Unduh Aplikasi
83.44% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 120: Chapter 50: Nudes!

Bab 120: Chapter 50: Nudes!

Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I do not own the original setting.

Chapter 50: Nudes!


- Felix -

The conversation flowed easily as they discussed various matters concerning the rebuilding of Tempest, improving trade relationships, and all the other things that came with kingdom management.

I really should have had Arcueid come instead of me…

Gazel, sensing the natural break in the conversation, leaned back slightly in his chair. "Now, I must return and go check on my cohorts." Gazel announced, taking a final swig of his drink before standing up..

Rimuru nodded, offering a warm smile as Gazel began to leave. "That's fine, thanks for attending Gazel." 

Youm soon followed behind. "Alright, see you guys, I can tell when I'm being a third, or rather fourth wheel."

Rimuru nervously laughed, scratching the back of his head. "Ah, sorry about that Youm."

Youm waved him off. "It's fine. I can tell you three have something important to talk about," Youm said as he left, leaving just Rimuru, Elmesia, and me in the room.

Elmesia clasped her hands together. "Now, what did you two wish to speak about?"

Rimuru decided to start everything off. "After the attack, we were able to apprehend one of the people responsible."

"Oh? Good for you, I assume you are going somewhere with this." Commented Elmesia.

Rimuru nodded. "He was a Deathman, Deathman are beings born from a Dark Magic that involves merging thousands of bodies together with the strongest Ego taking control."

Elmesia nodded. "Indeed, I am somewhat aware of that."

"The Deathman that was apprehended was powerful, going by the Existence Points he was over 1,000,000."

That got Elmesia interested. "That is incredibly powerful, not just anybody would have access to such a resource."

Rimuru nodded. "Indeed."

Sensing that Rimuru was going to dance around the issue as long as he could, I decided to step in and break the news.

"The Deathman was named Laplace, he used to be your father." I interrupted.

"Felix! We were supposed to do it subtly!"

"What do you mean?" Elmesia's cold voice rang out.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I mean what I said, the Deathman that I apprehended was formerly known as Sarion, the True Hero of the Elves." 

Elmesia sighed and took a deep breath, something odd as she didn't need to breathe. She let out the breath slowly, a sign of the effort she was putting to maintain her composure."Please explain things from the beginning."

I nodded and elaborated. "When Sarion went off to fight off the Chaos Dragon, he was grievously injured and was found by the Demon Lord Kazalim."

"Kazalim?" Asked Elmesia.

"Yup, he was also a Deathman and has a story of his own, but that doesn't matter right now. Kazalim found a dying Sarion and offered to bring him back to life as his servant, though he warned him that he would lose his memories. Sarion went through with it anyways, being reborn as the Wonder Pierrot, loyal to Demon Lord Kazalim."

Elmesia kept a composed face, but I could tell her emotions were raging within her. "I see. I hope you understand that I wish to meet him for myself and decide what to do. I do not doubt that the words you speak are what you believe to be true, you have nothing to gain by deceiving me about something like this, but I do still wish to see him."

I looked at Rimuru and we both nodded. "Yeah sure, that was the plan anyway. Though one thing you should know is that it will be practically impossible to recover his memories with our current means. His Soul was practically wiped clean."

Elmesia nodded. "Should I decide to pursue this matter deeper, I shall inform my mother and we shall come here and negotiate for custody over him. I am not one to demand his return when he is responsible for crimes against Tempest." 

Huh, well who knew that Elmesia would be reasonable about it. I wouldn't have blamed her for demanding her father back or something, as far as I know, she never had the chance to know her father, it would make sense if she wanted to meet and see him and try and save him herself.

My eyes met Rimuru's, I quickly sent a Thought Communication.

"Why don't we wait to hand over Laplace, a meeting with Sylvia El Ru would be extremely beneficial. We can keep looking for cures to his memory issue on our side as well."

"That… fine. It would benefit Tempest to establish a deeper alliance with Sarion; meeting the Queen Mother would be helpful." Rimuru agreed, though he sounded reluctant.

He seriously wasn't built for this whole political thing. So what if Laplace was Elmesia's father, I could empathize with her, but if Rimuru has an advantage he should use it, especially when Elmesia was willingly offering the advantage.

If she wanted Laplace back, then oh well, as agreed upon earlier, we would give him to Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion as a gift.

If I were into this whole kingdom-building thing Rimuru is doing, I sure as hell would have used that to my advantage, but I'm not, so why not help Rimuru out with his kingdom-building?

He can do all the work while I reap the benefits, like good food!

"Well, Felix was the one who actually caught Laplace." Mentioned Rimuru.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm fine with a meeting with Sylvia, it would be interesting to see what knowledge she has locked up in that head of hers. The Ancestor of the Elves is surely a Magical Genius."

Elmesia nodded. "My mother had taught even Leon Cromwell. Should you wish for it, I am sure she would not be opposed to trading knowledge with a Demon Lord such as yourself Felix."

I nodded. "That's great! And you said she has an Ultimate Skill too, I'm sure she will be quite interesting then, not just anyone can acquire an Ultimate Skill."

Even I had a bit of a shortcut to getting my own Ultimate Skills with Odin helping push things along, and before Odin it was Cursed Sage. So Sylvia, Luminous, Elmesia, and all these other beings getting their own without an AI basically facilitating the process is impressive.

Still, in my opinion, if you aren't cheating you aren't trying. And I sure as hell am cheating, and I'm going to continue to cheat!

"I'll go pick up Laplace, I'll be back soon." I told the duo, once they both nodded I teleported to Luminous' inner sanctum, which was not in Night Garden, so not the same place Chronoa was sealed.

Luminous's inner sanctum was located on a mountain deep in her territory.

I tore through all the defensive Barriers Luminous had placed over her inner sanctum, to prevent exactly what I was doing, someone teleporting into her center of power. Of course those Barriers couldn't hope to keep me away, but they were incredibly strong.

I wouldn't have been able to tear through them before my Harvest Festival, Odin would have needed to analyze and dismantle them which says enough about how powerful these Barriers are.

I appeared in the meeting room that we had used last night, I noticed everything was perfectly cleaned up, we did leave a bit of a mess when leaving. 

I exited the meeting room and made my way to where I sensed Luminous and Laplace, from what I was sensing Luminous was currently inflicting Soul deep pain on Laplace, not fun.

He deserved it though. Dickhead.

I didn't bother concealing my Aura and so Luminous should have noticed my presence the moment I popped in. That's likely why guards weren't swarming me currently, she probably ordered them not to.

Gunther, Luminous' butler appeared before me and gave a shallow bow.

"Lord Felix. My Lady was not aware that you would be coming to collect her… prisoner so soon."

I nodded. "Yeah, Elmesia just wants to take a look at Laplace before deciding what to do."

Gunther nodded. "Very well, My Lady has said that she will be with you in a moment. While you wait, would you like tea and biscuits?"

I nodded. "Yeah sure, those biscuits I tried last time were good."

Gunther's expression didn't change, but there was a subtle note of pride in his voice as he replied. "Thank you for the compliment, Lord Felix." 

"It's no problem." 

Gunther led me to the lounge where he served me the promised tea and biscuits. I took a bite of the biscuit and simply enjoyed it in silence. That butler knew how to make a damn good biscuit. I bet Raiden could do better, but that wasn't surprising, my maid was the best!

As I was eating, I spotted Luminous making her way over.

"Had your fill of Laplace?"

Luminous scoffed. "Of course not."

"I don't know why I expected a different answer. I hope he is still sane?"

Luminous' eyes narrowed, yet she nodded nonetheless. "Of course. To cause insanity in a Spiritual Lifeform is no easy feat, I would need to intentionally wish for such a thing."

"I know, but I was just making sure."

Luminous took a seat across from me and grabbed a biscuit that was set on the plate. "Hey! I was going to eat that!"

Luminous looked at me with a smirk. "I know."

"Bitch." I whispered.

"What was that?" Asked Luminous, feigning ignorance.

I sighed. "Nothing, nothing. Feel free to help yourself to MY biscuits."

"Hmph. That's what I thought." She replied with a satisfied nod.

My eye twitched. "Oh, now you are going there?"

"Ara, going where?" Teased Luminous who had an infuriating smirk.

"One of these days I'm going to take you over my knee and spank you, I swear it!"

Luminous's confident facade cracked for just a moment, a faint blush dusting her cheeks.. "S-Spank me! How dare you! I am a fellow Demon Lord, show me some respect!"

Heh, Luminous is strong on the offense but weak on the defense. After all, who would dare to tease a Demon Lord and a True Ancestor, only a madman. I'm sure Luminous is usually on my side of the fence, teasing others while looking for reactions.

"Heh, they stop being a brat! Brats get punished with spanks!" Umu, even rookies knew that!

Luminous is more of a hag than a brat, hmm, maybe she is a combination of the two, perhaps she is a brathag? A brag? A hagrat? 

"I am no brat!"

"Yuh huh!" I shot back, my grin causing her to get more annoyed and flustered.

"No I am not!" She insisted, her tone growing more defensive.

"Yuh huh!"

"Stop that!"

"Nuh uh!"

"Felix I swear I will torture your Soul for eternity!"

"Uh huh." She always goes there doesn't she. Torture my Soul for eternity, yeah right.

"Cough cough Lady Luminous." Called out Gunther.

All of a sudden Luminous froze and mechanically turned to Gunther. "Gunther." Heh, she was distracted by our little argument, she probably didn't sense Gunther coming in with Laplace.

"Yes, My Lady?"

"I will be erasing your memory after this."

Gunther nodded as if all was right in the world. "As you wish My Lady." I personally didn't agree with doing that to one's allies due to my personal views, but everyone has different views. It wouldn't surprise me if memory erasure was something minor for most of the beings in this world.

My mindset was still stained with some of the things I felt back when I was just a Human, and I was completely fine with that. That portion of my life made me who I am today.

Laplace was right behind Gunther, completely sealed with Holy Magic preventing all movement, he glared at me in hatred, a glare I found easy to ignore.

"Well, Rimuru and Elmesia are probably waiting for me, I guess I'll spank you next time."

"There will be no spanking Felix!"

"You can deny it all you want, but the amount of brat energy you were just releasing was off the charts. The inner brat in you craves for it, I know it!" I teased as I walked up to Laplace and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"We are not done here, Felix! Don't you da–" Before Luminous could finish her sentence I teleported back to the meeting room in Tempest.

Ah, that was fun. Messing with Luminous truly is one of my most enjoyable hobbies. Though I did mean what I said, I am not afraid to spank the lewd Vampire!

It doesn't hurt that Luminous is hot as hell, I would never say no to tapping that, no sane man would.

Who cares that she's probably an unstable True Ancestor, some insanity in a woman makes them hotter! Everyone knows that!


I ignored Odin as Rimuru and Elmesia's gaze snapped to me, well Elmesia's gaze was focused on the bound Laplace.

Luminous seriously knew her Holy Magic, I wasn't even aware a Spell like this existed, Laplace was bound in Spiritron laced ropes that sealed off all of his Magic as well as his recovering Magic Circuits, leaving him helpless.

He couldn't resist me if he wanted to anyway. He was still bound by my Spiritual Domination after all, I just left the chains on him incredibly loose.

"Welp, this here is Laplace." I said gesturing to the Clown. "Now, why don't you introduce yourself." I asked, not using my power over him to force him to do so, I was curious whether he would do it of his own initiative.

"I really hate yah you know. But fine, I know when I'm beaten. Hello there Empress, the name's Laplace, I am the Wonder Pierrot!" 

Elmesia stood up and walked towards Laplace. "Is it possible to remove his mask?" She asked.

"Yeah, here." I said as I removed the mask from Laplace's face. Laplace had pointed Elven ears, his red hair cascading down the side of his head.

"Father…." Muttered Elmesia taking a step back in disbelief.

So his looks really haven't changed then huh?

Hearing Elmesia Laplace sighed. "I ain't ya father Empress, I would have thought that the Demon Lord here would have explained that." Laplace said while gesturing towards me.

Elmesia shook her head, as if trying to escape her thoughts. "Indeed he did. However you do look just like the images of my father I have seen." 

"Heh, well ain't that somethin." Laplace responded sarcastically. I could tell he was trying to be nonchalant about meeting his technical daughter.

Even if he didn't associate himself as Sarion, it still must be entirely different to intellectually know you had a daughter, than to actually meet said daughter.

"Very well, I will inform my mother about this and we will come together and make a decision. Though do know that it may take up to six months."

"Six months? How come that long?" Asked Rimuru.

"My mother is often not in one place, she is traveling throughout Sarion's territory never staying in one place for long so it can be difficult to contact her." Responded Elmesia.

"Alright then, that's fine." Said Rimuru.

"You can take Laplace with you if you want." I offered.

Elmesia shook her head. "While I do wish to do so, I fear that I may get distracted with my duties knowing of him being nearby, being away from him will give me time to do some research of my own to recover his memories."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Suit yourself."

"You're wasting your time Empress, your father is gone, all that remains is me." 

Elmesia glared at Laplace. "That is for me to decide."

He shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

I turned to Laplace and tapped him in the back of his head, taking his consciousness away from him. "I'll be keeping him in a coma for now." I told the two. I'll probably end up sending him back to Luminous while asking her to go easier on the guy.

I'm sure he has been tortured to hell and back already. Though I can understand why Luminous felt the need to do so.

Elmesia and Rimuru both nodded. "Will you be taking him back now?" Asked Rimuru.

I shook my head. "No, Lumi–, uhm his caretaker is likely pretty annoyed with me right now, visiting her so soon is bound to be entertaining but I would like to keep my arms attached to my body." I nervously chucked.

Of course, Luminous couldn't hope to dismember me, but whatever excuse works, I'll probably just have Lalatina or someone take him back once she calms down.

Rimuru rolled his eyes. "Of course."

Elmesia, while curious about who we were talking about, didn't inquire about it. I stored Laplace in my Infinity Space as we took our seats and resumed our conversation, a conversation that soon turned into a game session.

Elmesia was taking the whole "whoa, my father is alive!" thing really well.

I guess with age comes wisdom, and Elmesia is old as hell. She's another hidden hag! If only she was more of a brat she could join Luminous on the Ragtag Brat Hag Gang. Though the name was still a work in progress. 

After the heavy topics about long gone fathers we ended up just hanging out as friends.

We ended up playing various games throughout the hours, Uno, Monopoly, Blackjack, Go Fish, and even Cards against Humanity. Elmesia especially enjoyed Cards against Humanity.

We ended up talking about basic stuff, how things were going in our territories and stuff like that.

By the time we ended up separating it was already dark outside. The Festival will officially be closing off tomorrow, which is when Yuuki will be leaving.

It will be easy to get into the Western Nation's territory, the defenses they have established work based off of sensing a being's Aura, since I can completely conceal mine they would have no hope of detecting me.

I looked up to the shining moon in the night sky.

Soon I'll have Yuuki's Soul in my possession, then that will be one chapter of my life closed.

I made my way out of the Chancellor's Office.

As I was walking down the streets of Tempest, I felt the cool breeze brush against my face, all kinds of Majin walking around, going about their business.

There were housewives doing some last-minute groceries, and men coming home from a long day of work. It was pretty astonishing how similar the environment of Tempest had become to that of modern-day Earth.

Rimuru had done some good work here.

I noticed a soccer ball coming my way, I quickly caught it and noticed some kids running up to me, the kids were of different races, one was a Goblin, another an Ogre, another a Lycanthrope, all these different races were living in harmony playing games.

I placed the soccer ball on the floor and juggled it a bit, amusing myself with the kid's oohs and aahs before kicking it back in the kid's direction and moving on.

Sometimes relaxing like this was nice.

I noticed Veldora's takoyaki stand a distance away and made my way to it, he of course was disguised using Magic so nobody would recognize him.

It was rather amusing to think of how many people Veldora had served takoyaki, each unaware that they were eating food made by a True Dragon of all beings.

I stood at the back of the line and waved off the customers in front of me who recognized me and offered me their spots. 

Perhaps I should have disguised myself seeing as quite a few of these people are Humans from outside of Tempest, safe to say they were nervous to be in the presence of a Demon Lord, how I look isn't a secret after all. 

"Ghaha, Felix! I see that you could not resist coming back for more!" Greeted Veldora.

I snapped my fingers creating a small Barrier around us that isolated our conversation. I didn't want anyone to realize that the friendly food stand chef was actually a fearsome True Dragon.

"Your takoyaki is pretty good." I said as I took the takoyaki from Veldora's hand.

"Haha, good! One day I shall reach enlightenment and prepare a takoyaki so good that even my sisters will have to bow down to my greatness." Boasted Veldora.

"Uh huh, well, it's good to have dreams, I guess."

"Ah, according to Rimuru that Haki I felt yesterday was yours right?" Asked Veldora, his hands moving with surprising grace as he began to cook up a few more servings.

"Maybe? I did unleash my Demon Lord's Haki, and I'm fairly certain Rimuru wasn't able to place a Barrier on time to completely conceal it."

"Ghaha, as expected of you Felix! That Haki felt as powerful as my sisters'!"


Veldora nodded. "Demon Lord's Haki is inferior to Dragon Spirit Haki of course, the True Dragon race is supreme after all! But the power coming from your Haki was approaching that of my sister's!"

"Which sister?"

Veldora shivered slightly, his smile dropping for an instant. "Velgrynd."

"I see… well that's good to know I guess. Anyways, I'm off now, don't want to hold up the line anymore. See ya."

"Goodbye, Felix! Stop by again, I promise my takoyaki will reach realms never seen before!"

"You got it, buddy."

I snapped my fingers removing the Barrier I placed and then walked on.

People from Veldora's stall were still staring at me, but I just ignored them. Fame is natural when one is a Demon Lord, even if rather than fame, one becomes infamous. It's thanks to Rimuru that people weren't shaking the moment they laid eyes on me, he's managed to change the perception of Demon Lords ever so slightly. And seeing as I have a relationship with him, the Humans aren't as fearful of me.

As I was walking I extracted my new Anti-Skill dagger from my Infinity Space, I swapped it into a reverse grip and did some practice slashes and jabs. I was interested in learning how to properly wield this after all, it would be a fairly useful weapon in certain circumstances.

I ignored the stares I was getting and continued to practice with the dagger. My combat instinct was practically unmatched thanks to my various Awakenings, but even I knew that I would need to train to properly wield this dagger, at least I would have to train if I really wanted to master it.

I twirled it around in my hand before storing it back into Infinity Space. I can practice more with it another time.

It didn't take me long to reach my home in Tempest. 

"Master." Raiden greeted me.

I gave her a nod. "Raiden. Did everything go well with Mariabell?"

She nodded. "Yes, she was able to send out the message you requested of her, and her underlings did not question anything."

"That's about what I expected. Where is Mariabell?"

"She is waiting in the living room. She said you would wish to send her back to her prison." Responded Raiden.

"Yup, I need her safe after all. Plus she deserves some more punishment."

I made my way to the living room with Raiden following closely behind me. Once I was there I saw Mariabell sitting on the couch, staring blankly at a wall.

She noticed my presence immediately. "Lord Felix."

I nodded to her and placed my hand on her shoulder, sending her back to my Infinity Prison.

I turned to Raiden. "Where is everyone else?" I could just spread my senses throughout Tempest, with my Universal Sense it would be child's play to locate everyone, but meh, I'd rather hear it from Raiden.

If I could do everything myself, then what was the point in having subordinates? It was of course to be lazy!


'Hey! I can be as lazy as I want!'

'...As you wish.'

Hehe, victory!

"Lady Arcueid is currently negotiating with a foreign noble. Lady Megumin is currently sparring with Lord Carrion, and Suphia is watching them. Lady Lalatina is resting in her room. Saeko is currently meeting with Miss Shuna." Huh, she called everyone else with Lord and Lady, but not with Saeko? Well those two always have had an odd rivalry as my first two subordinates.

Woman, I'll never understand them.

"How come you are calling Arcueid, Megumin and Lalatina with the Lady title?" I imagine it is for some maidly reason I couldn't hope to understand, but it is fairly recent, Raiden never used to call them that way before.

Raiden nodded as if it was obvious. "Out of respect for their strength of course."

Ah, so it was for a far more simple reason. Raiden usually doesn't act like one, but in the end once a Dragon always a Dragon. Respecting the strong is a very Draconic thing.

"I see. Continue then." I ordered as I went to the fridge and grabbed some apple juice. 

"Sukuna is currently in The Dungeon." I tilted my head curiously hearing that.

"What's he doing in The Dungeon?"

"He has apparently sparked a rivalry with Lord Veldora's student." Said Raiden.


Raiden nodded. "I do recall that being his name."

"Huh, well that's interesting." I'm curious to see where that rivalry takes them, Zegion has a lot of potential, he is the true Potential Man, Megumi is a fraud! 

Plus every Shonen Protagonist needs their rival, I guess Sukuna will be Zegion's. I wasn't going to complain, either Sukuna will keep up and grow, or he will fall behind, it's up to him.

But I have a feeling he will rise to the challenge. He was once the King of Curses after all.

No matter what I said to that version of Sukuna, he was at the top of his verse for a reason.

"Kurumi is currently sleeping." Ugh, I swear that girl should have manifested Sloth, she is lazier than even I am.

"Ingvild is currently attending another concert being held to celebrate the end of the Founding Festival, Glenda had decided to attend with her."

I nodded in understanding. Agera and Zonda had returned to my territory seeing as their job was done.

"Did Rain leave already? I don't sense her here." Normally that wouldn't be anything strange, but Rain is a lazy bum, I can't imagine her going anywhere willingly.

"Indeed, she had said she wished to stay longer but that Lord Guy would be angry at her." Said Raiden.

"I see. Finally she's out of my hair, Guy can deal with her now."

Raiden nodded in understanding. "Indeed, she is a below standard maid, I cannot imagine why someone of Lord Guy's standing would accept such a thing."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Who knows?"

"And Sasha had left just earlier in order to buy some supplies she wished to take back to your territory Master." Raiden continued.

Well, that was everyone accounted for.

"Very well then, I'll be going to see Lalatina, I have a mission for her." I'll throw the job of returning Laplace onto her! I'm sure she will find a way to deal with Luminous's ire.

Raiden bowed. "I shall begin preparing dinner."

I nodded. "Alright, thanks."

I didn't bother knocking on Lalatina's door as I entered. "Ah, Master! Did you wish to make use of me again?!" Lalatina asked eagerly.

I sighed. "No, I have a nonsexual mission for you." I had to specify or I'm sure she would go on to ask if the mission was sexual in nature.

"What did you wish for me to do?!" Asked Lalatina, sounding slightly dissapointed.

I withdrew Laplace from my Infinity Space and floated him to the ground next to Lalatina. "I need you to take him back to Luminous."

Lalatina nodded with a grin. "Luminous eh? It's been a while since I've had fun with her."

"Oh? When was the last time you saw her?" I asked curiously.

"That was when one of my idiotic dependents Summoned me into a new host body that I was unsatisfied with. The event took place within Luminous' domain and so she showed up. We had a bit of fun before we returned to the Daemon Realm."

I nodded. "I see." It didn't surprise me that Lalatina knew Luminous, after all, the Primordials generally had established domains they liked to play around in.

Lalatina usually made a mess of things in the Western Nations, Luminous' backyard. Arcueid played around in the Eastern Empire, and Megumin in El Dorado.

"Would you wish for me to go now?" Asked Lalatina.

"Yeah, that would be preferable."

"As you command Master~!"

Lalatina snapped her fingers and put on her usual purple colored military garbs. I'm not sure why Arcueid, Megumin and Lalatina enjoy wearing those kinds of things when doing anything official.

Then she grabbed Laplace by his leg as if she was preparing to drag him, which she might as well be. "Here, I'll teleport you directly past Luminous's wards so you don't have to deal with her guards.

"As expected of you, Master! Hehe, I'm sure Luminous will be very… happy to see me."

For some reason, I doubted that, but Lalatina was now Luminous's issue to deal with. I snapped my fingers creating a portal that connected to the Lounge in Luminous's inner sanctum.

I could have just directly teleported her, but portals can be fun too.

Lalatina happily walked through while humming, I have a feeling Luminous is going to be even annoyed with me after this.

- Lalatina -

"You are my Special~"

She walked through the portal her precious Master had made while humming as she dragged the comatose Clown by his leg.

She recalled her Master saying the song he was humming was called SpecialZ, it was fairly catchy.

She could have easily carried him, or even floated him, but according to what she knew this Clown had inconvenienced her Master by killing his student.

Lalatina didn't care much for the girl other than the fact that her fighting style seemed familiar, and that she had quite a bit of untapped potential, but many people were similar on that front.

She had encountered many with high potential, most however never achieved their full potential due to various reasons, whether it was due to challenging a Demon Lord in their arrogance, or simply becoming too confident in their abilities and then getting taken off guard. 

She could count hundreds of times when those she was interested in would die, of course, she would not help them.

If they died, then they wouldn't have been worth her attention in the first place. Though on occasion she did claim the Souls of such individuals and reincarnate them as Daemons under her.

As a Primordial it was possible for her to incarnate the recently deceased as Daemons if certain conditions were met. In fact, Diablo was the one who did this the most, though he almost always lost interest in the beings he would reincarnate.

From what she knew, Agera was once a Human swordsman that Megumin found interesting. Upon his death, she incarnated him as a Daemon under her, although he lost his memories in the process.

She thought back to the so-called student her Master had taken, for some odd reason, her Master did seem to care for the girl, that was enough for Lalatina to immediately place the Clown on her disliked list. Most people on that list were still being tortured in the Daemon Realm by some of her subordinates on her behalf.

She couldn't do that to this Clown seeing as her Master needed him for something, so she would content herself in dragging his face around.

The events of the last few days were quite enjoyable for Lalatina, it was fairly amusing watching the Humans attempt to speak with her Master as equals, not knowing he could purge them with but a look.

Humans were always amusing like that. She had laughed when Arcueid told her of what she did in the Eastern Empire, to think some Humans, even if they were stronger than the norm, would believe that they had slain a Primordial.

Truly, the wonders of the Human race would never cease, would they?

When one had lived for eons, they began to take pleasure in the little things. Like the feeling of when one of her plots was successful. Though occasionally, there were things Lalatina took great pleasure in, like feeling herself being filled up by her Master's semen and submitting to his every whim.

She rubbed her thighs together slightly as she thought back to when her Master had made use of her.

He truly was the greatest. 

Lalatina focused back on the events that took place at the Tempest Founding Festival, she even saw the result of one of her plots at the Festival which was a surprise. Towa and that Kijinof hers, Hiiro had attended, and it seemed her Master even knew the Kijin.

That plot of hers may have been unsuccessful, but it was still enjoyable watching the Kijinbeg for the life of his Queen, he proved to be entertaining enough, and so Lalatina restored Towa back to full health as a reward for the Kijin.

It was shortly after that event that Arcueid had come to recruit her for her Master as well, a reward for her efforts she supposed.

Not to mention how enjoyable it was to let loose a little bit, she hadn't slaughtered a large amount of people in such a long time. And while she would never trade her Master's affections for anything, she did still miss the constant state of bloodshed present in the Daemon Realm.

Some of her opponents even had Unique Skills, which made them quite fun to play around with. 

She didn't truly need to take any of them seriously, for not one of the attackers that she had met had even a fraction of her Magicule Capacity or Magic Power, and they hadn't even seemed to have fully mastered the Skills they had been granted.

One could not hope to challenge a Primordial without true mastery over their abilities. From what she heard, Arcueid and Megumin felt the same, they enjoyed themselves but there was no true challenge to be found in the attackers. They were simply fulfilling her Master's orders while taking pleasure in it.

But that was the life of a Primordial, in the Daemon Realm they were unmatched, that was partly the reason why the three of them would fight each other so often, because there was no one else to fight.

At the very least, she got to offer her Master the Souls of those that she had slain, that was something of a staple in the Daemon Realm, to offer Souls one had obtained to their superior in the hopes for recognition.

In her case she just wished for more of her Master's love. She knew she had changed since entering her Master's service, she had changed irreversibly, but she would have it no other way.

She expanded her senses to see where Luminous was, and she could sense Luminous lounging about in her throne room as she always did. The truth was that as long lived beings, a lot of their time was spent doing absolutely nothing.

Lalatina navigated through Luminous's inner sanctum, this wasn't her first time here after all. She used to show up fairly often to fight that Hero that stayed with Luminous as well as Luminous herself.

In fact, Luminous and her could be considered old rivals. Though she did always wonder where that Hero went, Luminous would never give her a straight answer when she asked about the Hero.

She was not concealing her presence, which meant Luminous was knowingly ignoring her arrival, likely some form of power play on her part, she was likely expecting her to come to the throne room as if Lalatina were one of her subjects.

Of course, Lalatina was not going to play along. She casually made her way around Luminous's inner sanctum, while poking through all of Luminous's secret rooms. It wasn't until she found a corridor that was hidden by numerous Barriers and Spells that she grew interested.

"Oh, I wonder what you are keeping hidden here, Luminous." She laughed.

She dragged the Clown behind her as she took a step forward, triggering the various alarms Luminous had placed.

It took but a moment for Luminous to teleport in front of her with an angry frown on her face.

"What are you doing, Violet?!" Luminous demanded.

"Violet? Who is that?" Lalatina asked with a mischievous smile, only continuing after she saw her frown deepen. "Ah, I was just wandering around, you see, since I was not greeted, I assumed you were busy, who knew I would find an interesting room like this." 

Luminous's brow twitched as she sighed. "Ugh, you are such a pain to deal with. Fine, come with me. Bring the Clown with you."

"Aww, but I wanted to see what you're hiding." She whined.

"As if. You just take pleasure in annoying me." Scoffed Luminous.

"Hehe, perhaps." Lalatina laughed as she followed along behind Luminous.

She continued to bug Luminous as they made their way to the lounge. Once there, Lalatina took a look around. "You did not change much, huh?"

"Of course not. What need is there to change something that is already perfect." Scoffed Luminous.

Lalatina ignored Luminous's cocky words and took a seat on one of the couches while casually throwing the Clown across the room.

"Do be careful with him. He does still have his uses." Said Luminous.

"Of course. I would not fail my Master like that." Scoffed Lalatina. Luminous was acting awfully foolish for thinking she would go against her Master like that.

Luminous took a seat across from her. "Your Master, huh? I did not think there would be a day when you of all people would recognize someone as your Master, let alone that Master being someone like Felix."

Lalatina's eyes narrowed. "What are you insinuating? That my Master is not worthy of my service?" Lalatina voiced out, her voice chilly.

Luminous laughed lightly, ignoring the pressure Lalatina had evoked with her words. "No. I can understand why one would be drawn to a man like Felix. I did not particularly like him at first, but he has grown on me, like a fungus that refuses to leave."

"You must have been blind to not see the greatness of my Master the moment you laid eyes on him, Luminous!" She declared.

Luminous rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, I'm sure that you are correct. At least I'm glad you aren't making a mess of things for me anymore."

All of a sudden a fun idea came to Lalatina's mind. Her Master could always use more bed warmers, or lovers as he likes to call them. Not to mention she had overheard her Master talking about the fact that Luminous was acting like a brat and was in need of punishment.

She was his loyal slave, and so she would fulfill his wishes as was natural. 

Luminous was strong, she could admit that to herself. Having her completely on her Master's side could be beneficial to her Master. Not that she thought her Master needed Luminous, but an extra tool to use could always find a use.

So she will do her duty as her Master's loyal sex slave, and pet. She will convert Luminous into seeing the light, soon Luminous will be singing praises of her Master just like her! 

It should be easy, all she needed to do was explain her Master's greatness!

Maybe her Master will even reward her for her service!

"Hmph! I'm sure you would change your mind if you got to experience my Master's touch!" Lalatina teased.

"W-What?!" Stuttered out Luminous. Heh, Luminous might not show it, but she had a weak defense but a strong offense as her Master liked to say.

Lalatina herself had borne witness to some of Luminous's seduction attempts on the Hero after their battles, when she would stick around to bug Luminous a bit. But the Hero from back then was either playing clueless, or she was actually clueless. Lalatina was not quite sure herself, but the show was still amusing.

Lalatina nodded. "Yes, yes. I know you are still quite upset about your failed seduction attempts on that Hero, but I'm sure my Master will be more receptive to you!"

The blush on Luminous' face faded, and she just stared at Lalatina with a judgmental stare.

She took a deep breath. "My seduction attempts did not fail! Chronoa was just… occupied with something. I am sure that once she has returned, she will return my affections." Luminous nodded confidently.

Lalatina looked at Luminous with pity. "Are you sure? From what you are saying, that Hero from back then is still alive. What if, after all this time, they have found someone else, hmm?"

Luminous' face turned green upon hearing her words. "D-Did Felix tell you? No, he wouldn't have."

Lalatina tilted her head. "Did Master tell me what?"

Luminous shook her head. "No, it's nothing, I was mistaken."

Lalatina nodded. "Very well. I am sure my Master's touch will be far better than the Hero's! Whenever he caresses me, I feel shivers in my very Soul. It makes me want to serve him with my very being."

Lalatina went on and on about her Master's virtues, Luminous had tried to stop her multiple times, but she ignored her.

Before long Luminous stopped trying to interrupt and just listened to her detailed narration of their intimate moments.

"He said those things to you?!" Asked Luminous with a blush. Lalatina noticed she was rubbing her thighs together slightly. Heh, even if Spiritual Lifeforms like Luminous and her had perfect bodily control, it didn't work when their Soul was working against their minds.

The Soul knew what the body and heart wanted, and so it would cause the appropriate reactions in the Body, even if the Mind was resistant to it.

Lalatina nodded proudly. "Indeed, I am my Master's personal bitch slave! He is free to degrade me as he wishes. In fact, I urge him to do so!" Lalatina said with a pant.

In the first place, love for Spiritual Lifeforms like them was far different from the love the mortal lifeforms indulged in. For mortals, love was fleeting, they would fall in love, and then fall out of love in a moment's notice. Even their Physical Bodies played a large role in who the mortals fell in love with.

Spiritual Lifeforms are beings made of pure willpower and energy, their Physical Bodies had no true influence over their thought process. 

For Spiritual Beings, love was far more spiritual. Once one is in love it is nigh impossible for that love to be broken unless something drastic takes place. 

In the first place love between Spiritual Lifeforms is a connection between Souls. It is not something that is broken easily if ever.

Their memories are always available, the times such beings spend together are forever inscribed in the Soul as well as the feelings those memories evoked when they first took place.

No matter how Luminous may have felt in the past, once an attraction between two Spiritual Lifeforms has developed, it is generally bound to progress due to how rare such a thing is.

If one's Soul desires the companionship of another, even if the Mind protests against it, the Soul will eventually influence the Mind enough to give in. Of course, it is possible to resist, but why would Luminous resist her beloved Master?

Lalatina knew that Luminous did hold some fondness for her Master, when she had brought him up earlier she saw some fondness enter Luminous's eyes.

Her Master truly had a way with people! He had an odd charisma around him, 

Luminous licked her dry lips. "I see… he even gave you a collar?" Luminous asked with some curiosity.

Lalatina lightly touched her neck and deactivated the Magic her Master had her place to hide the collar from common eyes.

Luminous laid eyes to her precious collar that she was always wearing.

"Property of Felix White?!" Luminous shouted stunned.

Lalatina gently caressed the collar. "Yes! My Master marked his physical ownership over me that day!"

A crimson red blush appeared on Luminous's face. "I did not think Felix was one to take part in such degeneracy."

Lalatina took out something she had gotten Rain to make from her Spatial Storage. Even back in the Daemon Realm, Rain was always fond of the arts, as a result she was an incredibly good artist. Of course, Lalatina had commissioned a certain piece from her, it was an image of her Master in all his glory!

Luminous' gaze was drawn to the portrait she was holding in her hand. "W-What is that?!" Luminous said as she saw the upper half of the photo.

Lalatina turned it around, allowing Luminous to witness her Master's full glory. "This, this is my single most prized possession!" 

Luminous mouth opened in astonishment. "...Is that… Felix?"

Lalatian nodded proudly. She had gotten Rain to draw her Master in all his naked glory! She shakily passed the image on to Luminous. She had copies, but she was still hesitant to pass on such a glorious item.

But it was for her goal, so she must do what was necessary!

Luminous was staring at it with an odd look on her face while panting slightly. Lalatina noticed that the blush had returned to Luminous' face. She did not blame Luminous, her Master in all his glory was an attractive man. Each and everyone of his flaws had been seemingly perfected through evolution, not many could claim to be his match when it came to attractiveness.

"I-I do not know why you are handing it to me. But out of respect for Felix I will be taking it out of your hands and incinerating it."

"Huh?! If you are going to do that then just leave it with me!"

Unfortunately, she was too late, for Luminous had already grabbed the portrait out of her hand and stored it in her Spatial Storage.

"Hmph! It would be rather… unfortunate if such an image got out to the public. I will do my duty as a fellow Demon Lord and ensure the prestige of The Nine Sovereigns does not fall due to this." Luminous grandly declared.

For some reason, Lalatina felt that Luminous was lying. Aha! Luminous was just too shy to accept her gift!

Lalatina nodded with a happy smile. "I see, I see. I understand now."

"What do you understand?" Asked Luminous.

"Nothing nothing. Don't worry about it."


Lalatina decided that she had made enough progress for today. She knew this would be a multi-step plan, she needed to be patient to succeed.

"I must return to your Master now. I am sure that he is in need of my services!" Declared Lalatina.

"By services, you mean?"

"Of course, my services as his loyal bed slave!"

Luminous' brow twitched. "I see… have fun then. I will keep Laplace in containment."

"I will have enough fun for the both of us, Luminous!" Lalatina declared as she teleported out with Spatial Transport.

Unlike her Master she was incapable of using Instant Transport, in fact her Master was the only person she had met to be capable of using Instant Transport, it only went to show how great he truly was.

Spatial Transport allows her to teleport with a notably shorter activation time than normal Spatial Motion and without a need for portals. The only requirement is an Image of the current location and the destination.

As Lalatina arrived back in her room, she smirked proudly. She may not have completely converted Luminous, but she had made good progress.

Soon, Luminous would be on her knees beside her, pleasuring her Master! She vowed it!

- Luminous Valentine -

She made her way to her private quarters, once Lalatina had left she ordered Gunther to take Laplace to her dungeon, and then she sat there stunned at the events that had taken place.

She had not expected to learn all about Felix's… degeneracy today, as she thought back to Lalatina's explicit detailed stories; she rubbed her thighs together slightly as she felt her nipples harden.

As a Spiritual Lifeform she was easily capable of controlling her body perfectly, of course she saw no reason to stifle her arousal. Her Unique Skill was Lust for a reason.

She extracted the image Lalatina was attempting to pass to her from her Spatial Storage. The image depicted Felix completely nude with nothing hidden. Her eyes focused on his groin, and then wandered all over his body. She licked her lips slightly as she laid on her bed and stripped herself bare.

She may have been mostly attracted to women, but she was also attracted to men who fit her criteria, and Felix did fit that type, even with his… flaws. Someone strong, humorous enough to balance out her more serious nature, and one that was not afraid to exert their power over others. Of course there was more she looked for in a partner, but those were just the basics.

She did not have much experience in the scene of romance, she was a Demon Lord after all, she refused to have a weakness that could be exploited. 

She did love her Luminaries once upon a time in a platonic way, but they had betrayed her and so she had promptly dealt with all of them except Granbell who would meet his fate soon enough.

The most serious attempt she had made was with Chronoa, but of course, that blasted Slime, and Felix managed to get in her way again and again. Back then, even though it would take thousands of years for them to appear, they had already been a source of annoyance to her.

Both Chloe and Hinata would go on and on about their teachers. Chloe made Rimuru out to be a god of some kind which was wholly inaccurate. While Hinata and Chloe both made Felix out to be a very powerful annoyance.

At the very least, that was accurate. Sure she had been interested in the Demon Lord but that interest only grew after she met him at the Walpurgis.

It was there that she witnessed true gap moe for the first time. With Felix annoying her and exposing her identity, immediately afterwards giving her a Full Potion which may have saved Hinata's life.

Besides, she was sure that evil lizard put him up to it, Veldora was a bad influence.

Hinata's words were indeed correct, gap moe indeed was truth.

Rimuru was also at the meeting, but she respected her friend's interest and her unhealthy obsession with him too much to try anything with him. Besides he wasn't even her type, he was far too… good. It had almost cost him the lives of the people he cared for the most, but he was still searching for the best in people.

Ever since she had heard about Felix she had been interested in the man that had taught Hinata as well as a previous version of Chloe. With some slight changes he would truly become her ideal partner. 

Perhaps she can mold him to match what she wished for?

Maybe at first she was annoyed by Felix's personality, but she now knew his teasing and jokes were in harmless fun, he did not wish to intentionally harm her, that was simply his personality which Luminous could accept with some annoyance. 

Besides she had centuries to prepare for him. Chloe and Hinata had gone into detail about both Rimuru and Felix.

She knew he would infuriate her at times centuries before he was even born.

Hinata had called him a bully, but Felix didn't seem to act like that with everyone as far as she had observed. 

Why would he only act that way to her? She knew it wasn't because he disliked her.



All of a sudden a great epiphany hit Luminous.

Perhaps that was his way of showing her affection? She was an attractive woman, she had many suitors in the past, and the present. Even a man such as Felix surely found himself charmed by her beauty.

Yes, his annoying ways are simply his ways of showing her affection. How cute, he had multiple lovers and yet still could not properly convey his feelings to her.

Hinata called this gap moe.

Hehe, it seems Felix liked her but did not know how to show it~! When she thought about it that way, all of the bullying took on an entirely different meaning.

Along with the information she had received from Hinata in the past, she found Felix to be rather cute at times. Another example of gap moe which Hinata had explained to her, when he would pretend to be annoyed by you but would still look out for you.

Hinata mentioned him doing something similar when he Blessed her Elemental without informing her.

He didn't even notice it, but he was what Chloe would refer to as a Tsundere.

Rimuru was lacking in that aspect when compared to Felix, he was far more hesitant to use his rightful power over others. He was a good man, she could say that with confidence, but he was not exactly her type.

Felix was more of a tyrant, doing what he pleased, even if that usually meant annoying her to death.

Perhaps Guy could have been her type, but he was far too rough for her, Felix was a bit of a goof but he was far more gentlemanly while also dominant enough to be to her tastes.

She gently touched her tight moist slit and she began to finger herself. One of her hands went to her breast and began pinching and lightly twisting her nipples causing her to moan out in pleasure.

She clearly imagined the image of Felix that Lalatina had given her in her mind as she continued to toy with herself.

That infuriating smirk of his only served to turn her on more. Especially when she began to play out his inner monologue in his head. How he was desperately trying to find a way to charm her, but was too Tsundere to properly flirt with her.

She slid one of her fingers into her untouched slit, then two, then three as she began to roughly finish herself to completion. The pulling of her nipples only added to the sensation.

"Mmah~!" She cried out as she came all over her fingers. For some reason her arousal had not disappeared as it usually did when she pleasured herself to Hinata or Chloe, in fact, it seemed to have increased.

Though that was probably Lalatina's fault, the Primordial had gone on and on about her degeneracy. Her poor mind had been tainted, and now she had to clear it by working extra hard. Luminous would have stopped her, but with how determined Lalatina was, any real effort would have caused her to make a mess.

She continued to toy with herself like that for hours, each climax making her image more and more degenerate things that each involved Felix.

"Ooh yes~! Shpank me harder Fewix~!" She mewled as she was now bent over with her rear end aimed to the sky, wiggling slightly as if trying to revive the spanks that she was clearly imagining.

She could tell she had continued playing with herself to the image of Felix for the entire night once she heard a knock on her door.

"Mistress. You had asked me to wake you up in order to properly punish the Clown further."

Luminous groaned as she pulled her fingers out of her sopping quim. She snapped her fingers and cleaned herself of the juices on her thighs as well as the mattress and her hand.

She was still aroused but she suppressed her arousal for later. She could satisfy her cravings another time.

"I will be out momentarily, Gunther." She announced.

"Yes Mistress." She heard Gunther walk away and rose up from her bed and made her way to her dresser and opened a drawer.

A drawer that was guarded with multiple Spells and Curses, practically impossible to break through for most.

She set the image of Felix besides a few other images she had collected over the years, one of her and Chloe sharing the bath, and one of Hinata and her sharing the bath.

She remembered that according to Chloe who was too dense to realize, Hinata and Felix were lovers in a previous timeline, and from what she had scene, her Hinata had grown rather… fond of Felix.

Perhaps she can acquire Hinata's love through Felix?

But, she was far too prideful to practically… prostitute herself just to be with Hinata, no she would need to acquire both Hinata and Felix for it to be worth it.

She would fix Felix and live out her ideal life.

Perhaps after that she may grow to care for Felix beyond their friendship. She ignored the pang in her chest at the thought of Felix refusing to return her affections. Of course such a thing was impossible as clearly Felix was already madly in love with her, which made her job of seducing him and Hinata easy. Felix will be her first target then.

She took one last look of her most recent acquisition and groaned angrily as she felt herself get aroused once more.

This was all Felix's fault! She would have her revenge! See how he likes being forced to endure her constant seduction! She already knew what he enjoyed thanks to Lalatina's stories, somehow Lalatina was aware of what activities Felix partook in with his other… partners.

Though she did wonder, what type of girls did he like? All of his lovers were fairly busty, even the formerly flat Lalatina had grown a bust in order to please Felix.

She looked down at her far more modest chest and hmphed. She would not change herself for Felix's satisfaction. Well perhaps she would if he begged or asked nicely!

Though for some reason she began to feel a bit happy when she imagined Felix telling her to stay as she is in her natural form. She wondered why that was.


I am highly motivated by your guys' reviews and likes, so do that! I'll probably keep writing or something.

I have a discord server, come hang out if you want! https://discord.gg/VxR5Gn72Fp I also have a channel in Shiro's Gaming Omniverse.

Links: patreon.com/theogbasilisk

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, things are finally getting ready to take Yuuki out of the picture. Felix teases Luminous a bit and finally comes to understand her true nature as a brat! Lalatina indirectly calls Luminous out for sitting on the cuck chair, Chloe is already into Rimuru and Hinata is doing Hinata things, it is hopeless for her, but like the delusional cuck she has become, she denies reality!

We also get to see some more discrete effects of the Intrinsic Skill Felix developed some time ago. It basically helps him attract allies, even if Luminous originally was annoyed by Felix, Felix wanted her as an ally, and so she became one. Now this isn't mind rape or anything like that, it's more like in combination with Favored One it helped guide Felix's own actions a certain way that ended up with Luminous becoming his ally and even friend.[ E.N. also known as plot armor]

Also, Felix's nudes have been leaked! Someone send help! The Luminous seduction mission is well on its way! I hope I made it seem somewhat natural, Luminous is a horny Vampire so of course she would get off on images of Felix! She isn't said to be exclusively into females after all, I imagine if a male that fit her fantasies was available she would go for him.

Thanks to Luminous' and Felix's previous relationship she is in a bit of denial.

Anyways, thanks for reading, peace!

Support me if you want to read ahead on pat reon *.com* / theogbasilisk

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