( Luke's POV )
Unlike Leo, Luke did not admire simpler things in life like nature, art or poetry.
While on a journey, his mind did not work towards how the game mechanics worked or how realistic the world looked, but instead worked towards solving realistic worries that were under his control.
Once enroute, his mind wandered towards subjects like what if the guy that he had beat outside his apartment returned with more bad guys to cause trouble?
Or what if other sector E workers started to form makeshift weapons out of objects that they had carried from home and used it to form gangs and cause violence?
Did he need to possess a weapon of his own for his own and Leo's security?
What if he had to fight an opponent to death someday? Did he really have the guts to take a life for real?
These were some of the questions that bothered Luke as he deeply contemplated the answers to all of them while being on a journey.
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