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91.66% Yu-Gi-Oh GX! Aim For The Pros! / Chapter 11: More Then One?

Bab 11: More Then One?


Time 08:00AM

it was the day after the duel with Jinzo, Kyle woke up in his old room in the red dorm, since everyone was on vacation he had to stay there where an Adult where, as he woke up, he felt alot of energy.

''Why do i have so much energy? i even feel powerful for some reason? and the match yesterday, why did i feel a thrill facing against Jinzo?''

The door suddenly open up, where Jaden, Syrus and Chumley appeared.

''Hey Kyle, want to go to the shop with us, Dorothy and Sadie came back and open the shop!''

''Yeah sure, give me a min.''


Time 08:30AM

Arriving at the shop, Syrus and Chumley sat at nearby tables, while Red Hat and Jaden went to the counter where Doroty and Sadie were.

"Good morning guys." Greeted Dorothy.

"Hello, Miss Dorothy." Jaden greeted in response.

"Good morning." Kyle replied.

"What can I do for you today?" She asked.

"Do you happen to have any new boxes or booster packs?" Kyle asked to her.

"Yes, a new box just arrived, along with some supplies for the old boxes." Dorothy explained.

"So I'll take all the new box, I'll take some of the replenished card packs as well." Kyle asked.

"Sure. Sadie, could you please pick them up."

"Yeah, sure." Sadie walked off to get everything the boy asked for. After a while she came back and left everything on the counter. " That's 15000 duel points in all."

"I'll pay for both." Kyle said as he held out his PDA.

"What? Come on, Kyle, you don't have to pay for me too." Jaden said.

"It's not a problem for me. Anyway, I don't come to the shop very often, I come here only sometimes to buy packs of cards or sandwiches, and then I have enough duel points." He answered his friend.

Jaden smiled at his friend offer.

Sadie took the boy's PDA, she couldn't believe how many duel points he racked up. "(Over 150000 duel points? How did he get that many in such a short time? Wait, this guy said he can beat the Obelisk blue, it's not surprising then that he has that many.)" Sadie thought.

"Here you go, take it." Sadie said, as Kyle and Jaden took what they asked for.

"Thank you very much, come back and visit us." She greeted Dorothy.

"Thank you very much Miss Dorothy." Both boys thanked.

"Hey, guys. Look what we have here." Jaden said as he and Kyle showed Syrus and Chumley everything they'd taken.

"Wow, and a lot of stuff." Syrus said in surprise.

"It must have cost you a lot." Chumley commented.

"Actually, Kyle paid for everything." Jaden said pointing precisely to him.

"I told you, it's not a problem for me. In any case, I still have many duel points left." Red Hat said as he showed his PDA to friends.

"What?! Do you have 150000 duel points?!" Syrus said in shock.

"It doesn't surprise me, he got all those points from his duels against the Obelisk blues everytime." Chumley said, also a little shocked as Syrus.

"What are we waiting for? Let's open the packets and see what cards come out." Jaden said, eager to open the packs of cards.

The small group began to open every pack of cards they had in hand. Jaden and his friends seemed happy with the cards they get, while Kyle wasn't entirely happy.

"Did you find something that interests you, Kyle?" Jaden asked curiously.

"Not entirely." He answered not happy, as he examined the papers that might interest him. " I'm still missing a few cards if I want to finish the new deck I'm working on. "

"Are you building a new deck? Great, what did you do it on?" Jaden asked, not holding back his curiosity.

"It's still too early to show it, as I said it´s are not ready yet." He explained.

"Hey, look what I got." Syrus said, drawing attention to him. *White Mage Pikeru*. She's adorable, isn't he?"

''Hah, it´s nothing to my *Dian Keto The Cure Master*.''

As Chumley showed the card, the gang laughed when comparing cute cards, After a few seconds, Kyle's PDA started shaking for a message arrived. Kyle read the message, he didn't say who he was from, but told him to be on the cliff near the Slifer dormitory.


Time 10:00AM

Kyle and Jaden followed by Syrus and Chumley arrived at their destination. Once they arrived, they found themselves in front of Alexis, who seemed to be waiting for them with her arms crossed, with her duel disk on her arm at the ready.

" Alexis, you returned from vacation, it was you who sent Kyle the message?" Jaden asked confused by her presence.

"Yes it was me, I can tell you I have my reasons for doing it." Alexis said before turning her eyes to Kyle. "Kyle, now you will duel me."

"What!?" said everyone in surprise.

"What's going on here? Is there a party going on and I wasn't invited?" said another voice.

Everyone turned in the direction of the voice, and to their surprise the owner of that voice was Bastion.

"Bastion? You came back too?" Jaden asked, surprised by his friend's presence.

"Well, actually, I came awhile ago and was waking a walk after working on formulas to perfect my decks, but finding myself here in the middle of this discussion is a coincidence." Bastion explained. "But what's going on here?"

"Long story short, Alexis brought Kyle here because she wants to challenge him to a duel." Syrus explained.

"Now I understand." Bastion answered.

"Now that the situation is cleared up, get ready Kyle, I'm going to Win this time!" Alexis states.

"I never back down from a duel so why not? but don´t be angry once i beat you again." Kyle replied.

"I'll make you regret these words!" Alexis shouted in anger.

"Wait!" Said a voice interrupting the two as they prepare for their duel. They turned to see Bastion stepping next to Alexis and Kyle. "Do you mind if I join you two."

Everyone was a bit surprised as well as silent at Bastion request.

"Wait a minute Bastion!" Alexis stopped him. " I was the one who challenged Kyle, you have nothing to do with this story. "

"I know this, and I apologize. But ever since I saw him duel and joined us Ra Yellow dorm, I've been intrigued by his abilities, so much so that I want to test him to find a formula to defeat him." Bastion replied.

"Why worry which one of you is going to challenge him, why don't we have a tag duel." Jaden offered. " Kyle and I will be a team, while Alexis and Bastion will be the opponents. " Jaden said excitedly.

"I don't think that's the case here Jaden." Kyle replied placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"But why?" said Jaden confused

"Well, after all, they just want to duel me, so it seems appropriate that I take care of it but next time tho." Kyle replied.

"Man, are you sure about this?" Jaden asked him.

"Believe me, I'm sure of it." Kyle replied with a nod of his head.

"If so, then give it your best shot," Jaden encouraged.

"You can count on it." Kyle replied.

"Okay, given how things are going, we might as well get Bastion to participate." Alexis answered resigning herself to how this situation were going.

"Well, how does it work then?" Jaden asked to figure out how the challenge would go.

"Well, since Bastion has now joined, he and I will take on Kyle one at a time." Alexis explained.

"So who's first?" Kyle asked.

"Alexis, I know I'm asking a lot today, but please let me go first." Bastion asked Alexis.

"Okay, you go first." Alexis agreed.

"Thank you." Bastion thanked him before he and Kyle went to their sides of the field to prepare for the duel. "I may not have a formula for beating you, but that doesn't mean I'm going to back down."

"Then let's do it Bastion." Kyle said inserting the deck into the duel disk slot.

" For this duel I will use my deck of darkness. " Bastio said, also activating the duel disk.


Bastion [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 5]

Kyle: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 5]

Kyle´s Turn.

''I draw! first i set one monster facedown, then i place 3 card facedown and end my turn.''

Bastion´s Turn.

''Very good, then, it's my turn now. I draw.'' Bastion draws.

''First I'll get rid one of your face down card right now. I use the quick-play magic card *Mystical Space Typhoon*!" Strong gusts of wind slammed into Kyle face-down card, which was *Call Of The Haunted*

''I then activate Graceful Charity! Now I draw three cards, then I discard two." Bastion drew his cards to then insert two of them into the duel disk's graveyard slot. " Well, the first phase of my victory formula is almost complete. And I prove it to you by playing *Monster Reborn*! Now I summon one of the monster I just discarded, so I special summon my *Invader of Darkness*! in attack mode!''

[Invader of Darkness]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 2900]

[Defence: 2500]

A demon-like monster in a long black cloak had appeared on Bastion's side of the field. ''And while Invader of Darkness is on the field, you can't activate Quick-Play spell cards and i know you like to use a certain quick-play so i have this monster to counter it!. Oh since I specially summoned *Invader of Darkness* I can still do a normal summon as well. I summon *Vorse Raider* in attack mode.''

[Vorse Raider]

[Normal Monster]

[Beast Warrior]

[Attack: 1900]

[Defence: 1200]

''Now, Vorse Raider, attach his facedown monster!''

As *Vorse Raider* was about to slash Kyle´s monster, ''Sorry to say, i have a facedown, *Mirror Force* this card destroyes every monster on your side of the field in attack mode!''

All monster on Bastion side of the field got destroyed as shattered mirrors shard got to their body´s.

''Very well, i place 2 card facedown and end my turn.''

Bastion [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 1]

Kyle: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 2]

Kyle´s Turn.

''I draw then, Hmm my hand is not looking good right now so let's change that, i flip my *Morphing Jar* who was set to attack mode and activates his special ability, we both discard our entire hand and draw 5 new cards.''

Kyle then showed what he discarded and it was 2 *The Lady In Wight*, 1 *Skull Servant* and 1 *Mezuki*.

''(Impressive, Kyle already has 3 named *Skull Servant* in the graveyard, which means his powerful *King Of The Skull Servant* will arrive soon with 3000 attack points.)''

''I then activate my magic card, *Heavy Storm* this card allows me to destroy every magic and trap cards on the field.''

''Sorry to disappoint but i have a face down, *Magic Jammer* this card allows me to negate your Spell card, as long as i discard 1.''

As Bastion discard one card, he was worried, he knew Kyle´s most powerful monster will arrive on the field, so he need his last facedown to protect himself.

''Neat, however im not done, i activate my magic card, *Foolish Burial* this card allows me to send 1 card from my deck to the graveyard, i send my *Skull Servant* to the graveyard.''

''(Now he has 4 of them in the graveyard, which means his attack power would be 4000!)'' as Bastion was thinking trying to see Kyle´s strategy.

''I then activate my *Graceful Charity* this allows me to draw 3 cards, as long as i discard 2, i discard my *The Lady In Wight* and *Skull Servant* to the graveyard.''

''(Now he has 2 more! that means 6000 attack power!)''

''I then summon my *King Of The Skull Servant* in attack mode.''

[King Of The Skull Servant]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: ?]

[Defence: 0]

''Since you know Bastion, My *King Of The Skull Servant* gains 1000 attack points for every *Skull Servant i have in the graveyard, i have 6 so his attack is 6000 attack power, but not for long tho, becase i activate my *Mezuki* from my graveyard special ability, by removing him from play i can special summon on of my Zombie type monster from my graveyard, i special summon from my grave, *The Lady In Wight* in defence mode.''

[The Lady In Wight]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 0]

[Defence: 2200]

Everyone got shocked, why would he summon he out when she is more useful in the graveyard?

''My *King Of The Skull Servant* losses 1000 attack power but it should be more then enough, *King Of The Skull Servant* attack his life points directly!''

The Huge Skeleton was about to slam his hand towards Bastion, ''I have a trap card, i activate *Mirror Force* just like what you did, i can destroy all attacking monster on the field!''

As shattering shards came from Bastion´s trap, but it didn´t affect *King Of The Skull Servant* and it continued it´s attack.''

''What!?'' Bastion [0] Life Points (LP)

As soon as the holograms of the monsters disappeared, Bastion dropped to one knee in exhaustion.

''But how?''

Kyle went towards Bastion, reached his hand toward Bastion to help him up, ''My *The Lady In Wight* has a special ability, as long she is on the field, every level 3 or below Zombie type monster are unaffected by Magic, trap and monster ability, well except for her.'' as Kyle explained.

"Good duel, Kyle." Jaden said happy for his friend' victory as he put his right arm around Kyle to drag him close.

"You were outstanding." Syrus complimented.

"Yeah, you did just what I would have done." Chumley added.

"Thanks guys." He thanked his friends for the compliments.

"You beat me fair and square Kyle." Bastion complimented Kyle.

"But don't think it ends here. You may have won against this deck, but after today I can assure you that I will perfect my deck formula to beat you." Bastion said.

"The same goes for me. I assure you that next time we face each other my deck will be even stronger than today." Kyle replied. "Until the next duel."

After this gesture of respect between Kyle and Bastion, Alexis approached the group addressing precisely the slifer. "Hey, Kyle, now it's my turn to duel you, and don't think I'll be an easy match." Alexis stated.

Kyle now turned to Alexis. "Well Here I am, I'm ready when you are." At that point everyone resumed their positions as before, only where Bastion had been now was Alexis.

Both activated their duel disks.


Alexis: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 5]

Kyle: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 5]

Kyle´s Turn.

''I begin then, i draw, First i activate my continues spell, *Call Of The Mummy*, One´s per turn, this card allows me to special summon 1 zombie monster from my hand, but only if i cantrol no monster when using it, i activate it´s ability, i special summon my *Despair From The Dark* in attack mode! then i place 2 card facedown and end my turn.''

[Despair From The Dark]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 2800]

[Defence: 3000]

''Looks like he took a page book on what Bastion did in his first turn against him.'' said Jaden.

Alexis Turn.

''To summon such a strong monster right away, nicely done, but it won´t be out long, i draw! i activate my spell card, *Dark Hole*, this card destroyes every monster on the field!''

A black hole swollows Kyle´s monster and destroyes it.

''I then summon my *Marauding Captain* in attack mode, and active his special ability, i can special summon a level 4 monster from my hand, i special summon my *Command Knight* in attack mode!''

[Marauding Captain]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1200]

[Defence: 400]


[Command Knight]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1200]

[Defence: 1900]

''As long as this monster is on the field, all Warrior-Type monsters I control gain 400 attack points, making her´s attack 1600! Since you haven't left monsters to defend you, I'm taking advantage of it right away. Now Command Knight attack you directly!" The woman in knight's armor drew her sword, before charging at Kyle to hit him with her sword.

Kyle: [1600 - 4000 = 2400] Life Points (LP)

''Now my *Marauding Captain* attack him directly as well!''

The captain slashed at Kyle as well and Kyle was just standing there and didn´t think much about it.

Kyle: [1600 - 2400 = 800] Life Points (LP)

''(What is he thinking, he is just taking all the attack, even tho he has 2 card facedown, what is he planning?)''

''I place one card facedown and end my turn!''

''Then at your end phase i activate my facedown, *A Deal With Dark Ruler*, i can activate this card if a level 8 or higher monster was destroyed this turn, this allows me to special summon my *Berserk Dragon* from my deck in attack mode.''

[Berserk Dragon]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 3500]

[Defence: 0]

A huge dragon appeared on the field and stared down at Alexis.

''I don´t understand, why now activate this card, you could of save your life points!?''

''You will see, my move!''

Alexis: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 3]

Kyle: [800] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 2]

Kyle´s Turn.

''First i draw, i activate my facedown, *Mystical Space Typhoon* this allows me to destroy one magic or trap card on the field and i destroy your only facedown!'' Strong gusts of wind slammed into Alexis face-down card, which was *Negate Attack*

''I then activate my magic card, *Megamorph* and equip it to *Berserk Dragon*, and since i have less life points then you, his attack doubles, making it 7000! *Berserk Dragon* attack her Captain and finish this duel!''

The hige mistblast went through Alexis monster and through her life points, ''AHHH'' Alexis: [0] Life Points (LP)

Everyone was shocked, not once but twice did Kyle win after 2 turns.

Alexis was sitting on the ground, exhausted from the duel, still couldn´t belive what happend.


I gave you 2 duel in one, so now i rest, seya guys later. also i suck at grammar since i am not first wrtiter english.

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