Unduh Aplikasi
21.42% As Misogi Kumagawa with Chat Group / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Coincidence? Fate? or just plain foreshadowing

Bab 3: Chapter 3: Coincidence? Fate? or just plain foreshadowing

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: Hmmm...]

[RulerofMonsters: What's wrong, Satou-san?]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: ... Nothing. You guys can just call me Kazuma. I don't care about formality anyways. Its just... I was wondering why all of your name is kind of familiar to me...]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: I swear I know all your name somewhere! But I can't seem to remember it where!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): I can give you clues Kazuma-kun.]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: Oh, really? Thanks Misogi!]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: So? What's the clue?]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Japanese sub-culture. The ACG one.]

PriestessofThunder & WorstSpirit: "???"

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: Huh?]

[RulerofMonsters: Anime, manga and game? Wait...What was writen in the invitation is really true?]

[RulerofMonsters: Are you saying that they're not a mere fiction?!]

--Perspective change!--

In a deep cave. There's a person with bluish silver hair and has golden eyes with androgynous face and dressed in a simple outfit made of pelts is can be seen walking alone.

This person actually want to test his newly acquired skills after he devour the Flame Giant Ifrit and his fated one, Shizue Izawa.

Remembering the girl which he absorb as requested by Shizue herself, the blue haired person which is named Rimuru Tempest is feeling depressed again.

"Shizu-san, I swear I'll keep my promise to you. I will save your students then find Leon Cromwell and relayed your word to him." Said Rimuru with determined expression and clenched his fist.

After a few minute of reminiscing his short time with Shizue, Rimuru walked deeper into the cave and find himself in the open space where he previously meet his sworn brother, the Storm Dragon Veldora. After short bonding time, Rimuru then devour Veldora to analyze the [Infinite Prison] with his unique skill called [Great Sage] then free him from it in the future.

Rimuru looked around the cave with nostalgia.

"Yosh! Lets test my new skill right awa-" He said excitedly before something bizzare interupt him.



*You have been invited to Multiverse Chat Group*

*This chat group is where people from different universe can converse and go to different world which in turn can grant each members with powerful abilities or item after finishing quest!*

*Will you accept the invitation?*


"... Huh?"

That's what happened to him until right now.

--Perspective change!--

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Yep, it's true.]

[RulerofMonsters: ... Wow... Multiverse is real.]

[RulerofMonsters: Then, if we got mission and go to another world, we will meet many fictional characters from anime and manga? If that true isn't that awesome!]

Misogi watched with amused smile as this person named Rimuru is talking excitedly on the screen.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): That's possible, but don't get your hopes up, Rimuru.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): When I read the manual of this chat group, it said that the mission is divided with limited members or with all members. So if we being given a mission with limited persons, an example is a mission limited to three members, we must select three persons from the group to be sent to completed the mission.]

[RulerofMonsters: Will it be given randomly? The mission I mean.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Yes.]

[RulerofMonsters: Oh... I thought that we would freely choose mission and what world we will be going...]

[RulerofMonsters: Mashu-chan, Eresh-san, it's seems our meeting will be in longer time😭]

Reading what Rimuru has write, Misogi couldn't help but making a wry smile, "He is a simp. And I am also a simp. I'll respect that." He nodded sagely to himself.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): You seems taking this very calmly, Rimuru-kun.]

[RulerofMonsters: Honestly, I'm a bit surprised actually.]

[RulerofMonsters: Being reincarnated as a slime in another world after my death, meet a dragon and being buddy buddy with him. Defeating a flame giant. Absorbed the body of Shizu-san like she's wished.]

[RulerofMonsters: And the most important part is that I'm replacing the original Rimuru Tempest's soul!!]

[RulerofMonsters: It's going out of the script!!]

Misogi blinked at that.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Wait... Are you saying that you're not Satoru Mikami?]

[RulerofMonsters: Nope.]

'A sudden invisible plot twist in this fic appeared!!' Screamed Misogi inside his mind while unconsciously breaking the fourth wall.

[RulerofMonsters: I'm just a modern japanese blacksmith apprentice that living in rural town with my shishou.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Then, how did you become Rimuru Tempest? Sorry if I'm sounded insensitive.]

[RulerofMonsters: Don't worry, I'm not minding about it. Well, I was just finished delivering a newly custom made katana made by shishou to a client on neighbouring town.]

[RulerofMonsters: I remember that I stopped at a bookstore on the way home to buy a new popular light novel called, 'That Time I got Reincarnated as Slime' volume 1.]

[RulerofMonsters: After buying it, I went to catch a train on the way to my town. Because of a sudden delay on the train schedule, I opened my newly brought novel to read it on the station to killing time while waiting the train to arrive.]

[RulerofMonsters: It was already dark when I arrived to the town which I'm living. As I started to walk toward mine and shishou's house, I got a feeling that I have been followed by someone since this morning. But this time they feels closer.]

[RulerofMonsters: I caught a sound of footsteps getting closer as I walking. Having decided to confront the asshole whose following me, I turn around. I saw a shilouette of a woman aproaching me. When she approaching me, I get a good look on her face and I recognized her.]

[RulerofMonsters: She is a girl at the same age as me which I helped by beating the thug whose want to rape her a few weeks ago. After the police came and arrest the failed rapist, we talked a bit and exchange contact information. She's seemed so happy about it. What I had not expecting is that she is always call me on the phone everydays. Morning, afternoon and even midnights! I'm not getting enough sleeps so it affect my work as apprentice. Few days later I decided to ask her to limit her call but I don't know why she suddenly shouted something about, 'getting another woman!', and, 'why are you cheating on me?!'. I don't know what she been shouting about. I even didn't have a girlfriend. When I told her that, she asked, 'Eh? What about me?'. Confused, I answered her with, 'we aren't dating right? We're just a friend'. After that she hung up and not calling me for few days until the time I make the delivery. When I see her that night I sighed in relief, thinking that she was alright after our talk that day.]

[RulerofMonsters: But that time I didn't notice how mentaly unstable she is, not knowing that, I continued ask her if she is alright and other stuff. I finally stopped asking question when she suddenly kissing me on the lips! As a guy whose never had a girlfriend in his whole life, I only just standing there, frozen in surprise. After a few second later she stopped kissing me and tell me that she is in love with me after being saved on that day! A girl confesing her love to me but I'm just standing in there with dumbfounded expressions pasted on my face! And I just stood there in silence! Maybe because of my silence she think that I didn't love her back so she start to sobbed heavily with her head bowed down. It's not because I didn't like her! I was just too surprised to say anything else! Hearing her crying voice, I snapped out of my daze and trying to comfort her, fix the misunderstanding and accept her confessions. But it's too late. The damage has been done.]

Rimuru stopped writting the chat for the suspense. Misogi, Akeno and Kurumi whose cannot wait to hear the conclusion of the story silently urging Rimuru to continue. They're too engrosed in Rimuru's story.

Feeling impatient, Misogi asked.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Then what happened after that...?]

[RulerofMonsters: ... Her body started shaking when I'm trying to calm her down.

Then she suddenly forcefully pushed my body to the ground. I fell flat on my back, but before I could get grasp about what just happened, she sit down on top of me and straddling my waist with a kitchen knife gripped in reverse in both her hands and raised it to the air. Positioned it to stab me on the chest. Too shocked to do anything, I just laying there motionlesly and only can hear her muttering, 'If I can't have you for myself, then the other women is obviously can't! You only belong to me! You are mine! Only MINE ALONE!!', and proceded to stab me repeatedly in the chest. My consciousness went dark after that.]

Naked-ApronSenpai, PriestessofThunder & WorstSpirit: "... My condolences..."

[RulerofMonsters: Nah, don't mind it. Anyways, after that I hear someone voice talked to me about skills and other things and then I regained consciousness. But everything is dark. After few days pondering and testing. I found out that I have been reincarnated as a slime! After messing around mith my [Predator] skill to absorb many hipokute grass and water on a lake. I meet someone surprising! That someone is the 'Storm Dragon' Veldora! After talking with him and become sworn brothers I realized something.]

[RulerofMonsters: 'OMG! Isn't this exactly what happened to the main character of the novel which I read before I getting stabbed to death?!']

[RulerofMonsters: That was what happened to me. So, the moral of my life story is, 'Don't become a dense person. If you are too dense, a yandere whose in love with you will kill you because of her obsession.' Always remember my advice, good fellas. So you won't become like me.]

Misogi couldn't help but sweatdropped at that last part of Rimuru's chats words. And somehow he recalled something when he read about this.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Come to think of it. I remembered a news on NHK a few months ago when I browsing on my tv's channels out of boredom.]

[RulerofMonsters: ?]

[RulerofMonsters: What kind of news?]

Misogi tried to remember what are the news that time. He feels a strange sense of deja vu after hearing Rimuru's story.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): If I remember correctly, there is a news about apprentice blacksmith got killed by a brokenhearted girl in Osaka Prefecture. Near Sakai city I believe.]

[RulerofMonsters: ... Huh?]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): The victim's mentor is a famous modern blacksmith with many of his works received good ratings overseas.]

[RulerofMonsters: Eh?]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Oh yeah, the girl is actually the daughter of a famous japanese politician which had been recently elected. To bad because of his daughter case, he stepped down from his position.]

[RulerofMonsters: WHAT?!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): E-eh? What's wrong, Rimuru-kun?]

[RulerofMonsters: Is the family name of that politician is... 'Sakurahoshi' by any chance?!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Errr... Yeah, I think so. Since the girl aka the politician daughter's name is Rion Sakurahoshi if I recall.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): But, how do you kno- wait... Don't tell me-?!]

Not only Misogi, the other members of the group chat also had the same conclusions.

[RulerofMonsters: Oh my god!! What did I do?!]

[RulerofMonsters: If only I realized her feeling toward me much earlier, she wouldn't turn into murderer!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): R-Rimuru-]

[RulerofMonsters: She also wouldn't have criminal record!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): H-hey Rimuru-]

[RulerofMonsters: Damn it! What should I do?! I'm practicaly destroyed her life!! I'm the reason she doesn't have future now!! It's my fault for being so dense!!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): CALM DOWN RIMURU!!]

Misogi hurriedly making use of admin special features to make a big holographic paper fan for slapping person's head. He quickly sended it to Rimuru's address. He also make the hologram effect can be felt like real object.

After being slapped each on the head and cheeks 20 times by a ridiculously huge holographic paper fan (which only make Rimuru feeling disoriented, not in pain), Rimuru snapped out from his panicked state and willing to listen to Misogi.

[RulerofMonsters: ... Sorry Misogi, I lost my cool there...]

Misogi and the other members sighed in relief when Rimuru calmed down. It's seem he willing to listen to him now.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): No worries. All living things can feels stressed out and panic when an unexpected situation outside of our prediction suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of us.]

[RulerofMonsters: ... Sorry...]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): No need to apologize.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): I still haven't tell you the full news about that girl who kil- pardon me... Which confessed her love to you, you know?]

[RulerofMonsters: Huh?]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Would you listen about it?]

[RulerofMonsters: Yes!]

Misogi smiling softly when Rimuru answered with enthusiasm.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): That girl, Rion Sakurahoshi are actually had Dependent Personality Disorder, or DPD for short. It seems she has it since experiencing a traumatic situation when she still in her middle school years. Thats what I was heard on the news.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): You maybe had an inkling feeling about what she experienced right? If her appearance are exactly like what I saw on the news, it's no wonder why all men she mets cannot hold back their urge, which fortunately, all of their attempt are failed and a few which almost succeeded. Plus, she was nearly raped by the thug which you beat up, and thus you saving her. In her eyes, you becoming her hero on that moment. You know the reason right?]

[RulerofMonsters: ... Yeah... She can be considered as beauty... With her looks which can charm many men, of course she has experiencing sexual harassment or rape assault attempts. So she had Dependent Personality Disorder huh... No wonder she always calling me everyday on the phone and being clingy when we meet face to face after I saved her that day... So that's the reason... By saving her, a girl whose have a DPD, I'm becoming her actual hero and her important pillar of support which she trully deppent and ireplacable in her eyes huh.]

Dependent Personality Disorder, is a mental health condition that involves an excessive need to be taken care of by others. A person with DPD relies on people close to them for their emotional or physical needs. Others may describe them as needy or clingy.

For Rion Sakurahoshi's case, when she was about to be raped that day, a person suddenly appeared and save her from the tragic fate which about to befall onto her. In that moment, what she's saw and feels is a figure of a man that will make her safe. A man who will protect her so she don't have to experiencing scary situation again and again like in her past. She feels realy warm and comfortable when she talking and being near him. She feel protected by him. She can forget about scary thing she experienced in the past when she heard his voice. Rion feels that she is important to him. Day after day, she talk to him. Day by day, she meet with him. Night after night, she dreaming about him. Night by night, she fantasized about him. After many days and nights, her feeling that first is only just admiration slowly turned into longing. Then turned into love. And then turned again becoming the most important person in her life. And then her feelings turned again, this time her feeling becoming a mad twisted obsession.

She want him. Rion want him only looking at her alone. She would eliminate any women who will come to her beloved. She don't care about anyone. For Rion, any other men beside her beloved is just animal that only craving at her looks and body. They only see her as object of lust that need to be used by them. Only her beloved which she allowed to use her body as object of lust. Only her beloved she allowed to looked at her like animal.

She is already fallen too far to notice her unstable obsessions.

"Aahh~ My beloved~ I love you~❤" Moaned Rion when she always fantasizes about her beloved and herself doing sexual intercouses as her finger playing with her intimate parts.

"I love you~ I love you~ I love you~ I love you~ I love you~ I love you~ I love you~

I am really in LOVE with you so much my beloved❤!!"

When her beloved asking her to decrease the times she can call him and meeting with her only a few times. Rion felt that something inside her shattered. She immediately accused him that he is cheating on her with another woman. Anger is what she was feeling at that moment. But an unexpected answer from her beloved making her froze in shock, making her forgot about the bubbling feeling of rage. Her beloved said that she's only his friend. Not a lover, or even girlfriend.

Rion started to lose her sense of self. She was in denial. 'This must be a dream, yes, this is probably a hallucinations that I experiencing since I'm in a shocked state. Yes! that must be it! That's only the possible explanation!' Is what she repeated in her minds.

After that she stopped calling her beloved on phone and trying to convince herself that her beloved is lying about them just friend while in fact they love each other.

Rion then thought that she would tell her beloved that she really madly in love with him so that he could be true to his feeling and that her beloved actualy loved her but just too shy to admit it.

Then she going to her beloved house to meet him but only saw him bringing a long packaged while wearing formal outfit outside. Curious where he will go, Rion following him from a safe distance. After spent the whole day stalking him, she finally see that his walking pace start to slowing down so she grab the chance to face her beloved again.

After seeing her and she saw that he is really concerned about her wellbeing. Rion feeling really happy!

'See! He's really love me! My beloved person is really concerned about me when we're not talk and mets for a few days! Don't worry my beloved! I'm also missed you alot! Lets kiss to celebrated our first meeting from a few days when we're not seeing each other!' She said in her mind and not hearing concerned question toward her from the man.

Feeling impatient already, Rion immediately taking action by pressing her lips toward her beloved's own. For a few second they stood in there before Rion parted their lips.

"I really love you my beloved! Since the time you saved me from that rapist, I fell in love with you! We will be together forever! Even death cannot separate us! My beloved, let's get married! I want us to start making a family on our own! What do you think?" Rion said it with her eyes closed and wearing a delightfull expression.

Hearing no answer from her beloved, she opened her eyes. Looking at his face, she suddenly felt like her heart is stopping when she saw the expression on her beloved. Surprised, confused, dumbfounded, and what she feared the most, shocked and 'didn't understand anything' expression.

In that momment, Rion world and heart are shattered to pieces, leaving a huge empty hole on her chest.




Back to the track, people.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Last time I hear about Rion Sakurahoshi's cases in NHK Newsline is about when after she admited to a certain hospital to treat her unstable mentality after she's... Well, confessed to you, is that her condition is improved by the way, and she managed to have normal conversation with other nurses and psychiatrist whose in charge of her in the hospital.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Instead of imprisonment, the law judged that she will be imposed with twenty years of public volunteer service since she is technicaly a person with mental disorder. And considering the victim, you, didn't have family or relatives to giving charges against her. That is the only sentenced the judge give to her. Rion should be doing her sentences after she finished her mental therapy in the future.]

[RulerofMonsters: ... ]

[RulerofMonsters: I see...]

[RulerofMonsters: I hope she can be accepted by society when her therapy are done. Even after what she had done to me, she deserved to be happy. She is just a victim of humanity evil side. And then, when her imposed sentences are finished, I hope she will forget about me and move on toward her future.]

PriestessofThunder & WorstSpirit: "..."

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): ... That would be the best.]

Misogi can be seen smiling happily on the outside. But in his heart, he actually feels sad toward Rimuru and Rion. There's one thing that Misogi didn't tell Rimuru. After the news about a famous blacksmith apprentice being killed by a heartbroken girl. Misogi in his previous live are curious about the killer identity, Rion Sakurahoshi, what was she looked like? Is she a pretty girl? If yes, are the victim is a handsome man? If not, how he can get the girl?

Because of his deep curiosity, Misogi started following the news and searching information about the case. Because of that, he also known information about Rion Sakurahoshi that being hidden on purpose from public eyes. With his skilled hacker friend which he roped to join his little adventure, Misogi and his friend found out that after killing the apprentice blacksmith, Rion Sakurahoshi also tried to kill herself. Fortunately there's few passerby whose disturbed by the noise the two has created and coming to check the situation, knowing that it was serious incident, they tried to stopping her before she managed to slit her own throat. After calling for help to more people and restraining Rion so she cannot hurt herself and checked the body of the apprentice blacksmith, the policemen finally arrived at the scene and started to act quickly by transporting Rion to police station, calling ambulance to bring the victim's corpse to hospital for autopsy and securing the crime scene.

When the authority find out that Rion is mentally unstable, they decided to transport Rion to mental hospital first with approval of both her parents.

But they don't know what to do about the blacksmith apprentice. The man didn't have family or any living relative. He is the only survivor when his family and all of his relative went toward a trip with a bus that get into accident and fire enveloping it. Fortunaly, the youngest boy of the group of family seated near the door, so when the bus have accidents he was thrown out to outside before the bus explode, killing every person inside. Leaving the youngest boy to survive alone while his entire family died.

That's only leaving his mentor, the famous blacksmith. When the police informed him about what happenef to his apprentice, he only nodded silently then went inside his house and staying inside for a few days. Making his neighbours worried about his condition. The blacksmith is already on his latest eighty. His neighbour also know that the blacksmith and his disciple are in fine relationship. Not too bad, but also not too good. He only choose him as blacksmith apprentice because of his talent for making katana despite being an amateur at it. Not because of famillial love or anything else.

So when he know that his disciple are died. He only know one way of mourning, by drinking sake to forget anything bothersome to him.

Since there is no one of the victim's family members pressing the charge against Rion, the judge decided that the sentences which impossed to Rion will be twenty years of public community service because she is technicaly is a mentaly and emotionally unstable person when she killed the victim.

Eight months later, Rion mental condition are slowly improved, she's no longer screamed bloody murder or bitting the arteries on her hands. She also stopped having hallucinations about his beloved and only calling his name when she sleeping. Her parents and her entire family of course happy about this development.

And the doctor assumptions were correct. Rion didn't remember about what had she has done to her beloved. Because of her trauma and unstable mind before, her memories on that night unconsciously being locked inside her deepest mind to avoid damaging her psyche further, and also because Rion want to escape the reality that her beloved are no longer with her. Leaving Rion alone while the people around her preventing her from following him. Knowing this, her parent and the doctor agreed to never let Rion know about this or she will hurt her emotion and mind much further. And in the future when Rion fully recovered and her mind is more stronger, her parent will let her know the truth bit by bit. Since keeping the truth from her are impossible, because Rion's case is known to the entire Japan and showed on international news since her father is a important politician. Before that time come, they will lying to Rion so that she can feel happy and distract her from thinking something negative so that her mind can be healed little by little. And so her family tried to talk with her about happy things to distract her for remembering that incidents, and never mentioning about her dark past.

On one day, Rion asked her parent where is her beloved and why he never visit her. Her parent of course cannot answer their daughter's question. So they're lying to her that he actually went overseas for a bussiness with his mentor for a long time. Rion of course believed her parent's lies with a sad feeling, it's not like she will never see her beloved again, so she's not questioned her parent as long as she can meet him again. Her parents actualy had good relationship with her beloved when she's bring him to meet with them. Rion's parent also have good impresion about him since he helped his daughter from a rapist. They also great at judging another person characteristic and personality, since they're politician they must interacted with rotten or corrupted person on daily basis so they're very experienced at reading people. They judged that Rion's beloved has good character and actually had nice and polite personality. Not only that, they also felt sympathetic and cried (including Rion) for him when he told them about his past and rough childhood. Laughing and being amazed when he telling them about his experienced. At the end of their meeting, Rion's parents said to him that he is always welcomed in the Sakurahoshi household, with Rion's mother throwing suggestions to him that he should marry her daughter, which made Rion flustered and her father doing a spit take. Rion's beloved reaction is only laughing lightly and assumed that Rion's mother just joking. Which make Rion pouted, making her parent feeling amused at their daughter love live.

But that happy days is like an illussion. What her family has dreaded has come knocking. Because Rion overheard a few nurse gossiping something about her case that she has forgotten from her memory when she take a morning walk outside her room that day. The nurse didn't know that Rion are eavesdropping on their conversation. When their conversation reached the dangerous part, Rion suddenly appeared on their vision then grabbed the nurse whose gossiping that her beloved had been killed by her own hands. The nurse who's have been caugh gossiping about the forbidden topic turned pale when she realised who was attacking her.

Rion started slapping the nurse repeatedly while yelling that the nurses were lying. 'My beloved is still alive!', 'He just going overseas for bussiness with his mentor!', 'I wouldn't dare to kill my beloved!', is what Rion kept telling her minds. But her memories which had been locked deep inside her mind are opened and then, slowly, resurfaced on her mind, making her screamed in anguish and her body started greatly shaking uncontrollably. The other nurses who saw this situation, started informing the doctor and yelling at her fellow nurses to help calming down Rion.

They finally put Rion to sleep with sleeping drugs since she kept on rebelling wildly when being calmed down by the nurses. When the situations calmed down, the hospital director, who's heard about this incident, immediately firing the nurse who's started gossiping the forbidden information after he found out the cause.

Of course Rion's parents and familly being informed quickly about this incident. They cried again when Rion mental condition took a turn to the worst. Her parent don't know if they should hate Rion's beloved because he is the cause of their daughter's suffering, or hoping that he will somehow help and saving their daughter again like with the rapist inccident, even if it's impossible since he's no longer in the world of living. Rion's family can only pray for a miracle to happen and easing the suffering of their family members.

And that is the last information about Rion Sakurahoshi which Misogi and his hacker friend found out by hacking the hospital database. The last information is submited at one and a half month ago.

They don't know what happened to Rion and her family afterward. The previous life of Misogi and his friend decided to keep this as secret and never mentioned what they found to the others and especialy to public. This is their way to express their sympathy to Rion and her family while hoping that Rion's suffering can be lifted and she can found happines again with her family.

(A/N: Somehow after writing this part about Rimuru and Rion is making me had an urge to make Rimuru become the mc of this fanfic instead of Misogi... But I must hold that thought because it will ruin the story and plot which I have planned carefully.)

Misogi feels sadenned that Rimuru, his new friend that he made today is actualy the reincarnation of Rion Sakurahoshi's loved ones. If Rion knows that her beloved whose she had killed are still alive albeit with different body and face will she recognized him? Considering that Rion really loved him, maybe she can tell that Rimuru is her beloved reincarnation when they meet, if that possible. Can this Multiverse Chat Group reuniting the two of them? It's possible, but how long it gonna take is the question.

With that in mind, Misogi decided to keep it a secret from Rimuru so that he wouldn't do anything rash by himself.

He nodded nodded to himself and thinking it was the best decisions on his part.

[RulerofMonsters: By the way Misogi.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Yeah?]

[RulerofMonsters: How did you know all of that?]

[RulerofMonsters: From what I remember, same with Rimuru, Misogi Kumagawa is also a fictional character from anime and manga called 'Medaka Box' which possesing an overpowered reality warping ability in the entire series.]

[RulerofMonsters: I'm pretty sure that my previous world is a normal everyday world that didn't have supernatural power or anything similar to that.]

[RulerofMonsters: My question is, how can a person that I know as a character from a fiction, knows about the matters on my previous world while Medaka Box is only product of human creativity and imagination in my previous world.]

Rimuru's question making Akeno and Kurumi who's reading the chat's screen stopped their mind for a moment. They then paying attention seriously to the screen interface.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): The answer is simple.]

Misogi didn't have any problem if he told them about his secret.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): My situation is the same as yours, Rimuru-kun.]

[RulerofMonsters: The same as me? Hold on... If that the case, then wouldn't that mean you're a...]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): A reincarnated person? Yes.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): I'm a normal university student at Indonesia that has died protecting his friend from her mad ex-boyfriend who is a son of a famous CEO of big companies on the whole world. After I died, it took me some time to realized that I'm actualy reincarnated as Misogi Kumagawa from Anime and Manga called Medaka Box, albeit with different setting of world.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Nice to meet you, my fellow reincarnator, Rimuru Tempest-kun! I hope we will get along~]

Multiverse Chat Group members: """..."""

Multiverse Chat Group members: """Eehhh!!"""

Akeno and Kurumi fell into shocked state. Different from the two, Rimuru was happy that he found a fellow reincarnator! A comrade!

[RulerofMonsters: Isn't that mean this situation making us comrade?]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Yeah! We are comerade in arms! We should call ourself 'The Reincarnated Duo' In this group chat!]

[RulerofMonsters: Ohh! What a great Idea! And we also should form a sub-group in this chat for reincarnated person only!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Of course! If any new members joined in the future and turns out that he or she is actualy reincarnated person, we can ask them to join our club!]

[RulerofMonsters: Not only that, my comrade! We also can- ]

It seems that when two person which share the same brain cells with similar ways of thinking finally meets, it can make them becoming stupid in a quick ways.

While Misogi and Rimuru having a blast chatting with each other. Kurumi and Akeno was having an outrageous thought that making the two girls questioning the purpose about their lives

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): And then, when we-]

[PriestessofThunder: Wait a moment please!]

Akeno decided that she will ask for any advice from them. She didn't care that she interupted their conversation. What she is need right now is an advice, an explanation, a words or a consoling sentences to make her doubt about the life in her chaotic mind to find an answer.

Misogi and Rimuru whose conversation has been interupted by her are not angry. Instead they're turned their attention to her. They're had a feeling that she was serious about something.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): What is it Akeno-san?]

[PriestessofThunder: ... Is this true? That we are just fictional characters in a story?]

[PriestessofThunder: If we really are. Then what is our purpose...? Why we are living...? Are all of our action had been determined by someone...? Is all of our lives that we're experienced is only for entertainment purpose?]

[PriestessofThunder: Please, answer me about our real purpose in our life...]

Misogi stared at Akeno's message with furrowed eyebrow. Judging from what she written, right now she probably have existential crisis and desperately seeking answer. Kurumi wrote nothing, he don't know if Kurumi have existential crisis like Akeno or not. But Misogi know that she is also paying attention to the screen interface in front of her. Waiting for his answer.

And with a careful thinking Misogi answered what he can say without hurting her and what he understand about something that he knows best in his previous life.

--Perspective change!--

A beautiful black haired girl with long ponytail and had impressive J cup breast can be seen standing on the middle of a neat kitchen, more precisely in front of a stove. Looking at her expression, this girl appeared to be conflicted with something.

This girl's name is Akeno Himejima. A reincarnated devil. She is Rias Gremory's queen on her peerage. Devils in here is not scary like the church people have been described and told to the whole world. Their figure is just like human, with addition of bat wings, and have extraordinary face too. Which is mean they're had handsome face for male and beautiful look on the female.

Right now Akeno is looked quite restless and panicked. The tamagoyaki on the pan that she make for breakfast and would be put into her bento was burnt and smoked, but she ignored it. Her eyes looking at the translucent screen interface in front of her with great intensify. She nervously waiting an answer from the boy she messaging earlier when she asked an important questions (A/N: Why the heck this sentence looked like she's confessing to the boy she liked and awaiting his answer?! Dammit, I'm so jealous!).

The boy went silent at her question. Akeno feels that time is feels longer when she is waiting for his response. She's feels like she had been waiting for hours while in reality only few second passed.

She was about to ask again when his reply came.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): I understand everyone's concern. However, I do not believe that you guys are just mere characters in a story. Heck, even I know that I was fictional character but what about it? I live my own life and nobody can controling it. Just that is enough for me. As we have established the fact that there are indeed multiple worlds, the probability of a world having an uncanny resemblance to a fictional story in another is extremely high! We are alive! We do not need to follow what is already written. All these stories are just coincidences that match your worlds.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): So don't think that you guys are just a mere fictional characters that moving under someone direction. What if I'm just a character created by someone? So what! I'm Misogi freakin' Kumagawa! I'm just my own person! So don't give it a damn! Just live in accordance to you own wishes and free will!]

The chat group went silent again after his proclamation.

--Perspective change!--

In the middle of the night, on the top of a building stood a girl with astonishing beauty. She appears to be elegant and has very polite manners. She has pearly skin and long, black hair tied in long twin tails. Her right eye is red-tinted while her left eye appears as a golden, inorganic clock face. The hands of the clock eye are rests in the 3 o'clock position.

She is wearing a dress made out of crimson and black frills, giving her the appearance of an elegant Gothic Lolita with uneven twin tails that emulate the minute and hour hand of a clock. On her head, she wears a big crimson net bow to hold her hair. She also wears a red and black collar on her neck.

Kurumi Tokisaki. An S-class spirit. The third spirit that appear in the world. Dubbed as 'Nightmare' by Deus Ex Machina Industries.

It was another ordinary day for her. After playing tag (being chased around) with a certain 'Wizard' from DEM (coughmanacough) and managed to slipped away from her again, Kurumi can be seen looking over the busy of night in the city below her with a frown. No, she's not looking at the city but at the transparent screen that appeared suddenly in front of her for a while ago.

At first she thought that this screen is a new kind of attack from DEM or weapon created by them. Or worse yet, the doing of the first spirit, the 'Spirit of Origin' to eliminate her or something close to that.

But after seing the screen is doing nothing but only just appeared in front of her, Kurumi lowered her vigilance but not completely relaxed either. Seeing there's something written in there she looked over cautiously.

A few second after reading what was written on the screen, she raised an eyebrow.

"Chat group? Different world? Getting power after completing a quest? What's this?" Kurumi's line of thinking went into overdrive, trying to making sense of this weird screen.

Before she questioned to no one again, the chat room suddenly went online with a person nicknamed as Advocate of Gender Equality being the first to write.

Kurumi snickered after reading this weird person nickname and chat, "What a weird person."

While feeling amused she also feels curious about this. Have been judge that this situation is not dangerous, only bizzare.

With that she joined the chat while teasing a person with funny nickname 'Advocate of Gender Equality'. Not only that, she also found a comrade! Her nickname is Priestess of Thunder. After chatting with her and joining her teasing the others members (which she's concluded that the other three are boys), Kurumi could feels that she will get along fine with Priestess of Thunder, which she found out later that her real name is Akeno Himejima.

After some shenanigans and introductions from each members.

Kurumi soon feel an existential crisis when the admin of the chat group, Naked Apron Senpai or known as Misogi Kumagawa revealed that they're actualy a fictional characters inside a story of anime and manga.

Kurumi wouldn't easily believed it. But after the other male members, Ruler of Monster, known as Rimuru Tempest also know that fictional characters are also real, Rimuru himself included. She started to questioning her existence. Considering that multiverse also real when she read the chat first message when she joined is cannot help to calming her down. On the outside, Kurumi appeared calm and composed, but inwardly she is nervous wreck and nearly having breakdown!

Her reiryoku is almost run amok if not for her perfect control over it, albeit with some difficulty.

And that's how she got in this situation, anxiously waiting answer from the admin much like Akeno.

When she got the message and reading it, she fell silent.

--Perspective change!--

"I hope my answer can ease their worry a bit." Misogi muttered with a sigh.

After waiting for a few minutes, the chat group still silent, making Misogi a bit worried, "Did I somehow messed up my answer?"

There still no new message from the chatroom and it make Misogi more worried.

When Misogi about to write something, the chat went on.

[PriestessofThunder: ...You're right, they're just coincidences. No one is a character... Thank you for snapping me out of it, Misogi-kun. Your speech is really cool.]

[WorstSpirit: ... I was a bit unnerved by this before. Well, if you think about it, that's true. I know I'm not just a character in a story. Like what you just said, my name is Kurumi Tokisaki. I'm just my own person. Thank you, Misogi-san.]

[RulerofMonsters: For me I'm already over about it. It's been few months since I'm leaving the cave that sealed Veldora. At first I was a bit confused about what to do. Should I follow the original storyline? Or make a new direction? But the novel only still have the first volume. After mulling it over and over again, I decided to let the flow of time and fate carrying me in their direction. So, in other word. I don't care that I'm a character inside some story.]

Misogi sighed in relief after succeded comforting them with a wide smile.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): You're welcome. Glad I could help, Akeno-san, Kurumi-san.]

[PriestessofThunder: Ufufufu~ now that you already greatly helped us, do you want a reward, Misogi-kun?]

[PriestessofThunder: My previous offer about showing off my body to you wearing nothing but apron still available Misogi-kun~]

[PriestessofThunder: And as bonus for the perfect score for cheering me up, should I giving myself to you as your reward~❤]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): ...]

[WorstSpirit: Oh my~. In that case, I should offer the same reward as Akeno-san to you~]

[WorstSpirit: How about it, Misogi-san~ Aren't you excited having two sexy and beautiful girls offering themself to you~]

[WorstSpirit: Any other male would envy you to their death in this situation, you know~]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): ...]

[RulerofMonsters: ...You girls really are something... Attacking the one who helped you out... If I'm on Misogi's position, I'm sure I will collapsed with nosebleed while smiling like a perverted old man... The reward is really nice but also a dangerous weapon to male virgin thought...]

[PriestessofThunder: Ara~ Are you perhaps jealous, Rimuru-kun?]

[RulerofMonsters: Wha-!? Leave me out of this! I don't want you two mercilessly teasing me like you did to Misogi right now!]

[WorstSpirit: It's not good to lie, Rimuru-san~ you must be imagining something right?]

[RulerofMonsters: I'm not lying! I'm not Imagining something lewd!]

[WorstSpirit: Ara? I'm not said anything lewd to you, Rimuru-san~ you just said that yourself~]

[RulerofMonsters: ... ]

[RulerofMonsters: ... I should not have said something before...]

Meanwhile Misogi are fighting to suppress his roaring dragon from rising again with great difficulties. It was hard battle that Misogi experienced today.

Having no choice, Misogi used All Fiction to erase his lust for now and return it later with Non Fiction.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Please don't joking about that you two...]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): I'm nearly succumbed myself to evil temptation you know...]

[PriestessofThunder: Ara? Are we joking, Kurumi-san?]

[WorstSpirit: Ufufufu~ who knows~]

[WorstSpirit: But what if our offer is the real deal, Misogi-san~?]

Misogi's eyes twitching in annoyance because of these two girls constant tempting offer.

"Alright, if that's how you two want to play, don't regret it when I am going all out with full throttle!!"

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Hmm... Alright then.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Akeno-san, Kurumi-san... Will you two become my girlfriends!]

PriestessofThunder & WorstSpirit: ""Eh?""

[RulerofMonsters: Wow... Asking out two girls at the same time to becoming his girlfriends, I don't know if that is a plain bravery or you're just a shameless person Misogi-san... Should I be amazed at you?]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): I promised I will love both of you until we married and keep supporting and taking care both of you in sickness and health after becoming husband and wives!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): I swear I will make you two the happiest women in the universe, no in the all Multiverse!! Believe it!]

PriestessofThunder & WorstSpirit: ""...""

The two of them fell speechless at the brazen words from Misogi. They didn't know if Misogi is playing along with their teasing since he don't want to lose or he is really serious accepting their offer and wanting to form a real romantic relationship with the two of them.

They didn't know what to think.

Meanwhile, Rimuru kept his silence so that he won't be teased like before. Right now he is just a spectator of this scene. Idly watching the chat screen.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): So, my beloved Akeno and Kurumi, what's your answer?]

Snapping out from their daze, both girls quickly racing their mind.

If Misogi is only playing along with them, they could replied his proposal with words that making fun for them or answered him with an amused 'yes', that is only if they are just playing around.

But if that was really a true confession from him...

Suddenly Kurumi and Akeno imagining what happened if Misogi and both of them enter a three-way relationship with each other. Doing anything together, getting married, becoming husband and wives, living in the same residence together, making love at night, getting pregnant with Misogi's child, watching their children playing together woth eachother and many more.

Somehow the two of them think that it was nice and accepting Misogi's confession is seems to be a good idea instead! Even if the three of them haven't meet with eachother before, Akeno and Kurumi got a feeling that their relationship will work out somehow. And the two of them felt that becoming Misogi's women is the right decisions they made in their life! And if they let this opportunity slipped away, both girls could feels that they will regret it.

And if it turned out that Misogi is only just playing along with their teasing shenanigans, Akeno and Kurumi will take a drastic measure of using more stimulating seduction to him until he admit defeat then accept both of them as his girlfriends and lovers.

With that, both of them made up their mind.

Meanwhile Misogi smiled triumphantly.

"Behold my true power you girls! You two can't tease me back aren't you? Don't think that you two can teasing me easily! And now the table has been turned to my favor!!"

Misogi covered his left eye with his right hand. He looked a lot like a certain exiled Brittanian prince that leading a rebbellion toward his homeland from area 11.

"I'm Zero. The man of miracle. Misogi vi Kumagawa command all of you. Acknowledge me as the teasing kings!!"

Well, it seems he got carried away.

Looking at the chat screen floating in front of him, Misogi felt that he had accomplished something very great.

"You girls is still in shock by my skill huh? Well, I'm sure they wi-"

[PriestessofThunder: Yes~ I accept~]

[WorstSpirit: Please take care of me from now on~ my darling~❤]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): ... ]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): ... Huh?]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): What?]

[PriestessofThunder: Fufufu~ We accept your confession, Misogi-kun❤]

[WorstSpirit: Yes~ we will be together forever, darling~]

After making sure that he is not hallucinating. Misogi hurriedly writing in panic.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Hold on!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Wait a minute!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Are you two serious?!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): You girls not just teasing me right?]

[WorstSpirit: We're pretty serious here, darling. Are you doubting us?]

[PriestessofThunder: ... Is your confession to us earlier a lie, Misogi-kun?]

[PriestessofThunder: If that's just a prank, we will wallowing in sadness.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): W-well...]

[WorstSpirit: So you're just lied to us, darling?]

Now Misogi is really in a pinch! He didn't know how to answer them!

He was just making a fake confession to get back at their teasing(A/N: You sounded like a scumbag there, Misogi... Making a fake confessions toward two girls at once). And now, the two girls seriously accepted his confession.

If he told them the truth that his confession is actualy a fake because he want to win the teasing. He's sure that he will be labelled as the most scumbag man in the multiverse!

If he accepted being their boyfriend, he is not sure if he can becoming good lover for them. He was never in relationship before.

"But... Becoming their boyfriends seem nice. And somehow I got the feeling that If I agree to became their lover is the right thing to do."

Misogi experiencing similar feeling as Akeno and Kurumi when they're considering accepting Misogi's confession. It's felt that it was the 'right' thing to do.

And so Misogi answered.

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): ... Please take care of me, Akeno, Kurumi.]

[WorstSpirit: Of course, darling~]

[PriestessofThunder: Likewise, Misogi-kun~]

[RulerofMonsters: ... Err... Congratulations?]

Rimuru the bystander could only give them his blessing in dumbfounded state. Confusing the heck of him. How come a teasing battle suddenly turned into a confession event and then leading Misogi, Akeno and Kurumi, the three of them into becoming a real couple when they're only just met and only know eachother for two hours.

And that's how the first three-way romantic relationship between three different worlds and universes with the Mutiverse Chat Group as prove and witness are formed.

[RulerofMonsters: By the way... Where's Kazuma?]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): ... Ah...]

[WorstSpirit: Oh yeah, where's that fellow?]

[PriestessofThunder: He's been silent since Misogi-kun told him about Japanese sub-culture.]

[PriestessofThunder: Maybe he's in existential crisis state like me before but in much more intensity and that made him passed out again?]

[RulerofMonsters: Do you guys think that he was in denial of all of this? I mean the whole thing about the Multiverse Chat Group?]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Well, I'm sure he jus-]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: Holy fucking shit!!]

[RulerofMonsters: Whoa!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Speak of the devil, there he is.]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: Are you guys for real?!]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: I'm just searching the name of you four in the internet from my computer!]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: No wonder I was a bit familiar with you guys name! It's turn out that you guys are characters from anime and manga!]

[RulerofMonsters: You're really believing it so quickly? Not having shred of doubt that maybe all of us just pretending to becoming anime characters? And we're roped you in to become one of us?]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: Isn't that obvious?]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: The Invitation of this Mutiverse Chat Group says that we can meet with other people from differrent world and universes right? And this holograpic screen is always in front of me but can be turned on and off. If it just a hallucinations, I will don't have awareness to my surounding and would feels like I was inside a dream, while in this, I'm 100 percent sure that I was awake.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): And about us being anime characters?]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: You said it yourself, japanese sub-culture the ACG part. And considering about the vast amount of universe and dimensions out there, I'm sure that any stories which have been created by a person is actually can be real in one of the many world out there. Did I wrong?]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): ...No ...You were right...]

Misogi and the other were actually surprised at Kazuma. They originally though that he is not a smart person. Considering his previous action and his words in the chat group giving him that impression. Who knows that Kazuma is actually very perceptive and smart.

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: So, what did I miss?]

[RulerofMonsters: You can cecks the log of our chat history. Don't worry. We're not going to go anywhere soon.]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: Then I'll just do that.]

Kazuma went to read the chat log while the rest are chatting about what their world was like and waiting for him to catch up with the recent update.

All was peacefull when...

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: NANI!!]

[RulerofMonsters: Huh? What's wrong Kazuma?]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: Misogi!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Yes?]

Misogi was confused why Kazuma suddenly yelled then calling out his name.

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: You're dating Akeno Himejima and Kurumi Tokisaki, the most popular and must sought waifu from their respective franchise! You're dating both of them!?]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): ... Yes?]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: ... If its possible... Can I punch you?]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Ummm... No?]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: Dammit! I'm very jealous, Misogi!]

Kazuma vented his jealousy in the chat for several minutes while the other members stared at his rambling message with a sweatdrop.

Kazuma finally stopped when Misogi told him that when they're on Mission quest given by The Chat Group and going to different world, Kazuma can create a harem of beautiful girls with his awesome power he got from the Multiverse Chat Group. That reason somehow making Kazuma bouncing back to his feets with newfound strength that rivaling Hulk.

Kazuma chatting happily with them about what kind of mission and power they would get from the MCG (Multiverse Chat Group) but he suddenly recalled something.

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: Oh right, I just remebered something. In my world, a few months ago there's a cases which involved a newly elected politician's daughter that was killing her loved one which is an apprentice of a famous blacksmith.]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: And two weeks ago, on one of Southeast Asian continent, in country called Indonesia, there's also a murder which involved the son of a CEO from a famous worldwide company. The news said that the victims is an university student that protecting his female friend from her mad ex-boyfriend.]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: Are those whose died are the two of you? Rimuru, Misogi?]

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