Unduh Aplikasi

Chapter 12: Friendship and U.A. Letters

Uraraka yawns before stretching in her bed. The letters for U.A will be coming out in a week. She couldn't help but be nervous. She pulls off the mittens that kept her from floating away while she slept. Ochako heads into the living room. Ochako glances over at the couch, seeing it was empty. The blankets and pillow she gave to Izuku were folded and placed neatly on the sofa. 'He didn't stay long,' She thought to herself before checking the fridge and sighing. 'I need to shop for food,' She whines in her head, already trying to figure out the cheapest store to get breakfast from. The front door opens, knocking from her thoughts. The 6-foot greenie she met/punched months ago and let him stay in her apartment for the foreseeable future, walks in with bags of food, and a duffle bag.

"Good morning, Uraraka" Izuku smiles brightly while placing the bags down. "I hope you don't mind; I saw your fridge was empty and since you are letting me crash here. I thought I would pick up some food." Izuku places his duffle bag out of the way near the couch. "Plus had to grab some stuff from my mom's place." 

"Ah, no problem… You didn't have to go shopping for food," Ochako feels terrible that Izuku was spending his money. 

"Oh, don't start," Izuku chuckles and starts organizing the fridge. "You're letting me freeload enough. Let me at least cook or something. Seriously thank you for letting me stay. My mom and I got into a fight before the exams," Izuku sighing tiredly. "Also, cute look." Izuku teases lightly to distract from what he said. 

Uraraka looks down, seeing her thirteen thank top and Mirko short shorts, that had a tail on the butt. "I-I AM GOING TO GO GET DRESSED!" She rushes away, forgetting about everything else. Izuku just smirks, watching her run down the hall. He shakes his head and starts cooking. 

When Uraraka comes back, after calming down. She was dressed in sweatpants and a regular t-shirt. She found steamed rice, miso soup, and grilled fish waiting for her. She looks up, seeing Izuku already working on his dishes. "T-thanks" She sits down. 

"Thanks for letting me crash on your couch." Izuku smiles while he cooked, looking at ease. Uraraka starts with rice and fish. 

'holy crap! He can cook,' Her mouth fills with flavor. Once she starts, she doesn't stop until her dishes were empty. Izuku smiles across from her before pointing his chopsticks behind him. "There's more if you're still hungry." 

"How are you such a good cook? It's like unfair!" she pouts, pushing out her cheeks some. 

"My mother works at night as a nurse. So, she's usually too tired to cook when she gets home. I started cooking when I was 8, but I've been trying out new recipes lately." Izuku explains and watches as Uraraka goes to get more food. She just nods and sits back down. "How are your parents, by the way? Those delinquents come back?" Izuku knew that answer but wants to make sure no one else came looking. 

"Oh, they actually finished the building" She smiles more. "The delinquents just moved on, I guess. My dad looked relieved when they finished. They still lost some money since they missed the deadline, but they got it done" Uraraka bit her fish while glaring some. 

"easy the fish isn't the delinquents," Izuku jokes softly. "At least they are gone" Izuku grabs his plates and starts cleaning up. 

"They still deserve to get caught," Uraraka huffs. "They threatened my dad and destroyed equipment." 

"Trust me, they will get what's coming, or it already got them," Izuku shrugs. "Villains don't last long." He finishes cleaning the plates and everything he used before stretching. "So, any plans today?" 

"Nope, I was going to relax and watch tv or something. You?" Uraraka looks at was Izuku was wearing. He seems ready for a workout. 

"Daily workout, but that's all for now." Izuku rubs his head. 'daily quests are a pain, but I still haven't gotten a new dungeon key yet.' Izuku thought to himself. "I'll be back in an hour, my number is on the counter if you need me to grab anything" Izuku opens the front door after putting on his running shoes. 

"Have fun," Uraraka watches him leave before falling on the couch. 'what am I doing?' She questions no one. 

Halfway through his run, Izuku's phone rings. 'probably mom.' Izuku thought but answers it anyway. "Hello?" 

"Hey Izuku," Mitsuki's voice comes from the other side, and Izuku almost faceplants into a wall. 

"Hey, Aunty…" Izuku stops and pulls his phone out to make sure he wasn't going insane. "it's been a while." 

"Yeah, whose fault is that brat?" Mitsuki snarks just like Katsuki would. 

"haha, yeah, guess that is my fault. What's up?" Izuku stretches some while standing near a trashed beach. 

"Inko has been calling me wondering where you have been since you're not answering your phone." Mitsuki sounds like she has been through this a million times. 

"Ah, not surprising. I muted her number," Izuku wouldn't lie to Mitsuki, there was no reason too. 

"Not surprising, I kinda wanted to do it," Mitsuki sighs, "So where are you? At least that would put her to rest if she knew you were safe." 

"Staying at a friend's, decided to get away from the apartment since she tried to stop me from taking the exam. By the way, it was easy." Izuku bounces softly, getting ready to resume his run. He hears Mitsuki laugh. 

"Even my brat said it was easy, so I'm not surprised. So think you passed?" She asks as if praying he did. 

"Of course, I'm not a weak little boy Aunty" Izuku starts jogging again. "I mean, I've been training ever since I got out of the hospital." 

"That's amazing news, now you can keep my brat in check," She laughs. "I DON'T NEED HIS HELP YOU HAG!!!" Katsuki's voice comes from the background. 

"I'll give it my best, Aunty, but you did raise a demon," Izuku smirks as he hears screeching on the other side from Katsuki and laughter from Mitsuki. 

"So, how long are you staying away?" She comes back with a more serious tone. 

"until she apologizes for drugging my tea and realizes that I'm not a quirkless little boy anymore." Izuku could hear the household on the other side of the phone call go quiet. 

"YOU DID WHAT!?" Mitsuki screams, and Izuku had to pull his earphones out. 'Guess she was paying them a visit… maybe Aunty could talk some sense into her.' Izuku groans, putting the headphones back in. "I will call you later, Izuku. Stay safe!" The phone call ends, and his music comes back on.

'well, that went well.' Izuku thought sarcastically. 'a week till results come out…' Izuku breaths out and starting to pick up his pace. 

A week later~ 

Izuku stopped by his house when his mother was out, he opens the door finding the envelope on the table where he used to sit. He grabs it and tucks it into his jacket before leaving the apartment again. 'at least she didn't destroy it. That's progress…' 

He makes his way back to Ochako's place. The past week was fun, his first friend in years. She would go on runs with him, even if it was hard for her to keep up sometimes, she wouldn't complain. They also went around Musutafu, Izuku, as her guide showing her places, even people that lived nearby didn't know. All that running and planning around Katsuki was useful for something. He knew Musutafu like the back of his hand. As the week went on, they got closer. 

"Ochako, you ready to open them?" Izuku kicks his shoes off before placing them neatly by the door. 

"Yep! Do you want to go first?" She was bouncing with excitement.

"Ladies first," Izuku plops himself down next to Ochako, she rips her envelope open, and a disk falls out. 

"THIS IS A PROJECTION!!!!" All Might's loud voice comes from the device making the two teens jump in the air some. 'fu-!' Izuku bit his cheek, not to scream. 

"All MIGHT?" Ochako stares in disbelieve while Izuku rolls his eyes and leans back. 

"HAHA, I've come to teach at U.A! Ochako Uraraka, your studying paid off! You passed the written exam, and for the practical, you scored an impressive 28 points! But that is not the end of the story! During the exam, you risked your safety to help others get away from the Zero Pointer. Then, risking your own spot by trying to give your points to Midoriya Izuku," All Might was grinning while Ochako was blushing madly. Izuku just looks at her like she was crazy. "Of course, this exam wasn't just graded on Villain points! We were watching for Heroic actions, and you showed them! Congratulations, Uraraka. You earned an additional 45 points! COME NOW, URARAKA! THIS WILL BE YOUR HERO ACADEMY!" The message shut off, and Izuku was still staring at Ochako. She was looking away, still blushing. Izuku reaches over and pinches her cheek. 

"Why would you risk your place like that?" Izuku asks seriously before letting her cheek go. 

"Because you deserved points for risking your life…" She pouts while rubbing her cheek. "It's your turn!" She tries to distract him but fails as he just shakes his head. 

"Thank you," Izuku opens the package before placing the disk down. It springs to life show All Might again. 

"HAHA, I've come to teach at U.A!" Neither teen jump this time as they were expecting it. Izuku just wishes there was a skip button. "Midoriya! You certainly smashed the exam out of the park! You placed second overall! That includes recommendation students!" Izuku's jaw almost drops. 'holy crap.' All Might continues. "For the practical, you kept a cool head and destroyed those fake villains without a single issue! You earned 54 villain points, but that is not all! Rescue points were also a factor in the exam! Instead of going for just villain points, you took your time to help your fellow examinees keep themselves from injury! Not a single person was injured in your test sight! Then, of course, your big finale, The Zero Pointer, has not been defeated since my time at U.A even if people were close. Still, you did it while making sure Miss Uraraka was safe! Look here, young man!" The screen shows Uraraka standing in front of Present Mic. Uraraka jumps up and tries to cover the screen as she decided to give away her points. Izuku just laughs at her attempt. "Congratulations, young Midoriya! You eared 70 rescue points overall! With 124 total points, you took first place in the exam and broke my old record of 115!" All Might laughs while standing proud. "WELCOME IZUKU MIDORIYA! THIS WILL BE YOUR HERO ACADEMY!" The projection ended, and Izuku's mouth was open now. 

"Hahahaha, I broke All Mights record!" Izuku laughs and covers his eyes. Ochako was sitting again after hearing his points. 

"YOU BROKE ALL MIGHTS RECORD!!" She cheers and turns to him. "Holy crap, you're strong." 

Izuku's cheeks flush some from the complement. "thanks, but still, I'm mad at you for trying to give up your points like that." Izuku tries to look disappointed, but the grin couldn't be wiped off his face. 'take that 'Number One Hero" Izuku leans back and sighs. "Step one done," 

"So many to come," Ochako smiles. 

"Wanna get some Mochi?" Izuku turns and saw the same stars in her eyes whenever he asked. 


They both grab their jackets before heading out. 

Katsuki's house

"THAT SON OF A BITCH!" Katsuki throws his disk against the wall. "RESCUE POINTS!?" Katsuki growls, but under it, he was grinning. 'he's fucking strong, but I'll prove I'm stronger!' 

"SHUT UP BRAT!" His mom's voice travels through the door. 

"SHUT IT, HAG!" He yells back. 

Moving day, 

Izuku and Ochako walk through the gates of U.A with their bags and suitcases packed. It was move-in day for U.A., "You remembered which way it was?" Ochako asks nervously. 

"Hmm yep," Izuku starts to walk as they saw different freshmen walking towards dorms specified by course. The giant 1-A on the face of the building. Izuku lets Ochako go first as she was much more of a people person than he was. They walk in seeing different parents helping their kids move in or just embarrassing them. 'Thank god my mom isn't...' 

"IZUKU!" Izuku jumps and turns to the voice seeing blond hair and red eyes. 

"Aunty… don't yell like that" Izuku hides his face, as Ochako ever the loyal friend laughs.

"Oh, is this the "Friend" you've been staying with?" Mitsuki smirks with a mischievous grin. Some of the girls perk up with interest as two boys look jealous. 

"Can we just not please?" Izuku asks in a tight tone. 

"Don't be like that Izuku, it was a fun couple of weeks," Ochako teases as well. Izuku glares at her with faux heat. 'I wish I never meet you.' 

She glares back with a grin. "Hi, I'm Ochako Uraraka, and yes, I've been letting him crash on my couch, but he's been tight-lipped about what happened." 

Mitsuki's eyes light up once Ochako started teasing as well. "Oh, trust me, sweetie, you don't want to jump into that pot of family drama unless you are planning on being family." 

"If he keeps cooking the way he has been, I might" Ochako and Mituski kept going. Izuku just sighs loudly. 

"I'm checking in, then going to kill myself. Nice knowing all of you", Izuku threw his hood over his head before walking over to the list seeing his name on an envelope and dorm number. He grabs it and leaves the common area quickly going up the stairs to the boys' side. 

Once he was on the second level, he found his room and unlocks the door. It was practically empty besides a bed, air conditioning, a private bathroom, and desks. Izuku places his bag on the desk and walks towards the bookshelves. He opens his inventory before pulling out 20 different notebooks filled with his analysis. 'so useful.' He closes the inventory screen before sitting down. He spins around some. "it's bigger than my room at home. I wonder if the gyms open." 

"It is, nerd" Katsuki stands at the door with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"What floor are you on because if it's this one, I'm dropping out." Izuku jokes. 

"Yeah, wouldn't that be great, and no. I'm on the fourth floor. Also, the hag and your girlfriend are still talking." Katsuki saw the defeat in Izuku's eyes and grins. "Serves you right." 

"Eat me, Katsuki." Izuku sighs before grabbing his laptop out of his bag, placing it on the desk. 

"It's weird to see your room without All Might plastered everywhere." Izuku stops unpacking for a second, but Katsuki catches the pause. 

"I grew up. Nothing more, nothing less." Izuku lies while putting his clothes away. 

"Bullshit, but whatever," Katsuki grunts. "You cooking tonight?" 

"You paying?" Izuku raises an eyebrow. 

"Already did jackass, it's called tuition. They restock the food for us every couple of days. We just have to cook and no office, by the looks down there. I don't trust half of them to cook besides maybe the big lips dude." Katsuki moves away from the door. 

"Fine, but don't go dousing my food in your mothers' hot sauce. I'll make sure it's hot enough for your tastes." Izuku finishes unpacking since he honestly didn't have much. 

"Fine." Katsuki walks off. Izuku made his bed before pulling out a comforter made of soft red fur. Once he was done, he locks his door and makes his way downstairs to check out the kitchen. 

He gets downstairs, seeing it was void of Mitsuki and Ochako. 'thank god.' 

"HEY! You're the one that came in with that hot girl!" A purple child runs over to him, a blond with a lightning bolt through his bangs follows. 

"Who lost their child?" Izuku asks while looking around. Katsuki snorts from the kitchen. 

"I'm not a child. I'm a man!" The small 'man' states. 

"Sure, so what do you want?" Izuku looks down. 'I could crush him with my foot if I wanted to.' 

"Who the hottie you walked in with?" The blond asks this time. 

"A girl that could kick both your asses into the sun." Izuku still hasn't forgotten getting punched by her. "Also, she's just a friend, now excuse me…" Izuku waits for their names. 

"Denki Kaminari," The blond smile with a million-volt smile. 

"Minoru Mineta," The short one states. 

"Cool, anyway. I came down here to check out the kitchen, so excuse me" Izuku quickly left the group noticing a purple hair girl with jacks glaring at the two idiots. He'd rather not get involved with whatever that was. 

Once he enters the kitchen, he caught Katsuki snooping through the cabinets to memorize everything. He follows suit. "Wow, it's like a restaurant kitchen in here," Izuku mumbles softly, seeing the pair of stoves, ovens, and sinks. Everything had been doubled, even the refrigerators. 

"Well, it better because there's twenty of us." A large man with a mask walks into the kitchen. He had multiple arms, each the size of Izuku's head, and he was at least 8 feet tall. 

"Yeah, that makes sense. I'm Izuku Midoriya" Izuku sticks out his hand as he introduces himself. 

"Mezo Shoji. Nice to meet you" Shoji shakes Izuku's hand, each squeezing tightly before letting go. 'he's strong,' Izuku thought before going back to looking around. 

"Twenty young adults in one dorm. That should be fun." Izuku states with heavy sarcasm in his tone.

"Of course, it's fun. It's college", Ochako jumps on his back, grinning. 

"It's also hero work and no roughhousing in the kitchen!" 

"I swear if I turn around and it's a blue-haired robot, I'm kicking him," Izuku states under his breath. 

"Then, don't turn around." Ochako giggles before getting off Izuku. "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Ochako Uraraka." Uraraka turns the robot's attention to her. 

"Pleasure to meet you as well. I am Tenya Iida." Izuku finally turns around, facing the robot boy. 'Ingenium's brother? Seriously!?' The robot was a younger copy of his brother beside the glasses and quirk. "Oh, Midoriya. You perceived the true nature of that practical exam, while I did not! I misjudged you." Izuku just watches Iida's hands move. 'robot.' 

"Uh, I didn't perceive anything. I just wanted to kill the Zero Pointer," The commotion in the kitchen and Common room comes to a stop. "I was bored with beating the smaller ones. Saving Ochako was just coincidental, even if she wasn't there I would have gone after it." Izuku admits. 

"What's a zero pointer?" A refined girl asks someone close to her. 

"How did you miss it? The thing was huge!" A girl with pink hair squealed. 

"Oh, I…" She gets cut off by a boy with two-toned hair.

"She was a recommended student. So, we didn't have to take the regular exam," The boy answers for her from the corner of the room. 'what a cold voice' Izuku thought. 

"Well, the Zero Pointer was this massive robot that was supposed to be impossible to beat," Mineta yells. "How did you beat it?" 

"I used an aspect of my quirk," Izuku deadpans. "Anyways, I didn't perceive anything. I did what anyone should have done. We are at U.A to be heroes. If you cannot figure out that being a hero requires saving people's lives, Then what the hell are you doing here?" The dorm was silenced by those words. 

"Okay, that was manly!" A redhead as tall as Izuku jumps up like a puppy, his shark-tooth grin pulls everyone out of the silence. Some people talk to themselves at the redhead comes over to Izuku. "I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" The redhead grabs Izuku's hand and shakes it. 

"Izuku Midoriya," Izuku was slightly confused about the 'manly' part but didn't show it. "Nice to meet you, Kirishima." 

"So, you really took down that monster of a robot?" Kirishima was grinning more. 

"Yep," Ochako slams against Izuku's side, but he stood firm. 

"That's so cool!" The pink-haired girl slams into Kirishima just like Ochako did to him. "Mina Ashido at your service!" Ashido giggles. 

"Ashido! Don't do that!" Kirishima was fully hardened. Izuku eyes his skin, seeing it go from a rock to skin. 

"Fine!" Ashido smiles more, Izuku stares at the both. His mind trying to figure out their quirks. 'his quirk is a transformation type, but it's hardening his skin. Does that mean he can harden everywhere? The girl has a unique look, but with her energy, it fits.' 

"Sorry about him, he gets this way" Ochako taps Izuku on his arm, knocking him out of his muttering. "Just give him a tap, and he stops." She smirks. 

"I'm not cooking for you anymore." Izuku walks away. 

"WAIT! I'M SORRY!" Ochako runs after him. 


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