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Chapter 99

"Oh, negotiating now, are we?" Tsunade couldn't help but ask in amusement. She already had a vague idea about what the elder would ask for, but she feigned ignorance, wanting to know the old man's play.


"Fine then, as a benevolent Hokage, let me listen to what your request is." Tsunade gestured for the Hyuga Grand Elder to go ahead and make his request.


"Tsunade sama, if possible, I would request that, for the sake of Hyuga's safety in the future, you assign the bijuu to the Hyuga clan so that the other clans will not get any weird ideas regarding the weakened Hyuga." The old man maintained a sincere face while he made a request, but internally, he had already started making a much more sinister plan.


He was already planning to place a mental suggestion on all the branch family members who he was sure would be spared during this cleansing. In the future, they would grow up and take revenge for the Hyuga clan. If possible, if Neji could become the Jinchuriki, then that would be an additional trump card on their side, as he was planning to make necessary changes to the curse seal. This was a secret that only he knew, so even if he was not alive in the future, maybe a decade or two later, the Hyuga would have their due and climb back up to their rightful place.


Tsunade was surprised that the Grand Elder would easily agree to her pruning of the Hyuga clan. She had very much expected the ambitious man to retaliate and play some sort of trick or make an excuse, wanting more time to decide. But he had directly agreed, so this kind of confused her.


She had kept this meeting on the Hokage mountain, expecting it would come to a clash with the Grand Elder, but things were not going in the direction that she had expected because the prize that she had asked for was too much for the Hyuga to bear.


"Fine, I will look into what I can do, but remember, Elder Hyuga, you only have a week to complete this. Delay it, and the only fate left for the Hyuga would be annihilation. You can leave now. Hiashi, follow me."


With that, Tsunade turned on her heel, leaving the Grand Elder to grapple with the weight of his transgressions. And as she strode away, the grand elder quickly flickered to make the necessary preparations.


A few moments after the Grand Elder left, two ANBU flickered next to Tsunade, both wearing Kitsune masks. However, one of the ANBU was clad in a white cloak reserved for the ANBU commander. It was easy for anyone to discern who the ninja was with his iconic silver hair.


"Have all the preparations been made?" Tsunade questioned the ANBU commander. Although she wanted to give the Hyuga a way out, she wasn't naive enough to just rely on that. What many did not know was that currently, the entire Hyuga compound was already surrounded, and a single wrong move would spell their doom.


"Yes, Hokage Sama, all the preparations are complete. We have also set up a barrier just in case the Hyuga plan to retaliate. We are monitoring all the communications that are going in and out of the Hyuga Compound." Kakashi relayed all the preparations they had made regarding the potential backlash.


Hiashi Hyuga by the side was not knowing how to react. His entire clan's fate depended on how the main branch members were going to act. However, he was sure that the Grand Elder would not disclose this to the other main branch members and might take matters into his own hands.

Tsunade turned to the other little ANBU behind the mask, for she knew who it was, her little prodigy Kazuki.


"What do you think? Do you think the Grand Elder will keep to his words and willingly sacrifice more than half of the main branch members for the sake of Hyuga's survival?" Tsunade questioned her student.


Kazuki had already been enlisted in the ANBU, and his position was a bit special. He was not to be assigned to a single squad, and only the ANBU commander and Tsunade herself would be able to give him orders. Even ANBU squad captains could not order him around, and on the ANBU roster, he was listed under Tsunade's personal guard detail.


"Hokage sama, I believe that the Hyuga Elder is plotting something. It would be prudent for us to check the Curse Seal of the Hyuga members after we eliminate the dissidents amongst the Hyuga clan. The curse mark of the Hyuga is not as simple as it seems." Kazuki maintained a neutral tone, masking his accent so that others would not discover his identity. Konoha ANBU recently had quite a few young operatives joining their ranks, so it was not easy to find out who exactly was behind the mask.


Hiashi was surprised that the Senju Princess would ask the opinion of an ANBU regarding the matter. But it was not his place to question her decision. However, when the ANBU said that the Grand Elder might have ulterior motives, he couldn't help but intervene because this was the fate of his clan.


"Hokage sama, I am sure the Grand Elder will not make any rash decisions, and as for the curse seal, it is only in place so that our Kekkei Genkai would not fall into the wrong hands. It's a safety measure that our clan has lived with for centuries." Hiashi, as the Hyuga clan head, couldn't help but defend their clan's secrets. The curse mark was one of the core secrets of the clan, and even as clan head, he did not fully understand its implications.


Even Tsunade hesitated after listening to Kazuki's suggestion. Trying to pry into another clan's core secret was a taboo, and attempting something like that would create an unnecessary divide within the village.


"Very well, in that case, we will proceed cautiously," Tsunade conceded, her tone reflecting the weight of her decision. "For now, let us focus on the task at hand, and I don't trust that the Grand Elder will honor his commitment, so Hiashi, I want you to get back to your clan and prepare just in case."

With a quick nod and bow, Hiashi flickered away to prepare the Hyuga clan, selecting those he deemed worth saving. Meanwhile, Tsunade turned her attention to Kakashi, issuing orders for an additional perimeter around the Hyuga clan and sending her best ANBU squad to monitor the Daimyo's movements in the Fire Country. Kakashi promptly vanished to carry out his assignments.


Tsunade then turned to Kazuki, her trusted ANBU operative, who was now the sole companion by her side.


"Kazuki, how long until the new barriers can be set up? And have you completed all the preparations for sealing the bijuu?" Tsunade inquired, her voice firm with determination.


"All preparations are complete," Kazuki replied confidently. "Even the identification cards for both civilians and Shinobi are ready. All that remains is for each individual to bind their card to themselves using their blood."


Tsunade's eyes brightened with anticipation as Kazuki handed her a scroll containing the identification cards. With these, she could now secure the village against both internal and external threats. Once the barriers were erected, she could hunt down anyone within the village using false identities. However, she knew the first step was to distribute these identification cards and register each individual according to their civilian or Shinobi status.


"As for the sealing," Kazuki continued, "you have yet to select a candidate from the Senju clan to become the Jinchuriki for the five tails. Once that decision is finalized, I can proceed with sealing all three bijuu simultaneously."


Tsunade nodded in understanding, acknowledging Kazuki's readiness. With all preparations complete, they were poised to safeguard the village and confront any challenges that lay ahead.




Ninja Academy, Konohagakure


In the heart of the Ninja Academy, there lay a classroom where the laws of the Ninja hierarchy were enforced not by sensei, but by a pint-sized powerhouse named Tenten. Her desk, situated strategically at the end of the room, served as her throne. Even the famed Hyuga prodigy was no match for this little demon.


The atmosphere crackled with tension as students jockeyed for position, knowing that to challenge Tenten's authority was to court disaster. Whispers echoed off the walls, tales of Tenten's feats spreading like wildfire among the desks. Some called her the "Big Sister," while others, less charitably, dubbed her the "Classroom Queen."

But amidst the awe and fear, there was one student who approached Tenten with unwavering enthusiasm: Rock Lee, the epitome of youthful exuberance and boundless energy. With his trademark bowl haircut and sparkling eyes, he was like a puppy in a ninja outfit, eager to impress.


Rock Lee's attempts to challenge Tenten's dominance in the classroom often ended in comical failure. He would launch into elaborate taijutsu routines, only to trip over his own feet and crash into a pile of textbooks. Tenten would shake her head in amusement, offering a helping hand and a friendly smile.


Despite their mismatched abilities, Tenten and Rock Lee formed an unlikely duo, with Tenten as the cool, collected mentor and Rock Lee as the enthusiastic sidekick.

Today, the eager young children of the Ninja Academy waited with anticipation for their new sensei. Major changes had recently been implemented at the academy, and they, being in their first year, would be the first batch to fully experience these transformations.

Kazuki's special clone, designed with all his knowledge and expertise, approached the classroom with a sense of purpose. As he neared the door, the enthusiastic murmurs from within the class grew louder, indicating the children's excitement at the prospect of meeting their new mentor.

As Kazuki's clone entered the classroom, the children's chatter abruptly ceased, replaced by a chorus of surprised gasps and excited whispers. Their eyes widened in disbelief as they beheld the figure before them, who bore an uncanny resemblance to the legendary Third Hokage.


The old man's presence seemed to cast a spell over the room, instantly capturing the attention of every wide-eyed child. Some leaned forward in their seats, while others nudged their classmates with wide grins, unable to contain their excitement at the prospect of being taught by someone who resembled a living legend.


Kazuki's clone, disguised as the old man, flashed a warm smile, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he observed the children's reactions. He knew that his resemblance to the revered Third Hokage would work in his favor, allowing him to command their attention and keep them in line with ease.


With a theatrical flourish, the old man cleared his throat and addressed the eager students. "Greetings, young Shinobi-in-training! It is an honor to be here with you today."

The children erupted into cheers and applause, their excitement palpable as they eagerly awaited the start of their lesson. Little did they know, their new mentor in disguise had a few tricks up his sleeve, ready to make learning both educational and backbreaking.

Tenten found herself swept up in the excitement. But as she watched the kind old man on the podium, a chill ran down her spine, and she couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. It was the same feeling she got when her brother Kazuki promised to train her.


With a wary glance at the elderly figure, Tenten couldn't help but wonder if this would be an ordinary day at the academy or if chaos would soon ensue.


As the old man began his lesson with a cheerful smile, Tenten braced herself for whatever wild adventure awaited them. Little did she know, she was about to embark on the craziest lesson of her life, courtesy of her brother's mischievous clone.



Somewhere near Yugakure

Deep within the underground ritual chamber, the air was thick with the haunting cries of innocent infants. The chamber itself was a macabre sight to behold, with its walls adorned with dark symbols and the continuous echo of infant cries. At the center of it all lay a grotesque altar, surrounded by the lifeless bodies of robed priests, their hands stained crimson with the blood of their sacrificial victims.

Standing amidst the chaos was the Toad Sage, Jiraiya, his usually jovial expression now replaced with one of grim determination. He carefully wrapped the surviving infants in protective clothing, his heart heavy with sorrow and anger at the senseless loss of life.

As he worked, an ANBU operative materialized beside him. " Jiraiya Sama, all the cultists within the stronghold have been eliminated, yet there is no trace of Hidan among them."


As Shisui began his report, a diminutive ANBU, concealed behind an otter mask, materialized beside them. "Jiraiya-sama, we might have a possible lead," the ANBU whispered, handing over a small booklet recovered from the body of the chief Jashin priest.


Jiraiya quickly scanned the contents of the booklet, his focus divided between the disturbing revelations within and the task of comforting the crying infant cradled in his arms. Though they had managed to neutralize the cultists, their intervention had come too late for many of the innocent victims; only four infants had been spared from the horrors of the blood pool.


"We must prioritize the safety of these young ones," Jiraiya declared, his voice firm despite the weight of sorrow that hung heavy in the air. "Once they are secure, we will continue our pursuit of Hidan and his vile cult."


With a nod of understanding, the adept ANBU swiftly moved to swaddle the remaining infants, his actions guided by years of experience caring for his own younger brother.

Silent_stiele Silent_stiele

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