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50% Uzumaki Legend / Chapter 29: Facing the council

Bab 29: Facing the council

Minato and his group arrived at his office where Tsunade, Kushina and Shizune were waiting for them.

Usagi quickly went to Tsunade carrying Urara who was fainted "Tsunade-basan Urara is badly hurt" said Usagi to Tsunade.

Tsunade seeing Urara injured said "Come, let's take him to the hospital. Quickly" Tsunade said as she headed to the hospital along with Urara, Usagi and Shizune.

Minato looked at his group and said "You can go home, hand me all the evidence you have collected. Tomorrow you will report to me everything that happened in the mission. You may go" Minato said to Kakashi, Gui and Tenzo.

Gui and Tenzo left, but Kakashi stayed to talk to Minato "Sensei, this can't wait" Kakashi said to Minato who nodded waiting for Kakashi to continue.

Kakashi took out three scrolls "On these scrolls are sealed two young boys who were kidnapped and enslaved by Danzo. They were forced to fight against us" Kakashi said as he handed him the scrolls in which Torune Aburame and Yamanaka Fu were sealed.

Minato nodded and took the scrolls "And that scroll Kakashi?" Minato asked about the third scroll Kakashi had.

"This scroll contains the corpse of Kagami Uchiha who was forced to fight me and Gai" Kakashi said.

Minato was shocked by Kakashi's words. Kagami Uchiha should have been dead for years. He was going to ask if he was sure it was Kagami but he trusted Kakashi.

"Before he died he explained to me how he had ended up in Danzo's hands and made a request" Kakashi said continuing his explanation.

"What request?" Minato asked

Kakashi took out another scroll and said "He asked me to take out his eyes and give them to his grandson when he woke up what he called "Those eyes"" Kakashi explained

Minato was surprised, he knew what Kagami was referring to, Kagami gave the eyes to Shisui when he awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan to prevent him from going blind. But there was a problem as far as he knows only another pair of eyes that had awakened the Mangekyo would prevent blindness and allow him to awaken the eternal mangekyo Sharingan.

"When you fought Kagami, were his eyes the normal Sharingan or did they have a different pattern?" Minato asked his student.

Kakashi became thoughtful and answered "They were normal sharingan" Kakashi said.

"Are you sure, wasn't there any time that something strange happened during the fight?" asked Minato

Kakashi started to recall the whole fight until he realized something "When Gai did his primary lotus Kagami changed his place with a shadow clone, but that should be impossible, I've been watching him with my sharingan the whole fight and he never made a shadow clone" Kakashi said confused

"And there's something even stranger, according to legends Kagami is the strongest Uchiha since Madara's death. It's almost impossible for you guys to have defeated him so easily" Said Minato

"Are you saying that Kagami wanted to die at our hands?" Kakashi asked

Minato looked at his student and said "What I'm going to tell you now cannot leave this place. understood?" said Minato to which Kakashi nodded. "There is something that most people don't know about sharingan. The sharingan can evolve into a stronger form that will give its user extraordinary power, those eyes are called Mangekyo Sharingan.

The Mangekyo Sharingan also has drawbacks, the more it is used the more it deteriorates the eyesight of the user until he is completely blinded. The only known way to avoid this is to transplant the eyes of a close relative who has also awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan" Minato finished explaining.

Kakashi was surprised by Minato's words "You're telling me that Kagami had those eyes? But why didn't he use them during the fight?" asked Kakashi

"In my opinion Danzo can only force him to use the techniques he knows he had, Danzo didn't know that Kagami had those eyes, that's why he couldn't force him to use it during the fight.

But in my opinion if he did use it, since you looked him in the eyes for the first time you were already under his genjutsu" Said Minato to his student.

Kakashi was shocked, if Kagami wanted to he would have died quickly during their fight.

"Kagami was probably just testing you guys to see if you could fulfill his request" Minato said to his student.

Kakashi got thoughtful for a moment and said "Do you want me to give you Kagami's eyes?" Kakashi asked his sensei

Minato shook his head and said "He has asked you. When Shisui awakens his Mangekyo you will give him his grandfather's eyes" Minato said.

"How are you so sure that Shisui will awaken those eyes?" asked Kakashi

"There are a few requirements to awaken the Mangekyo. One, talent. Two, very strong psychological trauma and three, Bloodline purity.

Shisui have all three, he is a very talented ninja despite his young age, he also has the trauma of losing his parents at a young age and his bloodline is pure since he is the grandson of Kagami Uchiha, the former leader of the Uchiha clan" Minato explained


"It's good that you know about these eyes, maybe you will awaken the Mangekyo" Minato said. 'You've already awakened them, you just don't know how to use it' Minato thought.

Which surprised Kakashi "Didn't you say that blood purity is important? How can I someone who isn't an Uchiha awaken the Mangekyo?" asked Kakashi in confusion

"You're right, you're not an Uchiha so you can't awaken the Mangekyo, but the original owner of that eye was an Uchiha and one with a pretty pure bloodline" Minato explained. 'Should I tell him that Obito is alive? 'No, he's not ready yet. I'll tell him when I see he's ready' Minato thought.

Kakashi was surprised to see that he could awaken those eyes, but was saddened to hear his friend's name

"It was just that sensei, I'm retiring" Kakashi said saddened.

"Kakashi" Said Minato catching his student's attention "About what we talked about previously are you sure you don't want it?" Minato asked his student

"No sensei. I don't want to be the next Hokage" Kakashi said.

Minato had offered to train him to be the next village leader, but Kakashi always denies it.

Kakashi turned to leave again, but he remembered something.

"Sensei, will you let me do it?" Kakashi asked

Minato sighed and said "Fine, I will allow you to join Ambu with some conditions. One, you can't do more than one mission per week, also you are not allowed to do suicidal missions. Two, you must visit the psychologists of the Yamanaka clan once a week at the end of your mission. Three, I will allow you to join Ambu for ten years, nothing more" Minato said.

Kakashi had been asking him to join the Ambu corps for years. Minato agreed to his request.

Kakashi was happy to hear his sensei's answer.

"Come here tomorrow, I'll bring captain Ambu for you to meet with him" Minato said with a smile.

Kakashi smiled and said "Thank you sensei. See you tomorrow" Kakashi said with a smile, something he rarely did. Then Kakashi left the office.

Minato was happy to see his student smile, something he hadn't seen for years before Sakumo's death because of Danzo.

Minato looked around for his wife, but she was nowhere to be found, all he saw was a note on his desk.

"I'm going to the hospital to see Urara, sorry Minato-kun I'm very worried about him" Minato finished reading.

Minato sighed, from now on the Headache would start.


The door of his office opened abruptly

"MINATO, SOMEONE INVADED ROOT'S BASE, YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING" Said Koharu who had invaded his office along with Homura.

Minato was angry at the way they barged in.

"Minato hurry up and summon the Ambu, you have to go investigate" Said Koharu

"CALM DOWN" Said Minato severely "Don't ever barge into my office like that again" Said Minato releasing some pressure on the two of them.

"Minato it's urgent" Said Homura

Hiruzen walked into the office a little while later

"Why did you summon me?" Hiruzen asked looking at the two counselors.

"Hiruzen it's urgent, someone has attacked root" Koharu said.

Hiruzen froze for a moment and said "Quick summon the Ambu and let's go investigate" Hiruzen said as he prepared to go to his old friend's base


"But Minato we must hurry to investigate what happened" Said Hiruzen.

Minato stood up and said "Everything is fine, the one who broke into root was me" Said Minato looking at them.

Koharu, Homura and Hiruzen were shocked by what Minato said, then they became furious.

"YOU CAN'T JUST INVADE ROOT WITHOUT A GOOD REASON" Shouted Koharu supported by Homura.

Hiruzen was furious, but said calmly "Why did you do it Minato?" Hiruzen asked

"You're asking me, Third? You know very well everything Danzo has done. You all know it, you know everything Danzo has done for all these years and you let him go and even helped him" Minato said

Hiruzen was silent, he knew what Minato said was true.

"You have no proof to accuse him of anything Minato" Said Homura.

Minato snorted and said "On the day of my son's birth who knew the location of the birthplace?" Minato asked coldly

Koharu replied "It was known by us, Biwako and..."

"And? Danzo, right? Some of you or all of you told him.

That day Danzo sent his ninjas to kill Kushina and release the Kyubi near the village" Minato said.

Hiruzen's blood ran cold, he had been one of the ones to tell Danzo the location, but Danzo had assured him that it was so that he could protect the place if there was an attack. Hiruzen knew that Danzo didn't like Kushina and Minato, but he hadn't expected Danzo to make a move like this.

"How can you prove your words Minato?" Homura said

Minato looked at him with a death stare and pulled out a scroll "Here is sealed one of the ninja he sent to kill Kushina. I captured him and after I took the seal off he started confessing everything" Minato said as he gave them a cold look

"This is reason enough to break into his base and capture him. right?" Said Minato

Hiruzen, Koharu and Homura remained silent.

"In a week the judgment of Danzo and yours will take place" When Minato said those words four Ambus appeared behind Koharu and Homura immobilizing them.


Minato ignored them and said "take them to the cells."

The Ambu nodded and left and took the elders with them.

Minato and Hiruzen stayed in the room.

Minato looked at his former mentor with a disappointed look, before he knew about his actions he was the shinobi he admired the most, but once he learned the truth and knew how Hiruzen would treat Naruto if he died, Minato's admiration for Hiruzen faded.

Hiruzen who had his head down, looked at Minato and said "I didn't know what he would do. Danzo had told me that he was going to reinforce the defense of the place" Hiruzen said.

"Huh, you didn't know. Haha" laughed Minato "I guess you also didn't know that Danzo is responsible for the destruction of the Uzumaki clan, for the destruction of the Senju clan. Of the kidnapping of children to turn them into slaves. You also didn't know when he let the Shinobi of Kumo to kidnap Kushina. Or didn't you know that he had kidnapped Kagami and turned him into a slave," Minato said coldly, looking at Hiruzen.

Hiruzen was getting embarrassed every time Minato told him about a crime of Danzo's that he was aware of, though in most of them he only knew about it after Danzo did it, but he hadn't done anything to stop it. But when Minato mentioned Kagami Hiruzen's blood froze.

"Kagami? Didn't he die in the war?" Hiruzen asked confused.

Minato was surprised to learn that Hiruzen didn't know.

"I see he doesn't tell you everything. I'll show you" Minato said as he pulled out a coffin from the scroll. He opened the coffin and there lay the body of Kagami Uchiha.

Hiruzen was shocked to see the lifeless body of his old friend.

"How? How is that possible?" Hiruzen said

"Danzo informed the enemies about Kagami's mission, which caused them to surround him. Although he was able to defeat them he ended up wounded, Danzo took advantage of Kagami being wounded and kidnapped him. Danzo tortured him for years until he decided to make him his slave.

Kagami died when he confronted Kakashi and Gai" Said Minato.

"Impossible. No matter how talented they are there's no way they could beat him" Said Hiruzen

"Kagami wanted to die Hiruzen, his life was hell and he decided to die, that's why they were able to kill him" Said Minato

Hiruzen nodded at Minato's words.

After a few moments of mourning Minato sealed Kagami's body again.

"You know very well what you have done Hiruzen. As Hokage you have let Danzo commit the worst crimes against Konoha and against the clans, You are lucky that you were the Hokage or else you would be judged, as well as Koharu and Homura will be" Minato said looking at the third one

Hiruzen nodded crestfallen and left the office.


Minato sighed tiredly, this week will be a torment for him. He got up from his seat, made a shadow clone and teleported to his wife

Kushina and Usagi were in the room where they had put Urara. She and Usagi had bite scars on their arms, healing Urara had cost a lot of vitality.

Tsunade entered the room, Usagi seeing her quickly approached her and asked anxiously.

"Will he be alright?"

Tsunade smiled and said "Yes, but he will have to remain hospitalized for a few months" Tsunade said.

Kushina and Usagi sighed in relief.

Suddenly Minato appeared in the room scaring everyone except Kushina who knew he would appear since she had warned him through the ring

"Hello" Minato said with a smile.

""HELLO" THE FUCK. don't show up so suddenly" Tsunade said.

Minato scratched his head and gave her an apologetic smile.

"How is Urara?" Minato asked

"He will be fine, but he will have to be hospitalized for a few months" Tsunade said.

Minato nodded

An hour later Minato and Kushina said their goodbyes leaving Usagi in the room taking care of her brother

Minato and Kushina arrived home and were greeted by two cheerful redheads.

"Hi mom, hi dad" Said Naruto and his sister Honoka.

Minato and Kushina hugged them happily.

Kushina with Naruto in her arms asked "how was your day Naruto?" asked Kushina with a smile


Naruto smiled and started telling her about his day.


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The poll is over. Naruto's latest girlfriend is ... ... Haku. 

Haku was also my favorite and if it ended in a tie again I would choose her. This still doesn't close the door to other girls but I'll see if I'll add more as the story progresses.

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