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75% Yu-Gi-Oh GX! Aim For The Pros! / Chapter 9: Missing And New Events! Part 2

Bab 9: Missing And New Events! Part 2

As Jaden, Syrus, Alexis, Jasmine, Mindy and Proffesor banner returned to the academy, they heard alot of people in the duel arena.

''What´s going on here? it looks like a duel?''

''It should be, Chumley and Kyle are tag dueling right now.'' said Bastion as he walked towards them

''Tag Dueling, but why?'' asked Alexis.

''Something about Chumely being expelled or not, and he had to tag duel with someone who is a first year.''

''So that´s why, I hope they can win.'' Said Syrus.

''Don´t worry Sy, We helped Chumly before against his dad, im sure with Kyle´s help they will win.''

''That is a good attitude, however it looks steep, so far the Obelisk has powerful monsters on their side of the field, not only that, they are rumored to been tagged duel before to the point of almost called as the best Tag duelist in the academy.''

''What!? why are they dueling those obelisks?''

''Something to do with Doctor Crowler since he was the one making this condition.'' said Bastion.

They looked at the arena and hoped for their victory. 

Chumley: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 4]

Kyle: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand: 3]

Obelisk Student 1: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand 3]

Obelisk Student 2: [4000] Life Points (LP) [Hand 2]

Chumley Turn.

''I draw! lisious! first i swap my monster who is facedown to attack mode, my *Des Koala*! and he has a lisious ability, for every card you have, you lose 400 life points each!''

Obelisk Student 1: [1200 - 4000 - 2800] Life Points (LP) [Hand 3]

Obelisk Student 2: [800 - 4000 - 3200] Life Points (LP) [Hand 2]

''Hmph, so what, you swapped your weak monster to attack mode, leaving you to lose alot of life points.'' said Obelisk student 2.

''That´s true however, he will not be on the field for long, Kyle i be borrowing your monster.'

''Go for it Chumley.!''

''Sweet, I tribute my *Des Koala and Kyle´s *Armageddon Knight* to summon my *Big Koala* in attack mode!''

A big Koala suddenly appeared on the field.*

[Big Koala]

[Normal Monster]


[Attack: 2700]

[Defence: 2000]

''You made a big mistake using that field spell, becase my Big Koala is also an Earth Attribute monster, which means he get 500 attack points, making him stronger then your monsters, *Big Koala* attack his *Ant-* *Anti* *Antey*?''

''*Anteatereatingant* Chumley.'' Said Kyle.

''Right! that! attack *Big Koala*!''

''Looks like you haven fallen for my trap slacker, i activate my facedown, *Mask Of Weakness* i can target one monster and it looses 700 attack power, making your monsters power equal and destroy each other.''

''Hold on, i activate my facedown, *Beast Soul Swap*, this lisious trap card lets me return on of my beast type monster to my hand and summon one that has the same level, i return *Big Koala* to my hand, Let´s see, i will summon my *Big Koala* once again to the field.''

Everyone in the audience was shocked, that was a pretty good move for a slifer.

''Great move, this means that Chumley gets his monster again without it being affected by the trap card.'' Said Bastion.

''I never seen Chumley play like this before.'' said Syrus confused.

''Looks like Kyle thought him that before the duel.'' Said Alexis while looking at the arena.

The Obelisk got angry, they thought facing a tthird year Slifer would be easy, but it looks like they were wrong.

''Now my *Big Koala* attack again and since my monster is stronger by 700 points, you take 700 points of damage!''

The *Big Koala* charges at the insect and slashes it with it´s claw.

''Urgh!'' Obelisk Student 2: [700 - 3200 - 2500] Life Points (LP) 

''That was sweet Chumley!'' said Kyle.

Chumley got embarrased and ended his turn.

Obelisk Student 1 Turn.

''My turn, i draw, First i tribute my *Monk Fighter* to summon my *Master Monk* in attack mode!

[Master Monk]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1900]

[Defence: 1000]

''Im not done yet. i activate my spell card, *Axe Of Despair* i can equip this card to one of my monster and it gains 1000 attack points, making him stronger then your monster, *Master Monk* attack his *Big Koala* and since my power is 200 ponits stronger, you take 200 point of the damage.''

''The *Master Monk* made a fist and punched *Big Koala* on his stomach and destroyed him.''

Chumley: [200 - 4000 = 3800] Life Points

''My *Big Koala*!*''

''Im not done yet, My *Master Monk* has a special ability, he can attack twice per turn and i haven´t forgotten about you Ra Yellow, attack him directly!''

As the *Master Monk* jumped and made a flying kick towards Kyle, ''I activate my facedown, *Call Of The Haunted* this card allows me to summon a monster from my graveyard in attack mode, i choose my *Armageddon Knight* and as you know, once he is summoned to the field, i can send 1 card from my deck to the graveyard, i send another *Skull Servant* to the graveyard.''

''So what, you still lose life points! and with my *Monk Master* at 3400 attack points, against your *Armageddon Knight´s* 1400 attack, you lose half your life points!''

The *Master Monk* flying kick went towards *Armageddon Knight* and destroyed it.

''Ugh.'' Kyle: [2000 - 4000 - 2000] Life Points (LP)

''I place one card facedown and i end my turn!''

Kyle´s Turn.

''Very well, i draw! first i summon my *Dark Grepher* in attack mode!''

[Dark Grepher]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: 1700]

[Defence: 1600]

''I then activate his special ability, i discard a Dark attribute monster from my hand to send a Dark Monster from my deck to the graveyard, I discard my *King Of The Skull Servant* from my hand and send my *Skull Servant* from my deck to the graveyard, i then activate my spell card, *Monster Reborn* this card allows me to special summon 1 monster from either graveyard, however i target my own, my *King Of The Skull Servant* that i discarded, appear on the field!''

Suddenly the field shakes and a huge Skeleton appears from the ground, as it was before Kyle, suddenly, both the Obelisk felt fear as they saw Kyle´s Eyes turning red, they saw a red light inside the *King Of The Skull Servant* as well and becase of it, it looked like it had an eye.

[King Of The Skull Servant]

[Effect Monster]


[Attack: ?]

[Defence: 0]

''Im not done, my *King Of The Skull Servant* gains 1000 attack points for every *Skull Servants* in the graveyard.''

As they saw *King Of The Skull Servant* gaining attack points, they were shaking their eyes.

''The Duel disk is busted, you only have 3 *Skull Servant* in the graveyard, so why is your *King Of The Skull Servant* attack points 4000!?''

Everyone in the audience was confused, they have seen *King Of The Skull Servant* effect before and thought that it might be a glitch.

''True, however i have *The Lady In Wight* is in the graveyard and as long as she is in the graveyard, she counts as a *Skull Servant*.''

''SAY WHAT!?'' said everyone in the arena and how could they not, they never knew that the card had such ability since it´s attack power was so low.

''I then activate my magic card, *Megamorph* this card double my monster attack points if i have less life points then you and as you can see, i do, making my *King Of The Skull Servant* attack power 8000 attack power!''

The *King Of The Skull Servant* grew even bigger staring down on the Obelisk´s.

''*King Of The Skull Servant*, attack his *Chainsaw Insect*! oh and before my monster destroys your monster, i can get to draw a card since your monster ability activates.''

''OH NOOOO!!!'' Obelisk Student 2: [0] Life Points (LP) 

As Kyle was looking at the other Obelisk with his red glowing eyes, so did his *King Of The Skull Servant* and that made the Obelsik student shake in fear.

''I-I Surrender.''

Everyone in the studio looked at Kyle, They know he was a good duelist, but strong enough for him to make his opponent shake in fear was another, Kyle got confused with everyone reaction as he was oblivious to his eyes change as it returned to normal.

''We did it.... WE DID IT! i don´t have to be expelled!''

Chumley charges at Kyle and jumps at him which Kyle cathes.

''Thank you! Thank you Kyle!''

''Chumley, HEAVY, HEAVY!'' Said the shaking Kyle.

Crowler looked at the arena with a frown and just headed back, while Shepard was looking towards Kyle with intrest.

''Very interesting, I curious how well you do in the future Kyle.''

Shepard slowly walked back to his office as Jaden and the gang went towards the arena.

''That was awesome you guys, Awesome duel!'' said Jaden.

''Jaden you saw our duel!''

''Not just him, we saw it too.'' said Alexis.

''Oh hey, how did it go finding Chazz?'' as Kyle said that, dropping Chumley.

''Well it got complicated.'' As Jaden was telling Kyle how he ended up dueling a monkey today.

"Wait, let me get this straight. You dueled a monkey that had escaped from a secret laboratory that ended up kidnapping Jasmine." Kyle repeated the story his friend had told him trying to make sense of all this. but in fact knew since he saw the show. "This island is starting to get too weird for me."

"Yes, but when will you relive such an experience in your life?" Jaden said smiling not thinking it was weird.

Seeing how Jaden felt about all of this, a bead of sweat rolled off Kyle´s head and laughed akwardly.

''Lets go back and let me explain in detail.''


Hello guys, sorry that i made a 2 parter but i had no time and had to make it like this, but atleast you see it all now right? i seya guys soon.

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