] can only fire upon one target. If you're fast enough or can use [Fly] or [Teleportation], you can get out of its effective range fairly easily." He continued, oddly talkative, much to the confusion of everyone watching as to why he was revealing his own weapon's weakness.

The more astute Players, which included the likes of Momonga, Touch Me, Warrior Takemikazuchi, and Tabula, quickly realized Shirou's aim.

"You wanted everything I've got?" He paused, glancing up at the second sun.

"That is everything I've got! So, you think you're up to it, Volcánica-san?!"

Shirou was issuing a challenge…

Volcánica said nothing, her gaze drawn back to the burning sky. The intense crimson glow emanating from above obscured her face, leaving everyone watching to wonder what thoughts were going through her mind.

'It's total bunk…' Shirou thought, maintaining his facade of confidence.

What he said just now was but one of [Vasavi Shakti]'s many limitations.

For starters, [Vasavi Shakti] required an exhaustive amount of MP to trace, far greater than any of his other projections.

Secondly, while the trio were able to create it, it was too costly for Shirou to power by himself. Therefore, a workaround was implemented. In the flavor text of the Noble Phantasm, Amanomahitotsu and Ancient One coded where the spear was able to siphon mana from the surrounding environment to fuel its power. This manifested as a two-minute activation start-up, an interim where anything could go wrong.

This leads to the third point. Like all Noble Phantasms, [Vasavi Shakti] had a requirement before its power could be unleashed. He needed to throw it, allowing it to reach the proper altitude, and suspend high in the air to begin charging up. Which left the spear vulnerable to potential interceptions and attacks during that two-minute window.

And if, by some miracle, the magus cleared the first three hurdles, there was the fourth and final drawback that he spoke about. Any competent Player who saw the burning skies and flaming death ray would immediately recognize the danger and relocate.

While Shirou was proud of all the work and effort he, Amanomahitotsu, and Ancient One put into recreating the divine spear, the virtual magus recognized the failings of the Noble Phantasm.

Even under the most ideal of conditions, it was ultimately impractical and wasteful to pull out [Vasavi Shakti] when he had dozens upon dozens of easier and more viable alternatives he could employ. And thus, it remained stored within the hills of swords of Unlimited Blade Works.

Until now.

This was his game-changer. This was his final gambit.

Shirou's gamble wasn't about whether or not he could trace it in time, nor whether or not he could stall her out for the two minutes.

He wagered it on all or nothing, whether Volcánica would value winning in the end or her whimsical desire for challenge above all else.

It was time to see where the chips fell.

Volcánica stood stock still, staring up at the burning sky with the spear primed and ready. Shirou's words replayed themselves back in her head.

Indeed. With [Promēthean Incarnatus], it wouldn't be difficult for her to get the hell out of dodge and avoid the impending attack. Alternatively, she could just attack the Humanoid Player right then and there and beat him, ending the match and making the threat null and void.

Either option would assuredly grant her victory.


Her head lowered, and she locked eyes with Shirou one more time.

'...That's what a small fry would think!'

Her lips stretched to show the biggest and greatest smile yet. Her smile was all teeth — a grin that impossibly split her face and one that no sane individual could possibly make.

…A challenge Volcánica eagerly and happily accepted.

"I knew you'd be good for it!" She roared, her cheeks blushing deeply despite her being made of fire.

Her battle lust was on full display and was suffocatingly palpable. Shirou couldn't help but shudder again at the twisted, euphoric visage that dominated her face, his grin straining to match her fervor.

A thunderous 'Vroom' reverberated across the skies, signaling the beginning of the end. [Vasavi Shakti] twirled, pointing to the earth below - at its target.

Shirou took off, running as fast as he could.

Volcánica turned her attention back above.

Seeing that he kept true to his words, it was only proper for her to show the same courtesy and fight with everything she'd got.

"[Burning Eclipse], [Overheat], [Scorch Sunderer], [Pyroclastic], [Corona Crown], [Overdrive], [Maximum Flare], [Prometheus], [Cremation], [Hellblaze], [Prominence Nova], and [Ignis Fatuus]!"

She concentrated all her power and invoked a multitude of learned skills and spells, causing the flames she created to intensify and glow brighter. Swiftly, the licks of orange and red flames began to flutter, burning hotter and brighter. The colors shifted and transformed into a brilliant golden yellow, which then rapidly morphed into a brilliant alabaster hue. Finally, the flames transformed again, this time into a blazing azure blue. It was as if the very essence of fire had been distilled into a single flame, burning with an intensity that was both mesmerizing and terrifying.

The intense blue fire burned hot, the sheer heat radiating off of her and the flames carving away the very ground she stood on and everything in her immediate surroundings.

In the center of it all was Volcánica. She was like an otherworldly spectre, her ethereal blue flames flickered and undulated in a mesmerizing dance of destruction. The very air burned from her azure blaze.

It was as if the Bonfire of the Netherworld had been unleashed.

She spread her legs, centering herself as she spread open her arms to the seething sky and the angry star above, beckoning it.


[Vasavi Shakti] answered her call. Humming with latent power, the second sun exploded into a wash of crimson and flames. The motif of a great eye covered the skies, peering down at her. The lightning-pink speartip glimmered as power condensed within, before exploding forth, rendering its divine judgement.

[Project (Modified) Vasavi ShaktiO' Sun, Abide to Death!]

A lance of pure destruction and crimson descended, carrying with it the power of a newborn star.

The forest shuddered, the air burned, and the mighty, gargantuan trees trembled and fell.

As the lance of pure destruction reached the canopy of the trees, Volcánica met it head-on.

"[Burning Knuckle Cataclysm: Adolla]!"

What could only be described as a pure hurricane of punches met Vasavi Shakti. So vast and so numerous was it that it was as if she were a multi-limbed asura.

Each one of her punches produced her signature fiery blast as she unleashed several dozen of them within the span of a second.

Fire versus fire. Crimson versus azure. Power versus power - Vasavi Shakti versus her fists.

It was on full display for all to bear witness to.

What truly boggled the minds of everyone watching was the fact that she was actually contending with the Noble Phantasm, holding it at bay.

The heatwave of their inferno clash all but distorted the area around them as the two vied for dominance, her continuous stream of punch-blasts against [Vasavi Shakti]'s all-consuming lance of flames.

She punched and punched, and punched even more, laughing uproariously at the top of her lungs. She was laughing so much that it was starting to hurt, but she didn't pay it any mind. She was having too much fun.

The moment [Vasavi Shakti] unleashed its wrath, Shirou sought cover behind a nearby fallen tree. He pressed his back against the sturdy bark, bracing himself for what was to come next.

The magus peaked out from the side, the sight of Volcánica and [Vasavi Shakti] in a fierce deadlock searing into his mind.

"She really is a monster…" He whispered to himself, both in stunned admiration and quiet horror.

He quickly got back and prepared himself.

The lioness didn't know how long she was going at it. She could've been at it for a few minutes, or even a few hours, or perhaps it was only a few seconds. It didn't matter, as she reveled in the thrill and indulged herself to her heart's content.

However, all good things must come to an end eventually.

Her eyes fell to her right arm as it reared back, the flames composing her arm flickering at the elbow. Likewise, across her body, her azure flames flickered and wafted.

Time's up, she recognized.

"Then let's give it all we've got!"

With a clenched fist, she poured every ounce of strength she had into her final punch just as [Promēthean Incarnatus] ended, returning the Granat to flesh and blood.

The stalemate lasted for but another second before [Vasavi Shakti] continued its course.

Even in the face of assured destruction, Volcánica simply smiled as she was consumed in flames.

Back in the stadium, all eyes were glued to the holographic screen as [Vasavi Shakti] struck, consuming both Volcánica and the world in blinding red and white before producing only static.

Nearly everyone jumped up from their seats, clamoring for the organizers and devs to fix the issue.

Everyone wanted to see what happened next. They wanted to see who would prevail: The Blazing Lioness or The Player Killer.

None were more anxious than Ainz Ooal Gown, with nearly all of them sitting on the edge of their seats. Some of them were praying and hoping that their guildmate's insane strategy would work.

"A moment of patience, please. We are working to resolve the issue." The voice of Sam reassured the audience.

While the organizers were working on getting the feed back up and running, the interim allowed for a brief lull for the watchers to catch a breath and speculate on the outcome of the match.

"Damn…" Duskindal whistled, slouching in his seat. "That'd got to be one of the craziest and ballsiest things I've ever seen."

"The question is, did it work? It would suck if all that hard work ended up costing him the match." Said LichtKing, his finger tapping impatiently on the armrest. Like everyone else, he wanted to see what happened next.

"Perhaps he sought a tie in the end." Wishful Mercí proposed. "I can't imagine either Volcánica-san or Emiya-san surviving something like that, especially when they've already exhausted their resources."

"Maybe, but he'd still need to worry about Sudden Death. And if so, then it's anyone's game at that point." ShikiHime added, with the others adding to the round of murmurs.

In the rare event that a match ended in a draw, the victor would be decided by Sudden Death. A rematch where both Players would fight on equal grounds, but with reduced HP and MP.

Touch Me sat rooted in his seat, his eyes locked to the screen, waiting while the discussion continued around him.

There was nothing he could do but wait and hope for the best.

It didn't take long before the video was back up and running, and as for the two fighters…


Ash — that was all anyone could see.

Where it was once lush and verdant, the great tropical forest was no more, and in its place was a barren and lifeless expanse of ash and ruination.

Great grey clouds and plumes of smoke choked the air; so dense was it that they shrouded the world in dusk and perpetual gloom. Ashes fell like snow, smothering the land in a lifeless, monochromatic sheen. The majestic trees, nature's pride, that once towered over the landscape were nothing more than dust in the wind. What few that survived bore the scars of the cataclysm, reduced to mere husks, their charred, hollow skeletons standing as a testament to the destruction that had taken place.

The screens focused on a tiny dune of sand and ash, something that confused the viewers at first.

Slowly, something stirred from beneath the blanket of ash.

Volcánica had survived.

She rolled over almost drunkenly, sprawled out on her stomach as her shaking arms and legs struggled to support her.

A noise escaped her, softly at first, building until it bloomed into a joyous outburst of laughter. Her entire body quivered with mirth, as she threw her head back in laughter.

It was an uproarious laughter that overflowed with a complex mix of emotions - triumph, relief, incredulousness, pure elation, and a touch of wild abandon.

And the lioness was well within her right to laugh. She managed to not only contend with the seemingly unstoppable attack but also survive it. If anyone had the right to be happy, it was her.

Volcánica managed to stand back up, her hands gripping her shaking knees to support her.

Her laughter died down as the crunching of footsteps drew closer.

She turned her head, flashing Shirou with a grin as he approached.

The magus survived by using his last [Salamander Shroud] and every last drop of MP in Draupnir to shield and heal himself as he was engulfed by [Vasavi Shakti]'s blast. Even with that and Avalon's help, he was only able to scrape by.

The Granat made it out alive through a combination of her build's innate resistance stats, her skills, and sheer luck, funnily enough. During her clash against [Vasavi Shakti], she was able to hold out long enough to where its initial power waned, just enough to where she could survive.

"Hey there, Sugar." She greeted. "Are you shocked that I took your big load and am still standing?" She teased with a weak but impish smirk.

"No." He answered immediately, surprising her.

"While that would've been ideal, there was also no doubt in my mind that you would've survive somehow. Among all the Players I've met and battled, you are undoubtedly one of the toughest I've ever had the pleasure of playing against. I knew that beating you wouldn't be simple or easy. No. From the very beginning, [Vasavi Shakti]'s true purpose was all for this moment."

Shirou's countenance was one of mutual respect as his eyes, a striking blend of silver and gold, shone with sincere admiration. He couldn't resist offering a soft and complimentary smile, inadvertently laying on the Emiya charm. And it was focused solely on her.

Volcánica averted her gaze slightly, almost bashfully.

"You sure know how to make a girl feel warm and special, don't ya, Honeybun?" She replied with a touch of shyness. Hints of red dusted her cheeks, glowing pinkly against her tanned skin in a genuine blush.

The holographic screens captured everything, putting particular focus on Shirou. Those watching, particularly the female Players, were especially captivated by his benign expression. It didn't hurt that he was very easy on the eyes, even in his roughed-up state.

But for a certain pink slime, the sound of grinding teeth could be heard. Were it possible, and had she had one, Bukubukuchagama would be pulling and biting on a handkerchief. All the while muttering incomprehensibly under her breath in stewing jealousy.

Yamaiko and Ankoro Mocchi Mochi patted the slime's shoulder, reassuring her that it'd be alright.

"May I have this final dance?" Shirou proposed, branding a dagger in his hand in a reverse grip.

It was the Mystic Code Azoth Sword.

She chuckled, albeit in a subdued manner.

"I thought you'd never ask." She said, taking a stance.

Both of their HPs were in the low red. They were battered, bruised, and weak. They had exhausted their MP and resources and couldn't call on any more skills, abilities, or items to aid them.

The two Players were at their utmost limits.

But where Shirou was on death's door and required a push to fall over, Volcánica had two feet in the grave and needed only a gentle breeze to keel over, as shown by the difference in their HP bar.

Despite it all, she maintained her brimming smile.

In all of her matches, this was the closest she'd gotten to potentially losing. None have gotten close to or managed to drive her so far back. None have pushed her to her absolute limits — none but him.

Despite the possibility of defeat looming over her, she felt only delight.

Their match will not be decided by power, abilities, or even character builds; it all comes down to their skills and determination.

It boils down to who was simply better.

Two warriors fighting with everything they've got and beyond, within a field of ash amongst a land of ruin, with the entire world watching.

She couldn't have asked for a better finale.

Simultaneously, the pair dashed ahead, as if a signal had gone off that only they were privy to.

Shirou swung, going for a wide swipe.

Volcánica bent her legs, sliding on her knees underneath the swing.

The two combatants spun around, facing each other once more. As she moved, Volcánica snatched a handful of ash and dirt from the ground and threw it towards Shirou.

The magus raised his arms, shielding his face from being blinded.

Volcánica darted towards him from the side, but the magus was used to her fighting style by now and swung directly in her path.

Rather than halting or avoiding the swing, she took the hit, powered through, and tackled him to the ground. The two wrestled, rolling against the ashen ground.

After a few moments of intense struggle, they came to a stop, with her mounting him.

She had one hand pinning down the wrist of the hand that held the Azoth Sword, preventing him from attacking. She swung with her other hand, striking with the bottom of her fist.

Shirou raised his other arm to guard against her as she began pummeling him, raining down hammer fists with wild fury.

His HP slowly dropped with each hit.


With her opponent having a weapon and slightly more HP than her, he held all the advantages. The objectively correct play to make would be to play it safe and cautiously, avoiding his attack while looking for any opening to clip away at his health bar.

However, that wasn't how she played.

Volcánica was a lioness through and through. It didn't matter if she was at the peak of health or death's door; she meet the challenge head-on and give it a hundred and ten percent every step of the way.

Through the gap, his heterochromatic eyes watched, working out the timing of her swings.

As her fist came down, he removed his arm and countered with a headbutt. The two meet, with him winning the clash and catching her by surprise.

His hand shot out, grabbing her by the front and pulling her down as he swung another headbutt against her forehead.

She reeled. Her position on him loosened enough that he pushed her off of him with a hip thrust.

Volcánica stumbled to the side, recovering, only to have a knee strike her jaw from below.

She staggered back, her teeth rattling, and blood and spittle spurted from her mouth.

She ignored looking at her HP bar, knowing it would only distract her.

A wise decision as her opponent dashed in, attacking with a stab.

She couldn't dodge or block it, she knew, as the blade closed in.

Blood gushed forward, dyeing the ashen ground with ripe crimson.

Shirou's attack landed, but Volcánica used her right hand to intercept the Azoth Sword, which had pierced her palm completely. She stopped it as the tip pressed dangerously against the flesh of her chest.

The faker attempted to back off. Volcánica's fingers closed in around his hand and the dagger, clutching them tightly and preventing him from pulling back.

She roared, mustering all her remaining strength in her swing. Her left fist struck him in the cheek, knocking him back.

Shirou reeled, the blade pulling loose out of her palm with him.

Volcánica clicked her tongue, her eyes narrowing.

His HP dropped even further, but it wasn't enough. Had she attacked with her dominant right arm…

Shirou tumbled, but mid-roll, he recovered and, with precision, threw the Mystic Code at her.

She flinched, the blade stabbing the left side of her chest.

Volcánica ignored it, rushing forward, her bloody right hand clenched into a fist.

Shirou halted, coming to his knees in a crouch. His hand clenched into a fist, waiting.

Their eyes met as their fists sailed forward.

With her slightly longer reach, her punch would hit him first.

However, Shirou wasn't aiming for her.

Her eyes tracked his fist. He was aiming for the dagger, no doubt trying to push it in deeper and deal the finishing blow. But she reasoned that she could drop his HP down to zero before he could drop hers.

'That's right… I can win this—!'

A second before Volcánica's fist would hit him, his fist hit the jeweled pommel of the Azoth Sword first.


Her eyes widened as a burst of magical energy surged forward from the Mystic Code and detonated.

Volcánica's punch halted in front of Shirou's face, her body staggering from the miniature blast.

"W-what…?" Volcánica coughed up blood, stumbling back in total disbelief as her HP dropped to zero.

Her arm reached over, finding part of her left side gone. Her fingers reached for something that should've been there, grasping only emptiness. Rivulets of blood dripped and flowed from the gaping wound, coloring her arm and staining the ashen ground with the nectar of life.

"B-but you said you were out of MP…"

Shirou's forehead was caked in dried blood down his left side, his left eye closed, while his right side was bruised from where her fist struck him, leaving his right eye half-lidded.

"I lied…"

A moment of silence passed between the two.

She snorted, and a second later, she barked out a laugh. She laughed as if she had just heard a mildly amusing joke, the mirth in her voice clear.

A part of her should've known that Shirou was lying or that he had something else in mind after going through all the trouble with [Vasavi Shakti], but she didn't. She was too absorbed in the fight and how it would all end. Though perhaps some of the fault lies with her for believing in the first place.

In truth, Shirou used up all his MP tracing [Vasavi Shakti]. However, the jeweled pendant he wore, a replica of Rin's Pendant, once utilized, granted him a reserve of MP. Enough to project the Azoth Sword and fuel his last-ditch attack.

In any case, the result remains the same.

Shirou won, and Volcánica lost.

Despite this, there was no bitterness or anger in her defeat, only satisfaction.

Volcánica smiled contently.

She gave it her all; she had her fun, and in the end, she lost.

She wouldn't have had it any other way.

Cracks spread across her body.

Volcánica graced Shirou with a final smile — a soft, maidenly smile that looked completely out of place for someone like her.

"Let's play again sometime…"

With a small smile of his own, Shirou replied, "Don't take this the wrong way, but if I never fight you again, it'll be too soon."

She chuckled as her body shattered into polygons.

"You really know how to make a girl feel special, Emiya-kun…"

The world of ash and grey shattered all around him and the roar of the audience welcomed him back.

A sense of relief washed over him, and he let out a deep sigh, taking a moment to relax.

Volcánica was undoubtedly one of the most tenacious opponents he had ever faced. The magus was willing to wager that she could even give Warrior Takemikazuchi a run for his money. Now that would've been an interesting match-up.

He made his way back to the waiting wing, the sound of the stadium and the analysis from the commentators became nothing more than white noise.

There was only one thing on his mind, a solitary thought that dominated all else.

'Only one match left...'

Omake: Putting on a show. (Play Ding Dong Song by Gunther for maximum effect)

In the arena, the two Players locked eyes.

He held out his arms, prana flowing and condensing.

Volcánica grinned, and her fist clenched in anticipation.

Instead of a weapon, what he projected was a boombox.

"Huh?" She said, tilting her head in confusion.

He set it on the ground and hit a button.

Oh...you touch my tra la la

Mmm...my ding ding dong


Volcánica blinked, taken aback by the music being played that could only be described as poppy but sensual. And that wasn't even getting into the lyrics themselves.


La la la

La la la

La la la la la la


La la la

La la la

La la la la la la

Oh...you touch my tra la la


La la la

La la la

La la la la la la

La (Mmm...my ding ding dong)

She looked back at him, finding him taking off his clothes... slowly.

The Feline Player stood there as Shirou began stripping with sensual slowness.

It didn't stop there as Shirou projected a bottle and squirted oil onto his chest, rubbing the glistening all over his body and abs.

Her eyes roamed over his well-toned body shamelessly, enjoying the show in front of her.

Deep in the night

I'm looking for some fun

Deep in the night

I'm looking for some love

Deep in the night

I'm looking for some fun

Deep in the night

I'm looking for some...


A screen appeared, showing Zelretch.

"I'll allow it."

And just as quickly as he appeared, he left.

You tease me

Oh, please me

I want you to be my love toy

Come near me

Don't fear me

I just can't get enough of you, boy

Oh...you touch my tra la la

Blood trickled from down her nose, her panting breaths increasing with every article of clothing discarded. Especially when he reached for his pants.

He projected another bottle, this time, water, and slowly soaked himself from the top. All the while sensually pelvic thrusting.

Volcánica wasn't the only one enjoying the show as every female Player in the stadium where yelling at the top of their lungs while also making it rain with gold coins.


La la la

La la la

La la la la la la

La (Mmm...my ding ding dong)

La la la

La la la

La la la la la la

La (Oh...you touch my tra la la)

La la la

La la la

La la la la la la

La (Mmm...my ding ding dong) (My ding ding dong)

La la la

La la la

La la la la la la

"TAKE IT ALL OFF!" A voice screamed, a choir of shrills echoing the demand.

A voice that sounded remarkably similar to a certain voice actress and pink slime.

At the same time, Peroroncino was lying in his seat in the fetal position, rocking back and forth while crying.

Purely coincidental, of course.

With only his shorts left, Shirou's thumbed the edge of his undergarment, pulling on them teasingly.

Slowly, he started pulling them down.

All the while Volcánica watched on.

Volcánica was bleeding from the nose uncontrollably, her hand clutching her nose to stop the rivers of blood flowing without end as she practically hyperventilated.

Her eyes hyperfocused on the briefs as he lowered them, revealing more of his tantalizing skin and bare body.

It lowered and lowered...



Volcánica fell backward, a dopey smile fixed on her face. Above her avatar was a text box that read [Disconnected].

"Umm, by technical forfeiture, Emiya wins the match!"

Despite winning, the music continued playing as Shirou lowered his briefs even further.


Shirou had no intention of stopping. And just as Pandora's box was about to be opened...


Shirou was then disconnected.

But while they managed to resolve one crisis, an even greater issue took its place.

Namely, all the female Players who were heavily invested and blue-beaned and had nothing to show for it.

Thus, there was only one suitable reaction left for them to take...

A horde of female Players descended onto the commentator's booth.

"Bob! They're breaking into the booth!" Sam frantically shouted. "THEY'RE IN THE BOOTH!"

The sound of struggle played through the speakers, followed by Bob and Sam's screams, and then...


Character Sheet Stat Screen:

Caster- Lvl: 100 (True Name: Tamamo-no-Mae)

Fox Priestess of Peerless Beauty (Alternative Title: World's Greatest Wife)

Job: NPC Servant to Emiya (Alternative Job: Self-proclaimed wife of Emiya)

Resident: The Great Tomb of Nazarick; can travel with summoner

Alignment: Neutral Evil. Sense of Justice: -55.

Race: Heroic Spirit

Racial Level:

[Kitsune]: 5 Lvl

[Divided Spirit]: 5 Lvl

Job Level:

[Shrine Maiden]: 10 Lvl

[Divine Priestess]: 10 Lvl

[Shapeshifter]: 10 Lvl

[Caster]: 5 Lvl

[Lover]: 5 Lvl

[Wife]: 5 Lvl

[Other]: 45 Lvl

Total: Racial level: 10 + Job level: 90 = 100 level

Ability Chart:

HP: 60

MP: 100+

Phy ATK: 30

Phy DEF: 35

Agility: 78

Mag ATK: 95

Mag Def: 89

Resist: 100+

Special: 100+

Total Stats: 687+

Load failed, please RETRY

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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