Unduh Aplikasi
21.73% Fake Player / Chapter 10: The Conquest of the Great Tomb of Nazarick - 1

Bab 10: The Conquest of the Great Tomb of Nazarick - 1

December 29th, 2131. World: Helheim. Piercing Crystal Plains. Recommended level: 80-85

Within one of the far corners of Helheim lies a perilous locale known as the [Piercing Crystal Plains], renowned for its unforgiving and hazardous terrain. The [Piercing Crystal Plains] were one of the many treacherous locations that dotted the realm of the dead and was as hazardous as any normal wandering monster. On first viewing, one could mistake the frozen vegetation for being made of ice. In reality, they were, but it was not any ordinary ice. These deadly blades of crystal-frozen razor grass were nothing to scoff at as they inflicted damage whenever trampled upon, even to Players with Legendary tier equipment. Players were highly recommended to be at least level 80–85 before attempting to venture into this perilous region, as the [Piercing Crystal Plains] were among the furthest in the territory of Helheim.

Further along, the frozen grassy lands of the plains receded, growing grotesquely and haphazardly, leading to the [Poison Swamp]. A thick and almost permeating smog divided the two locations.

The guild members of Ainz Ooal Gown stood just a few meters away from the Swamp, appearing inconspicuous to any onlooker. However, this was thanks to the marvel of magic - an invisible, shimmering dome created by the 10th tier illusion spell, [Mirror World]. This spell functioned as a one-way viewing bubble, allowing them to observe their surroundings while remaining hidden from the outside world. Moreover, the spell had the added benefit of deflecting any incoming attacks towards those within its range.

Aside from [Mirror World], Ainz Ooal Gown had also set up an array of defensive spells and wards that enhanced their protection from any potential threats. With this level of defensive measures in place, they could strategize and plan without any apprehensions.

Such measures were necessary, not only to protect themselves from any wandering monsters and POPs that would aggro on them should they get in range, but also from any potential Players lurking about. The very last thing the guild needed was the possibility of any PKers catching wind of them and following them. The designated location served as an excellent staging ground for their upcoming expedition. It allowed the guild to conduct reconnaissance of the entire area and pinpoint the most direct route to the dungeon. Furthermore, they carefully scanned the surroundings for any potential threats or hostile Players who may be monitoring their movements from afar.

In preparation for their maiden venture, the newly formed guild spared no expense. All twenty-nine members of Ainz Ooal Gown were equipped with their most powerful and reliable gear, including secondary equipment and items to counter any environmental hazards. Each Player also received health and mana regeneration potions to ensure their sustained performance throughout the mission.

In the bubble stood Momonga, and his avatar, the Overlord, stood imposingly and stoically. Despite his facade of composure, Momonga's nerves were on edge. His heart thrummed with a thunderous beat, and his bony fingers spasmed involuntarily.

There was little noise within the bubble save for the occasional discussion and callout by Nubo, Flatfoot, and Nishikienrai as they coordinated themselves.

As the atmosphere settled into a near-silent state, Momonga found himself lost in a maze of contemplation. The past hour had seemed to slip by like a mere blink of an eye for the skeletal necromancer. He had gone from being a mere member of a clan to being declared the Guildmaster of said former clan. However, his mind was mainly occupied by his recent proclamation. He had announced that they, Ainz Ooal Gown, would embark on a journey to a dungeon that was yet to be explored and would emerge victorious in a single attempt.

He wondered what exactly emboldened him to make such a crazy promise that was completely out of his character. At the time, he promised himself that he wouldn't regret making the decision. Only to break that promise no more than ten minutes later as he began second-guessing himself. The nervousness from it all plagued his thoughts and was more than a little self-destructive.

He carefully glanced back at everyone, all twenty-nine Players that vowed to follow him. It wasn't the thought of failing the raid that rattled him to the core. But rather, the thought that he might fail them.

The sheer thought of him disappointing his friends and letting them down weighed heavily on his shoulders.

What if he fails them?

What if they get angry at him if the raid fails?

Would they blame him? Hate him?

What if they decide to quit or join another guild?

What if they quit—


The notification cut through his self-deprecation, knocking him out of his self-induced trance. He blinked in confusion, wondering who might be trying to message him and why they were using [Message] instead of just going up to talk with him directly. He carefully looked around. The rest of the guild was milling about, some sitting and going over their inventory, others having their weapons drawn at the first sign of danger, and many more standing about, waiting. Confused and curious, he opened the [Message] and recognized the sender.

"[Emiya-san?]" He answered back quickly through [Message] so he didn't disturb anyone.

"[You're nervous, aren't you? That we might fail. And you're probably thinking heavy self-deprecating thoughts like we would all hate you for it or something equally ridiculous.]"

"[I—how did you know?!]" Momonga's eyes widened upon hearing how Shirou nailed his thoughts down to a T.

"[Because you just told me.]" It took Momonga a second to realize that Shirou tricked him into confirming his suspicions. "[That, and you've been standing there, still as a statue, for a good five minutes now. You get like that whenever you're deep in thought and oblivious to the world.]"

"[I can never get anything past you, can I, Emiya-san?]" Momonga let out a rueful chuckle.

"[Remind me again how long we've known each other? I would be a poor friend and a blind one at that if I hadn't caught onto your defeatist attitude and crippling lack of confidence yet.]" He answered back with a hint of amusement in his voice before getting serious. "[You know you can trust me. Are you angry at me because I nominated you instead of taking the position of Guildmaster myself?]" Shirou asked him.

Momonga paused for a moment before opening up to his closest friend and confidant.

"[No… I don't think I could ever hate you.]" The magic caster fully admitted. "[When I said we should go to conquer the dungeon on our first attempt, it was on the spur of the moment. I wanted to prove to you all that I would be the leader you all thought I would be. That your faith in me wouldn't be misplaced. Now, I'm afraid that if we fail, you all will blame me for it. That you would hate and resent me and leav—]"

"[Our trust in you wasn't misplaced.]" Shirou interjected firmly, putting an end to the nonsensical thought.

Momonga silently gulped at his friend's no-nonsense tone.

"[Do not believe just because you're now our Guildmaster that you must bear all the burden on your shoulder. Any one of us could have said no or rejected the idea, but in the end, we all agreed. We all agreed and decided to do this together. To follow you, our Guildmaster, our friend through this. No matter how absurd or impossible it seemed. And that hasn't changed.]" Shirou said, his voice softening and supportive.

"[I'm just worried…]" Momonga whispered.

"[And that's fine. Anyone in your situation would be as well. But it is only when you let your doubt and your indecision cloud your judgment and stop you from asking for help, that you will have completely failed. We trust you, Momonga-san, so please trust in us as well.]"

"[I do. I really do. It's just myself that I don't completely have confidence in.]"

"[Well, we trust you. So, if you cannot believe in yourself, then believe in us who believe in you.]"

Despite the serious nature of their conversation, Momonga couldn't help but chortle a little at his friend's quirky phrasing of his encouraging words.

"[Since when did you give corny lines, Emiya-san?]"

"[What can I say? I have my moments. Even if the line was stolen from a series I was forced to watch while stuck in the hospital.]"

This time, the two shared a short laugh. While the conversation did not completely erase the apprehension he felt, he did feel better.

"[But what if we do fail? What if I fail?]"

"[Then endure, learn from your mistake, and move forward wiser than you were before. And we'll be there to give you a pick me up.]"

As the [Message] came to a close, Momonga was left to his own devices once again. His undead figure slumped slightly as he replayed the words of his dear friend in his mind. Though the encouragement was appreciated, the looming fear of failure persisted like a sharp guillotine, haunting his every thought with its weighty presence.

Momonga pushed the matter aside for now. Just in time, too, as the others were finished and ready to relay their findings.

"Momonga-san, I have completed my scouting." Nubo, the divination specialist of the guild, reported. "I detected no scrying or divination spells on us or the surroundings. We're clear to proceed."

"Likewise." Added Flatfoot. "I have thoroughly inspected the surrounding three hundred meters and have found no other Players or Player presence anywhere."

"As for me..." Nishikienrai spoke up, "I have finished mapping out the safest and most efficient path to the dungeon. We should be able to avoid most of the enemies if we proceed with caution and stealth. Still, we should be prepared just in case things go south."

The three reports filtered in, and with that, preparations were complete, along with numerous countermeasures set in place.

"I understand..." After inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, Momonga strode towards the group and turned to face his companions. The recent exchange with Shirou lingered in his thoughts, but he summoned his courage and spoke with conviction, projecting his voice loudly.

"Everyone! Are you ready?!

Each Player flashed a thumbs-up icon, showing they were. Momonga nodded and turned back to Nishikienrai.

"Lead the way, Nishikienrai-san."

"Roger!" With a crisp salute, he led the guild into the Poison Swamp.

For the next ten minutes, the group trudged through the hazardous expanse, their only company being the sound of their own footsteps and the occasional rustling of the poisonous foliage. To ease the monotony and maintain their vigilance, they exchanged small talk and discussed various topics. However, amidst the chatter of his fellow guildmates and friends, Momonga couldn't shake off the feeling of isolation that crept up on him.

Momonga's thoughts traveled back to his friends and their individual lives. Each Player was from a different walk of life, but all were united under one common theme, under a single banner.

The common thread that bound them together was their shared love for the game and the virtual world they inhabited.

As he pondered his own circumstances, he couldn't help but feel how unremarkable and solitary his life was before he found solace in YGGDRASIL. He was a loner in the real world, with no one to call his own. It was only in the digital realm that he found true companionship and friendship, albeit with individuals he had never met and would never meet in person. The thought of his guildmates departing from the game, leaving him behind, and the prospect of being alone once again, just like before, weighed heavily on his mind.

Dark thoughts began to form, and where normally they would consume his mind, he held them back. But he did not fully dismiss them. Instead, they remained in the back of his mind, kept there as a reminder.

He felt an additional surge of motivation fill him up.

Using an analogy, if his life was like a Visual Novel, then that could be considered the true Bad Ending. Then all he had to do was avoid it at all costs.

They placed their trust in him, and he would make damn sure he saw this through!

"We're here." Nishikienrai's voice cut through the chatter, and everyone quieted down.

There, almost cut off from the mainland of the swamp, was a miniature island of sorts. It was a strange sight to see, as the dense fog that blanketed the swamp was nowhere to be found on this isolated piece of land. From their position, they were able to spy on various stone structures held up by old and worn pillars. The land was surrounded by long, stone archways that encircled the area, with broken walls providing minimal protection from the outside world. Its massive front gate was open, as if enticing the Player to enter. Through the front gate, the guild was able to spy a large and imposing mausoleum-like building in the center ahead of them.

"Alright, Nubo-san, Tabula-san, and Garnet-san. We shall first survey the surrounding area for any possible hostiles in the area. I don't trust those shitty devs not to do so." Momonga voiced.

A round of agreement followed after his order, and they got to work.

Momonga easily recognized the structure and aesthetic of the dungeon. Areas with structures such as these typically involve undead mobs to fit the theme.

As an Elder Lich, and thanks to his racial and job classes, he was the guild's go-to Player when scouting for any undead presence.

"[Remote Viewing]."

Activating his spell, an arcane eye appeared. With precision and skill, he controlled the flying organ and directed it through the gate. His eyes were alert, waiting to see if he would pick up on anything. Focused, he surveyed the entire land, looking for any possible enemies hidden in the shadows. However, none triggered any alerts on his radar, showing that there were no undead present.

"I finished surveying the area, there was no undead reaction by the looks of things."

"Same, I don't see any possible monsters wandering around either."

"There are also no magical traps in place, so we should be safe to walk right on in."

One by one, the reports filtered in. Once it was deemed safe, at least on the surface, the group nodded to one another and marched forward. Caution was still taken, with the vanguard keeping their eyes peeled and the rearguard watching their backs. Everyone knew better than to take anything within YGGDRASIL at face value.

As the group stepped onto the island, texts appeared on their HUD. The title of The Great Tomb of Nazarick appeared with an icon next to it. The icon indicated that the location was an unexplored dungeon and that they were the first to discover it.

As they marched forward, Momonga finally had time to take in the surroundings.

Most of the eerie ground functioned as a massive cemetery, if the multitude of smashed tombstones that seemed to stretch out endlessly were anything to go by. Moss and vines had overtaken many of them, and some were so old that they were barely legible. The statues that dotted the landscape were equally haunting. Angels stood sentinel over the graves, while others depicted men and women frozen in time. It was clear that this place had once been a burial ground, and the broken limbs and missing bodies only added to the creepy atmosphere. It certainly helps to build up a creepy vibe for the dungeon. Momonga would give the developers that much.

More interestingly, there were four other buildings similar to the large main one in the center. They were located in the four-cardinal direction of the central mausoleum.

"Tigris Euphrates-san, Flatfoot-san." Momonga called out.

"Yes, Momonga-san?"

"Need something?"

"Do you see those small tomb-like buildings at the far edges? I need you two to recon the area, just in case there might be alternate entrances."

"Can do."


The Ranger and Assassin raced towards the building, following their orders. It was after they had left that Shirou walked up beside him.

"I think we should also send someone to investigate the central mausoleum for any clues or hints it might give us about the dungeon. I'll volunteer."

"I also agree with Emiya-san." Nishikienrai joined in. "We already know that there are no enemies in or around the buildings. We should be safe to explore the interior."

"Are you sure it's safe? What if the dungeon activates prematurely?" Momonga immediately questioned.

"Don't worry. I've seen and been in plenty of dungeons, Momonga-san. I won't accidentally trigger it prematurely, and I know when to call it quits." Shirou confidently assured him.

Had it been anyone else, Momonga would assume them to be arrogant. An unknown dungeon meant unknown dangers. But he knew his friend and his capabilities, so he trusted him with scouting the area out.

"Fine. But do not push any further than you need to, and be careful." The Guildmaster counseled.

The two nodded.

"I suggest we split up. I'll recon the interior while you take the outisde, Nishikienrai-san."

"Fine by me, Emiya-san. Remember, if you see anything, run." The ninja forewarned.

With a nod of agreement from Shirou, the two were off. The silver-haired Player raced forward, up the stairs, and swiftly into the building. Nishikienrai's form flickered, and he was off, stealthily double-checking the perimeter for any clues. It was crucial that they gather as much intel on the dungeon as possible before the guild fully committed to the mission. Every bit of information, no matter how small, could make a significant difference.

While the two were on reconnaissance, the group made a steady march before reaching the very base of the massive stairway. Sometime later, Tigris Euphrates and Flatfoot reported back in. The four tombs along the outside were empty and seemed to only serve as esthetics. Hearing their reports, Momonga gazed back at the structure.

"While it is certainly large, I do wonder if this entire tomb is all that the dungeon has to offer." Momonga pondered.

"I doubt it. More than likely, the dungeon is the basement of the building." Tabula offered.

"Then that leaves the matter of how long and expansive the underground would be." Punitto Moe tapped his foot against the soiled ground. "You can fit an awful lot from plain sight and underground."

"Nazarick… Nazarick…" Momonga muttered, testing the name. "It doesn't sound remotely like any Norse mythology I've heard of. Nor does it sound Latin, Greek, or even close to Japanese."

Momonga had hoped that the name would sound familiar, if not to him, then perhaps to his friends, and that it could at least provide them with a little bit of insight. YGGDRASIL drew heavy inspiration from various myths and legends, not just Norse mythology. The game world incorporated many themes and stories from different mythologies to create a unique experience. Unfortunately, it seems more likely that the name was not derived from any mythology at all, and was simply a creation of the developers.

"We'll wait for Emiya-san and Nishikienrai-san to return before continuing. Blue Planet-san, a base if you would." Momonga advised.

"One base coming right up!"

As the guild's druid cast the powerful spell [Nature's Shelter], a bunker materialized from the earth, providing them with a spacious base of command. They all entered the bunker and took a moment to relax and unwind, knowing that they had a safe haven to wait for the scouts to return with any valuable information. It wasn't long before the massive double doors swung open, announcing the return of the scouts with their findings.

The two walked in, but Momonga quickly noticed something. Their stance and movement were off; they were tense.

"Alright, we finished scouting the area. And we've got good news and bad news. For a dungeon of this size and scale, along with the architect from some that I encountered in the past. I say there's a high likelihood that the dungeon is a guild base-type dungeon." Nishikienrai informed.

As he listened to this, Momonga felt a sense of unease settle in his stomach. He knew that YGGDRASIL had a wide variety of dungeons, each with its own unique challenges. Some were located in cities, while others were nestled deep inside castles or caverns. However, the guild-based dungeons were by far the most difficult to conquer. These massive structures were designed to test even the most skilled Players, and were often located in precariously specific locations within the playable realms.

Of course, the reward for conquering such a harrowing dungeon was that they had full authority over the dungeon and its surroundings. A daunting feat in its own right, with some of the greatest boons given to the Players if they succeed.

He could feel the enthusiasm he had been building up slip again. But now wasn't the time for hesitation.

"And the good news?" Momonga dared to hope.

"That was the good news."

"How the hell is that the good news?" Ulbert said incredulously.

"Would you have preferred me saying, we have bad news and horrible news?" Nishikienrai countered rhetorically.

"Then at least start with that! Now's not the time to be facetious!" Ulbert hotly fired back.

Before the argument could go any further, Momonga intervened.

"Dare I ask what the bad news is?"

"I did a quick reconnaissance of the inside structure. I spied what seemed to be five statues along with five distinct hallway passages. After some more inspection, I recognized the interior design and aesthetic of the dungeon. Unfortunately, they match those dungeons that were classified as simultaneous attack dungeons I encountered in the past." Shirou grimly stated.

And the bad news kept piling up. This one managed to get a collective groan from the guild. More than a few of them swore and threw in 'shitty devs' to the mix of curses.

The simultaneous attack dungeon was a dreaded concept within the entire community. Everyone knew these dungeons as the "die-by-yourself" dungeons, and with good reason. They were the most challenging dungeons that YGGDRASIL had to offer. They deviated from the traditional formula of dungeon raiding and required all the members of the adventuring party to attack the dungeon together. This meant that several parties had to split up within the dungeon, with each group playing a crucial role. Success was only possible if every group succeeded, and there was no room for any mistakes.

Simultaneous attack dungeons were designed in such a way that they compelled the Players to fully commit themselves to the game. One of the major challenges of these dungeons was that they completely locked out the use of teleportation spells and items. This means that spells such as [Gate] or [Teleportation] were rendered entirely useless. In such a scenario, if a single party wipe occurs, it could potentially spell the end of the entire raid. As a result, it was imperative to ensure that every member of the group was fully prepared and equipped to handle such challenges. Any failure on the part of even one or two groups can have a detrimental impact on the morale of the entire group.

"We should at least look on the bright side."

"And what bright side might that be, Nishikienrai-san?"

The rest of the guild waited for the ninja to continue, some holding hope that there was a light at the end of the dark tunnels.

"As soon as I can think of one, I'll let you know..."

His lame attempt at a joke earned him more unamused looks from the rest.

"Jeez, I'm just trying to lighten up the mood." Nishikienrai mumbled under his breath.

The guild was once again divided, with both sides having their own thoughts and concerns for the raid. Their voices intermingled as they spoke.

"What are the odds we would find the hardest type of dungeon like this?"

"It'll be a challenge, that's for sure."

"More like a waste of time."

"What are the odds that we can actually first time this dungeon?"

"Somewhere around a 5.2 to 7.6% chance of succeeding."

"…Is that an actual statistic, or did you just pull a random number out of your ass?"

"What's the plan, Momonga-san? Do we go through with it or try something else?" Punitto Moe popped up with a query.

They all turned to their Guildmaster and waited for his response.

The unexpected redirection of the guild member's focus caught Momonga off guard, leaving him frozen with surprise. He sensed their unwavering gaze fixed upon him, their expectation palpable in the tense silence that followed.

'You are their leader, so lead!' He screamed in his mind. He knew that, as their leader, his team depended on him just as much as he depended on them. The spotlight was now on him, and he couldn't risk disappointing them. The pressure was immense, but he had to rise to the occasion and lead them towards success.

While Punitto Moe's question offered him an alternative, Momonga was hesitant to use it. It wouldn't be too late to try for a more pragmatic dungeon or area. But he wondered what they would think—would they think less of him for backing out at the last second, or perhaps worse?

Indecision weighed down on him. Heavy was the burden that the title of Guildmaster brought. For it would be he who must make the hard decision.

'Damn it, this is what I get for diving in headfirst! In hindsight, I really have no idea what to even do in this situation! Ahhh! Ok, ok, calm down and think. Think, damn you! They don't need a spineless leader, but a man of action. Someone like…'

And then Momonga was struck with an idea.

'For once, stop acting like Satoru Suzuki. Think like Momonga, think like how Touch Me-san or Emiya-san would think! What would they do in a situation like this?! Something stupid, no doubt to the normies, but maybe that's exactly what we need!' He reevaluated.

He's always been in the background, always watching everyone. His bosses at work, Shirou and Touch Me when they ran clan operations, and more. He has witnessed their heroic deeds and their ability to lead and inspire others. While Touch Me was known for his bold and boisterous personality, exuding a sense of determination that no matter what came their way, they would overcome it. And with Shirou's calm and collected demeanor, there was never any doubt that victory was within their grasp. They all shared a common trait of confidence and sureness in their actions.

'Better yet, why not combine them...? He thought. A wild plan came to mind.

Unexpectedly, Momonga began to chuckle. His soft chuckling quickly evolved into full-blown laughter. For a moment, the rest of the guild wondered if their friend had lost it.

"A simultaneous-attack guild base dungeon! What a welcome surprise!" He laughed jovially, reminiscent of their previous leader, Touch Me. "My friends!" He turned towards them, his arms raised and apart like a king addressing his citizens. "It would seem that fate has handed us a worthy challenge. What better way than to show the world the strength of Ainz Ooal Gown?! My guildmate, my friends! Do not despair, for there is no doubt in my mind that we shall conquer this dungeon! Just like all those before it, it shall fall to our might. When we emerge victorious, our victory shall taste all the sweeter!"

Momonga declared, his voice carrying far and loud. The others were swept up by the sudden and passionate speech and responded in kind, with roars and cheers of invigorated vigor.

In the back, Shirou watched the proceedings. His lips twitched into a small, contemplative frown. While he did admit the speech was passionate and inspiring, it wasn't him. Shirou was quick to recognize the mask his friend had put on. Role-playing was a cherished pastime among the group, which had evolved from a clan to a guild. The Heteromorphic Players within the guild had created distinctive personalities to match their characters, adding depth to their gaming experience.

Despite the many insistences and denials from the Overlord about how embarrassing it was, it was quite evident that Momonga possessed an exceptional talent for it. He would portray himself as a character who was the complete antithesis of his usual meekness and politeness. His depiction of the "Dark Lord" persona, which his friends relentlessly teased him about, was that of a deadly and cool Player, devoid of any insecurities and brimming with confidence and assertiveness. The speech, in particular, felt borrowed in a way that even Shirou could sense that such a bombastic delivery was more befitting of Touch Me than Momonga, and in the midst of it, the magus felt a part of himself being channeled through the words of the speech.

It was almost like my friend had put on a mask and become someone else. Although his words still carried his unique passion and voice, it wasn't really him. It was as if he was pretending to be someone he wasn't.

As the guild was riled by Momonga's ardent speech, Shirou silently slipped towards his undead friend until he was standing by his side, with Momonga none the wiser.

"I do have to say, for someone who's adamant about not being into role-playing, you sure are good at it." He whispered.

The only sign that Momonga was surprised by Shirou's unexpected presence was the stiffening of his shoulders; he himself was taken completely off guard.

"Emiya-san… Geez, you scared me!" Momonga whispered back. His voice returned to its usual polite inflection.

"It was a nice speech... but it wasn't yours." Shirou said suddenly.

"W-what do you mean?" Momonga replied, confused by his exact statement.

"The speech you gave. It was inspiring, no doubt about that, but it felt as if it was someone else giving it. I could easily picture Touch Me-San delivering such a speech, but not you, Momonga-san." He clarified. To which Momonga didn't respond immediately.

His shoulders hunched upward before slumping just as quickly, a wry sigh leaving his skeletal lips.

"I needed to do something, Emiya-san... You saw how they were." The Elder Lich answered back.

Shirou would admit that. Morale was extremely important, and any sudden shift could lead to disastrous results. He understood his friend's concerns, but...

"There's nothing wrong with you projecting a little bit. Whether it be myself, Touch Me-san, or anyone else. But it wasn't you giving the speech, more like a persona."

"It worked, didn't it?" Momonga argued back.

"Perhaps." Shirou was willing to concede. "But it wasn't you. And I'm sure some of the others know it or will figure it out." The magus repeated.

Hearing Shirou repeat himself, a small sense of frustration bubbled within Momonga.

"You know as well as I do that I couldn't lead even a child out of a paper bag. I needed something that they would truly follow. Out of everyone within the guild, I thought you would understand the most. What they need isn't some insecure nobody, but an actual leader to lead them. And seeing as how everyone thinks I'm more than qualified for a position that I have not even a single ounce of experience leading, excuse me for trying to do what I think works best!" He replied in a snappish tone, with a hint of accusation in his words.

Momonga immediately snapped his mouth shut, and his eyes widened at the caustic tone. Regret instantly filled him for snapping at his friend. Shirou was just trying to help him out, and despite it, Momonga saw some truth in his words.

He could sense his friend's surprise, no doubt from the sudden amount of bite and resentment in his words. Perhaps he wasn't speaking the whole truth when he said he was fine when the role of leadership was thrust upon him.

Before Momonga had a chance to apologize, Shirou recuperated his words.

"I know, and I am sorry for throwing you in the deep end like that." He admitted it with a sigh. "But I still stand by what I said in that meeting. No one starts out as an amazing leader, Momonga-san. There's no real or proper method of leading. If you wish to emulate us, then follow Touch Me-san's example. Act through action, not words. To me, there isn't a difference between Satoru Suzuki and Momonga. You're my friend, and I am yours, and so are they."

He inclined his head towards the others.

"You don't have to pretend to be someone you're not for us." Shirou softly whispered.

"Then what do you suggest I do? I don't know the first thing about leading." Momonga finally beseeched.

"I think you are stressing yourself out by trying to do the impossible. As I said before, no one starts off as a great leader. I know that, and no doubt they do as well. You're allowed mistakes, Momonga-san. You have time to grow, learn, and experience all the trials and tribulations to build yourself into the leader we all know you'll be."

"T-then how am I supposed to lead you guys if I don't actually lead?" Momonga begged for an answer.

"Simple. Trust us, but not just our abilities or competency but also our character. Have faith that we trust you, flaws and all. Just as we do for you. And most importantly of all…"

Shirou paused and looked Momonga straight in the eye.

"Be your own man, Momonga-san." With those parting words, Shirou left the undead Player to muse over his words.

Watching his friend leave, Momonga played back the words of caution in his mind. He kind of understood where Shirou was coming from and knew he was just looking out for him. Yet a small part of him, the one responsible for the sudden outburst, couldn't help but comment.

'Easy for you to say.'

Shaking away the residual frustration, Momonga could focus on the problem later.

The next and most important matter to deal with would be the formation and assignment of the parties.

Shirou reported that there were five different paths to take. This meant that there would need to be five separate parties, each consisting of a maximum of six Players, for a standard attack. However, with only twenty-nine players in the guild, it was inevitable that one group would be one Player short.

The decision about which party would be the odd man out came rather easily. Shirou, with his tracing abilities, could easily fill numerous roles. Primarily, the role of the Physical Attacker, the Magic Attacker, and the group's Wildcard. He was more than able to compensate for the lack of a sixth member.

That was what Shirou originally thought would happen, but it didn't.

As the parties were being finalized by the group's resident raid expert, Punitto Moe, with help from Tabula, Shirou noticed a small discrepancy with the format of the parties. It wasn't just him, but Momonga as well. The two shared a look and quietly and politely took Punitto Moe aside to talk to him.

Shirou saw that mainly two of the teams were unbalanced, or rather, overbalanced, to be accurate. The two parties were Momonga's group, consisting of Ulbert Alain Odle as the Magic Attacker, Warrior Takemikazuchi as the Physical Attacker, Bukubukuchagama fitting the role of the Tank, Yamaiko as the Healer, Nishikienrai being selected as the Seeker, and Momonga taking the Wildcard spot.

Shirou's party consisted of Variable Talisman as the Tank, Tabula as the Magic Attacker, Blue Planet taking up the role of Healer, Touch Me as the Physical Attacker, Tigris Euphrates as the Seeker, and the magus himself as the group's wildcard.

Instead of attempting to evenly distribute power among all groups, it appears that the focus was placed primarily on Shirou and Momonga's party. While the other groups were not completely disregarded or made up entirely of weaker members, it was evident that these two parties were comprised of the best Players within Ainz Ooal Gown.

"Punitto Moe-san, are you sure it's a good idea to have all the eggs in one basket? What about the others?" Momonga questioned.

"I would be lying if I said I believed that we would all make it through to the end. Maybe we will, or maybe we won't. But it's always a necessity to have a fallback plan." The Death Vine bluntly admitted. "You twelve are the best Players within the guild. Should it come down to it, it'll be your groups that will have a high likelihood of clearing the dungeon if all else fails."

Shirou and Momonga exchanged looks.

"He does have a point, Momonga-san."

"…I know…" The undead sighed. Perhaps it was a bit foolish and naïve of him, but he believed that they, all of Ainz Ooal Gown, would make it to the end. No, it was more like he wanted them to all succeed and make it to the end. He wanted everyone to bask in the glory and celebrate together when they conquered the dungeon.

"Don't look so down, Momonga-san! If there's anyone who can see this through, then it would be you and Emiya-san's party. After all, it's only right that the Guildmaster be the one who clears the dungeon. If not for us, then for yourself, Momonga-san. Wouldn't you agree, Emiya-san?" The strategist looked to the magus for support.

"My sentiments exactly, Punitto Moe-san."

Hearing their praise and trust, Momonga responded in kind. "Then I accept your trust, and I shall endeavor to see this through completely!"

But he wasn't done just yet.

"However, I also expect you all to give it your all. It would hardly be a celebration if there's no one to celebrate with." Momonga made them promise.

"As you command, Guildmaster." The Death Vine mock saluted, and the three shared a group laugh.

Ainz Ooal Gown gathered at the foot of the towering, worn staircase that stretched up towards the mausoleum. Its architecture was grand and imposing, seemingly designed to accommodate both Players and monsters of any size. As they made their way up the steps, they couldn't help but feel a mix of caution and anticipation rising within them. Though the prospect of battling through an intimidating dungeon was daunting, a sense of excitement bubbled within all of them. The thrill of what might lie ahead in the unknown and the nervous energy that came with it only fueled their determination to see it through to the end.

Finally, they reached the entrances and walked in, their surroundings quickly going pitch black as there was no light source to illuminate the interior of the tomb.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the five stone statues that Shirou warned of. Much of the statues were cloaked in shadows, their forms and features obscured by the darkness.

"Who dares enter and desecrate the noble walls of the Great Tomb of Nazarick?! For such insolence, you all deserve a thousand deaths!"

A loud voice boomed, one full of demanding wrath.

"Fools, no doubt, driven to gluttony by their greed. Turn back now, and perhaps we will show mercy and spare your lives. Only the truly foolish dare continue forward!"

A different voice spoke, this one feminine with a haughty undertone.

"Or perhaps it is bravery that drives them. A spark of determination perhaps?"

A third voice simply said. The tone and voice sounded much older and inquisitive than the previous two.

"Brave or not, know this intruder, your venture here was but a foolish journey! Foolish! We shall make sure of it."

"Hoooowww fooolllisshhh."



Another statue spoke, this one containing four distinct voices but belonging to the same speaker. The first was a dark and growling voice, similar to that of a beast. The second voice was more distorted compared to the first, more drawl-like. The third was the most distinct, taking on a screechy and ear-grating high-pitched voice. The fourth was the most malicious, filled with anger and bloodthirst.

"It matters not if they continue forward or retreat, their fate is all but sealed. But do try and put up an effort. Or else this venture would be a waste of your time and, more importantly, ours."

The final voice was a large contrast to the previous four and perhaps the most normal sounding. Regal, but at the same time, condescending.

After concluding their part, a heavy silence engulfed the room, leaving nothing but a profound stillness in its wake. Suddenly, five pathways lit up with blazing torches, their light piercing the darkness and stretching endlessly into the unknown void beyond.

"Well, Guildmaster, any inspiring last words before we take the plunge?" Warrior Takemikazuchi broke the silence.

As Momonga gazed upon the faces of those gathered before him, he felt a wave of emotions wash over him. These individuals were more than just his guildmates, they were his friends and even his family. Together, they had embarked on a journey to achieve a common goal and had risen to a position of both respect and fear amongst the other clans in YGGDRASIL. However, they now stood at a crossroads, poised to take the next step forward not just as a guild, but as a collective. Each and every name on the party list held their own dreams, fears, and ambitions, and it was up to Momonga to lead them towards a brighter future. In his mind, he heard the words of his closest friend echoing back to him. Though he had already addressed them as their Guildmaster, it was now time for Momonga, the friend, to speak. With a deep breath, he posted an 'All-Party Message', cleared his throat, and began to speak with a sense of purpose and determination.

"My fellow guildmates. We've come to the last point. Beyond this, we will face two things. Absolute victory, or a crushing defeat. Our little clan, Nine's Own Goal, came together to show exactly what Heteromorphs can do despite our setbacks. Now, look at us. From our humble beginnings, we have forged a new beginning for ourselves. A guild, Ainz Ooal Gown! We've made it farther than we had any right to thanks to the tireless dedication we put forward. I, for one, say let us GO FORTH. WE WILL FIGHT, WE WILL WIN!"

He threw up his bony arms in a grand gesture, uncaring that not everyone could watch this.


"OOOOOOHHHHHHHH!" All twenty-nine Players cried out. Their voices echoed their leader's own, together as one. With nothing more left to do, they pushed on forward and towards the unknown. Their goal was within sight.

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