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68.33% Travels of the Daughter of God / Chapter 40: Chapter 40

Bab 40: Chapter 40

[Location: Gringotts Bank, Diagon Alley] [3rd POV]

After hearing the soft cry of shock, Lucifer immediately brought the young girl into a hug, already knowing that tears would be coming. And, as she expected, they did. Lucifer softly held the girl as she sobbed into her chest, having realized that her parents certainly abandoned her, and were alive this entire time. "It's okay, love, I'm here" Lucifer softly said, holding her da-Rose to her chest. Alice watched the girl with soft eyes, while also noting the angry glow in her wife's eyes.

Soon, the goblin returned to the room, this time with a slightly taller goblin, with a serious look on its face. Seeing the situation, the goblin kept quiet until Rose calmed herself. "It would seem that we aren't the only ones surprised with this situation..." The goblin said with a sigh.

"I am Rolanok, the one who has been assigned to aid you in this...predicament and to help in the running of your vaults until you are of majority" The slightly bigger goblin said, before continuing "You have a number of vaults as the Heir to Three Ancient and Noble houses, but none of them are accessible until you are of age. As of now, you have a trust fund from the Black house, currenlty it has over 1 million galleons inside, and you are allowed to make a deposit of 10,000 galleons per month. As the Heir of these three houses, you also own quite a few properties, as well as partial ownership in several stores" The goblin added.

"Now, as you are young, and...seemingly not raised amongst wizarding kind, I would suggest you learn more about the etiquette of wizarding king before you begin to use the power these families give you" Rolanok said, causing Rose to respond "I-uhm, I've been raised by my uncle and aunt my entire life, I don't know anything about this"

The Goblin sighed "As I expected. Your guardians, Misses..." "I'm Lucifer, and this is Alice" Lucifer answered, causing the goblin to continue "Miss Lucifer will have to take care of this then. I hear that you also are doing an inheritance test?" Rolanok asked, causing Lucifer to nod.

Looking down at her own paper, she swiftly cut her finger and allowed three droplets of blood to hit the paper. The paper glowed a brilliant color this time, causing the Goblin's eyes to widen in shock, knowing what that meant. Before Lucifer could read the paper, the goblin snatched it and read it, before rushing over and pressing a small button on the underside of his desk.

Seeing the look of confusion on the trio's faces, Rolanok spoke "I apologize, but there is only one goblin who is allowed to work with you" He didn't say another word.

'...Dad definitely spoiled me again, didn't he' Lucifer thought with a sweatdrop.

Soon, a much larger goblin entered the room, flanked by two scarred goblins, and one that looked to be his right-hand man or something of the sort. "What is the meaning of this, Rolanok?"

"I apologize my king, but you must read this" Rolanok said, handing the annoyed goblin the paper. The goblin looked down at the paper, before his eyes widened in shock, and he looked up at Lucifer.

"Out!" The goblin said towards his two guards and Rolanok. The three left the room immediately, not wanting to be on the receiving end of the goblin's wrath.

Clearing his throat, the goblin sat on the chair in front of the trio "I am King Ragnarok the 35th of the Goblins. It is an honor to meet you, Lord Morningstar"

Lucifer raised an eyebrow at the respectful tone, before replying "It's niee to meet you as well, King Ragnarok. Now, can I be told what is going on?"

"Just read this, and I believe you will understand" King Ragnarok said, handing her the paper. Raising an eyebrow, Lucifer slowly looked down at the paper.


Name - Lucifer S. Morningstar

Age - 18?

Birthdate - ??, ?????

Birth Father - ???????

| Inheritances |

Lordship of House Morningstar (Blood) (Most Ancient, Royal, and Powerful)

Lordship of House Pendragon (Magic) (Most Ancient and Royal)

Lordship of House Slytherin (Magic) (Ancient and Noble)

Lordship of House Ravenclaw (Magic) (Ancient and Noble)

Lordship of House Gryffindor (Magic) (Ancient and Noble)

Lordship of House Hufflepuff (Magic) (Ancient and Noble)

Lordship of House Solomon (Magic) (Ancient and Noble)

Lordship of House Peverall (Magic) (Ancient and Noble)

Lordship of House Le Fay (Magic) (Most Ancient and Royal)

Lordship of House Wyllt (Magic) (Most Ancient and Royal)

+ Plus more

All lordships are claimable.


Rose's jaw was on the floor at the list, as even she could see how powerful these names were. The Pendragon name alone caught her attention, but she also recognized Lucifer's full name. Alice also looked surprised at the results, but it only took a little bit to get over it. Whereas Lucifer was...sighing 'Yep, it's official, father is a major daughter-con' Lucifer thought.

"As you can see, your...quite the anomaly. I have been king for over 100 years, but not once have I seen something like this before. You are...quite easily the most powerful person in the world, politically" Ragnarok said, before continuing "You have dozens, if not hundreds of vaults, with the deepest ones being vault 1 from House Pendragon, vault 2 from House Wyllt, vault 3 from House Le Fay, and the deepest being Vault -666 from House Morningstar. House Morningstar is also the most secretive House we have, having no knowledge or records of its existence, except the vault and Lordship ring" Ragnarok said, nodding towards two goblins walking in with two large boxes.

"You currently have ownership of hundreds of properties, and enough Galleons to destabilize entire countries with ease. You are also the rightful king of England and are magical royalty in several countries. Quite frankly, I have no idea how someone like you can possibly exist" Ragnarok said, sighing at the situation he was in.

Lucifer hearing all this, just inwardly chuckled, knowing full well that her father had spoiled her once again. The only thing this actually gave her, was a LOT of wealth, a vast collection of magical books and artifacts, and other similar things. Which, funnily enough, even in the last world, she had a large collection of books, items, and expensive items, just not nearly as much as this world. Lucifer can only assume that it was so that she can get magically more powerful, and have the knowledge needed for future worlds.

"And how do I claim these Lordships? And will anyone else know of this?" Lucifer asked, not really wanting to deal with a bunch of politicians, not right now at least.

"Simply put on the rings, should they accept you, then they will glow, and that will be all. Should they not, then you will know. Some family rings also have enchantments placed upon them, being enchantments to improve mental defenses, intelligence, the ability to detect poison, and several other abilities. And you needn't worry about others finding out. You are the Lord Pendragon and Wyllt. The two are close allies of us Goblins and we are honor-bound to keep your secrets, as well as defend you should the time come" King Ragnarok said, causing Lucifer to chuckle.

"Well alright then, how about we get the claiming lordships out of the way, ah, and can you get rid of that tracking magic on Rose?" Lucifer asked. King Ragnarok nodded, snapping his fingers as two goblins walked in "All they will need is a drop of her blood, and they can get rid of the trackers"

Rose hearing this, frowned slightly, but cut her finger in the end. Using the blood, the two goblins began to chant softly, as the blood whirled around Rose, before glowing and flowing back into her. After that, a small flow of energy escaped her, before dissipating.

"It is done, my king" One of the two goblins said, bowing to King Ragnarok, then Lucifer, before walking out of the room.

"Now that that is finished, let us begin with your claiming of Lordships" Ragnarok said, before the two goblins walked forward with the large boxes, the boxes slowly opened, revealing 24 rings in each, with different logos on each. Before they set the boxes onto the table in table in front of Lucifer. Finally, a final goblin walked forward, placing four small ring boxes in front of her, slowly the four opened. This revealed a white and purple ring, a black and purple ring, a red and gold ring, and finally a black and red ring.

'That must be the Morningstar ring' Lucifer thought, as she looked at the black and red ring. Reaching forward, she slowly took the ring out of the box, before slipping it onto her right hand's ring finger. Immediately after doing so, she felt an improvement in all her mental capabilities, including her various mental powers.

After slipping the ring on, the other rings began to glow powerfully and float out of the boxes, before slowly floating in front of her. The Morningstar ring on her finger, slowly floated off her finger, before the other rings began to one by one, fly into the ring, fusing into it.

Watching this, the goblins kept silent, awe-filled at the sight. There had been times in which a house ring had fused with another, if the houses were previously linked, or in an alliance, but nothing to this level. After an entire minute of the rings flowing into the Morningstar ring, the ring floated back and landed in Lucifer's waiting palm.

Slipping the ring back on, Lucifer breathed in deeply as she felt her mental capabilities increase, drastically at that. She also felt bits of knowledge flood into her head, from the House of Romanov, the Imperial house that reigned over Russia for over 300 years, before being executed. There were many others, but most of them were not that important. The knowledge given was primarily knowledge of their House Secrets that can't be written on paper, lest they be found, locations of properties, list of what is within their vaults, and others.

Opening her eyes, Lucifer smiled "Well, that was quite the experience" The others just looked at her in awe, while Alice giggled at the expression on their faces.

"Now then, can I get a tour of my vaults?"


It was a while later, and Lucifer had already been to quite a few of her vaults. The most notable being the Le Fay, Wyllt, and Pendragon vaults. The Ley Fay vault was full of books on dark magic, dark items, and various other items. The Wyllt vault had a lot of books on charms and enchanting. Finally, the Pendragon Vault, which mostly had books on swordsmanship, leading, as well as magic made to enhance the body, and rituals. Arthur Pendragon was not a wizard himself, but he was still able to use his connection with Merlin Wyllt, in order to do rituals to improve his body.

Currently, Lucifer alongside Ragnarok, Alice, and Rose, was standing in front of a large black and red vault door. It had her sigil on it. "The key to this door, is your blood" Ragnarok said, causing Lucifer to nod, before cutting her palm and placing her bloody palm onto the door.

The door began to glow red, before slowly opening. As the door opened, Lucifer slowly began to walk forward, and into the vault, before noticing that nobody was following. "Only the Lord of House Morningstar can enter. Not even your wife can enter" Lucifer blinked at the fact that he knew, before sighing and giving Alice and Rose a comforting smile, before walking deeper in.

The vault itself was large, with black brick like walls, and had solid gold, gems, and other minerals all over the place. Lucifer walked deeper into the vault, before blinking as she felt a pull. Walking in the direction of the pull, she stopped as she looked at a table. On top of the table, was a wand, and a note.

Picking the wand up, Lucifer felt an immediate connection to it, even without genuine magic. Smiling at the feeling, Lucifer then picked up the note, and read it.

"A gift from me to you, for your first multiverse travel. This is a wand that has the unique ability to absorb other wands, and stack the power increase of them, ontop of one another, absorbing all the capabilities of every wand absorbed. This wand also has the ability to take the form of wands absorbed. The wand cannot be destroyed or used by others. It will reappear near you, should it be stolen, only if you have magic of course. This wand may or may not work with the magic of other worlds, but that is up to you to find out. The ring on your finger has the same ability but only works on jewelry. Use the gifts well.

Love, your father, God

P.S: I am not a daughter-con"

Lucifer snorted at the last part "Yes you are, we both know it" Lucifer said with a fond smile, before hiding the note, as she does with all the others, always keeping them. 'Quite the gift he's given me' Lucifer thought, holding the wand in her hand, the ability it had is incredibly powerful, in this world at least. Not to mention it can potentially work with magic in future worlds. Not to mention the extra info about the Morningstar ring, which would also be incredibly helpful in the future.

Walking out of the vault, with the door shutting behind her, Lucifer smiled "That was quite fun, now, I think it's time we get this done with, so we can go shopping"


After another hour of being at Gringotts, the trio had FINALLY left. Lucifer had ended up talking with Ragnarok some more afterward, having him invest in several companies for her, as well as buy shares of them. Namely Firebolt on the magic side, and several companies on the muggle side, while also having him look out for future companies, like Google, Amazon, and more. Rose had claimed her heirship rings. While Lucifer talked with Rolanok about Rose's magical guardian, and whether or not it could be changed.

The result of that talk was that it certainly could be, but could only be done when she was at the age of 11. Normally, it would take a lot to do such a thing, especially with Dumbledore of all people, but due to Lucifer literally being the rightful king of the country and others, she had more than enough power to do such a thing. In the Wizengamot she had enough voting power, that she could literally overturn whatever she wanted. Once she becomes Rose's guardian (if that's what Rose wants) then she'd have even more voting power, until the girl is old enough to become Lord of House Black.

Walking out of the bank, Lucifer turned to the exhausted-looking Rose "Now then, why don't we go shopping for a bit, and then get some ice cream?" Rose's eyes practically sparkled at the idea, nodding quickly.

"Well then, let's go shopping!"


That's the end of this chapter! Next chapter Lucifer will get another species, and then probably a time skip. The time skip will be several months, as I might not have said it, but it is currently 2 months before Rose's 11th birthday. This world is very different from canon, as you can guess.

Lucifer and Alice will "Go" to Hogwarts, but won't be attending, instead, they'll be going in another way. Rose will have her own love interest, but it will be a character from a future world. I will give you a hint, it's a character from TVD, not the Legacies timeline. Any guesses on who they could be?

Also, imagine that Rose (when older) looks like Grace Currey, but with the famous forehead scar.

Anyways, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See y'all tomorrow!


Current Bio

Name - Lucifer Morningstar (Luci)

Species - Immortal (TVD), Archangel (Lucifer)

True Noble Vampire (Twilight, Charmed, Underworld, Blade, Noblesse, and Hellsing)

True Alpha Evolved Werewolf (TVD, Twilight x2, Buffy, Underworld, Teen wolf, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Van Helsing, My babysitters a vampire, and Noblesse)

Current Universe - Harry Potter

Current Location - Diagon Alley, England

Current Appearance - Naomi Scott

Wishes - Ability Creation (Limited), Species Adaption, Perfect Host.

Abilities via ability creation - Magnetokinesis, Adoptive Muscle Memory, Molecular Acceleration, Kinetic Energy Absorption, Apex Species, Age Improvement, Stress Point Detection, omnilingualism, Teleportation, and Total Body Control.

Status - Fed

Gift - Gift Mimicry

Mimicked Gifts - Tracking Sense (x3), Enhanced Self-Preservation, Mental Shield, Pathokinesis, Telepathy, Pain Illusion, Tactile Telepathy, Relationship Identification, Sensory Deprivation, Physical Attack Diversion, Relationship Manipulation, Addictive Contentment, Physical Attraction, Mental Invisibility, Intimidation, Illusionary Cloning, Suggestive Compelment, Attention Detection, Penance Illusion, Tracking Evasion, Danger Intuition, Sensory Alteration, Warding Shield, Ability Identification, Psychic Electrokinesis, Visual Projections, Weakening Shield, Phobia Sensory, Combat Perception, Elemental Manipulation, Retrocognition, Memory Manipulation, Assault Inducement, Seismic Attraction, Sedative Inducement, Belief Inducement, Pain Deprivation, Lie Detection, Outcome Manipulation, Superiority Impotence, Distraction Deprivation, Physical Concealment, Personality Manipulation, Honesty Sensory, Disaster Inducement, Ability Reversal, Ability Redirection, Ability Suppression, Ability Augmentation, Decision Manipulation, Truth Inducement, Illusionary Distraction, Illusionary Poisoning, Mental Imprisonment, Balance Deprivation, Visual Contortion, Emotion Deprivation, Impulsive Rage, Tracking Allurance.

Mate/Wife - Alice Cullen

ArtoriaPendragon_ ArtoriaPendragon_

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