Now, Erik was standing on the devastated battlefield. In front of him was Enkai, Naeku's uncle, and Erik had just pulled Naeku out of his dimension. Surprisingly, she was still in the transformed state of a dark-furred werepanther with fierce yellow eyes.
As soon as she appeared, a wave of relieved sighs spread throughout the surrounding crowd. Not only was their princess and commander safe, but they also didn't have to fight their saviours.
Meanwhile, Naeku first glared at Erik a little for deliberately annoying her uncle. After his discussion with her, Erik had taken Aaron out of the dimension again and activated the wall's function of showing everything that happened outside the dimension.
Thus, Naeku had been following everything that happened from the moment Erik arrived back at the battle site.
I hope you enjoyed reading :)
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And consider checking out my other novel, 'Dreadwolf, Lord of Runes', if you feel like reading something a little darker and with a mix of sci-fi and fantasy!