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Bab 18: Chap 17: The Flaxans

Team teen and Invincible were having a hard time. Their enemies, some interdimentional green alien species came back and somehow they are not aging like last time nor showing any visible changes to their world time, beside they came prepared this time with a lot of upgraded weapons and devices to fight against them and somehow found a way to probably defeat them too.

Their sheer number just overwhelmed them, Invincible found himself stuck by some glue material that he can't rid himself of, every other member of the Teen Team was busy fighting dozen upon dozens of aliens and Atom Eve, found herself breathless, litterally.

She was fightimg and suddenly one of the alien took his chance while she was getting surrounded and threw some device that got stuck to her face making it hard for her to breath and the alien leader suddenly came behind her holding her hair with a dagger to her neck laughing with contempt as to mock them, and everyone understood his intentions despite the foreign language.

Invincible was mad and enraged, he was yelling and shouting for him to stop and was about to burst with power from the rage but suddenly he stopped, no not just him.

Everyone stopped.

The area where the fighting was ongoing became silent with only the sound of Eve trying hard to breath and the green alien leader's voice can be heard which he too soon stopped noticing the weird atmosphere, and looking around seeing everyone gaze not on him but behind him he also turned around to see what's happening.

Only to be met with a shadow of a hand grabbing his face tightly making him feel like his skull is about to burst and his breathing became really hard. While he struggled to get whatever was on his face away with both hands and legs, he just couldn't shake the grip, and then he felt his feet not touching the ground anymore. He was getting lifted of the ground and nothing he's doing is helping him.

The aliens invaders were getting a bad feeling and couldn't help but get nervous, the figure wearing a black suit with red lines and a mask hiding everything under his nose, holding their commader feels like a monster about to tear them to shred, their instinct is yelling at them to leave everything behind and just run but they couldn't move from the fear of being targeted by him, and his eyes that are now glowing red are not giving them a good sign.

The figure was floating in the air holding the green alien with his right hand leisurely then he moved his left hand toward Eve who's still struggling on the ground, and the device stuck to her face suddenly got taken out without anyone touching it and then was thrown to the side all crushed with a move of his hand.

Eve able to breath again took a second to look around and figures what is happening, she saw how everyone and everything was silent then she looked to the side and saw him. She recognized him, he helped them once and Kate told her that he was the one who saved her, and now he saved her too.

She felt weird how his mere presence just commended silence, he looked intimidating and powerful just standing there in the air looking down on everyone and everything.

Then he looked at her and... gave her an eye smile? she was not sure his face even though concealed behind a mask she knew was handsome and she could feel he was smiling at her kindly just seeing his eyes that were slowly turning red instead the blue and green, she didn't know if the heat she was feeling is coming from them or not, honestly she was feeling weird the more she looked at him to the point of getting embarrassed which was weird.

But she didn't get to dwell on it much because he began to move, he just got higher in the air and his eyes got brighter and then he fired some hot laser from them and made a lign on the ground in front of the aliens. No one said anything but everyone understood, if they crossed the line they won't like what's comming to them and seeing their commander yelling in pain and flailing around in his hand they didn't doubt it.

The he pointed his finger to the portal as if telling them go, and they didn't hesitate they just fled with their lives not turning back just wanting to run away, one after the other they went inside the portal back to their homes.

Everyone just looked at the scene with various emotions on their faces, and body for some. He just made a simple move and the invasion stopped, how crazy is that?

Then he followed behind them ignoring the gazes and shout of pain from the alien still hanged in his hand and went inside with them and the portals closed.

Everyone just stood there in silent still digesting what happened till Invincible couldn't hold it anymore and said " who was that?"


[Zane's POV]

Floating in the air looking down at the cowering soldiers of the flaxans with their leader still struggling in my hand, despite the stern gaze in my eyes on the inside i am laughing my ass off from the feeling of excitement.

I don't know why but being powerful and knowing you are powerful or currently the most powerful where you are at the moment just make me happy.

It was easy to instill fear in them the moment i appeared, my slow and sudden appearance out of nowhere served to draw attention and once everyone's focus was on me I implied a mental illusion and disturbed their senses, I just made myself seem terrifying in their mind and made their senses go haywire that they didn't dare to look away nor move. Telepathy is powerful and scary when used right and with their leader struggling in my hand and my eyes glowing and shooting laser, it was a piece of a cake .

Simply speaking i did a conqueror Haki on them.... hmm find a way to go to one piece added to the list.

After reading the leader's mind, learning their language and how they function in this world I just dropped him down like a bag of trash and slowly went down myself and when I touched the ground I said with a not so loud voice but everyone heard it: "Kneel"

They started to shudder with fear and their legs couldn't help but shake just when they were about to drop on their knees, the leader that I dropped earlier stood up and started to yell at them and then turned to face me and guess what, attack me with his hands.

I just stood there not moving and received his punch to the chest which broke his hand and being the stubborn and foolish he is he hit with the other hand breaking it too, he took a couple steps back shouting from pain, but I knew he wouldn't give up from the look of his eyes and neither did I want him to stop, so I floated again and blasted him with my vision and split him in three parts.

The Flaxans soldiers stood rooted in their place their whole being is shaking and sweating buckets, I went down to the ground again with a thud this time which garnered their attention, I gave them a look and the little red glow of my eyes made them understand and they all kneeled.

From there on I swept all the planet under my control, I first deployed the same intimidation method with all their leader and high figures, those who didn't simply accept and wanted to attack were just killed infront of the others to make them understand, quickly after that everyone simply succumbed and bowed to me.

Of course that was not real loyalty, actually there was no loyalty at all they just feard me and I knew that, I didn't intend to take the planet by fear nor did I want nor care about loyalty anyway. I was gonna brainwash them all, the show is just to cement the brainwash in their brain with no ability to resist or get over it. Even those strong willed won't be able to break the mind manipulation and even then they will still have this fear in them so it won't make difference.

Not that there's any strong willed ones left as those are all dead.

To put it in a simple way it was all an act, i could have brainwashed that commander but I chose not to and made the opposite, I made him foolishly attack me and aggregated the others that died after him as I saw no use in them but to be an example, in a way I was just having fun and doing an experiment.

How to conquer and manipulate 101.

The Flaxans are somehow an interesting race, while capable of highly advanced scientific ventures, they are fuelled by barbaric actions. It's in their being to go out fight and conquer not like warriors just Barbarians who want to conquer with any mean possible.

So giving them mercy won't really do me any good, they won't forget and this feeling will give them conviction and motivation to do whatever it takes to achieve what they want. So it'd be better if they come under me and serve me, that way they won't get erased from existence and follow the dinosaurs. For now.

A part of me want to know what will happen if I did a Nolan move and destroyed their civilization with only a minority left. Whta will they come with as a revenge?

It took me some time to get everything and everyone under my control, I simply left the normal citizens and didn't use any method to subdue them they were clueless at what was happening in the upper echelons so I didn't really need to do anything to them as they were simply sheeps that follow that what they are told.

But once I took over all the high class they just made new rules and changes which introduced me as their new emperor, ruler and protector. I tried to influence their thoughts to respect me and be loyal to me which was easy as they were as I said some ignorant fools, but I couldn't do it for the whole planet simultaneously,  they have billions upon billions of them, that why they wouldn't mind losing couple hundred of soldiers. Meaning I didn't have everyone under me. Not that I tried that hard anyway, they are not really that worth it.

So a year into that some revolution began and ended the same day. I had eyes and ears everywhere so I knew even before the attack began. Those who lost hope and surrendered were taken to prison to be used later for my experiments, and the rest dead.

Which further semented me as their absolute ruler and any method used against me will only bring death or torture to them so after a while the whole Flaxan planet became loyal to me. And with time as new generation come they will be genuinely loyal, well as any loyalty can go which is not that far.

So at the first year of my stay here began to conclude, I had everyone under me and began shapeshifting the planet and rules to suit me better, the military became my right hand and the scientists my left one.

By the start of the second year I already started with my experiments and projects, I gathered enough data about the Flaxans and their technology and I was able to come to approximately discover the time difference between this dimension and planet Earth.

What I noticed from the first time they began their invasion and the data they researched in, everything in their dimension age slower but gets terrifyingly faster outside. That means materials, weapons and metals so I either need to bring material from earth to here or somehow reverse engineer how their dimension's time function on them outside of here, and how it influences them and their materials and so I came with a solution to make them immune to time deterioration, they were already working on that so I just took it up a notch but only used it for the metal and materials and left the normal one to them.

Now metal won't rot and go old after it gets out of this dimension anymore and so using what is available on this planet the first thing I did was to fix my bracelet and upgrade it, I already had the teleportation and storage functions fixed back then as it was not that broken and didn't need any complicated procedure but the universal travel device was in need of more time and resources that I didn't have till now.

I also studied my suit and how the organic clothes function and tried to add this stuff to the nano machines in the bracelet and to produce more of it. By fusing nono machines and organic clothing I was able to make bio-nanotech which already complimented each other and made them stronger and better to work with.

Another year went by and my suit and bracelet were perfected to the best of what technology and biology can achieve in under 100 years of earth time, the suit and bracelet became one , stronger and with more functions and protections, the misshap that happened won't work anymore even if intentional, teleporting me to another place or universe or dimension won't be possible without my permission anymore. Hacking my suit will need a Brainiac level of intelligence at the least and it still won't be easy not to forget all the firewalls and anti-viruses i put in there not even a technopath with direct contact will ever be able to hack or find anything without at least months of time.

Seriously you need to be a Galvan like Azmuth or a Galvanic Mechamorph to come close to something.

Hmm... Galvanic Mechamorph. Add ben 10 to the list of future desired universes to visit.

I can now teleport instantly or using a gate, i also mapped this dimension and the Invincible universe I am staying in with the help of an AI specialized for this matter. I installed an AI for mapping and one for hacking and controlling the nanos yes why have one when you can have two. I almost named them Jarvis and Alfred but just let it be.

Also all the data from the YJ universe were avaible so I can also go back there but that for later.

By the 3rd year in my stay here I began to focus on what I will be needing for the future, so I built the Fog device of Serly, but upgraded it for about 3 to 4 level ahead. With the bio-nanos the fog now is not only capable of destroying everything in their path, such as concrete, steel, flesh, and bones and also hack into any system and retain the information in stealth or destructive manner but it can also build. I thought about it long ago the moment i met Serly and remembered one disney film where they made it. Big hero 6 microbots were able to build with the help of a Neurotransmitter Headband, my bio-nanobots only need my thoughts and my thoughts only.

After successfully building and testing I opened small undetectable portals all over places of interest on earth like the GDA and the Guardians base and began extracting infos and datas about various thing from secret identity of all Heroes and Villains and where to find them plus all the shady research the Gda were doing in the back. Everything done stealthily and without leaving a trace, no one will ever know they were even hacked.

Sorting through all the info for what I will be needing and the people of high interest I searched for one Angstrom Levy and found his address. I also searched for couple villains and scientists like machine head, dr. Seismic and Sinclair etc... I found some while the others I didn't but they will come with time as I have plans for them all.

Coming to the 4th year in this place I began to do some experiments and researchs about serums and androids which took me almost two years to do what I wanted to do.

Using all the data and memories I had about Superboy project file and Kid Flash plus the Viltrumite blood of Nolan I began to make some serums that will elevate them and make Superboy genes complete if he ever wished to take the serum and made adjustments to Kid Flash's formula which will make him faster with less side effects like the enhanced metabolism of his and the fast loss of energy. The kid doesn't deserve to die in my opinion.

I also plan to make something for normal humans to make their body stronger and more adaptive to power and changes like the Super Soldier Serum or Extremis plus the Bane-Cobra venom data I had also helped and I have the perfect 'volunteers' of some of the most disgusting criminals in prison.

As for the Androids I managed to build a lot of them with the help of the bio-nanos but giving them power presented a challenge, aside for elemental powers and some minor other things it proved futile, as the android either couldn't stand all the power without exploding or the power was so minor and weak it just wasn't useful. Better material and understanding is needed which need more time, which is also fine by me for now. I don't really need them to be powerful or anything they are more of helpers or worker for me, and later I will send them to different universes or planets to scout and map them for me.

For the remaining time were I was not busy doing work or research I made a place for me to train and let loose on all my power, I even designed some gravity weights in my suit for training, shame the only android that managed to get gravity power was so weak it was not worth copying. It can only work against humans up to selected few superhuman and nothing more, my telekinesis was better and more effective.

Meh... there's always room for improvements.

Thanks to Nolan knowledge about the galaxy I know were I can probably get a space ship from some space pirates and buy or steal some materials, I will send some androids in the future after meeting Allen the alien. The Flaxans are already working on that here but I want to expand my option and designs.

But before sending my androids to other universes I need to be really careful and make some contingencies in case they somehow land in a dark multiverse or in general, don't want anyone tracing them back to me and invade my world.

That conclude the 6 years I spent in the Flaxans dimension and it's time to go back for the moment before Holly got worried and to ignore any questions from Cecil. I will come back here later when i need something and to see how is the progress with my subjects.

Hahaha subjects.




And with a blink i was back to earth, and it's currently night time here. Yep 6 years inside were only about a day or less here, the time-space fluctuation are ever changing and not really constant so I can't accurately measure the timd difference, I just round it for about 3-4 month in Flaxan is 1 hour here give or take. Quite convenient.




That's all for the Flaxans for now and aside from using their dimension as a Hyperbolic time chamber in the future it won't be really mentioned again.

I actually wanted to write more chapters about his stay there but deemed it unimportant as he will only be doing experiments and building stuff and i am not scientifically knowledgeable enough to describe what and how he is doing it plus i find it boring, as they are clear enough.

Zane is also not interested in their specie nor is he a lust demon so he won't be hanging out with them in any way so forget it if it ever crossed your pervert mind.

But do tell if you have any suggestions about how to use this dimension more efficiently, what to build or do in there. Remember that Zane is a super genius in many fields and he can do a lot of stuff just not at god level but still a lot.

What do you think about this chapter and what should he do more in the Invincible universe?

*Should he visit another Invincible(alternative) universe(already taken over by mark or Nolan) and just take over?

*Just leave it be and go back to DC ASAP?


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