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After lunch, with the Cullens, the rest of the school day went by quickly. My class with Alice was fun since we flirted and got to know each other a bit better and my class with Bella was fun, we just shot shit as usual.

Currently, I could be seen walking out of school with Bella who was staring blatantly at Edward who was standing at his family vehicle.

"Your eyes are gonna pop out kid." I said to Bella.

"Nuh uh." Bella replied as she bumped into her car.

"...Dumbass." I said as I got into my car, I wanted to train my actual training method today, not the calisthenics I had to train while Alice was watching me yesterday.

"What you s-" Bella said before I slammed my car door interrupting her.

Not paying any more attention to Bella I started up my car and prepared for the drive home, but not before waving at Alice who was looking at me how Bella was looking at Edward.

'See ya'.' I said to myself as I waved at Alice.

Seeing me wave Alice returned it immediately with a smile on her face which made my heart warm, she's just so damn cute!

With that done I began driving home and after driving for a few minutes I arrived at my humble abode.

Wanting to get to my workout I grabbed my stuff from the back seat before exiting my car and walking toward the front door.

"Can you do my homework? Pleaseeeeeeeee." Bella asked after walking into the house.

"Dear sister." I replied as I turned around to look at Bella.

"Yes?" Bella said with hope in her eyes.

"There is no shot in hell I would ever grace your homework with my pencil." I said with a sweet smile.

"Oh c'mon..." Bella said as the hope in her eyes dimmed.

"Your big brother won't be there to save you everytime." I said still smiling.

"You're not even much older than me." Bella said as she rolled her eyes.

"Old enough to be your big brother." I said as I continued my walk upstairs.

Bella did respond but I didn't bother to listen as I entered my room before changing into my workout gear. As I mentioned before I wouldn't be doing simple calisthenics, I would be training my physical training technique before training my combat technique.

Ready to exercise I make my way downstairs and out the front door before beginning my warm-up job and after an hour of jogging with altered gravity, I was warmed the heck up.

"Let's head into the forest." I said after returning to the house.

The place where I would do my workout would be next to the lab where I had some extra space to move around freely.

"Alright." I said aloud as I stood a bit away from the lab.

My physical training method was a technique that artificially overhauls my body as I train to create what the technique calls, The Martial Body. The technique consists of a variety of exercises for each and every single muscle in my body as well as ways to strengthen my bones since apparently the Martial Body cannot be built within a weak body. The more I train the further the Martial Body progresses in its formation.

The technique says that the Martial Body will become complete when 'it' happens. An extremely vague thing to say since I have absolutely no clue what 'it' is but, I do know that I can feel the small changes happening within my body as I train this technique and that they're benefiting me in my day-to-day life as well as when I'm using magic.

I can feel my magic energy flowing smoother throughout my body and my body flowing better, it's hard to describe but I would say the technique instills a certain fluidity into my being, everything is better, easier, almost like I'm training to become what I should be, as weird as that sounds.

Training this technique is extremely tiring but I enjoy every moment of it since I love the feeling of pushing myself and the even more intoxicating feeling that I get when I feel my body improve, no drug can compare.

'I need to figure out what's happening with my bloodline.' I said inwardly as I balanced myself on my pinky.

The physical training technique improved my body, yes, but I know that if I can figure out what's going on with my Hanma bloodline and fix it, my improvement with this technique will take a qualitative leap. I mean, a Hanma with a Martial Body? That was overpowered and I wanted it, I wanted it bad, really really bad.

"Perhaps I haven't awakened the Hanma bloodline." I said aloud thinking of my bloodline.

Perhaps it wasn't that my Hanma bloodline was at a plateau, it was that I hadn't actually awakened the bloodline yet.

"..." I opened my mouth wide as a sudden thought made itself known in my head.


The sound of me falling on my back was heard throughout my surroundings as a big smile formed on my face, I remembered something important, very important, and with that memory came an idea.

When I wished for the Hanma bloodline I was only thinking of the Yujiro and Baki who had the bloodline and how overpowered they were, but what I wasn't thinking of was where the bloodline originated from, The Demon God, and I who had the purest Hanma bloodline had the Demon God bloodline itself.

This was important because as a Nephalem I was half God and half Demon, now during my years here I've trained my techniques and I've even been able to awaken my God side but I have yet to unlock my Demon side. My God abilities seemed to awaken due to my positive feelings throughout this life but I don't have many negative emotions that would assist in the awakening of my Demon side.

It might be a long shot but I believe my two demon bloodlines might have fused together and are waiting for me to awaken them so that I can continue on my path growing as a Nephalem. That would explain the abrupt halt in my improvement, the Hanma bloodline would never just stop working, perhaps I had reached the maximum growth allowed without awakening my Demon side.

Now, the question is how do I awaken my demon side? Well, I just needed to have a LOT of negative emotions and I knew just how to torture myself mentally to get those negative emotions required.

"This is gonna suck so much." I said as I released a sigh, I already knew I was gonna be in for an adventure.

Not knowing how this would go I cast a spell on my house so that my existence would be forgotten temporarily, I don't want Dad or Bella freaking out because they can't find me.

Finished casting a spell I set up a barrier around myself so that I was invisible to the outside eye and completely mute while also keeping any energy that came from me during this awakening from leaking out and possibly attracting supernatural beings.

"Alright, motherfucker!" I shouted in an attempt to hype myself up before casting the spell that would either help me awaken my demon side or leave me mentally screwed.

"Maybe this is a bit reckless..." I said aloud rethinking my decision to do this but soon steeled my will, I knew how to awaken my demon side and it wouldn't change whether it was now or later.

"Fuck it." I said pushing my uncertainty aside as I finalized the spell.

"Everlasting Nightmare." I said aloud before my vision went black.

Everlasting Nightmare, a spell I created myself to torture my future enemies when I didn't want to give them a quick death. The spell was an illusion that brought the victim into their mindscape and as the spell's name says, it shows them a nightmare. But the most important thing is that they don't know they're in an illusion, this alone will turn the tides in mental warfare.

The nightmare shows you everything you fear, everything that shakes your mentality, it takes your loved ones and subjects them to the cruelest fate while forcing you to watch and endure it yourself... then repeat, forever. Unless the caster releases the victim they can't break out from the illusion unless they have more magic than the caster and they must make it burst to break free, similar to an illusion in Naruto.

Now, what was I subjected to because of my own spell? Everything I didn't want to see. I hated it, all of it. The mutilated Bella at my feet who had an expression of pure pain and terror on her face, my father who was drowning in his own blood due to having his throat slit, Alice who was leading against the wall without her head with crystal shards around her body, and most of all my mother, Laura Sunstone who was responsible for it all.

In my first life, my mother Laura Sunstone was the kindest woman I knew, always doing her best in life while helping others with all of her heart, she was genuinely the greatest person I knew, yet here she was... killing everyone I cared for... How did all of this happen? And why would my mother do this? No, it couldn't be my... my mother wouldn't do this.

"Ke..ath.... Don't.... Be.. Afraid...." My mother said.

"Ke..ath.... Don't.... Be.. Afraid...." My mother repeated.

"Ke..ath.... Don't.... Be.. Afraid...." My mother repeated again.

"Ke..ath.... Don't.... Be.. Afraid...." My mother repeated for the fourth time.

My mother was closing in on me with an elated smile on her face, she looked to be in pure bliss at my display of pain, I hated seeing this, why did it have to be her? Why did I have to see this? And why did her smile have to look so similar to the Skinwalker that killed me before?

"Ke..ath.... Don't.... Be.. Afraid...." My mother said as she stood directly in front of me before plunging the knife in her hand into my guts.

It hurt but I couldn't express my pain, I couldn't move or speak at all.

Stab, Stab, Slash, Slash, Slash, Stab, Slash, Stab, Stab, Stab, Slash, Slash, Slash.

My mother was carving my body up with each stab and slash until my blood had formed a pool on the ground. It hurt, it hurt so much.

My mother seemed to grow happier the more pain I was in and after stabbing and slashing enough she placed her fingers inside the stab located on my stomach before placing all of her fingers inside the cut before slowing pulling apart causing the stab wound to rip and tear until my organs began spilling out onto the floor.

Ecstatic and crazed bliss was all I could see on my face, she was just so happy and pleased with her actions and my pain. Seeing that all of my guts hadn't fallen out yet my mother stuck her hand into my wide-open stomach and began to pull out everything else as she watched my face which had long ago contorted into an expression of pure pain, dread, and despair.

Finished with her current task my mother dropped her knife and fell to the ground before picking up my organs and eating them while I remained frozen in place as my brain still tried to register the pain.



'Why me?'

'Why us?'


So many questions swirled in my head as I stared at the ceiling. All I wanted was to be strong, strong enough to protect my loved ones, but why? Why even after all this can't I protect them? I just want an answer. Someone... just tell me why.

'Did I not try hard enough?'

'Was I arrogant and grew lazy?'

'Why? Where did I lose myself?'

'How did I let this happen when I vowed to myself to always protect them?'

I fell into an endless cycle of questioning everything I ever did, in my first life and second, I wanted to know why but nobody answered me so my questions persisted as I stood in a pool of my own blood with dazed eyes.

'Do you hate your weakness?' A demonic voice said to me.

'I do.' I replied unable to differentiate between my own inner dialogue and the new one.

'Do you despise yourself for falling so low?' The demonic voice asked.

'I do.' I replied mindlessly.

'Do you blame yourself for the death of your loved ones?' The demonic voice said.

'I do...' I replied again.

'Then accept it. Accept who you really are, don't run from it any longer.' The demonic voice said.

'Then do you accept us? Do you accept yourself?' The demonic voice said but this time there were many voices intertwined into its own.

'I do.' I replied before everything around me shattered like a mirror.

"GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed in pain as I opened my eyes in the real world.

Everything within my body was changing, my muscles were twisting and compacting themselves and my bones were breaking apart and healing rapidly as they hardened themselves. My hair began to fall out with my skin soon following after it, leaving me with only my red muscles which were still twisting and changing.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" I continued screaming until I couldn't.

'Why aren't I regenerating?!' I screamed internally while thinking about bans immortality,

I sat curled in a ball on the ground for what felt like hours as I felt extreme pain, It hurt like a bitch, the entire time but finally it ended.

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

I was out of breath when the pain finally ended, and I wasn't able to correctly explain how I felt at the moment but if I had to put it into words then I would say I felt awake. I feel like I've awakened as who I should be, like I was asleep before just moving through life but now I was conscious and that feeling was great.

"That really fucking sucked..." I said aloud as I stared at the night sky.

The illusion and the pain afterward were a lot on my mind. I now know that the illusion was just an illusion but the things I saw... won't just disappear, I won't forget it ever and this time... I won't let it happen.

"I guess I had a body metamorphosis, I think?" I said unsure if that was what happened or not but I was sure of one thing, my demon side had awakened.

Wanting to go home and sleep I put my hand on the ground and pushed lightly to get up but instead of me moving, the ground did.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The sound of the earth cracking and splitting apart was heard throughout the forest I was in.

"Yup, gotta learn how to control my strength again." I said knowing I wouldn't be getting to bed just yet.

For the next two hours, I practiced how to control my strength until I reached an acceptable level of control for me to head home and with that said, I could now be seen inside of my bathroom looking at myself in the mirror.

"Hmm..." I hummed as I examined my body.

"Definitely a bit taller." I said seeing that I was around 5 foot 8 (or) 172cm.

(a/n: baki was 5 foot 6 (or) 167cm btw)

Other than my height the only other difference I noticed was that my muscles bulked up and I looked better all around. If my looks were rated and I was a 10/10 before, now I'm a 12/10 and my muscles seem to have grown and pack more power than before.

"Lookin' good, now time to sleep." I said desperately needing to rest my mind.

"Ahhh..." I released a sigh after I jumped face first onto my bed before quickly drifting into a deep slumber not knowing that my physical transformation wasn't even close to being finished.

To be continued...

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Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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