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84% Journey Of Ben Tennyson / Chapter 84: Chapter 84 - Onslaught - Fusion Of Magneto and Professor X

Bab 84: Chapter 84 - Onslaught - Fusion Of Magneto and Professor X


"After the war of Kings concluded, both Black Bolt and Vulcan were believed to be dead, and The Fault was born—a rift in space and time," Jean narrated, setting the stage for the subsequent events.

Reed Richards, his mind grappling with the cosmic implications, questioned, "So, what happened after The Fault was created. So how can Vulcan be present in front of us?"

Jean continued, revealing the unexpected twist, "Contrary to belief, Vulcan survived. Mr. Sinister intervened, saving him and bringing him to Earth. With the Summers brothers gathering, they took control of a Breeding Pen."

She continues, "Under Sinister's command, Vulcan, targeted us on Earth. He killed Banshee, overpowered myself and Wolverine, and captured Storm and Beast. But I was able to tap into the Phoenix Force, managed to briefly injure Vulcan, presenting a glimmer of hope for the X-Men."

Sue Storm, her concern evident, asked, "Did the X-Men seize the opportunity to defeat Vulcan?"

Jean sighed, "We tried. We saw a chance of defeating him, but Vulcan was too strong and managed to escape."

Back to the story Vulcan was just few minutes ago sleeping in his room, since Mr. Sinister has not called him, but before Mr. Sinister died, with the telepathic he sent a message to Vulcan to save the Elite Mutant Force, or if he was able, they also took revenge for him.

"Yes, I will take the revenge," Vulcan said, consumed by a desire for revenge, fueled by a lifetime of cruelty and Sinister's influence, faced off against Sharky Tennyson.

As the X-Men, S.H.I.E.L.D, Fantastic Four, and Spider-Man observed, the battlefield crackled with tension.

"Then let's see," Sharky said, as he harnessed the power of the Feedback Alien.

Vulcan, adept at manipulating all forms of energy, unleashed a barrage of destructive power. Energy crackled in his hands as he aimed to overwhelm Sharky Tennyson.

However, Sharky proved formidable, activating his power to absorb the onslaught of energy directed at him.

The air buzzed with the clash of their powers, creating an intense spectacle. The Elite Mutant Force, recovering on one side, watched with bated breath, uncertain of the outcome.

Vulcan's sadistic nature fueled his attacks, while Sharky tapped into the vast potential of the Feedback Alien.

The conflict unfolded as a dynamic exchange of energy manipulation and absorption, with each combatant pushing their abilities to the limit.

The fate of those recovering on the sidelines hung in the balance, and the clash between Vulcan and Sharky Tennyson was a spectacle that would be etched in the memories of both heroes and villains alike.

The battlefield crackled with energy as Vulcan and Sharky Tennyson engaged in a relentless exchange. Vulcan's mastery over various energy forms manifested in a barrage of attacks, each one aimed at overwhelming his opponent.

However, Sharky, with the Energy Absorption and Redirection abilities electrified the air, effortlessly absorbing Vulcan's onslaught and redirecting it with amplified power, laced with crackling electricity.

Yet, Vulcan, not to be outdone, harnessed his own energy absorption capabilities. As Sharky sent back the charged attack, Vulcan absorbed it with a dark grin, gathering the energy to unleash a counterassault.

The clash escalated into a dazzling display of energy manipulation, with each combatant absorbing, redirecting, and retaliating with increased intensity.

The onlookers, including the recovering heroes and the Elite Mutant Force, watched in awe as the battlefield became a dynamic dance of power.

As the energy-based clash reached a stalemate, Vulcan and Sharky Tennyson locked eyes, realizing a shift in their approach was necessary. The charged atmosphere transitioned from crackling energy to a physical showdown.

Both combatants, endowed with superhuman strength and durability, engaged in a relentless exchange of blows. The ground trembled beneath their might, but their superhuman strength and durability proved evenly matched, creating a relentless exchange of blows. However, Sharky's combat skills began to tip the scales in his favor.

With a well-timed combination of strikes, grapples, and agile maneuvers, Sharky gained the upper hand in the physical confrontation. Vulcan, despite his superhuman attributes, found himself struggling against Sharky's strategic combat abilities.

Seizing the opportune moment, Sharky unleashed his strongest mixed attack, combining physical and energy assault. The blast nearly overwhelmed Vulcan, creating a momentary advantage for Sharky.

The battlefield trembled as the powerful assault connected, pushing Vulcan to the brink.

But Vulcan, showcasing his resilience, activated his Reconstruction ability. With this power, he began rebuilding himself, defying the damage inflicted by Sharky's potent attack.

The tide of the battle shifted once again as Vulcan, undeterred by the onslaught, stood firm against Sharky, ready to continue the intense confrontation.

As the battle raged on, Sharky Tennyson, realizing the need for a strategic shift, gained the upper hand by combining physical combat with the absorption of Vulcan's energy attacks.

"Is that all you've got, Vulcan? Your energy tricks won't save you now!" Sharky taunted as he deftly dodged Vulcan's attempts at retaliation.

Seeing an opportunity, Sharky tapped into his Anodite magic powers. A radiant glow enveloped Vulcan as Sharky swiftly bound his legs and hands with ethereal energy, leaving him temporarily immobilized.

"You're about to feel the real power," Sharky declared, his eyes glowing with determination as he unleashed a barrage of punches on the restrained Vulcan.

Vulcan struggled against the magical bindings, gritting his teeth. "You may have the advantage now, but this won't be the end, Tennyson."

Undeterred, Sharky absorbed the remaining energy from Vulcan, leaving him in a tattered and powerless state. As the energy drained, Vulcan's defiant words echoed through the battlefield.

"You may have won this round, Sharky, but don't underestimate the resilience of a survivor."

The once-mighty Vulcan lay defeated, drained of energy, and unable to reconstruct himself. The battlefield fell silent as Sharky, with a triumphant yet cautious expression, surveyed the aftermath of their intense clash.

As the aftermath settled, the defeated Elite Mutant Force concept, including Dark Beast, Cyclops, Havok, Aurora, Northstar, Amazon, and Cannonball, faced a grim realization. Vulcan's loss meant not only the end of their revenge but also the looming threat of imprisonment by S.H.I.E.L.D, X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Spider-Man.

The heroes sighed in relief, believing they had once again secured the safety of the world. However, their moment of respite was abruptly cut short by the sudden arrival of an ominous figure.

A mysterious and foreboding aura surrounded the newcomer. The newcomer was a massive, hulking figure, standing well over seven feet tall. His physique exudes power and strength, with a heavily muscled and imposing build.

His body is covered in a predominantly black, with accents of dark red and metallic silver, metallic-looking armor that gives off an intimidating aura. It is intricately designed, featuring a combination of sleek, angular plates and textured elements with a slightly reflective quality, adding to its imposing presence.

The helmet is a prominent feature of his appearance. It is a sharp, angular design, with a prominent brow line and pointed edges that give it a sinister and intimidating look. Completely encloses his head, leaving only his glowing red eyes visible.

He wears a flowing, billowing cape that extends from his shoulders down to his feet; it is tattered and frayed, giving it a worn and battle-worn appearance. It is usually dark in color, matching the overall aesthetic of his armor.

Everyone was confused, now who have come stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, both heroes and villains alike couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The air crackled with uncertainty as a newcomer's gaze surveyed the scene.

Now everyone is focused on the new arrival, they don't know who he was, he is good or bad, they don't know about him. But Sharky knew who this person was. It was none other than the Onslaught.

In Universe 231, when Sharky was traveling, he met with the Onslaught. It was a fusion of Professor X and Magneto.

And in different Universes, there were different reasons for the birth of Onslaught. In Universe 235, it happened during a battle between the X-Men and Magneto's Acolytes.

Magneto extracted the Adamantium from the skeleton of Wolverine. Upon seeing this, a very angry Xavier used his telepathic powers to shut down Magneto's mind, rendering him catatonic.

Although he saved them, when he returned to his room, Magneto's anger, grief and lust for vengeance entered Xavier's consciousness; that and with every long-suppressed negative feeling Xavier had endured during the last 30 years.

This aggregation resulted in the being born was known as Onslaught, a being made of psionic energy combining Magneto's and Xavier's psyches.

Onslaught came to the X-Men team and he claimed he was Charles Xavier, but since his appearance was similar to Magneto but was larger. Wolverine remarked that he looked more like Magneto, with the helmet, build, and color scheme.

These statements made Onslaught very angry, and he then released a huge amount of energy, destroying the room they were all in.

He then proceeded to kidnap Jean Grey and took her to the astral plane. He tried to convince her to join him and his cause but without revealing that he was part of Xavier's subconscious.

Onslaught then tries to show Jean Xavier's repressed frustration caused by his love for Jean. As a result he attacks Jean and burns his name psionically on Jean's forehead, which only Jean can see. Then he throws Jean out of the astral plane.

Jean and the X-Men later meet up with Juggernaut who asks Jean to search through his mind telepathically to find out who Onslaught was. Jean placed her hands on Juggernaut's head, and proceeded to look for information, which led to her discovering that Onslaught knew where they were.

However, Juggernaut ran, and once in the hallway, found himself in a maze of stairs, and found only a door in which to escape. He ran through the door, only to find a massive Onslaught on the other side. Onslaught tore the Gem of Cyttorak from Juggernaut's impenetrable body, and he would soon be kidnapped by Onslaught.

Later, back in Xavier's body, Onslaught called the X-Men into his study. He claimed that he wanted to destroy the human race to leave the mutants supreme. Jean, distressed at what Xavier was saying, walked around the room, and saw the Gem of Cyttorak on the table, and inside was Juggernaut.

Onslaught then proceeded in battling the X-Men and destroyed most of the school. Onslaught continued his plans to try and destroy all humanity.

Meanwhile, Wolverine and Elektra were able to figure out that Onslaught was in fact Xavier and Magneto.

Onslaught intended to destroy all mutants and humans alike by absorbing the powers of Franklin Richards and Nate Grey to increase his own psionic powers.

Onslaught battles the Avengers, Fantastic Four, The Hulk, the X-Men and Doctor Doom. During the battle the Hulk destroys Onslaught's psychic armor with a powerful punch, so powerful that the Hulk and Bruce Banner separate.

Before Onslaught could do more harm, Sharky entered the scene and defeated him.

All except Franklin Richards, Nate Grey, Quicksilver, the Banner-less Hulk, the Magneto clone known as Joseph and the X-Men are presumed dead. In reality Franklin created a pocket dimension where he sent the heroes.

And just like this one similar event happened in Universe 367. After using her powers to de-power Earth's mutants, Scarlet Witch unwittingly causes the powers of Charles Xavier and Magneto to collide and gives birth to Onslaught.

This Onslaught became larger, and gained a Magneto-like mask. He soon faced-off against the Avengers, where he gained the power of possession.

With it Onslaught possesses the Hulk and uses him to attack Thor to see which hero was more powerful. Onslaught switched between the two heroes, and ended up possessing Thor, striking Hulk with lightning.

As the Onslaught possessed Thor was about to strike Hulk again, he dropped Mjolnir, no longer being worthy. Thus Onslaught switched back to Hulk, and punched Thor high into the atmosphere.

As he then went to pick up the hammer, the Avengers arrived and a fight ensued. Captain America then ordered Human Torch and Iron Man to rescue Thor, telling them they had about sixty seconds before Thor reverted to his alter-ego. They managed to save him in the allotted time, and Johnny took Thor back to the Baxter Building.

Captain orders Hawkeye to go and search for Onslaught, while underneath Hawkeye's costume is Wolverine.

They continue the battle with the possessed Hulk, where Captain is thrown into a building. Iron Man, still in the atmosphere, charges down at Hulk at full speed. He punches Hulk, knocking him unconscious.

He and Captain then assess their next move, when Onslaught possesses Iron Man, and attacks Captain. But seeing the situation was getting out of control, Sharky helps them in defeating Onslaught and sends him to Area 42 prison in the Negative Zone.

Back to the present situation, the Onslaught was standing in front of the X-Men, S.H.I.E.L.D, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four and Elite Mutant Force.

This Universe Onslaught was born because Charles Xavier and Magneto wanted to defeat Mr. Sinister, but they didn't know the power, they couldn't control it, and a new will was entered in their mind.

"What in the web-slinging world is that?" Spider Man asked while his eyes opened wide.

Reed Richards replied while analyzing the situation, "Extraordinary. I've never encountered a psychic force of this magnitude."

"Get ready, people. We're dealing with something we've never seen before." Nick Fury commands his agent.

Captain America said in serious mode, "Avengers, be on guard. This is uncharted territory."

Iron Man tells while scanning "I can't find any data on this entity. Jarvis, what are we dealing with?"

Jean Grey tried to communicate telepathically, "There's a presence, a powerful one. I can't... It's like a storm in my mind."

Scott Summers while taking care of his brother Vulcan, "What the heck is that?"

Sharky then explains to them how the Onslaught was born, while he activated the power of Chill Dreamer, the fusion of Big Chill and Pesky Dust, since he has experienced defeating Onslaught in other different Universes.

As the battle unfolded, Sharky hovered gracefully, a fusion of icy blue and dreamy dust, radiating an aura of confidence. Onslaught, a formidable force born from the melding of Xavier and Magneto, faced this unexpected adversary with a mix of curiosity and malevolence.

The field crackled with psychic energy as Onslaught, attempting to exploit his telepathic prowess, delved into Sharky's mind. However, Sharky's Adaptive Invulnerability proved to be an impenetrable fortress, deflecting Onslaught's invasive mental assaults.

Sharky, grinning defiantly, taunted, "You can't read my mind, Onslaught. Nice try."

"We will see," Onslaught responded, determination resonating in his voice. Undeterred, he shifted tactics, attempting to enforce his will through mind control. Yet, like his telepathic endeavors, this too proved futile against Sharky's resilient mental defenses.

Seizing the opportunity, Onslaught unleashed a barrage of powerful energy blasts, aiming to overwhelm Sharky. However, the icy fusion seemed untouched, the energy dissipating harmlessly against Sharky's invulnerable form.

Sharky, now confidently standing amidst the dissipating energy, quipped, "Is that all you've got?" Sharky's eyes glowed with a mix of ice and stardust, ready to counter whatever Onslaught would throw next in this cosmic clash of powers.

As the battle raged on, a chilling wind accompanied the clash of powers between Sharky and Onslaught.

"You're really not good at this mind game, are you?" Sharky taunts while smirking.

"Your mind is resilient, but I will break it." Onslaught shouted while gritting his psychic teeth.

In a swift move, Onslaught teleported behind Sharky, attempting a sneak attack. However, Sharky's Titanic Endurance kicked in, enhancing his reflexes and allowing him to effortlessly evade the surprise assault.

"Nice try, but you'll have to do better than that." Sharky again mocked him.

A brute force exchange ensued, each blow resonating with the clash of two powerful entities. Sharky relied on his quick reflexes, dancing around Onslaught's attacks, while Onslaught exploited his teleportation to evade Sharky's retaliations.

"You can't dance forever, Sharky." Onslaught said. He decided to tip the scales in his favor. With a magnetic surge, he manipulated the environment, hurling cars, buses, and even parts of buildings toward Sharky. "Let's see you dodge this!" The debris rained down, a chaotic storm aimed at overwhelming the hero.

However, Sharky had another trick up his sleeve. Utilizing his intangibility, he phased through the solid onslaught, emerging unscathed from the wreckage.

"Try more, but I've got more than one trick in my icy arsenal." Sharky replied while grinning.

The battlefield, now a mix of frozen winds and scattered debris, bore witness to an intense showdown between the resilient Sharky and the strategic yet frustrated Onslaught.

Onslaught, growing more frustrated with each thwarted attempt, shifted tactics. With a menacing grin, he unleashed the full force of his magnetic manipulation, hurling a barrage of cars, buses, and buildings toward the assembled heroes.

"Let's see how your tricks save them!" Onslaught smirked.

In response, Sharky tapped into his Absolute Cryomancy, a mastery over ice and cold that surpassed ordinary freezing abilities. With precision, he froze the incoming projectiles before shattering them into harmless pieces, protecting the allies from the magnetic onslaught. "Nice try, but I've got more than just cold shoulders." He showed his determination.

Not one to concede defeat, Onslaught took a darker turn, seizing control of Thor's mind. The God of Thunder, now under Onslaught's influence, launched a powerful assault against Sharky. Yet, Sharky effortlessly countered Thor's attacks.

Undeterred, Onslaught switched his focus to the Hulk, manipulating the green behemoth to charge at Sharky. The clash between the two titans shook the battlefield, but Sharky managed to hurl Hulk back with surprising ease.

Onslaught, however, wasn't finished. He turned his attention to Tony Stark, compelling Iron Man to fire a barrage of attacks. Simultaneously, Captain America, under Onslaught's control, charged with his shield, while Hawkeye launched a volley of arrows.

Sharky, with his invulnerable body, endured the onslaught. For the attacks that managed to find their mark, Sharky phased through them, emerging unscathed. The battlefield became a chaotic dance of powers, with Sharky countering each controlled hero's assault with finesse and determination.

The battlefield crackled with tension as Onslaught's psychic grip tightened on the minds of the X-Men. Jean Grey, Storm, Colossus, Angel, Dazzler, Nightcrawler, and Wolverine moved with coordinated precision, their expressions blank as they advanced on Sharky.

"Unleash your power upon him, X-Men!" Onslaught cheered while manipulating X-Men

Sharky, a fusion of icy blue and dreamy dust, soared through the air with unparalleled grace, showcasing his Aerial Prowess. Storm unleashed bolts of lightning, but Sharky evaded effortlessly, performing acrobatic spins and flips. "Is that all you've got?" Sharky mocked him.

Colossus, fueled by Onslaught's command, delivered a thunderous punch, but Sharky, invoking his Titanic Endurance, stood unfazed. The colossal force seemed inconsequential against his resilient form.

"Your resilience won't save you, Sharky. X-Men, don't hold back!" Onslaught said, while controlling X-Men.

Meanwhile, Angel executed a rapid aerial assault, but Sharky matched every move with ease, his Aerial Prowess allowing him to navigate the skies with nimble finesse.

Dazzler's blinding light beams pierced the air, only to be deflected by Sharky's precise use of Absolute Cryomancy. A protective ice shield formed around him, shimmering in the chaos.

Nightcrawler's teleportation strikes added a layer of unpredictability, but Sharky, with a blend of Adaptive Invulnerability and Aerial Prowess, anticipated each move, countering with agile evasions.

"You'll have to try harder than that. You can't catch me that easily." Sharky smirked

Wolverine, under Onslaught's control, lunged with ferocious claw attacks. However, Sharky's Adaptive Invulnerability and Titanic Endurance proved insurmountable, each strike meeting an impenetrable defense.

"Enough of this! Show him the true extent of your power!" Onslaught shouted. As the controlled X-Men continued their assault, Sharky, with a sense of restraint, refrained from causing harm. He used his strength to subdue them without inflicting injury, showcasing both his defensive prowess and commitment to preserving the well-being of his adversaries.

Then Onslaught extended his psychic control to the Fantastic Four, the iconic team of Johnny Storm, Sharky Grimm (The Thing), Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic), and Sue Storm found themselves compelled to attack Sharky.

Onslaught command while manipulating Fantastic Four, "Attack him, Fantastic Four!" Johnny Storm, engulfed in flames, unleashed his fiery assault, but Sharky, with a wave of his hand, turned the searing flames into frost. The attack transformed into a cascade of glittering ice, leaving Johnny momentarily stunned.

Sharky Grimm, known for his formidable strength as The Thing, charged at Sharky, but his mighty punches seemed feeble against the icy fusion's Titanic Endurance.

Reed Richards, with his elastic abilities as Mr. Fantastic, extended his limbs in a strategic move, but Sharky, employing his Absolute Cryomancy, froze and shattered the elongated appendages with a swift motion.

"You can't be invincible," Onslaught shouted in an angry mood. While Sue Storm, the Invisible Woman, created force fields in an attempt to confine Sharky. However, he simply phased through the solid barriers using his intangibility.

"Yes, I am Invincible," Sharky said sarcastically.

As the Fantastic Four's powers proved ineffective against the resilient Sharky, Onslaught's frustration grew. "You're just delaying the inevitable, Sharky." Onslaught said growling. While he shifted his attention to the Elite Mutant Force, comprising Dark Beast, Cyclops, Havok, Vulcan, Aurora, Northstar, Amazon, and Cannonball, a surge of psychic energy enveloped the group.

Yet, Sharky remained a stoic figure amidst the impending assault.

Cyclops and Havok, the formidable brothers with optic blast powers, unleashed their energy beams simultaneously. Yet, Sharky, with a flick of his hand, generated an icy barrier, deflecting the beams harmlessly into the cold air.

"Your beams are no match for my frosty defense." Sharky replied calmly.

"Is there no end to your resilience? Crush him, Elite Mutant Force!" Onslaught is frustrated, while manipulating the Elite Mutant Force.

Vulcan, channeling powerful cosmic energy, attempted a direct assault, but Sharky's Titanic Endurance absorbed the onslaught, rendering Vulcan's efforts futile.

Aurora and Northstar, the speedster siblings, launched a flurry of rapid attacks. However, Sharky's Aerial Prowess allowed him to dance effortlessly through the onslaught, evading their every move with a grace that left the siblings bewildered.

Amazon and Cannonball, combining strength and kinetic energy, charged at Sharky. Yet, his Absolute Cryomancy formed a protective ice shield, absorbing their impact without a hint of strain.

"Elite Mutant Force, don't let him toy with you!" Onslaught said while growling.

The Elite Mutant Force's powers, once formidable under Onslaught's control, proved to be insufficient against Sharky's versatile defense. The battlefield echoed with the clash of icy resilience and the frustrated efforts of those manipulated by Onslaught.

"I won't let your manipulation harm them." Sharky said, while calculating each move showcased not only his mastery over his powers but also his unwavering determination to resist and protect those under Onslaught's influence.

As the controlled forces of Avengers, X-Men, Elite Mutant Force, Fantastic Four, and Spider-Man continued their relentless assault, Sharky recognized the need for a decisive move. With determination in his eyes, Sharky unleashed two more facets of his icy arsenal.

He released white pollen from his hand by activating Sleep Dust Manipulation. Tiny, glistening particles, imbued with the power to induce slumber, cascaded from Sharky's outstretched hands. With a deep breath, he exhaled a powerful gust of wind, utilizing Wind Breath to disperse the sleep-inducing particles with precision.

The hypnotic breeze enveloped the area, transforming the battlefield into a dreamlike realm as the heroes succumbed to the seductive embrace of sleep.

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