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A talk

Thanks TJ Cruz for the first Patreon memembership


In the hushed corridors of the X-Mansion, a palpable tension lingered as Jean Grey and Scott Summers exchanged concerned glances. Their footsteps echoed softly as they made their way to Xavier's office, a sense of gravity weighing down their every movement.

Inside Xavier's sanctum, the two X-Men found Professor Xavier deep in thought, his gaze fixed on a file laid out on his desk. The room was bathed in a soft, contemplative light as the afternoon sun filtered through the windows.

"Jean, Scott," Xavier greeted them, acknowledging their arrival with a nod. "What brings you here?"

Scott cleared his throat, his tone measured yet laden with concern. "Professor, we need to speak with Theon. There are things we need to understand regarding what happened at Striker's base."

Jean's empathic abilities tingled with the resonance of heightened emotions within the room. "Theon's actions... they were extreme, and we need to comprehend why."

Xavier regarded them both with a solemn expression. "I understand your apprehension. I'll call him here."

With a gentle focus, Xavier reached out through their mental connection, summoning Theon to his office. Moments later, Theon arrived, his demeanor composed yet tinged with a hint of somberness.

"Please, have a seat, Theon," Xavier gestured toward an empty chair, his eyes meeting Theon's with a mixture of understanding and concern.

Jean took a breath, her voice calm but earnest. "Theon, what happened at Striker's base... the level of force you displayed was unprecedented. We need to know why."

Scott, his expression a blend of curiosity and caution, continued, "We understand the threat Striker posed, but the extent of the confrontation, the... the casualties, it was extreme."

Theon met their gaze, a flicker of remorse shadowing his features. "I did what I had to, to ensure the safety of those kids. Striker's experiments were beyond cruelty, and I couldn't risk him harming anyone else."

Jean's empathic senses picked up the complexity of emotions swirling within Theon. "But was there no other way? It seemed... excessive."

Theon paused, contemplating his response, a mix of determination and regret in his eyes. "I wish there had been. I didn't want anyone else to suffer because of his actions."

Xavier interjected, his voice calm but firm. "Theon, we understand the gravity of the situation, but such extreme measures could have severe consequences. We need to find ways to prevent such scenarios in the future."

Theon nodded, his gaze fixated on the floor, grappling with the weight of his actions. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect those who need it, but I'll try to find less... drastic means."

The room fell into a pensive silence as the weight of the conversation settled upon them. Theon's resolve to safeguard the vulnerable clashed with the moral complexities of his actions, leaving an unsettling air of uncertainty hanging in the office.

The atmosphere in Xavier's office remained heavy with unspoken tension as Theon sat in contemplative silence, Xavier's probing question hanging in the air like a palpable weight.

Xavier, his gaze fixed on Theon, leaned forward slightly. "Is there something you're not telling us, Theon? About Striker's base, about your past?"

Theon's breath hitched, a moment of indecision lingering before he let out a heavy sigh. The weight of his unspoken history weighed heavily upon him, yet he knew the truth demanded to be heard.

"I've... I've been through something similar before" Theon began hesitantly, his voice tinged with an unsteady resolve. "An orphanage that was a secret HYDRA base."

As the words left his lips, memories of the past flooded his mind, memories of a time fraught with despair and loss. He recounted the harrowing experience, his voice laden with the raw emotions of grief and anger.

"There were other kids like me. Friends. But... they were supposed to be future HYDRA soldiers, then something went wrong, and they all... they all died," Theon's voice quivered slightly, his gaze distant as he recalled the haunting memories. "I saw the HYDRA insignia in Striker's base, and it just... it enraged me."

Xavier listened intently, his eyes reflecting a mixture of empathy and concern. He could sense the turmoil within Theon, the trauma that had shaped his resolve and fueled his actions.

"You've carried this burden alone for so long," Xavier observed gently, his voice carrying a soothing tone. "Theon, I understand the pain you've endured, but keeping it hidden only adds to your struggle."

Theon nodded, a sense of relief mingling with the weight of vulnerability. "I didn't want to burden anyone with my past. I wanted to protect everyone from what I've been through."

Xavier regarded him with a compassionate gaze. "You are not alone, Theon. We're here to support you, to help carry that weight together."

Then Xavier's brow furrowed in disbelief. "But HYDRA? But we were certain that HYDRA had been eradicated after the last major conflict."

Theon nodded gravely, understanding their skepticism. "The orphanage was hidden, not in the traditional sense.Also even if HYDRA was dead at first, not all the people in the organization abbandoned their ways"

Xavier's concern deepened at the resurgence of such a malevolent force. "This raises serious concerns. If they've resurfaced, there might be more hidden remnants, and their intentions..."

Theon paused, a tone of caution in his voice. "I understand the urgency, but we need to be cautious. Some HYDRA members have deep roots in the government. Rushing into action might expose us and jeopardize our ability to counter them effectively."

Jean nodded, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. "So, for now, we stay hidden, observe, and gather more information?"

Theon affirmed, "Yes, let's work discreetly, gather intelligence, and analyze our options before making any moves. We must tread carefully; their influence extends far."

Scott, though concerned, saw the wisdom in Theon's advice. "We'll be patient and strategic. But we need to act when the time is right."

Xavier agreed, "Agreed. We'll proceed cautiously and strategically, ensuring we don't inadvertently play into their hands."

Theon nodded, relieved that his counsel was heeded. Yet, as the others focused on their cautious strategy, his thoughts drifted to a more personal vendetta.

'Good, this will help me exact my revenge,' Theon thought, the memory of the HYDRA symbol at Striker's base igniting a fire of determination within him. For him, this wasn't just about safeguarding others; it was about settling a score that had haunted him for years.


Power: [Time looping]

(Eye of Agamotto/Time stone)

User can trap anyone or anything into a reiterating time stream where everything inside the loop is restarted precisely every so often, possibly even backwards. They may be able to force someone to relive the same minute, hour, day, week, month, year, etc. for as long as the user keeps them there. On some occasions people have been known to retain a small number of memories or eventually escape weaker temporal loops.

Evandar Evandar


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