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Bab 211: Chapter 195: Seven-in-One Martial Soul Fusion Technique

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A hundred thousand year spirit rings?


It's a million years!

Tang San and Xiao Wu shouted in unison.

"This Huo Yuhao is really something else, actually having two hundred-thousand-year-level spirit rings. So, the white one, is it just a disguise?" Huo Wu clenched her fist, curious to see what kind of strength Huo Yuhao really possessed.

"Probably," Tang San said, "As for why he can't do what I do, manifesting the two soul beasts sacrificed to him in spirit form like my Blue Silver Emperor, it's probably because his eyes are his martial soul. Without the same formidable vitality as my Blue Silver Emperor, he can only hide them in his spiritual sea."

"Spirit sea? What's that?" Huo Wu asked, puzzled.

"It's where spiritual power is cultivated, related to the soul. Generally, only those who reach the Titled Douluo level can access it. As someone with powerful spiritual power like me, I can access it early. If Huo Yuhao's martial soul is his eyes and he also obtained two hundred-thousand-year-level spirit beasts as sacrifices, and those sacrificed spirit beasts are likely spiritual types, he probably can access it early too."

Considering that Huo Wu, Yu Tianheng, and others had a vague concept of spiritual power, Tang San roughly explained it but didn't mention the concept of "three major spiritual seas."

After all, this concept was still being perfected with Electrolux.

"Sacrifice of two hundred-thousand-year spirit beasts... Captain, if your guess is correct, then Huo Yuhao is really lucky," Yu Feng remarked sarcastically.

Two two-hundred-thousand-year spirit beasts? Who has that kind of luck? Oh—The Captain seems to.

That Cloud Tree, from the current perspective, seems to be the Captain's designated sixth spirit ring. Although it's only ninety thousand years, it's not far from a hundred thousand. Maybe when the Captain reaches Rank 60, that Cloud Tree will also break through to a hundred thousand years.

But the Captain's luck is earned through his own abilities.

If he couldn't help the Cloud Tree contaminated by the Fallen, he wouldn't get the corresponding opportunities.

And Huo Yuhao... They weren't familiar with him, nor had he published any theories on the continent. At the moment, it seemed like he was just lucky.

But what kind of luck could allow for the sacrifice of two two-hundred-thousand-year spirit beasts?

It might be deeply hidden.

However, Yu Feng and the others were overthinking it. Huo Yuhao could obtain two million-year-level spirit rings indeed through luck, all because he luckily possessed the Spirit Eyes, his original martial soul.

Apart from that, the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is also remarkable.

"Battle begins!"

On the lake field, the battle between the two teams began instantly.

The so-called lake field was a large pool with rocks, wooden stakes, and other footholds for the soul masters to stand on. In the center, there was an "island" with a diameter of over thirty meters.

Such a field was a challenge for both sides.

Especially for the Mars Academy team, their members were mostly fire element users like the Blaze Academy, but not as pure. As long as the martial soul had some fire element, it could join in.

Therefore, a lake field like this was very disadvantageous for them.

On the other hand, except for Huo Yuhao, the remaining six members of the Canghui Academy all had gem-type martial souls. Although water didn't restrain gems, none of them could fly. If they fell into the water, it would be difficult to come out.

Objectively analyzing, although the lake field had a significant impact on the Mars Academy team, as long as they didn't fall into the water, they could basically suppress most of the Canghui Academy's members.


After the official start of the match, Huo Yuhao led the six others away from the "island" at the center of the lake field and leaped onto the rocks and wooden stakes in the lake.

Huo Yuhao released his Spirit Eyes martial soul, and the other six released their gem martial souls.

Suddenly, a connection was established between the seven.

The six colorful gems gathered around Huo Yuhao's body, and his eyes emitted white light. A large eye pattern slowly appeared above his head and opened.

The six gems formed a ring around him, with his eye focusing on the people from the Mars Academy.

"Martial Soul Fusion Technique!"

"It's still the Seven-in-One Martial Soul Fusion Technique!"

At this moment, not only was the Mars Academy team shocked, but the audience was also stunned.

Martial Soul Fusion Technique!

And it's seven people together!


Bibi Dong sighed, "The Imperial Academies of the Star Luo Empire indeed have many talents."

The Emperor Xue ye was in a great mood, "Mainly because my Star Luo Empire adopts a system of feudalism, with kingdoms and duchies having autonomy, thus fostering diverse talents."

"Hmph!" Dai Legao snorted coldly, feeling that the Emperor Xueye was insinuating the "barbarity" of the Star Luo Empire.

Bibi Dong paid no heed to the verbal sparring between the two emperors, just focusing on the two dynamic white spirit rings on Huo Yuhao's body and murmured, "From the form of the soul power fluctuations emitted by the spirit rings, it doesn't seem like they're at the hundred-thousand-year level. From this perspective, they might even surpass the two hundred-thousand-year level. Moreover, this person's body also hides an extreme ice attribute... Twin martial souls?"

"However, speaking of ice and spiritual attributes, the attributes of the Ice Silkworm are also ice and spiritual dual attributes, and the Ice Silkworm can bring skills such as camouflage to spiritual system soul masters..."

"That million-year-level Ice Silkworm chose him?"

"But why are there two spirit rings?"

"Can a million-year spirit beast provide two spirit rings?"

Thinking about this, Bibi Dong decided to secretly have someone look into Huo Yuhao's background.

If it's truly a million-year-level spirit beast sacrifice, even if it's luck, it should be recorded in the Spirit Hall.


A million-year-level spirit bone is worth the entire Spirit Hall's effort...

The Mars Academy team, at this moment, also reacted and, disregarding their own disadvantage against water, rushed towards Huo Yuhao and the others.

The Seven-in-One Martial Soul Fusion Technique!

If it's unleashed, they won't have any chance to resist and must interrupt it.

However, a white beam suddenly shot out from above Huo Yuhao's head, instantly enveloping all members of the Mars Academy team in the lake.

The glaring white light also made it difficult for the audience to see clearly.

"What's happening?"

"Ah, my eyes!"

"So dazzling!"


When the white light dissipated, Huo Yuhao and the others' Seven-in-One Martial Soul Fusion Technique was also released, returning to their individual selves, while the members of the Mars Academy team were all lying in the water.

The Canghui Academy won.

But no one knew why the members of the Mars Academy suddenly fainted.

"Captain, which category does that move belong to in your Three Major Classification Theory of Martial Soul Fusion Techniques?" Huo Wu's expression was somewhat serious. She had a feeling that if she were hit by that white beam, she would also lose consciousness. Moreover, for some reason, she felt that soul power couldn't block that white beam.

"The first category: Soul Power Fusion, and the second category: Soul Skill Fusion."

After pondering for a moment, Tang San revealed the essence of the Seven-in-One Martial Soul Fusion Technique, "Because the martial souls of the seven people haven't truly merged together. Those six gems just form a circle, placed in front of the Spirit Eyes, probably to provide spiritual power, soul power, aiming, and even locking functions."

"However, your feeling is correct; that attack cannot be blocked by soul power."

"Because the attack's nature is spiritual power."

"Unless you have strong spiritual power yourself, or possess soul skills that can convert soul power into spiritual power, as well as items to block spiritual power attacks, otherwise, if you're hit, it's instant defeat, with no other possibility."

"Once this fusion martial soul technique is used, almost all the teams participating in this competition will be wiped out."

Yufeng, on the other hand, looked indifferent, "There's no need to be so pessimistic. Isn't it enough if they can't use it? Myself, Bai Chenxiang, Oslo, and Zhu Zhuqing are all very fast."

"Indeed, speed and defense are their major weaknesses." Tang San affirmed Yufeng's analysis, "But, who can be sure that they need such a long preparation time to unleash their Martial Soul Fusion Technique? Perhaps, it's just to confuse people like us."

Two million-year spirit rings, two Tianmeng Ice Silkworms.

Even if Huo Yuhao isn't capable, those two Tianmeng Ice Silkworms are naive, but the amount of spiritual power is there. Just thinking about it, it's clear that there's no need for such a long preparation time.

[It's just not clear whether Huo Yuhao has obtained the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion martial soul...]

Tang San pondered this possibility.

The grudge between Huo Yuhao and him has already been formed. As long as the other party isn't foolish, during these days, they must have guessed that he's not the original protagonist.

Reconciliation is not impossible.


Transmigrators all have their pride. Tang San himself learned to be flexible due to his childhood experiences, but Huo Yuhao... With two million-year spirit rings, if placed in his position, he would also swell with pride.

Therefore, reconciling with him would require a lot of effort and yield little in return, with a low cost-benefit ratio.

And the reason why he's considering whether Huo Yuhao has obtained the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion martial soul is because it concerns the subsequent encounter with the Canghui Academy—

If Huo Yuhao has already obtained it, then it's easy. When the time comes, apply some pressure, force him to use his second martial soul, as well as the skill of the over thirty-thousand-year red spirit ring, and even the spirit bone skill.

After all, without the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion martial soul, he wouldn't be able to display much power.

If he hasn't obtained it...

Then, it's necessary to plan for the long term, after all, the rules of the competition don't allow killing.

[Speaking of killing, it seems like I've never killed anyone?]

Suddenly thinking of this question, Tang San was almost amused by himself.

"San Ge, what are you laughing about?" Xiao Wu noticed Tang San suddenly laughing and was a little curious.

"Cough, it's nothing, just realized that I used to think about unnecessary things too much, but now I've come to my senses." Tang San casually smiled, signaling everyone not to mind...


"Huo Yuhao, does the Canghui Academy still have this figure?" Mu Tian, on the side of the Shrek Academy, was greatly shocked, "Spirit Eyes, two white spirit rings, is he a transmigrator from the Douluo Continent's Book 2?"

Compared to Tang San, this person was even more heavyweight!

"And, Mu Tian has already confirmed that this Huo Yuhao has also obtained the sacrifice of the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm from the Douluo World, which means he possesses two million-year spirit rings."

Damn it!

Comparison is odious!

"I wonder if this Huo Yuhao is a native of the Douluo Continent's Book 2 or in a situation similar to mine... Well, most likely the latter, otherwise, he would have chosen to join the Shrek Academy."

Unfortunately, Mu Tian didn't know that Huo Yuhao originally wanted to join the Shrek Academy but was beaten up by two gatekeepers and then driven away.

"How many transmigrators are there in this Douluo Continent?"

Unable to help it, Mu Tian began pondering this question...


The second team of the Tian Dou Royal Family, Wang Chen's expression sank even more.

Huo Yuhao's appearance made him realize that the plot of the Douluo Continent had completely gone out of control, something he couldn't manage. The strength of Tang San, a transmigrator, far exceeded his imagination.

Huo Yuhao, Tang San, in a situation where both are transmigrators, who will come out on top?

Wang Chen pondered this question and finally came to a conclusion: Huo Yuhao would have the edge.

Although Tang San currently has high soul power, Huo Yuhao has two million-year spirit rings and might even possess the Ice Jade Empress Scorpion martial soul, spirit rings over thirty thousand years old, and spirit bones.

These are all things that Tang San cannot match.

"Perhaps, letting them fight each other is also a good choice." Wang Chen had a flash of insight, realizing that he had no need to compete with these protagonists and transmigrators.

As the protector of Xue Qinghe, he would inevitably have to obey Qian Renxue's orders in the future, and increasing Qian Renxue's favor towards him was crucial.

Why bother with transmigrators?

In an instant.

Wang Chen understood.

Back to Tang San's side.

After the Canghui Academy team left the lake area, Tang San secretly asked, "Elder Eli, did you record the way Huo Yuhao converted soul power into spiritual power when he used the Seven-in-One Martial Soul Fusion Technique earlier?"

"I recorded it." Electrolux responded, "I have to say, although the humans in this world use soul power in a primitive way, the skills carried by soul rings are really not weak. If used properly, they can even rival the high-level magicians and summoners in the Magic Temple and Soul Temple of the Holy Demon Continent where I once belonged."

"This world is indeed unique."

"But it's also because of this uniqueness that developing the use of soul power requires more time... Let's get to the point."

"The way of converting soul power into spiritual power, I have recorded it and now I'll transmit it to you—"

Feeling the related memories and corresponding conversion circuits, Tang San suddenly realized, "So it's as simple as using these meridians, much simpler indeed. Combining it with the Purple Demon Eye, the effect should be quite good."

"I have another idea, do you want to give it a try?" Electrolux suddenly said mysteriously.

"What idea?" Tang San was curious.

"I am a Necromancer, right? As a mage, controlling magic also requires strong spiritual power. I naturally have several methods to cultivate spiritual power. Perhaps they can be combined with your Purple Demon Eye." Ily transmitted several methods to enhance spiritual power, and even methods to cultivate the soul to Tang San.

After quickly browsing through them, Tang San frowned slightly, "Indeed, it's possible, but combining them might take quite some time."

"What's the problem with that? I'm already dead, and now I'm an undead existence. With your vitality so vigorous, living for a few thousand years is no problem at all." Electrolux didn't care at all, "Moreover, the cultivation methods I've provided are all complete, and some overlap with the cultivation of your Purple Demon Eye. It's actually not difficult to modify them to build a circuit for converting soul power to spiritual power."

"Besides, it's not like you need to modify them alone. I'll help too."

This is the key.

If Tang San were to modify them alone, it would definitely make him bald from the brainpower required.

The subsequent matches proceeded as expected, but there were also highlights, such as the Blaze Academy. Their opponent was the Tian Dou Royal Family's second team, and the match took place in a forest.

The members brought onto the field by Huo Wushuang's brother, Huo Wushuang, were all long-range attackers. They directly destroyed the entire forest, causing the thick smoke to choke the members of the Tian Dou Royal Family's second team into surrender.

To be honest, the forest could burn because it was artificially created, with the ground covered in dry leaves, making it quite dry. If it were a tropical rainforest environment like the Star Dou Great Forest, where the ground is covered in damp twigs and leaves, ordinary flames would find it difficult to ignite.

Although Wang Chen was unwilling, his six teammates who were dragging their feet surrendered one after another, even running off the field. He persisted until the end by himself, but it was futile, so he had no choice but to surrender.

However, even Huo Wushuang and the others were not feeling well. When they descended from the burning field, they were also covered in soot and coughing continuously.

Although they all controlled martial souls that could release flames, the flames produced by excessively high temperatures were not the same as fire elements, and they could also harm them. Moreover, they were ultimately human and could be affected by smoke inhalation.

"Brother, how could you! You actually burned the entire forest field." Huo Wu scolded Huo Wushuang for his bold actions, but there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. "But, Captain Tang San, does this count as a reasonable use of the field?"

Tang San rubbed his chin and nodded slightly, "Indeed it does, but it's not advisable outside of the match. After all, in reality, unless it's in a specific climatic area, such a small flame wouldn't ignite at all."

And besides—

Setting fire to the mountains will lead to a lifetime in prison.

No force would allow Huo Wushuang to conduct such destructive methods outside the arena, whether it be in a soul beast forest or in major cities; no one would tolerate someone who could allow an arsonist to roam free.

Huo Wu nodded in agreement, "It seems that Brother only took advantage of the situation this time. However, the members of the Tian Dou Royal Family's second team, except for that Wang Chen who has some skills, the others are all worthless. Even if they tried to resist, defeating them wouldn't take more than ten minutes."

This wasn't an exaggeration.

After all, the Tian Dou Second Team only had Wang Chen as a Soul Ancestor, which was a fact. It would indeed be slightly challenging to defeat the Blaze Academy.

This also indirectly reflected the decline of the Tian Dou Royal Family.

The Tian Dou Royal Academy could be called the number one academy in the Tian Dou Empire mainly because of its faculty and the performance of its main team in each tournament.

The ancestors of the Tian Dou Royal Family fought and created the Tian Dou Empire, which allowed their descendants to enjoy prosperity, which wasn't wrong, but if the descendants only sought enjoyment, then problems arose.

Without strength, they couldn't maintain everything their ancestors had created...

Regarding the issue of transmigrators appearing...

The main problem lies in the setting during the previous internet literature stage.

At that time, both Western and Eastern fantasy genres required a bunch of "East-meets-West" settings.

To be more rigorous, one could actually set: in such a worldview, throughout history, there have always been transmigrators descending, leaving behind traces.

As long as this setting is accepted, the appearance of multiple transmigrators can be logically justified.

As for Wang Chen's future screen time...

It will decrease.

Because he "understood," which means that Qian Renxue's taming of him has taken effect, with a taming degree of ninety-nine percent.

(End of this chapter)

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