Gulping a few times, the enormous body gradually shrank and blended into the seabed, completely covered by the silt, without a trace of aura showing.
Azure Sea Turtle Breath, this was its technique of concealment and life preservation!
It was also the key to its escape from that great disaster.
On Yuntian Island, after Xu Yan ended his secluded cultivation, quelled the chaos in the Azure Sea Sphere's Heavenly Grotto, and then reunited with Xie Lingfeng to instruct him in cultivation, he found himself too pressed for time to make it to the Taikun Realm, and thus he had to cancel the trip.
Moreover, with Jiang Buping's strength, taking revenge and settling scores would be an easy task, especially since his second apprentice, Meng Chong, was already in the Taikun Realm, fully capable of suppressing any unforeseen events.
Therefore, Xu Yan stayed on Yuntian Island, coaching Xie Lingfeng in cultivation, and also guided Xie Tianheng in the Sword Dao.
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