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70.68% Uzumaki Legend / Chapter 41: Master vs. Pupil

Bab 41: Master vs. Pupil

Sasuke nodded at Indra's words "It was nice to meet you ji-chan" Sasuke said with a smile as he disappeared from his mental passage.


A few minutes earlier


Hiruzen stood in front of his former student, one he had taken loving good care of and thought of passing the Hokage's hat to him. But as time passed his sadistic nature and his obsession with attaining immortality to learn all the jutsu only grew. Until one day Hiruzen found his secret hideout, deformed and dying children due to his student's experiments, dismembered bodies is what he saw. At that moment he did not know what to feel, Hiruzen could not believe what he was seeing, the person he had raised had become an absolute monster. When he confronted him Hiruzen did not have the courage to kill him, he still saw the orphan boy he had known years ago. But today was a different day, he no longer saw his former pupil, before him stood a monster that had to be exterminated once and for all.

"Today you will die Orochimaru, today I will rid the world of the monster I raised" Hiruzen said.

Orochimaru heard Hiruzen's words and laughed "Ku ku ku, it is too late sensei, the monster you raised is too strong for you to kill it now. Today you will die by the hands of the monster you raised, you will regret for denying me the right to be the fourth Hokage" Said Orochimaru

Suddenly the senses of the two became alert. A sudden pressure of chakra hit them. When they turned their heads in the direction of the source of the chakra they were surprised, Naruto was releasing a chakra pressure that shouldn't be possible for a boy of his age, only Jonin level ninja could use that technique.

Orochimaru looked at Hiruzen and said "That boy is special sensei, maybe I picked the wrong one."

Hiruzen also in shock at what had happened said "If I were you I wouldn't even think about it, that child is the son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato, if you touch him, death will be the best thing that will happen to you."

Orochimaru shuddered when he heard Kushina's name, she was one of the people he didn't want to face in any way. Kushina was one of the most brutal and savage Kunoichis in the world surpassing even Tsunade.

Hiruzen and Orochimaru looked at each other again, the tension in the air was palpable, this was probably going to be the fight of their lives

'This fight will be too destructive, this cave is going to collapse, I have to take it somewhere else so as not to harm the children' thought Hiruzen thinking of Naruto and Sasuke who were in the cave.

Hiruzen who was in battle stance suddenly relaxed. Orochimaru who was prepared for the confrontation looked at him confused.

"Let's fight somewhere else, if we fight here we might harm the children" Hiruzen said.

Orochimaru was going to refuse, but he remembered that Sasuke was in the cave and he didn't want to kill him before his time. Orochimaru nodded and they both started to leave the cave.

Hiruzen and Orochimaru reached a clearing in the middle of the forest, they quickly walked away from each other.

Hiruzen wielded his staff while Orochimaru pulled out his Kusanagi sword.

Suddenly Hiruzen disappeared from where he was and appeared in front of Orochimaru striking with his staff.

'Quickly' thought Orochimaru as he blocked with his sword.


Orochimaru was sent flying due to the force of Hiruzen's attack. Hiruzen charged at him again not letting him recover.

Orochimaru had to block again, Hiruzen was too fast and powerful and Orochimaru almost couldn't keep up with him

'This old man is still too strong, I should have waited a few more years' Orochimaru thought.

Hiruzen even though he was older, he was still very powerful, much more powerful than he would be if the timeline had followed its natural course, besides since the day he decided to make amends for his past mistakes Hiruzen went into intense training preparing for this day

Orochimaru was waiting for another attack from Hiruzen when suddenly a huge black cloud of smoke flew towards him.

'Shit' thought Orochimaru as the cloud of smoke started to catch fire.

When the fire dispersed Hiruzen was standing next to Orochimaru looking at him, part of Orochimaru's facial skin had fallen off his face revealing a face different from his own

"So what Minato said was true. the body you're in isn't yours is it? Is this your long awaited immortality? Taking other people's bodies to use them as empty shells?" Hiruzen said with a look full of disgust.

Orochimaru got angry when he heard his words "WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME THAT? THEIR BODIES ARE BETTER USED BY ME THAN THEM" Orochimaru shouted as he attacked Hiruzen with his sword.

Orochimaru attacked Hiruzen multiple times in a rare loss of composure from Orochimaru who was normally calm. Hiruzen blocked Orochimaru's attacks and countered with his staff.

The two engaged in an intense fight with their weapons, slowly Hiruzen was gaining the upper hand, but due to his age he had to end this fight quickly. 'I have to finish this quickly otherwise I'll run out of stamina. I am no longer the young man who could fight for hours' thought Hiruzen as he devised a plan to finish the fight.

Suddenly a huge snake came out of the ground underneath Hiruzen trying to swallow him, Hiruzen had to jump to avoid being swallowed by it and then he moved away from Orochimaru and the snake

Orochimaru climbed onto the snake's head and ordered it to pounce towards Hiruzen.

Hiruzen was having a hard time trying to dodge the combined attacks of Orochimaru and the giant snake. The snake was attacking him and when he was going to dodge it Orochimaru was attacking him while he was in the air.

'If I keep this up I'll get tired' Hiruzen thought as he made hand seals and bit his thumb. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu" Hiruzen shouted as a monkey with long white hair appeared.

Enma looked at Hiruzen and said "What's wrong Hiruzen? Why did you summon me?" asked Enma but when Hiruzen was about to answer the monkey sensed the imminent danger and jumped to dodge the snake's attack

Enma looked at Hiruzen and said "I see, so Orochimaru again. I hope this time you do the right thing and kill him once and for all" Enma said.

Hiruzen nodded and said "Yes, this time I will kill him or die trying. Enma, I want you to take care of the snake once we separate Orochimaru from it" Hiruzen said to which Enma nodded.

Then the two waited for a new combined attack from Orochimaru and the snake.


The snake again hit the ground where Hiruzen and Enma were standing with its head, when Orochimaru was about to throw a new jutsu at them Hiruzen appeared on his back hitting him with his staff managing to separate him from the snake. Hiruzen looked at the monkey and nodded his head.

Hiruzen ran to where Orochimaru had fallen, but did not find him, Hiruzen sharpened his senses to look for Orochimaru but could not find him.

Suddenly seven clones of Orochimaru appeared surrounding Hiruzen, they were all making hand signals preparing different jutsus to attack him. Hiruzen seeing this knew that he would not be able to destroy the clones before they attacked him so the best option was to dodge.

So Hiruzen waited for the jutsus to be thrown at him and jumped high to dodge the techniques, but what he didn't expect was that Orochimaru had already predicted that he would jump. Hiruzen looked up and saw Orochimaru falling in his direction with his sword in hand, Hiruzen only had time to block the blow with his staff.


Because he was in the air Hiruzen was sent flying by Orochimaru's attack. While he was in the air Hiruzen knew that he was going to take a lot of damage if he hit the ground at such speed so he decided to extend his staff to hit the ground and use it as a brake, and so he did. Hiruzen extended his staff and directed it towards the ground, but he was moving at a high speed so he still suffered a big impact when he hit the ground

Hiruzen got up with difficulty, his ribs ached from the blow. 'I was too careless, I was overconfident. Orochimaru is too cunning if I get careless I will die' thought Hiruzen.

Orochimaru appeared nearby looked at him with a sinister smile "How are you sensei? It seems that age is weighing you down, ku ku ku ku?

Hiruzen looked at him and snorted in contempt "Even if I am a hundred years old I could still defeat you" Hiruzen said as he twirled his staff and got into a fighting stance.

Hiruzen lunged at Orochimaru with all his might, Hiruzen knew that if he prolonged the fight he would run out of energy so he decided to give it his all and end the fight.

Orochimaru was surprised, Hiruzen was hitting faster and harder than before, moreover he was getting more and more violent aiming at his vital points.

Hiruzen struck with his staff, to which Orochimaru ducked to dodge it, but when he was about to get up again Hiruzen blew a cloud of smoke directly into his face. The smoke quickly ignited and gave rise to a powerful flame that burned the sannin's face.

Orochimaru screamed from the pain "Aghhhhhhhhrrr, damn old man you will pay for this" Orochimaru shouted as he pulled away from Hiruzen. On his face there was no skin anymore, his flesh was exposed.

Hiruzen looked at this scene and felt sorry for his former student. Hurting Orochimaru hurt him.

Orochimaru walked away from Hiruzen and stopped once he was far away. He started to open his mouth wide and from inside his body came out Orochimaru totally renewed leaving behind an empty shell.

Hiruzen who saw this scene felt disgust 'You truly are a monster Orochimaru' thought Hiruzen.

Orochimaru moved his body to check if everything was alright and then smiled at Hiruzen. "Ready for yet another round? Old man" said Orochimaru

Hiruzen didn't even answer him, but ran in Orochimaru's direction to hit him again.

The fight resumed, Orochimaru and Hiruzen were facing each other with their weapons, but this time it was different, Hiruzen no longer had a clear advantage, he was getting tired, he knew he had to end it now.

Suddenly Hiruzen stepped away from Orochimaru and made hand signals and hit the ground "Doton: Doryū Taiga."

The ground under Orochimaru turned into mud swallowing Orochimaru who couldn't escape. Hiruzen quickly ran towards Orochimaru gave a blow with his staff. Orochimaru grabbed his sword and was able to block the blow. Orochimaru quickly got out of the mud and dodged a water bullet that Hiruzen had thrown.

Hiruzen ran in Orochimaru's direction leaving him no time to think and breathe.

Orochimaru seeing that Hiruzen was coming at high speed in his direction threw his sword, which Hiruzen easily dodged and continued his onslaught against Orochimaru who was now unarmed.

Hiruzen quickly extended his staff with all his might towards Orochimaru's chest who had no time to defend himself.

The staff pierced Orochimaru's chest who instantly coughed up blood.

Hiruzen slowly approached Orochimaru with a guilty expression on his face. Killing his student with his own hands hurt him a lot "Enough Orochimaru, you brought that on yourself. If you had put aside your filthy goals you could have been a good shinobi and a great Hokage" Hiruzen said as he watched Orochimaru desperately try to remove the staff that was piercing him

Orochimaru looked at Hiruzen and said awkwardly "You think you won...old man?"

Hiruzen was surprised by Orochimaru's words but quickly realized that he was planning something. Suddenly Orochimaru pulled a line attached to his sword that he had previously thrown. The sword came swiftly in the direction of Hiruzen who was able to dodge it by a few inches, but the sword managed to cut his cheek.

Hiruzen looked at Orochimaru and said "That was your last attack? I guess it didn't work" Hiruzen who had a cut on his cheek sneered.

"Ku ku ku ku, you're wrong sensei. It worked perfectly" Said Orochimaru with a smile.

Hiruzen looked at him confused, he didn't know what Orochimaru meant by that. Suddenly Hiruzen felt a stabbing pain in his heart. Hiruzen clutched his chest and fell to the ground due to the pain.

Orochimaru who still had Hiruzen's staff stuck in his chest opened his mouth abnormally and from inside came out a white snake that had a face resembling a human face. The white snake came out of its body leaving behind a human-shaped shell.

"Ku ku ku ku ku, do you like my poison sensei? That is my newest creation, that poison not only affects your body, but it also blocks your entire chakra system making it impossible for you to get rid of the poison" Orochimaru said

Enma who had defeated the snake ran towards Hiruzen to try to save him but suddenly disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Hiruzen who was agonizing on the ground felt disgusted to see Orochimaru's current form "You are truly a monster Orochimaru. Aren't you ashamed of what you have become?"

Minutes earlier

Minato, Kushina, Tsunade and Jiraiya were checking on Sasuke who was still passed out.

"It looks like the seal has receded, Sasuke has managed to stop it" Jiraiya said.

"It seems so. can you tell me his condition Tsunade-san?" Minato asked Tsunade. 'I hope Sasuke is alright. He is only supposed to receive the seal in ten years not now. The effects of our survival are getting worse and worse. But something doesn't seem right, it shouldn't be possible for a child as young as Sasuke to resist Orochimaru's cursed seal. 'That would be hard even for me, something is going on, I hope it's good news' Minato thought as the pattern covering half of Sasuke's body slowly retracted.

Kushina looked at Sasuke who was passed out then looked at Naruto who had fallen asleep in her arms. Kushina felt guilty for what had happened to her best friend's son.

"Urggh wake up, wake up, don't die" moaned Naruto while sleeping.

Kushina almost cried as she heard her son's words 'I'm sorry Naruto you shouldn't have experienced this so early' Kushina thought.

Tsunade checked Sasuke again "His heart rate is stable and he doesn't appear to be in pain" Tsunade said

Minato nodded at her words and said "Let's go to Konoha to take Sasuke to the hospital. Sensei you stay and support third Hokage" Minato ordered.

"I'm not going Minato, I'll stay here with Jiraiya. This is unfinished business between us and our sensei" Said Tsunade

Minato sighed and said "Ok, but I will come for you if Sasuke gets worse or if we need your skills in the village" Minato said before picking up Sasuke in his arms and approaching his wife and son. "Let's go?" Minato asked Kushina who nodded and the four of them disappeared.

Jiraiya looked at Tsunade and said "You still haven't forgiven him. right?" Jiraiya said

"I will never forgive him Jiraiya" Tsunade said angrily as she remembered that Hiruzen hadn't done anything to stop Danzo from killing her family

Jiraiya could only sigh at his friend's words.

The two looked in the direction where the rumblings of battle could be felt.

"Aren't you going to help your sensei?" Tsunade asked Jiraiya seeing him standing next to her.

"No, sensei wants to fix this with his own hands, if I help him he won't accept it. He's determined to fix his past mistakes" Jiraiya said.

then they both began moving in the direction where the battle between their sensei and his old teammate was taking place.

In the present time.

"Do you like my true form sensei? This is the monster you have created" said the snake.

The snake was slowly approaching Hiruzen when suddenly Jiraiya appeared.

"Stop Orochimaru" Jiraiya said.

"Oh, Jiraiya long time no see" Said the snake.

"Stop Orochimaru, you won't kill sensei" Said Jiraiya disgusted by Orochimaru's true appearance.

"Ku ku ku, Sensei is already dead Jiraiya it's only a matter of time" Said Orochimaru. 'This is bad, I don't have much chakra left and in this form I'm too vulnerable' thought the snake.

Jiraiya looked at Hiruzen who was holding his chest and groaning in pain.

"Look at what you have become Orochimaru. You're not human anymore, you're just a monster" Jiraiya said.

"You're wrong Jiraiya-kun I was never human in the first place. Besides, it's not me you have to worry about, if you don't do anything sensei will die" Said Orochimaru

Suddenly they both heard sounds of footsteps approaching them.

Tsunade walked slowly towards the two

Orochimaru began to sweat, if they fought them together against him he would be finished.

"Hello Tsunade long time no see" Orochimaru said.

Tsunade completely ignored him and walked towards Hiruzen who was in agony

"Quick Hime, sensei has been poisoned if you don't help him he will die soon" Jiraiya said in desperation.

Tsunade hadn't heard any words from Jiraiya, her mind was spinning as she approached Hiruzen

Suddenly Orochimaru started to run away from the place, he knew that he would not be able to face his old teammates.

Jiraiya was going to chase after him, but decided not to, taking care of his sensei was his top priority.

Tsunade knelt down beside Hiruzen, her mind was spinning. On one hand she wanted to save her sensei, but on the other hand she remembered everything that had happened because of Hiruzen. Her family had died because of him indirectly and her clan had disappeared, but on the other hand Hiruzen had taken care of her for many years and was like a father to her. Besides, her vows as a doctor obliged her to try to save all the injured.


'Should I save him or not?'


What do you think Tsuade will do? save him or let him die?

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