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90.76% A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI) / Chapter 59: Chapter 59- Tsunade learns the truth

Bab 59: Chapter 59- Tsunade learns the truth

Tsunade POV

Seated on her veranda, she observed the children frolicking within the once desolate Senju clan compound. The kids weren't Senju but it was still warmed her heart to see them play around in home compound. A place that hopefully won't fall to decary and neglect now that it actually had people to take care of it.

She held her own womb and remembered the lecture her retired Sensei recently gave her. About her taking a lover or just some seed from an accomplished shinobi and using that to restart the Senju clan. And the harsh refusal she'd given the old man.

She sighed, grappling with a twinge of guilt over her abrupt rejection of his well-intentioned proposal. And while she was initially convinced she didn't desire children, the sight of so many children in the compound left her with an empty feeling in her heart. And a strange need to fill that emptiness.

For now, she filled that emptiness with bottles upon bottles of sake, but she wondered how long that would last.

There were still only about Thirty Uzumaki in the village. But the adults among them were working hard to replenish their numbers. With Mito doing her best on the side to teach Fuinjutsu to everyone, making sure that their legacy remains intact.

Thoughts of Mito reignited the suspicions swirling within her mind once more. Initially, she hadn't paid much heed to the young woman, but gradually, she began noticing striking resemblances between Mito and her own grandmother.

The identical "Datteba" catchphrase, the familiar timbre and cadence of her voice, the comforting gestures—like resting her head on her lap and massaging her temples—and the remarkable proficiency in Fuinjutsu.

At first, she had thought that these things were nothing but coincidence. Then, she assumed that Kiri had managed to clone her grandmother, hence the similarities.

But… there was only so much she could lie to herself.

Yes, she considered Mito a dear friend by this point. But it was a friendship that was build on a foundation of lie. And she wasn't sure what to do at this point.

The urge to confront Mito tugged at her, but she hesitated, fearful of losing this newfound companionship. Mito had become her confidante, her ally in managing the clan compound, her sympathetic ear after exhausting shifts at the hospital, the one who patiently endured her ramblings about trivial matters. The friend who was there for her whenever she needed her.

Over the past half a year, she had come to rely on Mito for almost everything. And now… she wondered how she would function once again once Mito left.

Because if her suspicions were correct (and she was pretty sure they were), then there was no way she would let Mito stay in her home for a second longer.

The sound of footsteps drew her attention, and she pivoted to find Shizune emerging from the storage room, holding a photograph while looking rather pale.

"Did you find it?" She asked and Shizune gulped before giving a small nod.

"I did, Sensei. I…"

"Show it to me." She said, already knowing what would be in the photo and dreading. But she needed the confirmation.


"Show it to me. I'll not repeat myself Shizune." She said, her mood darkening already. She needed a drink. A strong one.

Shizune hesitated for a long moment before she finally handed the picture over to her. And a cold feeling settled in the pit of her stomach as she looked at it.


She shut her eyes tightly and released a weighted sigh, tears welling up before the photo even came into view. As the image revealed her grandparents Hashirama and Mito in their wedding attire, with Mito appearing unchanged from then to now, she felt her heart sink.

"Shizune, find Mito. Bring her to me," she instructed, her voice firm, leaving no room for debate. Shizune nodded.


Ren Uchiha POV

He opened the front door of his house and came face to face with a thoroughly drenched Mito standing in the rain, her expression devoid of any emotion even though her emotions spoke of great pain and hurt.

"Can I—" she began, but he cut her off.

"Come inside." He said, opening the door wide for her, already suspecting what had happened.

Mito nodded meekly, nothing at all like her usual confident self as she walked inside his home. He used his control over water to remove all the excess from her clothes and hair, effectively drying her in an instant.

After shutting the door, he guided her to the sofa closest to the fireplace, then took out a hot chocolate coffee from his Inventory for her.

Once Mito had finally settled down, he sat beside her and asked. "Did she find out at last?"

Mito nodded meekly, her countenance on the verge of crumbling at any given moment. A bitter chuckle escaped her lips. "I think she caught on a while back. Or at least had her suspicions. But yeah, she finally confronted me about it."

"Well… I told you so." He said, feeling foolish for saying that but knowing that it might be necessary.

As anticipated, Mito's emotions shifted from profound pain and hurt to intense annoyance and irritation, though the underlying ache remained palpable.

Mito fixed her gaze on him. "You're a terrible friend."

"Hey, I resent that accusation. We're not friends. I don't do friendships with women. It's either lovers or acquaintances. Nothing more, nothing less."

"So I'm just an acquaintance to you?" she questioned, bitterness creeping into her tone. Her emotions were truly on a roller coaster ride.

"Nah. You're obviously my future lover," he replied casually.

Mito's expression finally crumbled and she let out a reluctant chuckle. "You already have three wives. Why would you... nevermind, why am I even bothering to argue with you? You're terrible at comforting someone. Why did I even think turning to you was a good idea?"

"Maybe because you wanted to fuck your pain away. Not a smart way of going about things. But I've never blamed a woman for being a rational thinker before." He said, earning a mild glare from Mito.

"You really are a terrible friend."

"Hey! Don't friend zone me, you crusty old hag!"

"Who're you calling old, you snotty little brat!"

"You, obviously!" he retorted, before pulling out a bottle of sake from his stash and slamming it onto the table. "Here. Drink up!"

Mito hesitated briefly before grabbing the bottle and starting to gulp it down, her cheeks flushing instantly as her emotions began to numb.

"Hmm... he could certainly understand why people in deep emotional distress turn to alcohol if it dulls their feelings like this.

Mito emptied the drink and slammed the empty bottle back on the table. "I take it back. You're not such a bad friend after all."

His eyebrow twitched. "Bitch. Who the fuck do you think you're friend-zoning. Call me that again and I'm choke-slam you on the ground."

"Piss off brat. I'll call you whatever I want."

"Who're you calling a brat, you old bint." He retorted, and the two of them locked eyes before bursting into chuckles.

After a while, their laughter subsided, and sensing Mito's emotions veering back toward sadness, he gently took her hand in his and asked, "Care to share the story?"

Mito remained silent for a moment before nodding. "If you're sure you want to hear it."

"I do," he affirmed, and Mito began recounting the confrontation with Tsunade. There were tears, curses, blame, and ultimately, as he had thought, Tsunade kicked her out of the Senju compound, telling her to never come back.

"Man. It sure sucks to be you." He said and Mito looked highly offended for a moment, her emotions rising up in anger before it all came crashing down like a popped balloon and she shrugged.

"You really have no idea how to console someone in pain. I have no idea how your wives put up with you."

"I'm great at fucking, which probably helps." He said. "So… wanna fuck?"

Mito turned to stare at him once again. "Is that really how you seduced your other women? By directly asking them if they want to fuck?"

"Nah. The women all tried to kill me. So after I beat them up, I gave them the option to marry me, or else. And would you look at that, none of them wanted to die. Well… except for Pakura. I had to be a bit more careful when handling her."

Mito sighed. "You're a strange man."

He shrugged and offered up his arms. "Want a hug?"

Mito eyed him suspiciously for a moment before releasing another heavy sigh and nodding. She leaned into his chest, and he enveloped her in his arms.

He felt the dampness of her tears soaking into his shirt as she wept silently. Rubbing her back, he offered comforting murmurs as she sought solace in his arms.

Finally, once her emotions had been spent, Mito wiped her eyes and looked up at him, an annoyed expression on her face even though her emotions told him that she was feeling rather fond and… appreciative of him right now.

"Ren. Your hands are resting on her posterior." She pointed out, maintaining that annoyed look.

"That's not a posterior. That's an ass. And my hands are doing more than just resting there."

"…you're really terrible at consoling a heartbroken woman."

"Probably. But I excel at seizing the opportunity with a woman in need," he quipped, earning an eye roll from Mito. "So… wanna fuck?"

Mito regarded him for a moment before sighing. "You know what? Screw it."

Then her lips crashed into his own and he did a mental fist pump as he kissed her back, using his high level kissing skill to dominate the kiss before he picked her up and dragged her to the nearest unoccupied bedroom.

He hadn't really expected this to work. And he still felt a bit guilty about taking advantage of Mito's emotional state. But, he would deal with that guilt later. For now, he had a beautiful and sexy Tier 7 Gilf to satisfy.

And by satisfy, he meant taking her to the pound town until she's addicted to having sex with him and has no choice but to return for more.

Truly, he was a paragon of virtue and a great 'friend' of all women.


Mito POV

She awoke the next morning, naked and feeling soreness coursing through her body, particularly in her pussy, as Ren slept behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist.

She sighed… not sure how to feel about this.

The sex had been magical, surpassing any experience she'd had with Hashirama. And for those few hours, she forgot all about the pain and hurt of her banishment from the Senju Compound.

But now, facing the aftermath, she found herself uncertain about how to process it all.

On one hand, this entire thing felt like a huge mistake and she got the feeling that she should've never come to Ren after being kicked out by her granddaughter. But on the other hand, she remembered of marriage offer than Ren had given her. An offer that had occupied her thoughts extensively over the past year.

Should she just… go ahead and marry Ren.

What did she have to lose?

Her clan was settled in a safe and peaceful environment. The war has ended. She has gotten her revenge and paid that deity the full price for her immortality.

Perhaps... just perhaps, it was time to turn the page and embark on a new chapter in life.

At that precise moment, the door creaked open, prompting her to sit up in bed, anticipating another confrontation with the wrathful Tsunade. However, to her surprise, it was Ringo who entered, her belly swollen with pregnancy at seven months, bearing two steaming beverages on a tray.

"I see you're awake," Ringo remarked, placing the tray on a nearby table and offering her a cup of coffee, keeping the other for herself.

She glanced at Ren, half-expecting him to stir, but he remained peacefully asleep.

"Don't bother with him." Ringo said with a soft chuckle. "He sleeps for six hours exactly, whenever he's asleep. And you guys were at it for pretty late last night. In fact, I'm rather surprised that you're up already. I expected you to sleep for much longer. We all do, after the first time with Ren."

"I... understand," she replied, somewhat at a loss for words. She took a sip of her coffee, using the moment to collect her thoughts before directing her gaze at Ringo and her swollen belly. "Aren't you... concerned that your husband slept with someone else? Especially someone he's not married to?"

"No, not at all," Ringo responded confidently. "It might surprise you, but my husband only ever shows interest in S-class Kunoichis. Women he genuinely considers marrying and bringing into the family."

"Really?" she inquired, surprised by this revelation. She had previously assumed Ren to be somewhat of a womanizer. However, in hindsight, it made sense. Ren had never exhibited any interest in the women of her clan, even when some of them had expressed interest in him fathering their children.

"Yes," Ringo chuckled. "Do you have any idea how many women proposition him every week? If he accepted them all, he'd have bedded half of Konoha by now." Ringo paused, considering. "Well, maybe not half, but it's a pretty substantial number."

"I see," she murmured. "You're handling this quite calmly. Aren't you concerned about sharing your husband with other women? Doesn't it make you jealous?"

"Not really," Ringo replied with a shrug. "I've endured a tough life before Ren found me. Everything since then has been an improvement. Sure, I'll have to share him with a few other women, but the number is limited given the scarcity of S-class Kunoichi in the Elemental Nations. Besides, the more women he has, the more siblings my children will have in the future. They'll also have strong aunts to protect them. Yes, there are some downsides, but the benefits of being with Ren far outweigh them."

"You're... unexpectedly level-headed," she remarked, surprised by Ringo's rationality, considering her previous reputation as a bloodthirsty brute.

"Heh, maybe." Ringo chuckled, her gaze softening as she looked at Ren with genuine affection. "But... this life is good."

"I understand," she replied, feeling somewhat uneasy after witnessing the depth of Ringo's love for Ren. "Are you truly sure you're okay with all of this?" she inquired once more.

Ringo nodded firmly. "Yes, I am." Then, without warning, she enveloped her in a warm hug, catching her off guard. After a brief hesitation, she surrendered to the embrace, finding comfort in the gesture. It felt... pleasant.

"Welcome to the family," Ringo declared, leaving her momentarily stunned as Ringo released her and rose from the bed.

"A Shadow Clone will fetch you some fresh clothes and guide you to the bathroom. Breakfast will be served in an hour," Ringo informed her. "If you need anything, just call out, and I'll be there."

With those words, Ringo exited the room, leaving her utterly speechless at the warm reception she had been given.

And thanks to her access to Kagura's mind's eye and her ability to read other people's emotions, she could discern that Ringo's sentiments were entirely genuine.

Maybe… marrying Ren wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.

She closed her eyes and imagined herself living in a big house, with a bustling family, surrounded by lots of children.

Yes, she can live with this.


Ren Uchiha POV

Six hours.

That's how it took him to fly over to the moon.

The speed at which he had been able to fly in space was phenomenal. But the only reason he was able to reach moon so swiftly was because there as no air resistance in space to slow him down and he was able to continuously accelerate his flight speed until he was finally reached his destination.

His Vitality was high enough at this point that the vacuum of space and the harmful solar radiation from the sun posed no threat to him.

Similarly, his Vitality granted him the ability to endure without breath for over three days. Even after that, the only consequence would be a gradual loss of one or two Health Points every few seconds, a negligible decrease given his high Health Regeneration.

However, to claim he was capable of space flight would be inaccurate. Space is incomprehensibly vast. Even the closest planet to Earth in this solar system, a rough approximation of Mars, is about 600 times farther away from Earth than the Earth is from the Moon.

So, no, he wasn't truly capable of traversing through space like the Otsutsuki tend to do effortlessly. But for his purposes, his abilities sufficed.

He touched down on the lunar surface, his presence cloaked by the newly acquired Information Defense, which had cost him 15 points, leaving him with a total of 51.

In his estimation, it was a worthwhile investment, as he was now virtually immune to most forms of surveillance in the Naruto world.

Byakugan couldn't detect him. Mito's mind's eye couldn't sense his presence. Kurama's Negative Emotion sensing ability was ineffective against him. Sage Mode couldn't discern the Nature Chakra within him. Even Hagoromo couldn't spy on him from his spiritual realm.

However, crucially for his current mission, neither Toneri (who should be a child at this point), nor his father should be capable of sensing him.

Pausing for a moment, he realized with surprise that there was actually breathable air on the moon's surface. This revelation left him pondering whether the atmosphere was naturally occurring or sustained by the Tenseigan Energy Vessel.

There was only one way to confirm.

Sensing the sole source of chakra on the Moon was a simple task. Once he had located it, he employed the Earth Tunnelling Jutsu and began digging deep into the lunar surface.

As he neared the center of the Moon, he breached the surface and emerged into what appeared to be a vast country. The landscape was teeming with forests, mountains, oceans, and a rich variety of animal and plant species thriving within this ecosystem.

All illuminated by the distant sun, which wasn't actually the sun but rather the Tenseigan Divine vessel crafted by Homura. This vessel derived its power from Homura's Tenseigan eye, as well as the Byakugan eyes of his descendants over the past thousand years.


This was… freaking amazing.

The idea that those eyes possessed enough power to breathe life into a space as vast as a large kingdom in the Elemental Nations was staggering. The fact that it has maintained that life over the course of a thousand years was equally remarkable.

Moreover, he knew that the Divine Vessel had been accumulating energy throughout this entire duration. Energy that Homura had hoped would one day benefit the people of Earth. Yet, it was energy that Toneri had utilised to nearly eradicate all life on the planet.

He pondered whether his Rinnegan would be capable of achieving such a feat.

At present, he possessed over a thousand pairs of Mangekyo Sharingan eyes, over four thousand pairs of Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan eyes, and over eleven thousand pairs of Rinnegan eyes.

If just one Tenseigan, alongside a collection of ordinary Byakugan, could accomplish all of this, what potential lay within his inventory brimming with eyes?

He resolved to contemplate this later. For now, he swiftly soared towards the two life forms he detected in the distance using his Sage Mode.

Arriving at that location, he found an older, blind guy, teaching a young, blind Toneri on how to catch fish in a nearby lake.

Watching this scene, he felt greatly saddened that their once proud clan has been reduced to this.

And after Toneri's father dies, he would become the only remaining person in this entire world. Living a life like this for years… no wonder Toneri went crazy and came up with that idiot idea to destroy all life on Earth because humans fought with each other too much.

He considered what to do with these two for a moment, before he came up with a decision.

Faster than the father and son duo to react, he arrived behind them and chopped them on the back of their necks, knocking them out.

Next, he employed a Time Stasis Seal to preserve their bodies. When he returns to Earth, he would release them and use Kotoamatsukami to instill loyalty to him, granting them a new existence as his servants.

Though it was not the life they had envisioned, it was certainly preferable to the bleak future that awaited Toneri.

Having completed that task, he dispatched hundreds of Shadow Clones to scour the expansive interior of the moon for anything of value. With this completed, he turned his attention towards the Tenseigan Energy Vessel—the primary purpose of his journey to the moon.

It was time to uncover how Homura had initiated all of this with just a single pair of Tenseigan eyes.


AN: Ren: 1, Hashirama: 0

The Waifu Catalog's method of mind control makes it so that the Waifus work together to get more waifus for the contractor. And that's exactly what Ringo did in this chapter with Mito. Welcoming her into the family so that Ren might Capture her in the future.

MC also bought Information Defence. It'll not protect him against the precogs and postcogs in Worm world. But it'll protect him against Thinkers like Tattletale. Or Amrsmaster's Lie detecting Tinkertech software.

At this point, MC is about to complete the final quest. And he's taking care of all the side quests before his final fight with Kaguya.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.

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