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77.77% MHA: The Fresh Blood / Chapter 47: Daughter Acquired, Mission Accomplished!

Bab 47: Daughter Acquired, Mission Accomplished!

Text" = Talking

[Text] = System

'Text' = Normal Thoughts

{Text} = Telepathic Thoughts

<Text> = Message Through System

*Text* = Actions During Sentences


(Location: ?????, The Tarnished Court Base, Time: The Very Beginning of a Massacre)


"Eve, are you okay?" Himiko asked me, as I stopped talking before I finished my sentence earlier all of a sudden.

"Oh~ I'm more than okay, Himi, it's gone~" Immediately at my words, Himiko began to smile like the adorable psychopath that she is, she already knew what I meant by that.

"Umm, what's gone?" Oh, my, soon-to-be not so, innocent cinnamon roll, it's the thing that makes this day the best day ever this year! It should be celebrated as a national holiday!

"The thing keeping me away from my daughter!" Words couldn't properly describe how excited I currently am, or if they can, they're probably words that I forgot at some point. I don't care, I'm just so happy to finally massacre those worthless bastards!

"Wait.... YOUR DAUGHTER?!?!" Right, I guess I forgot to tell them about Eri, though to be fair, I did originally think that this day wouldn't come for a good while. Though, I should quickly explain myself before they start thinking I fucked some random dude and had a child at some point.

"Well, to be specific, she's the girl that I've been wanting to adopt for the last couple of years! But, my instincts kept telling me that I wasn't strong enough to get her, or protect her. And, now that feelings gone! I'm finally strong enough to get my daughter!" Ah, I should max out Hive, wouldn't want a single one of those bastards to get away.

Even if I know I'm strong, and so are my Bee's, I still need to get plenty of them to all their bases, since I know that they hide their true numbers from the rest of the world. And, I don't want the others to come for this one, Shie Hassaikai was one of the groups that I hated the most, and in this world they're a bit worse, so I can't guarantee that I'll hold back like I did against Humarise.

"Maki, make sure that you, and the other Bee's that I made look like you go to the other bases. The main one is all mine. Oh, and make sure to collect the souls of anyone that has a pretty strong body, I don't care about the quirks of anyone, but the ones in the main base." I thought it would be for the best to make multiple Bee's that look like Maki, after all, the idea of a person as powerful as AFO capable of cloning themselves into perfect duplicates that have the same strength as the original, is terrifying.

She used Fast Travel to go gather the rest of the Bee's needed for this task, while I brought three souls out of Inventory that I would be using to upgrade Hive. The souls were green, orange, and gray, each gave off a different scent, but they didn't feel like the other souls I ate today, they felt weaker, maybe it's because they're quirkless souls? Eh, who cares, down the hatch they go!

While eating each of the souls I focused on upgrading Hive, and only that, these souls don't really have anything worth having other being upgrade material. With each soul I could feel something in me become stronger, more refined, closer to perfection, it was Hive feasting on the souls to grow into it's greatest form.


[NOTICE the quirk Hive has reached its max rank, Rank SSS, now the user can use a Bee to make a new body parts that instantly connect, and meld with the user's body for as long as they desire. The user can make their Bee's look like anything they want, and, finally, the user can make a near limitless amount of Bee's to faithfully serve them.]


Fucking hell, at this point I might as well be the goddess of hacks! That, or mom really went all out with my system, I don't even think half of the shit I've gotten so far could even exist in MHA without this system. Hell, just giving me Cole's powers would have already be overpowered, all of this is just overkill on reality itself.

Anyway, it looks like I was right about my idea that maxing out two quirks at the same time is what causes that painful activation of my quirks. So, I'll just have to max them out one at a time, unless I plan on using myself as a nuke, though I could probably do that without having to put myself through that pain again.

"Now, I'll be going on a walk for a bit, you guys can either eat here, leave, or ask the rest of your questions to Himiko, or any of my Bee's that'll be left here. But, if you do choose to stay, you'll be seeing what happens, after all, this is a family event." While saying this I started to make plenty more Bee's that look like Maki. Though I think that Hive is actually more overpowered, because what exactly is the limit to I can make the Bee's look however I want? Does that mean I can make them look like animals, make them massive, or make them basically mimics by making them objects? I'll have to test this out later.

"Wait, Boss, take us with you-" I ignored Dabi's words, and used Fast Travel to get me to the base of the Shie Hassaikai. I may hate him most of the time, because he's a burnt problem child, but he's still a member of my family, and I don't want to accidentally hurt a member of my family.

Maybe, I should have mentioned that Fast Travel also allows me to go anywhere one of my Bee's have been, so if I spread them across the multiverse I could basically go anywhere I want. Though, traveling through dimensions probably feels different than the instant teleportation that is Fast Travel.

I wonder if I should make these guys know I'm here, it would make them come to me, rather than having to hunt them all down now that I'm here. Eh, I'll just bust through the entrance, and if they don't notice me, then that's on them, hell, I'll even sing a fucking song so they're sure to notice my crazy ass. I should also make sure that nothing can record me being here, just because I'm reeling to finally get my daughter, doesn't mean I should ignore being cautious.


(POV Change to 3rd Person)


For the Shie Hassaikai it was just another, other than the broadcast that had occurred earlier today, the day had been pretty normal for them. Overhaul trying to gather blood from Eri to use in experiments, but something interrupting him just before he can cut into her, while the others were training, or working on various businesses that they have a hand in.

That was, until the walls, and door of the entrance to their base was suddenly busted open by an electrified iron ball, that proceeded to plow through any and all things it came in contact with. They also began to hear singing throughout the base that sounded hypnotic, but the song itself seemed terrifying to almost everyone who heard it, except for one girl, who found the song oddly comforting.

(CG5 - Sleep Well)

"Come along, down with me~ You're not alone, you will see~ The children, they have each other~ And each other is all they need~" It was Eve who was currently busting through the base, her smile was wide with a look that promised death, and her eyes glowed red slightly.

"In the hour of joy in this paradise I thought about all that could have been~ If we had never done the things we did~ If we had realized all our sins~" Slowly she walked through the entrance, the yakuza that were nearby did try to stop her, or attack her, but they were instantly decapitated by their own blood.

"Come along, down with me (come along, come come along)~ You're not alone, you will see (come along, come come along)~ We children, we have each other, and each other is all we need~ In the hour of joy, in the hour of joy~" Her voice shifted and echoed, mimicking that of the singing of small children. She walked over to the wall that she knew was the entrance to the rest of the base.

"In the hour of joy, in the hour of joy~ In the hour of joy, in the hour of joy~ In the hour of joy, in the hour of joy~ In the hour of joy, in the hour of joy~" She sang while sending another iron ball through the wall, which crushed any/all Shie Hassaikai members on the staircase behind the wall that we trying to head to the entrance to see what was happening, all of them were turned into a bloody paste.

"Artificial facade from a fraud of a God, all due to the path that we trod! We just wanted to heal, but now our nightmares are real, and now we'll never wake up, for we've torn apart!" Once she got down the massive staircase she ran into eight individuals, who she didn't kill in an instant like the others, they were the 'Eight Bullets', five of which had quirks that she wanted.

"Who are you, and why are you here?!" Yelled Nemoto, who was trying to use his quirk Confession to figure out who this person was that started destroying their base, and killing their people without warning. And, while she answered one of the other's could attack her during that explanation.


[NOTICE someone is trying to force the user to perform an action that would not be beneficial to the user. Activating Safety Measures..... Safety Measures Activated! All quirks/abilities/skills that compel the user will now have no effect.]


"We want freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! (We all fall down) We'll sleep well now, dream dreams knocked out~ New blooms when Playtime sprouts~" She continued to sing, while noting the notification that popped up in her view. It seems, Seria put safeguards to keep anyone from making Eve do anything she didn't want to do.

Rappa, and Katsukame not realizing that Confession didn't work tried to attack Eve from both sides. But, they were met with blood gauntlets sparking with lightning heading towards their faces, which Tengai tried to stop with Barrier, though his actions were futile as her fist broke through them like they were made of paper. This led to Eve's fist making contact with their heads, and going directly through them easily, showering those behind them in blood and brain matter.

"Come along, go to sleep (come along, come come come along)~ And leave here without a trace (come along, come come along)~ Though life in the shadows isn't much, it's better than living in a cage~" Eve proceeded to kill the other six with a quick decapitation here, a slit throat there, and a punched out heart, as she wanted to see her daughter soon. Though, she did make sure to grab the souls of Nemoto, Katsukame, Setsuno, Rappa, and Tengai as she desired their quirks.

"Can you see us? Can you hear us?" She continued through the base while devouring the five souls, none of them caused any drastic physical changes, but she could feel her base strength grow over ten fold after eating Katsukame's and Rappa's souls.

Going deeper into the base she went towards where she knew Eri's room was, from the memories of the Bee that was sent here last time to deliver her gift to her daughter. More grunts, and even Mimic did try to stop her by attacking, or manipulating the structure of the building, but she killed them all with a couple well aimed iron balls, and a concentration of electricity shooting it off.

"Artificail facade from a fraud of a God all due to the path that we trod. We just wanted to heal, but now our nightmares are real and now we'll never wake up, for we've torn apart!" It wasn't long until she came across the final three people in the base, Overhaul, Chronostasis, and the one she came to get, her soon-to-be daughter, Eri, who was in the arms of Chronostasis.

"YOU INSIGNIFICANT BUG!! HOW DARE YOU ATTACK US!!! ALL MY WORK HAS BEEN THROWN DOWN THE DRAIN!!!!" Overhaul yelled at Eve, but his yelling frightened Eri, who covered her ears quickly. This sight angered Eve beyond measure, how dare this bastard scare her daughter, these emotions were reflected by her changing the song that she was singing.

(Lydia the Bard - Aurora's Villain Song - Once Upon a Dream) (Lyrics will be slightly altered to fit the situation)

"I know you. I walked with you once upon a dream. I know you. That look in your eyes so familiar a gleam!" She sang this while looking at Eri, as a way to comfort her, but the tone drastically changed when she looked at Overhaul and Chronostasis.

"Needles prick, and your thread of life is finally cut! The weaver sighs her final breath, this fairytale done, story shut!" While she sang she raised her hand towards them, a murderous glow in her eye, as she began to turn the two mens blood into large needles.

"I know her. A girl full of joy, and light, and hope. Soon she'll be happy, and whole, her life full of love, and laughter!" She sang while walking towards them, to grab Eri, but even in his state of extreme internal pain Overhaul did try to attack her.

"You will die! Forgotten long after, laid in the ground! Now your lost! Another will not be found!" Before he could touch her she dissappeared, and reappeared back where she was standing, now holding both of his arms in her hands.

"Assigned a task to carry on. It's my final song!" She sang of the screams of Overhaul, as she continued to go and grab Eri, but not without covering the girls eyes earlier, and decapitating Chronostasis.

"Sleep now men, and dream in the dark, evermore! Sands run out, say your last goodbyes. For now, the last laugh is mine! I know you...." With a snap of her fingers Overhaul's blood pierced all his vital organs, including his brain. She grabbed his soul to eat it for his quirk, while she used Fast Travel to take her and Eri to the only area in the base that didn't have any corpses in it, Eri's room.

"Finally that's over. Now, little one, are you okay?" She asked while uncovering Eri's eyes, sitting on the bed in the room, that most likely belonged to the small girl, and popping Overhaul's soul into her mouth.

"W-w-who are you?...." It seems that even though Eve stopped her from being physically abused, or harmed, Eri was still naturally timid and anxious. Eve mades sure that her hold Eri wasn't to tight, but instead felt comforting, because making her daughter afraid of her would be the last thing she ever wants to do.

"My name is, Eve, and I came here to save you from those bad men!" She gave Eri the warmest smile she could, while moving her ears a bit, to hopefully make her seem less threatening.

"You saved me?... Why.... apperantly mama didn't even want me....." It seems even if Eve kept the physical scars from appearing, the emotional ones were still going to be there. Later she would hunt down Eri's biological mother, and kill her for abadoning such a sweet girl, but for now her focus is on said girl, and only on her.

"Because, my mom saved me from a bad place, and when I saw you were in a bad place I couldn't help but want to save you too!" Eri looked at Eve with shock in her eyes, since she can't imagine this powerful lady ever needing saving, and because the look on Eve's face said she was telling the truth.

"If your mom saved you, and you saved me... does that make you my new mama?" The small girl looked at Eve with hope in her eyes, she didn't want to be alone again, and she wanted someone that would actually care for her more than anything.

Eve was a bit shocked at Eri's question, 'cause she expected that she would be the one to suggest being her mother, not the other way around. "I suppose so, but only if you want me to." She wouldn't push this on Eri, the girl deserved to be able to make her own choices in life for once.

The smile that grew on Eri's face was comparable only to the brightest of stars, and she quickly nodded her head as a way to show that she really did want this girl that saved her, and showed her actual affection (no matter how small) to be her new mother.

"Then, I guess you are now, Eri Kieran, because Kieran is my last name. Also, it makes sense that you're now my daughter, because we look a lot alike!" She said gesturing to the fact that they both had red eyes, white hair, and horns/antlers on their heads.

Eri, finally noticing how similar they looked, gained a bright look in her eyes, as they both did look like they were related. She also finally noticed the deer ears on the side of Eve's head, which somehow caused her smile to grow brighter.

"Mama! You have fluffy ears on your head!" She said with astonishment, while watching as Eve made her ears move a bit.

"Mhmm, I sure do! I even have a fluffy tail too!" The look of pure joy on Eri's face was something that Eve would destroy entire civilizations to protect.

"Oh! Before I forget, we should go see the rest of your new family, they'll love to meet you!" Eve said while standing up from the bed, Eri still in her arms. She wanted the small girl to know that she was now a part of a big family that will always protect her, no matter what.

"*Gasps* I have even more family now?!" Eve's only response was a smile and a curt nod. She was excited to have the rest meet her new daughter, though she would have to make sure they don't get too close to her yet, because this entire time, since she grabbed Eri, the small girls quirk has been active.


[NOTICE the user is in contact with an individual that could harm the user's soul. The System will protect the user's soul, and body, from the effects of the individuals ability/power/skill, until the user can protect themself from this ability/power/skill.]


Seria definetly pulled all the stops out when it came to this system. Perhaps she knew that Eve would eventually try to save Eri, or maybe this was just a sign of how protective her mother was? Who knows, all Eve is focused on is the small bundle of (suprising) joy, while she used Fast Travel to go back to the courts base. But not without leaving a Bee behind to destroy the base of the Shie Hassakai, wouldn't want any information that could harm Eri to be left behind.

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