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Chapter 2- Days Of Training(1/2)

-Day 2/Tuesday-

The testing of his abilities began with the meditation technique which healed him up as he focused, sitting on the bed as his head was empty of outside thoughts and becoming closer to being one with his inner self. Fatigue, pain, and other afflictions seemed to dull out as an effect of it, but to truly confirm its power, he'll have to use it in an unfavorable situation to see what it can actually do.

Things happened the same way with ejaculation and ejaculation resistance, both doing as described though it was harder to test with his current micro rod, but it was something he got over and proved the techniques were working just fine.

The prior causes him to release immediately, while the latter prevents him from doing so at all, both useful in their own right.

Following that, he skipped 100% Fertility, 100% Infertility, Cum inflation, Ecstatic Ram, Lustful Hands, Sexual Touch, and Child Selection, since he could not test them without a target something he would not acquire properly until the micro problem was solved.

Unfortunately, it seemed even the sexual touch needed a target, while Lustful Hands and a few others could not be used either way because they required EP.

Next in line however were, Increased Sperm Load, and Decreased Sperm Load, which once again did exactly what they promoted and satisfied Nivril with their effects even if not major all in all. After that was done, he cleaned the place up and left for school.

Soon Nivril reached the school. Once at school, he became the center of attention again, this time a little different from the last time though.

"Who's that guy? Do you think he works here?"

"No, he's carrying a bag he's probably someone's older brother…"

"He's kinda hot don't you think?"

"Not really my type… he's like totally too old for us…"

"I mean… is he though? I bet he has a big black c-"

"Don't say that! Are you crazy?! What if he hears us?!"

Other conversations about him were happening while he was passing by the halls.

(I wish I had one… but this trash body did everything wrong! Oh well, I'll find a way to get one myself and if I can't, I'll just accumulate enough OLP and buy that rod shapeshifting skill.) Nivril thought to himself as he heard one of the conversations about him.

Reaching the class, he waited for the bell to ring as more classmates came there to wait, many of them began asking themselves who he was, while others couldn't care less.

Eventually, the bell rang and they entered the class many looked at Nivril confused by his presence, but nobody came to him, unlike yesterday when there was a big commotion.

The teacher came in and once again it was a beautiful young woman, one who he had a lesson with yesterday… if Nivril didn't remember wrong her name was Jasmine.

She was a brown young woman with brown hair and eyes, wearing a black blouse and a skirt to match, her face was soft and smooth with an air of distance from her surroundings.

(Image Here!)

Once she set her bag down, she greeted everyone and then looked at Nivril.

(And who's that now?… Yesterday the old-looking kid and now this man, well at least he's kinda cute… is this year just going to be full of oddities?… man, what I wouldn't do be out drinking and having some fun instead of this dead-end job, where some kids give me zero respect… Oh well, I made my bed and might as well sleep on it. I should get something to do the next weekend since my sister already asked for help this one… I could even call Shaila and the others, that could be fun.) Jasmine thought to herself sighing in frustration before having an idea. After that, she once again focused on Nivril.

"Sir, what are you doing in my classroom?" Jasmine called out to Nivril.

Getting up from his seat, Nivril replied. "It's Nivril… teacher… from yesterday…"

(What?! There's no way! How on earth could someone change so much from one day to the other?! This… It has to be cultivation… there's no other way...) Jasmine could not believe his words but soon came to the only explanation that would make sense to her.

"Nivril Mortalis?… that Nivril?…" It was such a surprise she forgot there was only one Nivril in the whole school.

"Yes… I encountered a fortune and found the inheritance of a cultivator." Nivril explained calmly spouting the lie he decided long before.

"Th- That's amazing! Congratulations!… you can take your seat…" Jasmine was taken aback but didn't let that get to her and proceeded with the lesson right after.

Classes from then were full of shock at Nivril's transformation. Eventually, the ruffians met him and found themselves in complete and utter shock seeing him, not just okay but better than ever and Nivril said nothing to them, only putting his finger before his lips as if to tell them to stay quiet.

This caused Raylid to clench his fist as he looked at Nivril as if he were some freak of nature, but with the order of Snaptrap, both Rufus and Big Sin carried him out of there before something unsightly took place.

Watching them go, even though revenge would come for them, Nivril wanted to be prepared before doing it, so nothing was going to happen, not yet.

After all the lessons were over, he was called to the principal's office.

As he made his way there, once again he found himself listening to people talk about him.

"You're not gonna believe me, but this guy, he's the old hobo dude from yesterday!"

"That's bullsh*t!"

"I'm serious! Apparently, he found a cultivator's inference!"

"That's amazing… maybe I should work on my charm a little. After all, even if he looks like that, he's around our age, right?"

"As if a cultivator would take you, even if he looks average now, he'll eventually be a god, if you want some, you better be ready to get dirty."

"Hmph! I could easily get him if I wanted to… but I don't know if he's going to be a failure yet and end up a cripple, I'm not risking my pretty self on that."

While ignoring the loud gossipers, Nivril got to the principal's office and went inside after knocking.

"You can come in." The principal said as he knocked.

Then as he came in she continued. "Sit down and relax, I just want to talk to you."

As she said Nivril obliged and sat looking at her.

She was a middle-aged woman with a young face and full assets, making Nivril question what happened to Earth in this timeline that made all the women look younger and thicker…

She had light brown hair and equally brown eyes, her attire being a blazer and a white see-through shirt that showed a little of her white bra, and a black short skirt just above her stockings.

(Image Here!)

"So… may I ask why I was called here?" Nivril questioned intrigued as to why he would be called there in the first place.

"Yes, I called you here 'cause I wanted to see for myself if the rumors were true… If this keeps happening, we won't have to brief the parents since you'll actually look your age… As for the rest, well…

"I wanted to know how you're adjusting so far… With everything I heard, I imagine you hate this institution." She looked at Nivril with eyes full of pity and a somber tone in her voice.

(If only he wasn't a student here… he went from being a mess to just my type in a day… a pity he'll probably keep getting younger... When he's just ripe, right now…

(But I mustn't! I should never have such thoughts as a principal, even if my living situation is complicated, I have to stay upright. Forgive me for my thoughts Lord, this one shall stick to being a good wife and mother.) The principal bit her lower lips before shaking it off and putting on a serious face.

"No, it's all fine… I already expected as much, but it will die down in a couple of days when the novelty wears off." Nivril replied calmly and almost raised his eyebrow when she bit her lips, but quickly put on a poker face.

"It's good to see you come at it with a mature attitude, but remember I'm here to help you if you need me as are all the teachers, so don't hesitate to come to any of us. Don't let them put you down, a student like you has a future ahead of them, and you should hold onto it." The principal expressed with a smile.

"Of course, thank you. If nothing else, I'm taking my leave." Nivril said and she nodded in agreement.

From there he went back home and on the way, he was once again intercepted but this time it was Raylid and nobody else. Back at the same alley from last time.

"Would you like that, you can actually move without your goons? I for sure thought you would turn to dust if you moved too far from them." Nivril commented, not intimidated by him in the slightest.

"Hmph! You think just because you went from an old man to someone's dad, that you're any better? Don't make me laugh. You're still the same loser." Raylid retorted and looked at him intensely as if he was ready to attack at any moment.

"That's some big talk for a criminal. You know attempted murder is rather serious." Even though he didn't really care for the criminal status, it was not time to deal with this fool yet, so he went for it.

"Come on! Just because you startled me with that bullsh*t! It doesn't mean I'm stupid, you don't have any proof. It's one against four people's words, you can't do anything. You came back just to go back to being my b*tch." Raylid declared as he again put on the gloves and pulled out the knife from before, now clean of any blood.

"You do realize I got a cultivator's inheritance, right? You won't get me just by having a knife." Nivril scoffed at his behavior.

"I looked into it and cultivators get stronger over time, they don't just become Gods from day to night. So while you are still a loser, I'll put you in your place. As a bonus, I'll get a cultivator's inheritance." Raylid smiled as he charged in with his knife.

Even after the completion of the first daily quest, Nivril was still slower than Raylid who reached him quickly, however, due to his dexterous hands, he was able to parry the knife stab. Unfortunately for him, he still got rammed against the wall.

While that was painful, he suck it up and began walling at Raylid's face, hitting a few poorly made jabs on his face, which unlike before actually did damage, just not quite enough, as he got slammed against the ground, where a knife was coming closer to his face, so he stopped it with his hand, however, it was getting overpowered so he added the second hand to stop it.

"Hahaha! Just like I thought, still weak! Give me the inheritance or I'll send you off properly this time!" Raylid was ecstatic and began using his free hand to punch Nivril's defenseless face.

"F*ck off!" Even as his face was pummeled, Nivril pulled through and pushed the incoming knife to the side then, quickly went for a right hook right in Raylid's family jewels, before pushing him off and rolling out.

"You little sh*t! I'll f*ckin kill you! You hear me!" Raylid declared from the fetal position on the ground.

While that was going on, Nivril took this moment to pick up his backpack, and then escape, going straight to his dorm room.

"Damn it!… It was a close call… I'm not really strong yet… I'll have to keep up the training if I want to accomplish my goals..." He said to himself and after putting his backpack down, decided to rest on his bed, it was a long day.

-Day 3/Wednesday; 5 A.M.-

The day ended and a new one started, Nivril's alarm woke him up, and he was met with a new quest.

[A quest has been generated.]

[Quest 2: Rise Up To The Occasion 2(Daily)]

[Description: You have experienced what it is to be weak for the first 18 years of your life in this world, and though you were lucky before, that is now over. You have to prove that you are worthy of the powers you have gained by becoming stronger than all else, one step at a time starting from now.

Objective- Complete The Daily Training Routine(Normal mode)


-0/100 push-ups

-0/100 sit-ups

-0/100 squats

-0/100 jump jacks

-0/1000 Punches on the training dummy

-0/1000 kicks on the training dummy

-0/30 minutes of flexibility training

-0/30 minutes of plank

-0/30 minutes of Evasion training

-0/30 minutes of Reflex training

-0/10 km run

Failure conditions: Unable to complete the training within the same day.


-10 OLP

-Body Fortification Burger(extra protein!)

-Lineage Solidification Protein Powder Bag(extra protein!)

-Cup with water(No extra protein)

Time Left: 23:59]

"Normal?… this is so much more than before… and the reward… so little OLP…" Nivril smiled awkwardly seeing the new Quest.

[Report. The first Quest had a bonus, it would have normally only been worth 1 OLP, but since it was your first quest, it was boosted to 100 OLP.]

"I guess that's fair… my teeth are normal now, so I can't complain…" Nivril narrowed his eyes before sighing.

Once again he got ready for the exercise routine and then filled up his 1-liter plastic cup from yesterday with water before starting his training.

Just like the day before, he did the training inside for the most part with various pauses in between, then left to complete the ones which required him to do so.

It was an extraneous task that pushed him beyond anything, even causing him to vomit and pass out once, but through all, he continued until the very end.

[The Quest 2: Rise Up To The Occasion 2(Daily) has been completed within the time frame limit. The rewards can now be collected, would you like to have them now?]

[[Yes] Or [No]]

Nivril just got back home from his training then got naked and went into the bathroom after getting his reward.

[Report. You have acquired 10 OLP, Body Fortification Burger(extra protein!), Lineage Solidification Protein Powder Bag(extra protein!), and Cup with water(No extra protein).

Note: It is recommended that you consume the items near the bathroom or even inside it, naked.]

After getting done with everything this time, there were much fewer impurities as well as much less pain, and thanks to that he dealt with cleaning the aftermath rather easily, before opening his status screen to check the changes.

[The process of Full body optimization has been completed. As a result, your attributes have increased slightly!]

[Status Screen]

[Name: Nivril Armondis Mortalis

Species: Human | Sub-Species: Earth Human

Age: 18 years old

Sex: Male

Class: Lust Ruler Candidate

Sub-Class: None

Physique: None

Bloodline: None

Affinities: Void, Neutral(Null), Lust

Lv: 0

Cultivation Level: None

Exp: 0/5

Titles: Reincarnated Otherwolder, The Hero Of All Men


Hp: 100% | EP: -/- | Stm: 25/25

Strength: 3 -> 4

Dexterity: 6 -> 7

Vitality: 4 -> 5

Intelligence: 0

Endurance: 6 -> 7

Wisdom: 0

Agility: 3 -> 4

Will: 20

Charisma: 30(On Hold: 0/10) -> 31(On Hold: 0/10)

Luck: 1(On Hold: 0/100)

Free Attribute Points: 0


Diplomacy: I-

Influence: I-

EP Core: I-

EP Circuit: I-

Divine Power: 0

Profane Power: 0

Spiritual power: I-

Racial Talent: Adaptability,

Abilities: <Instant Climax.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Pleasure Multiplier.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Child Selection.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Ecstatic Ram.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Lustful Hands.Lv-1(Rank I)>,

Techniques: <Meditation.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Ejaculation.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Ejaculation Resistance.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <100% Fertility.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <100% Infertility.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Cum inflation.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Increased Sperm Load.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Decreased Sperm Load.Lv-1(Rank I)>, <Sexual Touch.Lv-1(Rank I)>,

Magic: None

Extras: Lust Ruler's Omni-Records System,

Inventory: Locked(100,000,000 points)

OLP: 10 points]

"… it looks like if I keep this up, I'll be a real monster in a few days." Nivrio nodded upon confirming his status.

Once everything was properly confirmed, he left for school.

At school, he could still hear some gossip about him going around, but it was much less than before. If things kept going that way, he would soon be forgotten like so many other topics that became the focus of gossip.

After he got into class, he was greeted by his teacher, another of the unnecessarily attractive female teachers he had, the music teacher, Stella.

"Hey! If it isn't our school's second cultivator. It's really hard to believe without seeing it with my own two eyes and even now it feels fake. You're looking good, though.

"I told you, you just had to let the universe follow its flow and all the stars would eventually align for you, though I have to admit it was much quicker than I could have ever imagined." Stella greeted Nivril with a hug, her voluptuous body pressed against his.

"Yeah… I guess I was just lucky." Nivril replied with a smile.

(Just look at him… he's quite average in looks now, but after the last transformation the universe is definitely going to make a hot cake with this one. Plus he's cute, clearly a virgin so bonus point...

(However, I can't feel anything down there even when I hug him… my instincts tell me he's one of the unlucky ones, but the vibe doesn't match… so I hope I'm wrong and he's just a grower, it will be a waste otherwise… Let's manifest the best outcome.) She thought to herself as she hugged him, not letting her thoughts show outward.

"You deserve it, honey. Now sit down! We have harmony to create, and the vibe is just perfect for it!" She let go of him and started her lesson.

From then on the lesson was a pretty good one, music was not Nivril's strong suit but he had no trouble with it either, plus the hot teacher, there was no problem.

Later on, after the school day was over, he made his way home through a different route just in case the ruffians tried to attack him again. The last time was close enough for him to want to build up some more strength before dealing with this situation.

"Can't go on getting cocky now… Not again at least… Man, I'm too old for this." He sighed as he got home and laid in bed, sighing at the thought of his current life.

HaremHobo HaremHobo

Man, this is tough.

Load failed, please RETRY

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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