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76.66% Dc: start in Young Justice / Chapter 21: Chap 20: The truth is out

Bab 21: Chap 20: The truth is out

[Guardians HQ]

I guess this is it, it has already began.

"Just make sure everyone sit tight you too Zane I have a feeling we will need you. But I hope I don't have too." Cecile face is shown from the monitor giving instructions his expression stern but can't hide the nervousnes.

You have no idea Cecile, you have no idea.

"Sit tight? Is he for real" said Rex.

"For once I agree Zane, Robot can't you do anything to find what's going down." Said Samson looking at me and the frozen Robot while I am looking at the direction the real Robot is coming from ignoring the question and Rex who's annoying Robot trying to see if he's 'alive'.

"I am very much alive, more so now than ever" said the newcomer starting to introduce himself as Rudolf Connors under everyone buffled looks.

I am trying not to laugh at their expressions and looks of horrors. Rookies.

"How do we now you're  telling the proof? Asked Dupli-kate and before Rudy start explaining and going on with this Q&A thing I interrupt them and say:" Well it's nice to finally meet you Rudy, could have done better with the face but not bad anyway."


"Yes, Zane thank you and it's nice meeting you personally too. You are the only one who discovered the truth and you probably already knew right."

"Yeah your work may have been good but 'theirs' not so much. I'm surprised no one really found them but again you are probably behind that too"

"Why didn't you stop me?"

"Meh I want to say out of trust, but honestly it's not my job and I don't care"

"Ok what are you two talking about and why the fuck do you look like me? How the fuck do you look like me?" Barged Rex between us with his questions.

"*sigh* You know people, it's really disappointing especially you two who spent the longest time with him to think that Robot is really just a simple peace of metal working with you, while not impossible with the technology around but he has shown more emotions and compation than any of you and none has ever noticed. A shame really." I tell them with a disapproving voice full of disappointment some show embarrassment but ofcourse not Rex he's still dumbfounded. And an idiot.

"Anyway you go on and explain to them Rudy there still is time." and I let them be for now to focus on something else something from the skies.

A beam of light.

It hit and I can hear the explosion.

And it's already started.


[3rd person P.O.V]

Somwhere else.

Omni-man just destroyed the beam laser satellite and is on his way to find his son Mark aka Invincible but got intercepted by Cecile midway who's trying desperately to stall for time and save the best options for the last in hope he can deal with him before that.

Cecile is stalling for time for the same reason Omni-man is in hurry, to find Mark. He needs to know, to make sure if Mark is on his side, earth's side or if he's on his father's side. The answer to that will be the decision maker, to try and kill them both or find a way to get rid of Omni-man. He still has trump cards to stall for more time maybe hurt him, atleast enough so someone else can deal with him for good, War Woman, the new Guardians and Zane.

Although he doesn't yet know Zane's full potential and motive but from his observations, records and what the old Guardians team used to report about his training with War woman he believes that he's atleast not weaker than any of them.

To be honest Cecile never really trusted Zane, and for good reasons too. A possible alien not from another planet but totally another earth in another universe!! but Zane never gave them any reason to doubt him but, after the whole debacle with Nolan his paranoia shot through the roof and he doesn't know what to believe anymore.

The silver lining for now is his relationship with War Woman and her trust in him. Even then he's not feeling optimistic now.

One problem at a time.

After Omni-man finally dealt with Sinclair inventions, the dead soldiers ReAnimen.

He finds himself against a stronger kaiju monster he dealt with months ago and all hell got loose when the media got there and Mark too, and now Cecile is getting report on War Woman and another new unknown contact approaching the battle taking place. And all he can say is "shit"


[The Guardians HQ, Zane P.O.V]

I am watching the news and I see how Holly just joined the fight against Omni-man  alongside Immortal and all I can say is "fucking..-"

*shh- blink* " Zane"

"..Cecile. I am on my way"

Before Cecile or anyone else can open their mouths I already phased throught the roof and flew away breaking the speed of sound and all that can be heard is sonic booms.

Sigh... I didn't want to interfere or do much but I knew she will somehow come there I thought maybe AFTER Immortal showed himself but I underestimated the beam of laser effect, she must have noticed too and the media didn't help. Atleast they are fighting together against him but a single mistake mean the death of both of them and I can't allow that.

Once I arrived there all I can see is, Mark being eaten by the Kaiju and Nolan beating the shit out of those two. And they are about to be killed. That's my cue.

I arrived in front of Nolan with a kick to his face and sent him back to his son and looked back at Holly and Immortal who are laying on the ground taking heavy and deep breath.

"Hey you two, are you still there?"

"Zane" "You!"

"Hey Immortal nice seeing you back, whoa calm down I'm on your side remember!?" It seems he's really angry and confused, he looks like he wants to attack me.

"Aaaaahh" and he attacked. Typical cliches.

"Immortal!" yelled Holly exasperated at her once colleague who is attacking her 'lover'.

"Hey man relax I'm here to help you remember " "I'LL KILL Youuu"

*sigh* It seems he is under trauma amd since I'm also an 'alien' he just sees me the same as Nolan.

Anyway after dodging a couple of sloppy punches and kicks I find the right moment to struck him in the right place in his neck and he goes paralyzed to sleep. Acupuncture is one hella of a skill if learned and used correctly.

I bring him down to Holly who has been watching around quite nervously on one side Nolan can come any moment on the other we two are fighting and it can get ugly. If it's anyone else, and I was keeping an eye and ear around anyway. I know Nolan is taking his time to talk to Mark so that's good i think.

"Zane are you both okay what happened to him?" asked the worried Holly after i flew down to her.

"Relax Holly he's fine just sleeping, it seems someone woke him up rudely and he's confused so mind take him back to Cecile it will be dangerous for you two if you stay here. I will see what I can do with Omni-man"

"But it dangerous to deal with him with you alone!"

"It's okay I can handle it besides, I am not alone"

"What do you m-.." right on cue we see both Mark and Nolan standing against each other with Nolan looking really angry and enraged.

"Go Holly he needs you I'll be fine I promise"

and without letting her answer I fly beside Mark facing Nolan.

"It's over Omni-man, I don't know why you did this but please stand down" man even I will scoff at that line if ever told to me.

"Zane!" "You" what with those lines man it feels really repetitive you know.

[A/N: *ahem* just deal with it]

"Just stay out of it, you are not needed here" says Omni-man flying faster than Mark can blink and punches me sending me flying away. I could have dodged that but I want the experience. And I have to say I felt that, he is not playing around.

He launches at me even faster with another punch but this time I catch it with my hand generating air waves around us that clear the area around and makes Mark fly a bit away.

I give him my own punch and send him back where he came from and launch myself flying in his direction ready for another punch that he dodges.

We continue like that for a minute or two, exchanging punches and attacks. He's good, really good. I don't know how strong Superman is exactly but I know even if he is stronger than Nolan here he will lose. This man is a trained fighter, no a warrior with experience that dwarfs all the justice league combined and he is ruthless and ready to kill, even thought I read his memory but experiencing the real thing is different. It's alway is.

I can feel myself becoming better by fighting him, my style is getting more polished and more like my style. I was trying for a while now to have my own style of fighting, and while I managed to combine and create something out of the martial arts that I know, the actual experience while using it is something else entirely and now I am getting it.

His flesh and bones are hard to pierce while I can manage to do it his experience and instinct will help him dodge at the last moment with minimal injuries making it look like a simple scratch which is nothing to him and me.

The same can be said to me he can't touch me if I don't want to but I am taking this as fighting experience I am only using my strenght and fighting style, I have a feeling it will come in hand when I return back.

After having a moment where both our fists met we separated from each other and took a distance observing the other.

"You are not bad" says Nolan, looking calmer now but the conflict in his eyes is more than before, I can see his gaze drift to Mark once in a while during our fight and now he feels lost, not knowing what to do.

"Dad!!" speaking of Mark here he comes. Mark tries to speak to him but Nolan looks conflicted and lost till he resolves himself to speak. He gives me an eye look and I get it and separate myself from them to give them a moment.

"That was unexpected" I thought he will be adamant to kill me and have the talk with Mark but in the middle of the fight something changed. I didn't expect this mutual understanding between us, I mean sure I understand him a little from the tv serie but I don't really know him so again that was unexpected.

*pshht* " Zane, what happened why did you two stop!" " what's happening with Mark!" Cecile's voice ring from the earpods I have on me with someone's else voice, a woman voice. This is Debby I guess.

"Ehm.. they are having a.. father and son moment I guess."

"And why didn't you stop him, it's obvious you can do something about him, I can send you backup so we can take him down for good."

*sigh*" It's not as simple as you think Cecile"

"What do you mean?" I can feel the anger and anxiousness in his voice probably his mind is going to dark places.

"What I mean is none of us was giving their all Cecile, those punches we were exchanging would easily tore buildings down, if we both take it a notch we will destroy cities. Everything till now was controlled in this radius but if we let loose we will find ourselves in the middle of an inhabited place, I will let you imagine the damage and losses.

"I.. understand" "Mark!!" Yep they are fighting or more like Nolan is beating the shit out of Mark but not that bad like in the show, just enough so he can't move.

Maybe because I am here or his mind is clearer after our fight? and his 'fight' with Mark is just to make up his mind.

Well atleast he didn't go far and still didn't kill people or destroyed cities he is still within my vision and ears. Is it really because of me, or is he just more sure now then ever.

I will be flattered if it's because of me.

"Why don't you join me Mark, why do you choose them? What will you have after 500 years?" Says Omni-man with a calm and soft voice, even thought he didn't hurt Mark like he did in the show, but he still punched him good enough for blood to come out. So he still can see his son blood on his hands and I can see the pain in his eyes.

"Ugh..You dad, I'll still have you" oh the famous phrase. Says Mark standing with little difficulty but not giving up and holding his hands up to continue the fight. It is quite admirable in my opinion, he really deserves respect for this. Knowing you are going against someone so strong you have no chance of winning against, and this someone is actually your father. I don't know if I can do it in his place.

I can see Nolan closing his eyes, frowning hard struggling as if he's in great dilemma then he just without opening his eyes nor looking behind, flies so fast he crossed the atmosphere in seconds than leaving the planet.

I come near Mark who is kneeling on the ground breathing fast while holding his ribs and spitting blood. Yeah he didn't go too far but also didnt take it easy on him either. Meh nothing a night or two of sleep wont heal.

"You did good kid, you were brave there." I kneel beside him and put my hand on his shoulder and pat it once showing my support.

Seconds later Cecile and his agents teleported here and some medics tended to Mark's health, I turned to Cecile and his agents and saw them pointing their weapons at me, I just raised an eyebrow at that but couldn't help but let out a sigh internally.

"What all that about Cecile?" I asked before anyone made a mistake I don't want to be on bad term in this world too.

"Why did you let him go?" Asked Cecile with his trademark pokerface.

"I told you Cecile, this is the best option you have. He made his choice and chose to leave so let him be." I 'explained' to him thoroughly and we exchanged couple of words and stares for a second before he mentioned with his hand and everyone let their weapons down.

I really don't understand why ordinary people choose to lift their weapons and shoot against those who they know it won't do anything against. Isn't that a waste of energy and ammunition?

A while later after they took Mark I left the scene too and went to space too without anyone noticing where there was someone waiting, I floated beside him and just waited there looking down like he was doing.

"Why didn't you stop me? You had a chance if everyone worked together and weared me down" asked Nolan still looking down on planet earth that is still in sight since we didnt fly that high that why could still speak.

[A/N: I don'tknowat what high can they still speak or not so just ignore this little detail for now.]

"I had a hunch" 'more like knew from the show' "you were hesitant, while I can't understand your thought process you let some things out, it's like you have to do it but don't want to, and your son was the answer to all your questions"

We stayed silent for a while, probably trying to digest what I said, and then he opened his mouth again hesitant but still asked.

"Will they ever forgive me?"

"You killed the Guardians, so most people on earth won't especially what was left of the Guardians.." I let the silent still for a while and then continued "..but like Mark said he has you, and so do you. Just think how important is Mark to you"

Again after awhile of silent he breathed a defeated sigh and relaxed his muscles and said "Thanks"

I just nodded and then asked " What will you do now?"

"I-..i don't know" he said after thinking for a bit.

"I see... I wish you luck" after that I left again and went back down.


Couple of days went by and everything went back to normal... well as normal as it can get.

Immortal and War Woman joined back at the new Guardians, which caused a little bit of problem because for some reason Immortal hates me now and think I let Omni-man go away on purpose and I am working with him or something. While not wrong on the let him go away I obviously wasn't working with him.

Even I was quite surprised how the event unfolded and my meeting with him later is all because I noticed him right there and didn't think he will fight me. I honestly don't hate Omni-man or anything, from his point of view he isn't doing anything wrong while brutal and there will be a lot of sacrifices he truly believes that his empire will make everything better.

I truly don't known what does it take to change the mind of someone who is used to this stuff after a thousands of years of the same practice. So Mark should be proud.

Even the media and news where swinging in or against me. Some says I scared him away and saved them while some says I was working with him and can't be trusted.

But thanks to being the one who saved them from the alien invasion and not being much active the opposition was tamer.

I had a talk with Holly too, and had to explain what would have happened if I pressed on fighting him even if other joined and after a while of convincing she got my point.

While we were at it I also told her that I am leaving soon, and I don't know how long has it been since I left and I am 'concerned' if everything's alright. I obviously found a way to go back the same time I left the YJ Universe, but she doesn't need to know that.

And thanks to her not knowing she sympathized with me and we ended with a hot sex night. Driven women are different I tell you.

So till the day I am leaving I was preparing everything I need, I copied the knowledge I need from the Mauler twins while they were escorted to prison, and now I am wondering if I should start cloning people instead of having androids.

I swear if this knowledge was in the hand of some pervert *shudder* good thing it is not.

I also got my hand on some good and useful powers from around the world after having all the data and information I need thanks to my version of the Fog.

The noticeable powers like Bulletproof kinetic energy absorption, Darkwing sidekick Nightboy Shadow-Verse very handy with a lot of potential by the way and of course the number one on the list. Angstrom Levy's power Dimensional Travel.

It took actually a while to get a hold on him. The man is alway traveling and bringing version of himself back, it's obvious he had the idea way back for a long time, he already had like dozens if not hundred of Variants of himself.

I find it weird how he's the only one of his versions that had the power.

After taking away his power for good - I wonder if anyone of the Variants will develop or awaken a similar power since I took it from the only one who have it- I wanted to send them back to their respective world but, after reading their memories I became conflicted, no wonder Angstrom turned evil and hater of Mark.

The other versions of Mark aka Invincible make the one in this universe look like a saint or Jesus or something.

Man the amount of evil and atrocities some of the other versions of him commited is mind blowing. You will never believe that Mark can do that.

Like there is one version I will call sinister Mark for now, the dude is a menace he plays with people lives and kill them for fun he is also a cannibal *yukk* and he enjoys it.

There is one that actually killed his father and now wear his suit.

A mustache Mark! he looks very weird to be honest.

A superiority complex Mohawk Mark.

And more and more... actually Angstrom only gathered those from an evil version Mark universes.

Anyway Angstrom is actually a very nice man and smart too, his idea is also not that bad but he is not smart enough, because he didn't account that the number of knowledge a normal human being can hold in his brain.

So either way this experiment of his would have not worked anyway accident or not. Actually the accident may as well saved his life maybe.

So I took them to the safhouses he had in other dimensions and left him here where he belong, after altering some memories here and there ofcourse.

I wonder if this world has some kind of a will and it will 'fix' the changes I made. Imagine him or another Version of himself having a 'dream' of what I did. Or simply awakening or re-awakening the power with the memory.

Could be interesting to see happening.

The rest of my time I spent with Holly and the team and surprisingly Eve too. We kept in touch since the first time she came to talk and we continued since then, me complimenting and congratulation her on her work and stuff and we met again to talk about Mark since I didn't meet him again after that. No one actually did for the first couple of days. We had a... an interesting conversation the last time we met in her tree house.


"I'm sure Invincible need sometime to figure some stuff out, it's not like everyday your dad turn to be evil and beat the shit out of you"

"Yeah when you say it like that it makes my dad seems not that bad actually" Eve giggled a bit at my remark and continued to drink her coffe.

"Yeah... but how have you been Eve. I saw some news around you've been helping really good it seems like you found your call?" I asked her while drinking my coke, never was a fan of coffe not even in this life. Good thing I don't need to worry about my teeth or sugar intake in this life tho.

"Mhm.. you can say that, it feels more freeing and nice somehow."

"That's good, but I hope you don't push yourself. There will always be some problem out there but remember you are not alone so there will be others to fix some of these problems" I give her some wise words, never understood the drive these heroes have to fix world like it's theirs responsibilities while the world itself continue to mess shit up.

"Hmm.. like you who would save us from Omni-man" She tried to tease me a bit. Some people really have free time and started some dick measurement competition between me and Omni-man. Like who's stronger, who will win. Some think because I have more powers like the heat vision and cold breath I have more chances and some say we came from the same place and there are some conspiracy theories or propaganda amd some shit. Really free people.

But now that she mentioned it I have to tell her that I am leaving so facing her I say" yeah about that... I am actually not staying long"

She frownded a bit, heart beating faster? and her voice softened a bit with some fear?or more like anxiousness, don't tell me?" What do you mean?"

"Well very few know about that but I am not actually from this world... this universe more precisely" she looked confused, then shocked after she understood my words and i continued " I came her by accident, teleportation tech malfunction along with a dimensional magic spell over the world and I somehow ended here, and I finally developed something to go back after all these months" 'well less thanks to the flaxans dimension but it still took months' " and I will go back so I wanted to speak with you before that"

I can almost see her crying, her heart beating even faster twitch movements indicating she's sad and nervous.

I mean yeah we have a good relationship and speaking with her is fun but she wouldn't develop feeling that fast would she? Is it like kinda a crush or does it have something to do with the hero gig or something?

"Will I never see you again?" After couple of seconds of silent she finally asked with a depressed voice and the 'I' didn't escape me.

"No, actually I can come back as long as the device is working and since I built it, it won't be problem" she tried to hide it but I heard the sigh of relief coming out of her lips and her muscles and body relaxed more and her beating heart stabilized.

Ok how can I fix this without breaking her heart or destroyed this friendship we have? I mean sure Eve is beautiful, very so don't let the cartoons fools you. Besides, she's a redhead dahh!

In the past I would have said she's young too but now as long as it is the 'legal' age to them I don't care, still prefer mature ones but I really don't care. I am Immortal and will live long if nothing drastic happened so in a couple hundred years everyone will be young to me beside those who will accept having immortality from me.

And Eve surprisingly or not is immortal herself, from the wikis I read back then and after having her power I figured out that her power will subconsciously not allow her to die not by injuries nor old age by rearranging her molecules bringing her body back to it peak state and age. Maybe it can be controlled if she has 100% control over her power but when one is dying or on the verge of death no matter how good your control is, it will eventually slip and the power will automatically activate itself and bring her back to life. So yeah I don't think she can run away from that.

But... for now she is a modern girl and a teenager at that, if she knew I have a relationship with Serly AND War Woman she will probably get disgusted with me or think I am a womanizer scum maybe.

Even if I explained the immortality part to her.

"Do you think I can come to your world someday?" Her face finally showed other emotions like curiosity, interest and something else.

"Yeah it's not hard but I will need to do some things first when I go back and it may take some time not sure how long" either she didn't take the hint or chose to ignore it and now she came closer to me. I see where that is going and sometimes I wish I was an asshole who take advantage of such opportunities but I am thankful I still have my morals and my own set of codes.

"Eve" I start bringing her focus to my serious face " you know Eve with the set of powers that I have it's not hard to understand what you are thinking nor your body language"

Ah now she's getting all red and hot figuratively and literally "wh- what do you mean?" Now she's embarrassed even more and hoping I didn't notice the slip of tongue. Heh not a chance, I will actually save this picture in my head.

"You don't know me Eve, you are still young and have a lot to learn. But I am not really the good guy or hero you think I am, I will also live long Eve so the way I will live my life may not to be to your liking too" I try my best to explain to her in a way she won't get sad or bring out some teenager cliché and got mad and angry for an unknown reason.

She frowns a bit and digests my words while thinking, all her embarrassment gone. I like this mature part of her, I noticed that despite her normal problems she does act more msture than others. "Can you.. tell me about yourself. A bit atleast?"

'Sigh' " Well where do I start, first I am not a human too I am what can be called a krypto-martian an alien specie and the only one of my kind but I won't explain how for now. I also have some problem back in my universe because of this background of mine that I will try to fix but it may turn violent." Me being an alien didn't surprise her much perk of living in this weird universe but the part of me having problem made her nervous and sad! She didn't give up after all huh.

"Till now everything is normal and acceptable for you probably but you see like I said I am gonna live long so I am not really thinking about serious relationships right now and... ehm I already have two women I am intimate with." She got sad till the relationship part but not really that distraught but when I mentioned two women her face hardened a bit along with her frown.

"And one of them is War Woman who actually accepted that somehow probably something with her being a warrior" the mention of Holly did get her shocked and she finally got back to her sense and distanced herself from me.

"I-..i see" she hugs her knees and hides her face probably don't want to see my face.

"I am sorry, I never intended to hurt you or anything. You are a nice girl, beautiful and smart and very powerful. Like I said you are still young and will figure it out in the future I am sure anyone will be lucky to have you." I stand up ready to leave not wanting to make it more awkward than it is " I am sorry if I hurt you Eve, I never meant to"

"W-wait" before flying away she jumped to stop me, I turned to her confused and waited to see what she will say, she looked contemplative and shy and embarrassed all at the same time." Thank you for being honest with me" I smiled at her but before I could answer she turned totally red and said" I-i.. i will think about it" then she gave me a fast kiss on the corner of my lips and flew away fast. From her own home!

[Flashback end]

Yeah not gonna even try to explain this I just shoved it to the Woman logic file in my brain that I will never understand.

With that being said I think it's time to say goodbye.

Too bad couldn't get my hand on Allen the alien to read his mind about the galaxy and coalition of planets but meeting Angstrom and his Variants and reading their memories about their shitty universes gave me some ideas for the future.

Meh I will see if I have time then.



-First of all sorry for being late, and second sorry about this chapter. I am honestly not all that satisfied with the first half of it but I just couldn't come with anything else. So just deal with it.

-I watched the latest episode of Invincible and I am glad we didn't include Dupli-kate in the harem. I believe she and Immortal deserve each others honestly. Immortal did make me feel sad for him, but not Mark aka Invincible tho. He's already having and will have a better time because of Zane intervention and will sure find a woman to love in the future. Maybe Amber? I actually like her. Unless Anissa comes and fucks him over. Meh his problem not Zane's.

-I know not much happened with Eve but she will be discussed more in the future, maybe. Maybe not. Who knows but we will see. But I find this much is acceptable from the logical point of view in so little time so yeah. What do you think? Forced much? Acceptable? You suck Author. Tell me your thoughts.

- The next chapter Zane will finally get back to YJ Universe. And he will come back the same day he disappeared and little spoiler for you. The reason is because: magic. That's all you will get from me but do write some theories of yours maybe I will take some ideas?

Quick question: What do you know about Anissa and what do you think about her in general?

That's all and hopefully we will meet again next week.

Ps: give me some stones and good reviews you stingy readers.


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