Unduh Aplikasi

Chapter 8. A Change Of Hands

"It's better… that we part wa—"

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

Her reddened, kneaded globes rested gripped in his palms while her soaked slit drenched his slowly reviving cock. "We still have a long way to go. Of course, unless you wish to step back and leave."

Straddled on his pelvis and leaning down on his body, Narcissa heaved a heavy breath and wearily relaxed on his chest. She could still feel her mouth sore and the musky scent and taste on her tongue.

Seeing she didn't say anything, Harry smiled and pulled her body further down on him until her face was on his shoulder. He hungrily slid his hands on her curvy waist and gripped her supple rear, spreading them apart against his cock.

"I can put it in then?" he asked in whispers in her ear.

"Hmm…" Narcissa merely hummed and nodded faintly, keeping her expressions hidden from him with her messy blonde hair.

It was the cold of December, but against each other's bodies, they felt hot in that bed. Harry could feel her weight squeezing him down on the mattress, her curvy, full body bringing a different, primal desire from within his heart. The more he caressed her creamy flesh all over her back, the more his cock rose to erection.

"Umh…" Narcissa breathed heavily when Harry's palms spread her ass in a callous fashion. She felt the coldness in the room in her rear entrance, and goosebumps rose all over her body.

Harry dug his hips deeper into the mattress and positioned his cock right at the exotic, exposed, and salivating entrance of the middle-aged woman, who had aged far better than wine. "I'll enter you, Narcissa."

"Hmm…" She didn't want to say anything. It was embarrassing and shameful in her mind.

Harry maneuvered her body with his palms on her hips, and raised her a little before finally squeezing his bulging cockhead into her walls, spreading them apart and going in deep with ease. "Still so tight… Narcissa, you're amazing… Ugh… so tight!"

"Ooh!" Narcissa moaned when a deep, strong pump came from below. "S-Slow… Potter!"

Harry didn't care. It wasn't his goal to be gentle with her. "Ride me. On your own, fuck yourself on my cock, Narcissa."

"Umph… Mr. Potter, that's not necessary. You can do an—"

"Do it, Narcissa. This is my need at the moment," Harry insisted and stopped thrusting into her. He allowed his cock to rest, balls deep in her tempting hot cave.

In the end, she had to do something and pulled herself back. Leaving the warmth of Harry's chest against hers. As she beckoned, her eager breasts dangled again for Harry's attention, and her hair adorned her face once again.

The moonlight from the window was the final sprinkle of spice that increased the charm of the mature woman.

"Hmmmm…" Narcissa tried to raise herself with her tired legs as she felt more of his cock spread her walls apart with her own weight. "Ah…"

"Start moving," Harry commanded and palmed her twin globes. Their size and softness were perfect. He pinched the little pink nipples between his fingers. "Deep plunges on my cock… You need to satisfy me, Narcissa. Isn't that the deal?"

Go ahead and lose yourself, Mrs. Malfoy. Harry planned his own little game. As much as he initially hated it, now, having experienced Narcissa's magnificent body, he wanted to thoroughly remember this moment. Tell me all your little schemes.

"Ah, ah… Mr. Potter…" Narcissa moaned wildly this time as Harry fondly lathered her breasts and groped them with vicious desire. Her quivering depth pounded itself on his cock, her ass clapping against his pelvis.

She was a sight to behold, more so when she increased her pace and her blonde hair was thrown around. Their heaving breaths and the wet sounds of unfiltered and primal sex were the only things that echoed in that old house.

"Ungh…" No matter how much she tried, Narcissa had to keep going.

The deep plunges weren't easy to earn as her legs worked hard to raise her weighty bottom on his length. But then, the heavy descents were even more erotic as Harry's significant girth stretched her walls to a spread she had never felt before.

The Malfoy matriarch soon forgot on whose cock she was moving, and felt the shattering release take over her body. Her somewhat toned belly knotted with the pleasuring cock inside, and the rising spasms took over.

"Oh, oh… Yesss…" Her moans outgrew any before, and her movement changed. From vertical pounding to sliding on his cock with the aid of her palms on Harry's chest. She kept his member inside the entire time and rode through her tantalizing release.

However, Harry didn't sit calmly and decided to give the woman a release she would remember. "Lean down on me."

Right away, he captured one of her breasts in his mouth and began suckling like crazy. Meanwhile, Narcissa wrapped her arms around his head and felt Harry's hips starting to move and fuck her core to his pleasure—or hers.

"Ummmgh… yes, yes… ahhhh!"

Harry pumped his cock and hugged her waist tightly. Keeping her soaking slit fixed, he moved in and out of her with audible, lewd noises. Skin against skin, the squelching depth of the blonde woman's pussy drove him crazy. He panted but didn't stop, no matter what.

It was a naive and foolish idea to conquer a woman through a good fuck. But this was all he could try at the moment.

"Ugh!" Harry groaned and felt her tightness increasing and short, small vibrations rising from her core.

The spasms were intense and held him in place like a perfect key on a lock. He wished he could see his fat cock fuck the brains out of Narcissa, but he focused on her voluminous breasts aiming to suffocate him.

"Aaaaaah!" Narcissa moaned wildly and intensely convulsed all over him.

Harry removed his member from her depth and allowed her climax to pass the obstruction. She came like never before. Multiple quivering spasms leaked out, and the womanly nectar spilled all over his cock and belly, turning his crotch into a slimy mess.

He waited for Narcissa to calm down and fall like a mindless doll on his chest before moving again.

Suddenly, he turned over, pinning her under himself now. In the most intimate, primitive way, he rested between her spread legs, his cock already entering her soreness. Face to face, they stared into each other's eyes.

"S-Still not done… Harry?"

Harry smirked. "Finally, you're willing to say my name. And no, I'm not done yet. Let's make you say my name over and over again…"

In response, the tired woman only nodded and relaxed on the bed. As if she subconsciously wanted him deep inside, she spread her legs wider and wrapped her milky thighs around him.

She's starting to accept me. Harry noticed her subtle moves and pushed deeper. He could feel his release coming closer, but he had to relax and last longer to claim the beauty fully.

Beginning with deep and sensual moves, Harry leaned down on her welcoming body and rested his face on the softest cushion there. He suckled the pink buds, kissed, and licked her neck while increasing his pace; gently grinding his cock in to make her feel every inch of it.

In time, his hips began to move faster and earn Narcissa's senseless moans. Her eyes stayed half open in a daze, and she kept her lips parted in breathless cries. Her throbbing pussy reacted each time his cock plunged in and earned the pleasure of her maternal core. The slippery wetness intensified by her scentful body, and the view pushed Harry over the edge.

"Narcissa…" Harry looked at her face, inches away. "I can't con… control myself. I'm gonna…"

Narcissa responded by clenching her thighs tightly around his sides and holding him tighter with her legs wrapped around him.

"Ah… Harry, yes…"

"Gh…Agh…" Harry grunted as he weighed down completely on her. His needy length, ready to release deep inside and finish the night. "I will… try… to help… ugh!"

With clapping thrusts against her clenched thighs, Harry drowned in the pleasure of his unrestricted release. The blissful, agonizing itch finally found an exit and shot into Narcissa's depths.

His fiery shaft, aided by intense plunges of his hips, pumped out bursts of cream and filled her to the brim. All the while, Harry remained weighed down on her, his face slowly getting closer to hers.

"Ummm… Harry…" Narcissa moaned his name melodiously, just like he wanted.

Harry sealed the night with the proof of her final submission, something bigger than having her womanhood sullied—a kiss on her lips like a lover. It lasted much longer than she ever experienced from even her husband, and Harry's animalistic thrusts continued with no sign of ending.

Drowned in pleasure and Harry's seeds, she lost herself to her final slow climax, turning her sore depths into a hot pool of their mixed essence. Christmas night had gone way past its peak, but the true gifts were currently being exchanged.

Once Harry felt completely exhausted, he pulled out and relaxed beside her, but still kept her pleasant body tightly in his grasp, her mounds still being fondled.

Narcissa didn't react for a very long time as her legs slowly came down and spread. Then she turned towards Harry, her womanhood still leaking with the results of their intense carnal release.

She dreamily stared at Harry's young face and brought her hands to caress his cheek and hair and then remove his glasses.

Finally, she looked at the famed scar on his forehead.

Harry had no idea what the woman was even doing. Somewhere deep down, he felt terrible for her, but on the other hand, he knew which side she served. She must have had some compulsions that made her helpless enough to sleep with the enemy and get ravished to the man's content.

I hope the game you're playing changes direction. Harry thought.

Her gaze shifted to the ceiling in a haze, still feeling Harry's palm all over her bosom.

"H-Harry…" She finally voiced. "Help me…"

Harry had no idea she was going to say it that way, and to make sure she lived another day, he had to stop her. So, he hugged her body tighter. Gently, he caressed her hair away from her face and leaned in to kiss her succulent lips once again.

She truly is too beautiful. Witch magic, I guess. Harry admired the view of her tired face. Sadly, I can't push her to share too much.

"I will…" He pulled her face under his chin and kept her there, sharing the warmth of her body with his own.

"With all I have… I'll help."

Only if Draco wants to be helped.

Harry didn't voice that last part.

In the end, he could never forget she was from the enemy's camp. When did I become this vicious? I feel like I can't even recognize myself anymore… When will all this misery end?

"Hmm…" Narcissa hugged him back and glued herself to his skin. "Thank you, Mr. Potter."

"Heh…" Harry giggled cheekily and slid his hand down, further to her back, and clenched her ass. "I should be the one to say that. This has been by far the greatest Christmas present I have ever received."

Utterly embarrassed, Narcissa merely hummed and closed her eyes for a moment to relax. But she failed to realize when she fell asleep in Harry's warm embrace. She wondered when was the last time she felt this close to someone, certainly not Lucius for all his busy work serving the Dark Lord.

I should leave. Poor Dobby must be freezing outside. Harry waited for the woman to fall asleep before sliding out of her grasp and getting up.

However, as he wore his clothes, he looked at the beautiful woman and helplessly shoved his faintly twitching cock in his underwear. Marrying her was probably the only thing Lucius did right in his life. Too bad I can't keep her… for now.

"Fuck!" He cursed when the crazy thoughts returned, but deep in his heart, he knew he wanted it. "It wouldn't be too bad to have her sleep beside me every night… Ugh, I should leave."


Harry had to skip the night, but he had no plans of skipping the morning with the Weasleys. He held the family close to his heart, a place of warmth that he never received at the Dursleys. But he never expected for Ginny to avoid him the whole morning for some reason.

Is she angry at what happened? But she was the one who started it. Harry felt utterly confused about what the girl even wanted. Better to respect her privacy then.

"So, where did you go last night, Harry?" Arthur Weasley asked at the dining table.

Harry almost choked as the beautiful memories flooded back in. "I was… I visited my parents' grave."

Sorry Mum, sorry Dad. Harry felt horrified when he thought of his parents knowing what he did with Narcissa on their bed. Though, something in his heart told him that his dad would absolutely be proud.

Molly noticed the heavy atmosphere and changed the topic. "I heard you've become the best in school at Potions, Harry. I have to say how much that reminds us of your mother. She was a potions genius too."

"Harry won't have trouble finding a job," Ron added, speaking with a mouth full of chicken meat. "Potion masters will be flocking to grab 'im."

Only if I survive that snake bastard. Harry groaned internally, finding himself so casually cursing. Ugh, I feel annoyed with just thinking.

"I don't know. I haven't decided what I want to do. I might join professional Quidditch, or maybe the Ministry?"

"Honorable professions. Something tells me you'd fit perfectly in a good Ministry office." Arthur cheered him up. "I remember when I was recruited for the job. I still love my work."

Knock! Knock!

"Ah, Remus and Tonks must be here." Molly stood up to open the door. "They'll be staying for dinner tonight."

Harry immediately looked at the door and saw the beautiful Auror. Her pink short hair was changing color constantly and partially, but her smiling face was a sight. An Auror can be helpful if I can get close to her.

Right then, he noticed Tonks looking back at him and winking. Harry instantly felt some heat in his loins. How could he forget the touch of her palm on his erection from that night?

Maybe I won't even have to try that hard.

"Harry." Remus approached him to give him a hug. "How've you been? Look at you growing big so fast—Best in Potions, ha? Lily and James would've been so proud."

Can't anyone say something more original? Harry annoyedly wondered. I know they'd have been proud. Even Sirius would have been proud, considering all the women I've been getting recently.

Following the arrival of the guests, most of the time was spent in mundane. Talking and resting, while Harry looked for a chance to find Tonks alone somewhere in the house.

It was hard since he didn't have a room of his own.

Slowly, the night descended, and he noticed who was where across the Burrow. With the twins in their rooms, the same for Ginny, it left two rooms empty since Percy and the eldest Weasley brother weren't there.

Knock! Knock!

Harry approached the room Tonks was given to use temporarily. And since Remus was downstairs, he felt this was the best opportunity.

"Ah, Harry!" The door opened, and Tonks chirped. "Come in."

He entered, checking the woman out. She was slightly shorter than him with a lithe body, but he reckoned she could change most of it. Her choice of clothes reminded him of Luna, but of course, their personality couldn't be more different.

"So, what brings you here?" She asked and sat down on the edge of the bed. Purposefully, she crossed her legs and made her skirt stretch back, revealing more of her black stocking-covered legs all the way to her thighs.

She's teasing me. Harry realized at the sight of a smirk on her lips. Her hair was now colored pink and purple at the same time, a chaotic mixture that matched her personality.

"Nothing." Harry took a leap of faith and went to sit beside her, very close to her. Enough that their sides touched. "I was getting bored."

Without a warning, he placed his palm on her crossed leg, feeling the texture of the soft stocking on the thigh. She wasn't very fleshy, and her slender body gave off a very athletic feeling. Her flesh was warm nonetheless.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

Harry silently gulped and kept his hand there. "I hope you don't tell anyone about me and Ginny. We didn't plan it… it just happened."

She chuckled and placed her arm around Harry's shoulder. "Just relax. I'm not that old-fashioned. I understand it."

Harry felt bolstered and caressed her leg gently, his manhood slowly growing harder. Wearing simple pants, a shirt, and a sweater, he knew it was noticeable down there.

"I also understand…" Tonks turned towards him, and her other hand gently landed on his growing erection. She cupped his girth and tightly captured it. "...what you're feeling."

Harry found her beautiful, oval face very close to his own. Her strange blue eyes were shining. "I…"


Harry suddenly grabbed her waist, pushed Tonks down on the bed, and leaned over her body from the side. His palm then caressed downwards, from her waist to the side of her hips, and then further down to go under her skirt and feel the warmth of her stocking-clad skin. His erect shaft pressed against her side, while his face looked closely at her.

Tonks smiled and touched Harry's chest. "Not so fast, Champion."

"Why did you tease me that night?" Harry asked her.

She smirked and pushed her arm down between them, and fondled his manhood. "Big… I wanted to know your size."

Harry stopped caressing her legs and brought his palm to the junction of her thighs, curving his fingers around her covered womanhood. "What if I want to see how deep this is?"

"How are you going to do that, Harry?"

He pressed on it harder and rubbed her core. "With the same 'big' size, of course."

"Oh!" Tonks squirmed when he said that as she tried to slide her hand under the waistband of his pants. But it was very tight. "Won't you let me feel it first? What if it's too big?"

Harry smirked, "Get on top. We can do it at the same time—examine each other."

"Mmmm… exciting." Tonks liked the idea of a sixty-nine. "But only checking, okay?"

"As you wish, Auror Tonks," Harry said, moving away from her body and laying down on the bed.

Tonks quickly got on top of him, straddling his chest with her spread legs, looking at his crotch. "Time to get to work, Champion."

This is too easy. Why is she doing this? Harry wondered deep in his mind, but didn't complain. Did someone tell her to do this?

Right away, Tonks unbuttoned his pants and slowly unzipped it, teasing him even more in the process. Wasting no time, she slid further down, bringing her parted rear close to Harry's face as she dug out the rock-hard shaft from his underwear.

Harry found Tonk's covered groin right above his face. So he grabbed her soft, curving flesh after pushing up her skirt. Like a hungry beast, he ripped a hole in her stockings and tore them open, gaining unrestricted access to her ivory-soft skin and white panties.

"Umm… big." Tons mumbled while holding his cock with both palms as if a prized trophy. "What color do you like, Harry?"


"The tips and slits—what color do you like?"

Harry realized what she was asking.

"Pink always does the job, but I might make them flush red," Harry chuckled with a subtle smirk hanging on his lips, something even he didn't notice.

"I'd love to see you try, Mr. Champion," Tonks muttered and lowered her face towards his throbbing cock.

A bit shocked at how wild she was, Harry accepted the challenge.

He grabbed a hold of Tonks' supple rear and dug his fingers into the waistband of her panties. He began pulling it down, wanting to see the pink flower of this magical woman. His heart raced at the thought, and the sensation of her tongue coating his shaft wet made him rush.

But fate had something else planned.


A resounding, deafening explosion came, and the entire Burrow shook. It alerted Harry and Tonks as they stopped their little activity and stood up.

"Meet me at the school later," she responded, quickly running away with her wand.

But right then, a feminine shout reverberated from outside, sounding almost insane. "Harry Potter! This is the price!"

"The attack!" Harry didn't waste his time either and got to his plan. He opened the window and jumped out with no care while swinging his wand. It was dark outside, but he knew his broom all too well and timely found it in his grasp quickly. "I've been waiting for this!"

"Hehehahaha! Burn! Burn everything—"

Harry flew above the fields and found the team of Death Eaters burning everything and running away like mad pyromaniacs. He easily recognized Bellatrix from a distance, and Fenrir was someone he had heard so much about.

They haven't noticed me yet. Harry grabbed the potion bottles tied right there on the broom as per his plan and started throwing the vials down. He had brewed it timely with Voldemort's knowledge, so the effect was immediate.

"Aaargh!" Fenrir groaned in maddening pain as he felt his entire shoulder melt away at a visible speed.


One after another, all the Death Eaters cried, and finally, it was Bellatrix's turn.

However, she saw Harry by then and began shooting spells at him while trying to retreat. However, Harry had no mercy—or perhaps he had forgotten such a concept with the influence over his mind.

"Crucio!" Having used it in the past, Harry blasted the curse at the woman while also throwing loads of potions down, turning the field around her into a mess of acid.

"I will kill you, Potter…!"

"Save yourself first!" Harry replied and finally struck her with a Crucio. "I'll have my payback… for Sirius!"

Bellatrix fell down, but the fire still raged on. Being a wizard with more knowledge than ever, he flew around the fields and the Burrow, and used magical water sprouts to wash away all the fire. By then, the rest of the adults from the family had also sprung to action, gathering everyone in the car shed.

"Harry!" Ron came running when he landed.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?!" Molly was next and patted him everywhere.

"I'm fine," Harry muttered and looked around. He had no idea if the other Death Eaters who got hit with his potion were even alive. "How are they?"

"Dead," Tonks muttered. "That's Fenrir, that's Gibbon, and I don't know the other two. They're all dead. I'll report to the Ministry. They'll send someone quickly. You did amazing, Harry… This will greatly hel—"

Tonks stopped speaking when she realized Harry wasn't listening to her. His gaze was fixated on Bellatrix tied to a wooden chair, her wand confiscated, and her hands tied behind her with restraints.

"I want to speak with her alone," Harry requested. "Please wait outside, everyone… please."

"But Harry…"

"Just go." Harry insisted with a slightly heavier tone. "I must have a word with her alone."

Remus and Tonks seemingly understood his grievances and nodded. They led the Weasleys out of the car shed.

"If anything happens, just call us," Remus advised and finally closed the door.

Alone, Harry glanced at Bellatrix. Overcome with anger, he stepped closer to her body. She donned a tight, full-sleeved black dress that went down to her ankles, with a black corset around her waist. Her messy, curly hair fell around her face, covering her closed eyes for the most part. Her paler-than-normal skin shined in the dim light, but the crazed smirk on her lips never faded.

How much I hate you and your master. Harry sneered and pushed away her hair to look at her face. What should I do to you to ruin you and your master?

"Mmm… My Lord…"

Harry noticed she was starting to wake up. Clearly, Crucio wasn't something that could hurt her after having spent years in Azkaban. She was mentally broken and clinically insane. But that also meant that her mental capacity wasn't at its best.

Can I use her to get to Voldemort? I'm sure he's going to look into my head soon enough since it's nighttime. Harry thought of a scheme, and wondered if he could pull this bluff. Everything depended on how mentally unstable Bellatrix was.

"Why did you come here, Bellatrix?"

"My Lord?"

Harry breathed deeply. "I had presumed you would have realized my plan by now. But it seems I overestimated your abilities, my Bellatrix."

"Mmm?" She finally began to open her eyes and look up. "Y-You!"

Harry caressed her face lovingly. Her cold skin was amusing. "That night when I claimed you… I expected you to understand my ploy. I placed my expectations too high, I see."

Confusion was written all over her face. The way Harry spoke reminded her of Voldemort. Yet, Harry Potter was standing before her. "M-My Lord?"

"Indeed, Bellatrix," Harry replied, his eyes shining green and his persona proud. "Do you not remember?"

She eventually woke up completely and found her wrists tied behind her. She glared up at Harry, and noticed the same smug, prideful look as Voldemort. "I-Is that you, my Lord?"

Harry sighed, caressed Bellatrix's face again, down to her neck, and gripped it hard. "You have disappointed me, Bellatrix. By attacking the Weasleys, you almost ruined my plan. Now, the ministry's fools are on their way—to take you away from me."

"No!" She panicked. "Forgive me, my Lord… I didn't know…"

"How could you not? That night, when I was reborn with this boy's blood, I took over his body at the same time as making a new one. One man, in two places at once—Dumbledore's destruction has been set in motion. But you…"


Bellatrix tried to move and plead. "Forgive me, my Lord!"

"Punishment…" Harry replied and just then felt heaviness in his mind, a sign that the visitor had arrived. "You need to be reminded of your loyalty."

All of a sudden, Harry stopped caressing her face and pulled down the zipper of his pants. Then, he dug out his cock in the midst of going erect.

"Open your mouth, Bellatrix." He ordered and stepped forward, spreading his legs around her clenched knees at the chair. He leaned in and dug his fingers into her curly hair.

"Remember who your Lord is… remember who owns you… my Bellatrix."

"Yessss~" She was more excited than scared as Harry's cock closed in on her face. "I'm only yours, my Lord!"

Fuck, don't bite… please don't bite. Harry was praying inside as he pressed the purple knob on her lips and pushed further, parting her purposeful tight lips, spearing into her warmth. He remained there and let his member go fully erect and fill her up.

He matched his gaze with her brown eyes. He couldn't deny that she was a beautiful woman, albeit with an ugly personality and past. But sullying her, his nemesis, only made it much more satisfying.

Are you seeing this, Voldemort? He spoke in his mind. Your woman is now pleasing me.

"Remember this forever." Harry angrily said and clenched her hair tightly before thrusting and shoving his whole cock into her throat. Fully erect, he could feel his veiny walls brush against the tightness of her slippery throat.

She's good. Harry commented to annoy Voldemort. I'll have fun with her.

"Yes-hhh~ My Loh…rd!" Bellatrix kept staring up even when Harry fucked her mouth mercilessly. Like a hungry seductress, she pressed her lips tighter around his girth to please him, her lord.

The plunges of intense rubbing around his cock made Harry titter on the edge of his toes in no time. Although he had kept her hair tightly clutched, she was still trying to bob her face on his length.

He hated her, but at the same time, enjoyed this. Plundering all the way deep into her throat, he eased in and out with wild pumps. Her saliva coated and sputtered out of the corner of her lips as well, ruining much of her face. Her breathing also intensified, unable to breathe whenever he'd push far inside.

"This won't do," Harry suddenly commented, pulling out of her lips. Quickly, he looked down and pulled her legs up, making her arch her back and ease further on the chair. He pushed her black dress up and found the milky white fleshy thighs, between which was her black panties.

Look, Voldemort. I'm about to claim your woman. Harry told himself and, without anything in the way, pulled the middle of her panties and stretched it to the side, revealing her pale brown slit that was drenched, all for him.

With fanaticism in her eyes, Bellatrix was excited. Even more with her hands tied behind her. "Punish me, my Lord… I deserve this!"

Harry nodded curtly and pushed in, his throbbing, saliva-coated cock easing slowly into her soaking core. It pried her open with ease, her warmth erotically exciting Harry. But then he slammed in with a savage thrust, fitting his whole length in one go.

"I will not be kind," he said and used both hands to pull the wide neck of the dress further down and claim her magnificent breasts. Her black bra was easily shoved up to her upper chest, and her ample, white mounds found themselves pressed under his palm.

Look, Voldemort. She's enjoying this.

Harry started moving his hips violently, shaking the whole chair at times. Pulling all the way out to the tip and then slamming in. Bellatrix also kept her legs raised, her ankle-high boots spread apart to take more of him in.

"Yes… yes, my Lord…" She moaned in the ecstasy of his plundering.

Harry groaned in anger, seeing nothing but a killer who murdered Sirius. He clenched her pale mounds so rough that her white skin started to turn faint crimson, his fingers leaving marks. Her little buds were tugged hard.

The whole time, his plowing thrusts never stopped, clapping into her thighs. He took the view in with great delight, her arched body so uncomfortably being fucked by him. Her pristine slit was ravaged with his girth. She was spotless all over her utterly white skin, but Harry made sure to mark her red.


He slapped her breasts while her hair thrashed around. "Do you understand your mistake now?"

"Y-Yes, my Lord!"


He slapped her face this time. "You will follow my words from now on—to the letter."


Harry nodded and prepared himself to finish it since Ministry Aurors could be arriving anytime soon. "I will tell you to do something later in front of the Weasleys. Obey my command, that is the only way you can be kept out of Azkaban. You are the most loyal to me, Bellatrix… I don't want to lose my most loyal."

"Ah, ah… Thank you…" She was in pure ecstasy, as if he had just confessed his love to her.

With that, Harry went deeper and weighed on her body. His hands clenched her breasts tight as his legs began to buckle. The little shakes of spasms came, and he felt his cockhead burst with a load of his seeds.

Deep inside Bellatrix, he filled her pussy like she was his dump. The cream coated every inch of her inside, burning her with passion. She didn't come, but her face showed expressions no different from doing so.

"My Lord!" She gasped and quickly tried to free her hands to take some of his seeds to devour.

"Here." Harry gave her just that. After shooting up waves of his release inside her, he pulled out to ease into her mouth again. He didn't have to move this time as Bellatrix frantically lapped her tongue around his molten member and licked him clean.

Finally, feeling her mental condition tilted towards genuinely believing he was Voldemort, he stepped back and cleaned himself. Bellatrix, as well; He shoved her mounds back in her dress, and her legs down. His seeds, however, still remained inside her, slowly sullying her panties with sticky white cream.

"Take the potion later. I can't have my most loyal be absent right now, as my plans are taking shape," Harry ordered her and waved his wand to lift the silencing charm. "Perhaps when we finally rid the world of all those who oppose me, I will fulfill your desire."

"Yes, my Lord!" She chirped excitedly, for her love for Voldemort was undying and insane.

Just one more step, and she will be mine. Keep watching, Voldemort. Harry could feel something burning inside his head, a pulsating headache that he had grown to ignore by now.

"Please come inside!" He shouted for everyone outside.


The car shed's door opened, and everyone returned. They looked around to find any signs of a struggle or fight, but all they noticed was some red marks on Bellatrix's face. They chose to ignore it.

"Tonks, please come here and stand witness," Harry called for the Auror. "Bellatrix has agreed to make an Unbreakable Vow to me. She will give me her life and obey all my commands from this moment on, and any sign of hostility will be her end—We can use her against Voldemort."

Silence spread, and a few tried to make him stop.

"Let the Ministry handle her, Harry," Molly suggested.

Harry almost grew angry, his brows furrowing. "So she can escape again? Please, Mrs. Weasley, I don't want to see someone else die like Sirius. He would have been alive if not for the Ministry's incompetence—they have lost our trust and stabbed us in the back plenty of times."

"Harry's got a point." Ron quickly took Harry's side. "With Bellatrix on our side. We can make her tell us about all the Death Eaters. She's close to the Dark Lord, isn't she?"

Harry nodded and waved his wand, making Bellatrix stand up. There was fanatic lust in her eyes still, but she hid it behind her insanity easily. "He will kill you all eventually! My Lord will win—you can never stop him!"

Harry ignored her rambling and freed her hands, then chained them in front of her body. "Raise your hand, Bellatrix Lestrange. Tonks, please be the witness for the vow."

Tonks surrendered herself to his wish and stood witness. She raised her wand and tapped the top of Harry and Bellatrix's clasped hands.

"Bellatrix Lestrange, will you surrender your life, mind, and heart to me, Harry Potter?"

"I will!"

"Will you obey every command and request I will make to you?"

"I will!"

"If you betray me, and break any of the terms of this vow, will you accept immediate death?"

"I will, my L… Harry Potter!"

And just like that, the tables turned. Harry let go of Bellatrix's hand and looked around at the faces. "When the Ministry comes here, don't tell them about Bellatrix. Just hand over the dead bodies."


Harry stopped Remus before he could say anything. "Only the Order of the Phoenix can know. The Ministry is compromised, and to think otherwise is beyond stupid."

"You blood traitors!" Bellatrix kept her play going. "My Lord will know I'm here… he will come for me!"

Harry smiled at her, but she thought he was appreciating her. While in reality, he pitied her. Because the moment she'd know the truth, she'd die on her own.

Are you watching this, Voldemort? Harry smugly thought to himself, almost sure Voldemort was listening. Two can play this game.


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