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31.25% Playing With Magic / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Better Safe Than Sorry

Bab 8: Chapter 8: Better Safe Than Sorry

Previously on Playing With Magic

Dumbledore's eyes widened in amazement as he watched the floating plant. He hadn't expected John to controlled demonstrate wandless magic. John just chuckled and added, "It might not be as cool as yours, but... we can't win 'em all." He shrugged playfully, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

"Wonderful, my boy." Dumbledore couldn't help but smile at John's lightheartedness. "But remember, my boy… magic is supposed to remain secret. Using it irresponsibly and/or in the presence of mug-, no-mag's can be seen as a crime, with grievous consequences. You must be careful, alright?" he stressed.

"Of course, sir"

"With that said, I do look forward to seeing you in 3 years," with a smile, Dumbledore bid his farewell and made his way out of the orphanage.


London, February 29, 1988,

St. George's Orphanage, 17:56


After Dumbledore's departure, the matron returned to the room, her expression a mixture of concern and warmth. "Now, Johnathan," she began, her tone gentle but firm, "I hope you took Mr. Dumbledore's advice to heart. We don't want any... accidents happening, do we? Especially ones that would require those oblivinators he mentioned to come around. That statute is something you should not be messing with, you hear?"

I nodded earnestly, knowing she meant 'obliviators', she's had a long day. "Of course, Matron. I'll be careful, I promise." I wouldn't want them here either, never know who they really work for. For all I know, they might secretly work for a death eater, and they might just decide to kidnap magical children for some dumb ritual.

She smiled kindly, her eyes softening. "That's my good boy. Now, why don't you return to your reading and homework? You've got quite the week ahead, and I wouldn't want you falling behind."

With a grateful smile, I nodded, then returned back to my room and started fake reading. Thinking of harmful rituals, I need to make sure there is no way in hell those morons try anything with me while I'm young and vulnerable. I may be powerful, but I might not have a way to fight someone who has used a ritual on me that curses my entire bloodline or something. Looks like it's about time I made my first few purchases.

With a decisive nod, I made the choice to purchase the ability I saw earlier without hesitation. It was a small price to pay for the peace of mind and security it offered. I could always earn it all back anyway, so it's all good.

'System, is there a difference between [Summons] and [Summons - People]? I only see one on the main menu.'

[Summons is a combination of 2 gold-tier DLCs for the system. [Summons-Animal] and [Summons-People]]

So I would still be able to summon animal companions if I sold it. That will have to do until I have enough to buy it back. 'Show current points'.

[Current SP: 690]

'Return [People Summoning].'

[Summons - People - System DLC (Gold)]

[Returned for 10,000 SP]

[Current SP: 10,690]

'Purchase [I Know My Multiplications].'

[I Know My Multiplications (Orange) - 100,000 SP]

[Description: System purchases are 10x cheaper (One-time purchase)]

[99% Off First Purchase] 

[Discounted to 1,000]


[Current SP: 9,690]

'Purchase [Tamper Proof],'

[Ability: Tamper Proof (Orange)] [99% Off First Purchase]

[Cost: 130,000 SP] [Discounted to 1,300 SP]

[Description: Safeguarded against negative manipulation or alterations to the structure of the mind, body, soul and innate attributes. This includes cloning, rituals and time alterations that would change integral aspects of the being.]

[Note: User is still vulnerable to other forms of external harm inflicted through normal conventional means. Including poison damage, energy-based damage, physical damage etc.]


[Current SP: 8,360]

There goes my discount for those categories, but definitely worth it. This will protect me from any potential rituals that may harm me or time travellers using a time turner to kill me in the past, with the added benefit of making sure any rituals I do in the future don't backfire in the future. With this protective measure in place, I could just focus on magic without the looming fear of some 'young master' hiring someone to curse my entire bloodline for looking at him the wrong way. Better safe than sorry.

My thoughts drifted to Dumbledore's visit and the man himself, not forgetting the subtle probing I had felt in my hand and in my mind. I couldn't deny the lingering sensation of magic lingering in the recesses of my thoughts, evidence of Dumbledore's Legilimency.

Yet, despite the intrusion, I chose not to react. I understood that Dumbledore's intentions were likely benevolent, driven by a desire to ensure my safety and well-being, unless this was a dark Dumbledore who was playing the long game. He was a wise and experienced wizard, after all, playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.

I reasoned that Dumbledore's actions were likely a precautionary measure, considering he didn't do anything other than the probing from what I felt, just a way to ensure that I 'didn't stray down a dark path' like Tom Riddle. He was simply taking necessary steps to understand me better I guess.

I was able to memorise how his magic felt as it moved so I should be able to replicate it, but my magic sense isn't that acute yet so it will need a little practice. I'll have to leave it for now, don't really want to fry anyone's brain in the name of practice, not unless it's a death eater or something.

With a sense of acceptance, I decided to trust Dumbledore's judgement for now. After all, he was one of the most respected figures in the wizarding world, and if anyone had enough political power to turn the wizarding world against me with just a few words, it was him.

According to Dumbledore, the reason they had been able to locate me was because of the surge of magic I had 'unwittingly' unleashed in a relatively short amount of time in a highly populated non-magical area. They seemed to think it was a dark wizard or something but found only healed patients in a hospital and had some magical residue, but it had drawn unwanted attention to me nonetheless. In my defence, my magic control was lacking at the time because I had only just started assimilating, and I wasted some magic as I was healing them.

He had mentioned something about a similar but less prominent magic being detected in the vicinity of my address, which was shown in the book of admissions, and linked it to me as I was in both locations. It was this discovery that prompted Dumbledore's personal intervention. Apparently, he needed to ensure that I wasn't on the brink of becoming an Obscurus. Personally, I'm not sure he needed to come himself. I am sure there could have been others in the entire ministry that could have done it.

Here's to the hope that this isn't one of those 'incompetent ministry' versions of Harry Potter that constantly keep trying to cause problems for people and make it easier for Voldermort to take over. The thought of the amount of work it would take to reverse all that sent a shiver down my spine.

As I returned to my studies for my advancement exams, I couldn't shake the feeling of Dumbledore's watchful eye, but I found solace in the knowledge that I had protections in place. If they tried rituals, it wouldn't work. If they tried a frontal attack, well …I'm Dragonborn.

They would not survive the encounter.

Those pulses of magic I felt from him must have been his version of [Detect Life], or detect magic in this case. Maybe it was just the "Homenum Revelio"' spell to check if there were any other people he should be aware of, but I wasn't able to replicate it because my magic sense is still not that accurate yet. If it was, All I would need to do is memorise the way his magic moved and boom, knock off Sharingan.

Right now, though, If I sent out a pulse, it might end up being like a mini EMP. Though from what I can tell, magic doesn't seem to affect technology like I thought it would, or maybe it's just mine. I healed countless people and not a single flicker of lights. Dumbledore just transfigured something in a room with electricity, light bulbs and everything, nada. I'll have to wait until I get a wand to test some theories.


London, February 29, 1988,

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 

Headmasters Office, 17:58


Dumbledore settled into his office at Hogwarts, the familiar warmth of the room enveloping him like an old friend. With a flick of his wand, he ignited the fire in the ornate fireplace, the flames dancing merrily as they cast a soft glow across the room.

Stepping closer to the fireplace, Dumbledore reached out to the Floo network, his voice clear and commanding as he called out, "Ministry of Magic, Alastor Moody's office."

Within moments, the flames flickered and shifted, morphing into the rugged figure of Alastor Moody. The veteran Auror appeared in the flames, his grizzled features set in a stern expression as he regarded Dumbledore with a sharp gaze.

"Dumbledore," Moody greeted, his voice gruff and no-nonsense.

"Alastor, I trust you are well?" Dumbledore replied, his tone genial as always.

Moody nodded curtly. "Dumbledore… when did we last meet?"

Receiving an almost tired sigh from the Headmaster, "around an hour ago, my friend."

Moody nodded again, getting the answer he wanted. "Then, in that case, I'm doing as well as can be expected, considering the state of things." He replied with a deadpan expression, "It's not like we just spoke or anything. What can I do for you?"

Dumbledore's expression grew serious, completely ignoring the minor barb, as he leaned closer to the fireplace, his eyes meeting Moody's unwavering gaze. "I recently had a conversation with a young boy you spoke of, would you mind joining me in my office to discuss the findings?"

"Alright," Moody replied, as Dumbledore took a few steps back from the Floo allowing Moody to use the network. Moments later, the fire in the ornate fireplace flared to life, and Alastor Moody's rugged figure emerged from the flames, his eyes sharp and alert as he stepped into the room. Dumbledore greeted him with a warm smile, gesturing for him to take a seat.

"Alastor, please have a seat," Dumbledore said, indicating the comfortable armchairs arranged in front of his desk. "Can I offer you some lemon drops?"

Moody grunted in response, his gaze sweeping the room before he settled into one of the chairs, his posture rigid and alert. "No need, Dumbledore. I'm on the job"

Dumbledore nodded understandingly, though he couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at Moody's refusal. He had always found the simple pleasure of sharing lemon drops with visitors to be a comforting ritual, a way to ease tension in even the most serious of discussions.

"Of course, Alastor," Dumbledore said, masking his disappointment as he went to eat one himself. "Shall we discuss Mr Grey?"

Moody nodded curtly, his expression serious as he leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Dumbledore with unwavering intensity. "Tell me what you found out about this boy, Grey."

"The boy possesses a remarkable amount of magic, far beyond what one would expect for his age." Dumbledore started, "Considering the traumatising event of his parents' recent passing, it is understandable that his accidental magic would flare a little. I wasn't able to find any magical wards or enchantments in the vicinity. And after speaking to him for a while, I did not notice any signs of him becoming an obscurus."

Dumbledore then proceeded to recount parts of his conversation with John. He spoke of John's intelligence and his mature thinking, painting a vivid picture of a young boy with a bright and promising future ahead of him. As Dumbledore spoke, Moody listened intently, his brow furrowed in concentration as he absorbed the information. When Dumbledore had finished, Moody sat back in his chair, his expression thoughtful as he processed everything he had heard.

As Dumbledore finished recounting his conversation with John to Moody, Moody, ever the observant Auror, seemed to sense Dumbledore's eagerness, his sharp gaze narrowing as he regarded the Headmaster with a knowing look.

"Dumbledore," Moody said gruffly, his voice low and serious. "What exactly is it that you don't want the other Aurors to know?" Dumbledore met Moody's gaze evenly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"You know me well, Alastor," Dumbledore said, his voice gentle but firm. "There are certain matters that I believe are best kept between us for now."

Moody's expression remained inscrutable, but there was a glint of understanding in his eye as he nodded in acknowledgement. "Politics?"

"I'm afraid so, my friend."

"I suspected as much," Moody said gruffly. "But I won't pry any further if you don't wish to share. Just know that if there are lives at stake, I need to know."

Dumbledore inclined his head in gratitude, a sense of relief washing over him. He knew that he could always count on Moody's loyalty and discretion, even in the most delicate of situations.

"Thank you, Alastor," Dumbledore said sincerely. "There is one more thing, however, that I believe you should know."

Moody's brow furrowed in curiosity as he leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Dumbledore with unwavering intensity.

"What is it? What did you find out?" Moody asked, his voice low and serious.

Dumbledore took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to reveal.

"I suspect that John may have purposefully healed those in the hospital," Dumbledore said quietly, his words carrying a weight of uncertainty and concern.

Moody's eyes widened in surprise, his expression reflecting a mixture of shock and disbelief.

"Healed them?" Moody repeated, his voice tinged with incredulity. "His parents' wands? At the age of 8?"

Dumbledore shook his head, his own mind grappling with the implications of John's actions.

"I'm not entirely certain, though. I didn't even sense a wand in the vicinity. I honestly didn't ask. I didn't want to bombard the boy and make him feel trapped in any way. That could have ended poorly." Dumbledore admitted. "But I believe there may be more to this young boy than meets the eye. During our conversation, I witnessed something rather remarkable. John demonstrated a unique proficiency in wandless magic.

Moody's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his magical eye whirring as it focused intently on Dumbledore.

"Wandless magic?" Moody repeated, his tone tinged with both curiosity and apprehension. "Are you sure? At 8? It could have been someone using Polyjuice Potion."

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, and I had already checked for potion use before ten. He never left my sight afterwards." Dumbledore confirmed. "He levitated an object with little effort, a display of magic that I must admit took me by surprise."

"Levitated an object, you say?" Moody muttered to himself, his gaze distant as he mulled over the implications of this revelation. "That's no small feat, especially for a young wizard."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement, his gaze thoughtful as he regarded Moody with a knowing look.

"Indeed," Dumbledore said quietly. "It would seem that John possesses a natural aptitude for magic, one that is quite rare to come by."

"I got the feeling that he recognized me as soon as he saw me. It was strange because there was no way he could have known me. I even wondered if he had some kind of magical ability to sense things. But then again, I knew I was just speculating and trying to find an explanation that might not even exist."

Moody's expression hardened, his features set in a determined scowl as he contemplated the implications, "And you don't want him falling into the hands of Malfoy's lot… Well, whatever the case may be," Moody said gruffly, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "It looks like we'll have to keep a closer eye on this young lad than we initially thought. Can't be too careful with untrained magic, after all."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement, "Indeed, Alastor," Dumbledore said quietly. "We must proceed with caution and care. I did check to make sure he was…of sound mind. The mental block caused by the recent trauma was there, so I was not able to get the full details without causing unnecessary pain. His parents were muggles, and he had a good childhood before the unfortunate accident. But, there is much we still do not know about the boy but 'better safe than sorry', as they say."

Moody nodded solemnly, his features set in a determined expression. "He didn't…"

"Oh no, he didn't cause it. Not even with accidental magic. Just unfortunate. If anything, from what I saw, his accidental magic is the only reason he is still alive."

"..Hmm. Understood, Dumbledore," Moody said gruffly. "I'll keep an eye out if his name pops up at any point, see what I can do to steer off the other cunts. I'll keep you informed."

With that, Moody rose from his seat, his gaze meeting Dumbledore's in a silent exchange. Dumbledore nodded in acknowledgement. Then, with a nod of farewell, he stepped back into the fireplace and disappeared into the flames, leaving Dumbledore alone once more in his office.


"Out here, it's better safe than sorry, because generally speaking, too much of the time sorry means you're dead."

― Patricia C. Wrede.


Author notes

Dumbledore gets a basic feeling of who John is based on the memories of 'his' life before the accident. Violating his mind in the process, all for the greater good. Can't have another Tom Riddle now can we?

John gets some safety measures in place just in case some people try some unwanted ritual on him without him being aware. Can you blame him?

AN1: I wanted to imply that they had talked about things like the statute of secrecy etc, then brought them up in later chapters. Otherwise, this chapter would be an extra hour long and not in a good way. Hopefully, you guys didn't see it as Dumbledore just skipping over some stuff. If you look at the time stamps, it should show that they talked for an hour.

AN2: Alright, romance will be during or after the goblet of fire, around 16 years old. Any earlier would be weird for me to write honestly. If it happens a year after, then so be it. I want to avoid forcing it if you know what I mean, we'll just have to see how it goes.

AN3: For those who think they shouldn't have been able to find him so quickly. Well, death eaters were able to find people relatively quickly as soon as they said his name. I don't think it's that much of a stretch to have the Ministry searching for large quantities of magic use, especially after a war.


Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC and original ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners.


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Thank you for reading.

Until next time.

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