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62.5% Kingdom: The Path Of A General / Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Generation of Monsters '3'

Bab 15: Chapter 15: Generation of Monsters '3'

This location... It's a bit too perfect for the Zhao..." Yi said... However I had a different opinion...

"... It's too perfect for us.... Rather it's too convenient for us... did you forget? Zhao's target isn't Moubu... It's Ouki... If Ouki's army arrive here which he most likely will due to Houken.... Then it would be the Zhao that is cornered.... However why would the Zhao lure Moubu into this place if they already knew that?...." I said while looking at the board that had a small piece which represented Moubu with Zhao Infront of it and Ouki's behind the Zhao... Blocking their path of escape ... I then put another Zhao piece behind Ouki's army as I heard Yi's voice...

"You mean there's another Zhao army...?!" Yi said flustered.

"At this point... It's too obvious to see what the Zhao is thinking.... The only problem is that we don't know their numbers...." I said while looking serious.

"... Then should we help Moubu and Ouki destroy Chou Sou's army fast before they arrive?" Yi said while thinking.

"... Chou Sou still hasn't arrived .. don't make a hasty decision.... For now... I want all of you to position yourselves at these places.... Ga Rin... Shi En and Shuu Ki... All of your Cavalries and yourselves will position yourselves at the edge on top of the cliff.... These cliffs will make it incredibly hard for even your elite unit to ride down Ga Rin... However I don't want to hear any excuse or failures for this.... We cannot have Ouki die no matter what... Shi En and Shuu Ki... Your infantry will be around the sides with bows since they won't be able to get down and will only fire at my signal... Ryuu Yen... You will be with me and we'll attack the Zhao from the back to make an escape route should they really come and trap Ouki... Now hurry!" I said before shouting at the end as I started to see signs of an army arriving which is probably Moubu and Chou Sou's.....



Quite a lot has happened since then as we indeed did see Moubu with barely a few hundred troops compared to his original thousands that presumably died after getting baited.

Mou Bu was trapped however he was saved by Ouki's arrived just as I had assumed which made me and my unit to be even more tense as the theory of a hidden army was almost confirmed at this point... Ouki's currently fighting that Monster Houken while his army is currently destroying the Zhao at an incredibly fast speed.

"Brother... Wouldn't it be better if we help them right now? If there really is a Zhao hidden army then it would probably be far behind and considering that they'll need to have a big amount of troops if they want their plan to succeed... They'll take a while to get here... It'll be faster if we help Ouki and just leave this place and retreat out of the mountains after killing Houken... Then it'll be our win." Yi said however I refused.

"But why?" Yi wanted to know why I was so adamant on refusing.

"... Ouki's army is already destroying the Zhao at a speed that would be enough to slay Houken and still escape before the Zhao hidden army still arrives... However after seeing the enemy make a plan of this scale... You cannot underestimate them no matter what and have to always think of the worst case scenario.... It's better that we do not reveal our location and instead wait... Yi... I have been to war ever since I was a kid like you... However the difference is that I've experienced war during the times when the era of the 6 Great Generals and Zhao's three greats was still strong...Now it is clearly ending when only Ouki of Qin and Renpa who fled from Zhao to Wei live.... The type of Warfare that I've experienced.... Has led me to always make strategies of the worst case scenario..." I said while looking at the battlefield that was raging on. 

It seems Ouki realized Zhao's plan as considering he's fighting hastily unlike he usually does.

Yi accepted my answer and we both decided to continue watching.... It wasn't long until the battle reached it's conclusion... However just before it reached the finale ... The Zhao hidden army arrived just as I expected... However both me and Yi were shocked as the speed they took to arrive here.... Wasn't a lot different from our calculations... Even when we assumed that they would be at their top condition and nothing stopping them...the size of their hidden army... Was also larger than I expected as well.... I realized that I and my unit would also have no way of facing an army of that level considering the speed they take for their formations... Ouki is our only hope for this indeed...

I quickly have one of my men go to Ga Rin and my other liteunants to charge and have their archers fire when the Zhao attacks.

The Zhao soon had their first army charge against the confused Ouki Army... However just as they got close to the Ouki army.... Arrows came from the cliffs surrounding them.... Quickly stopping the Zhao.... However there were less than a thousand archers.... The amount of Zhao Soldiers it could stop was limited... Nevertheless it made the Zhao a bit more wary and just as the other Zhao soldiers were about to reach the Ouki soldiers.... A few thousand Cavalries appeared riding down on the Cliffs which shocked the Zhao as they quickly got slaughtered by them....



Ouki's Pov:

"General Ouki, Me and the rest of the Kyou Unit shall hold off the Zhao until you and your army regroup" I heard a voice from someone I haven't seen in a while... Ko Shou's right hand man... Ga Rin who said before leaving to help his unit Which made me smirk a little as I realized Kyou En was here.

"Nfufu.... Well Done... I don't know who you are... but you've completely outdone me.... It's been around 20 years since I've gotten into a situation like this.... For the first time in so very long... My blood is seething!" Ouki said as he smiled.

"However thanks to you Kyou En... quite an interesting turn of events.... has happened...." I said while thinking that my bet of sending Kyou En as a separate unit has paid off as it seems like they were prepared... I then look at my trusted soldiers and order them around to use this chance to regroup while the Zhao is stalled.

"While retreating, search for an opening in the enemies formation to tear apart! Geni, Shuuou.. take the rear!" I said.

"Yes Sir!"

"Kogan Brothers.. Come with me to take Chou Sou's head and then rally up with Tou!" I said while grinning as it's been a long time since someone's been able to outwit me this much.

"Yes Sir!"

However just as I was about to move...

"You really will be an annoyance to the very end..it seems I really must end you now Houken." I said as I looked at Houken...An opponent who is undoubtedly my biggest obstacle right now when every moment is Vital.


Kyou En's Pov:

"Boss! Our troops are in position... We can attack anytime" Ryuu Yen said as he came closer to me.

"Mhm... Although we only have a thousand with us... Their backs are currently open to us... And it isn't a wide enough place that they can get many of their troops to focus on us." I said as I prepared to flank them.... However I'm really curious... Who is that enemy General leading them... Right after we stopped their first army... He had half of them split to go around by using their numbers advantage.... He also didn't hesitate to send a second army.... His reactions are too fast... And his response is always the best...one could think of... Something that would be difficult to do in this situation...

No point in thinking too much.... We need to quickly do something...

"Alright Everyone! We will quickly surprise the enemy without giving them any time to react to deal as much damage to the enemy while trying to open a spot for the Ouki army to retreat to! ... Time will be of the essence... This will be similar to our night raid on Shou Mou.... Kuku.. just that this time we will have less troops and more enemies to face... However... Tell me my people... Do you really fear them? Our goal is not to stall the Zhao... But to Slaughter them!!!!!" I shouted before getting on my horse.

"Oooh!!!!" Said my soldiers.

"Boss really is crazy haha" Said a soldier.

"6 Swords and 8 Spears on me... Alright everyone... Slaughter them!!" I shouted as I led the charge attacking the left side of the enemy which quickly surprised the enemy as they tried getting their weapons to defend... However it was too late as we were quickly slaughtering them and opening a way... 

"Enemies Behind Us, Around a thousand at most!" A zhao soldier said loudly.

"Be careful! These aren't your ordinary soldiers... They aren't normal! Especially the people in the front!" Said another Zhao soldier who looked nervous.

"Their commanders seem to be that Big guy with the mace and the other tall person with the black Glaive that's surrounded by monsters defending him... Take the heads of those two and stop their momentum fast!" Said a Zhao soldier that was probably a commander.

.... They react quickly... Even their normal decisions are precise .. However don't underestimate my personal unit's strength!

"ORRAHHH!" I roared as I swung my glaive with full force... knocking many of the Zhao soldiers Infront of me without stopping even once... However it wasn't long until the enemy changed their formations and opened up the spot we were attacking themselves... Before having the troops on the left and sides stab us with their spears while we were moving forward.. mostly on Ryuu Yen's side as he only had infantry... However we managed to distract the main Zhao army here for a while and soon enough managed to breakthrough them although they soon close the spot behind them so we wouldn't be able to retreat.... It made me shiver as that might've been their plan... To give us nowhere to run... 

However I decided to ignore that thought and continued my charge... Trying to get to General Ouki and escort him out... However I was shocked when I saw a scene I wouldn't have believed unless I saw it with my own eyes.... That Ouki to have been Peirced... By Houken's glaive...



Ouki's Pov:

"Nfufu... It appears you don't believe me... Well then.. allow me to prove it to you ... By first cutting down Houken!" I said as I swung my glaive down trying to slash Houken's head.

....Nfufu to think I would be in this situation in the first war I have after my retirement.... 

"What are you playing at?" I heard Houken's voice which made angered me quite a bit as the scene of him killing Kyou was still within me...

"Hnn" I pushed my glaive even deeper.

I then looked at Shin and Hyou... Seriously.. these brats really can't give me a reason to die... I promised I'd train them...

"A General Is ... The same as a hundred or a thousand man commander... Nothing more than a position. A rank. However.. only a few can achieve it... Only those that experience the feeling of death and overcome it while accomplishing heroic deeds... Can become one... As a result, A general obtains the responsibility of overseeing thousands and tens of thousands of lives and the greatest of honours." I said while pushing my Glaive without fearing death.

"Which is why... A General's existence carries so much weight...due to the thousands of lives that are in their shoulders...hnn... Which is why they can shine to a degree that is dazzling!" I said while suddenly spotting Kyou En riding here.... Nfufu... Good Grief... Even you cannot let me rest can you?

"Just... What the hell are you!" Houken said.

"Nfufufu.... Do you even have to ask? A Great General Of the Heavens!" I said stating the obvious... Which caused him to tremble and quickly grab to glaive that was inside my chest trying to pull it out... However I stopped him... Can't humiliate myself when all these people are trying to save me... Nfufufu.

"What... What is this power? From brute strength alone... Impossible!" Houken muttered however I ignored it... As I saw that scene of him killing Kyou again... I then swung even more ferociously and Cut him in two.

"My lord!" Said one of my soldiers.

"Nfufu.... Everyone follow me... The way out is over there...."



Riboku's Pov:

"Report! Houken sama has splendidly struck down Ouki!!!" A messenger said.

"Are you certain... Are you certain that Ouki has died?" I said wanting to be certain as a few things have gone awry as I didn't expect the enemy to be prepared beforehand... As expected of Ouki should I say?

".. N-No... From what I saw... Ouki still had a pulse... But from Houken sama's glaive right through his chest... It is only a matter of time." The messenger replied.

"Report!!! There is an enemy unit coming through our right!"

.... The battle hasn't ended yet... His death will cause his soldiers to go berserk...

"Urgent Report!!!" A soldier that shouted loudly and grabbed everyones attention stopped as he seemed too tired.

"What's wrong" I said noticing something wrong.

"O-Ouki is currently Charging here!!!" He said something which shocked me.

"What?!" Said Kaine

"Ouki Slayed Houken and is currently Charging here with his soldiers under Him!!! They are breaking through really fast... We cannot stop then!" The soldier shouted even louder.

"... Is he really a human..." Said one of my men.

"This is not the time to be surprised... Assemble our entire army and have them take their formations.... We shall end Ouki this time for sure...!" I said.




3rd Point View:

Everything after that happened fast... The two unit's led by Ouki in the Center and Tou in the right side of Zhao's armies... Were getting slaughtered to say the least... With Ouki leading the charge while being on deaths door... His soldiers because even bigger demon's as not to let him die... Without any fear for their lives... They all focused on slaying the enemy Infront of them while trusting their General who was Infront of them with their very lives.

However the Zhao also had a capable commander... And reacted fast and had his army create a U formation while gradually having it charge at the enemy... However what they did not know... Was that was Ouki's plan all along... As Mou Bu who no one payed any attention from the beginning since Ouki entered the war... Suddenly charged at Zhao's flank and opened a way while attacking them from behind....

Ouki and Tou then led their respective units to Mou Bu's location and managed to retreat.

Riboku who personally managed to see Ouki... Saw that Ouki wouldn't be able to live with that injure anymore... And decided to retreat so as to not cause that berserk army to attack them again.



Kyou En's Pov:

.... To think I failed to save Ouki... I knew they were coming... Yet I still can't failed ... Damn it.

"Nfufu... Don't blame yourself Kyou En..." Ouki said as he was waiting for Tou.

"... I was prepared for the enemy... But I still failed.." I said somberly.

"Nfufu... Did you want me to bed you that much? Nfufu" Ouki said something that stunned me which got rid of the tension and made me chuckle a bit.

"Kyou En... The potential I see within you... Is definitely not something you should doubt... You will undoubtedly become one of Qin's prominent Generals..."

"Good Grief.... Houken, That new Zhao General... Mou Bu, Kyou En and Tou... This war alone has showed Monster's to the world with the ability or potential of a Great General... Nfufu.. don't disappoint me Kyou En" Ouki said while also thinking of Shin and Hyou who have that same potential... 'this era which seemed to have a decline of talent in people... Is nothing but a funny joke... This new generation will be all about Monsters like the Zhao General from today Nfufu' Ouki internally thought.

Tou soon came and received Ouki's last words...



244 B.C. Ouki Dies...


Author's Note: Heya Guys 😎 fr though... Forgive me... This chapter was so long that I had to cut it into 2 ... Take this as one chapter instead of two... I didn't break my promise of finishing war in one more Chapter lol... Any suggestions? Was this good ending? 

Also If you didn't know then Ouki actually my fav character and I didn't want him to live with retirement or something like that... Dude was too good for that. So don't think I hate him.


Character ages:

Incase you forgot

Kyou En: 23

Kyou Yi: 18

Shin: 15

Kyou Kai: 14 - expect more developments on Kyou Kai soon as well 😏

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