Unduh Aplikasi


Author Note: This was typed out on my phone so I apologize in advance for any and all grammatical errors.


Walking into the gymnasium I begin to look around for the teacher and soon enough, I spotted him.

"Hello." I said getting the attention of the fat gym teacher who was reading a book.

"Huh? Oh, Sean right?" The gym teacher said.

"No, I'm a new student, my name is Tristan Swan." I replied to the man.

"Ah, yeah I remember now." The teacher said before continuing.

"Go into the locker room over there and change into some of the spare gym clothes in the closet and when you're done come back out and wait for further instructions." The teacher said not even bothering to tell me his name.

"Okay." I replied not bothered by the man's attitude.

Walking across the gymnasium I soon enter the boy's locker room and once I enter I begin looking for the closet the teacher spoke of.

"Lookin' for something dude?" A masculine voice said to my left.

"Yeah, the closet with the spare clothes." I replied as I looked at the guy who spoke to me.

'Mike.' I said inwardly knowing this dude would try to hit on Bella fervently.

"Oh, follow me man, I'll show you where it's at." Mike said with a friendly smile as he led me through the locker room.

Following Mike we soon arrived at the closet and after a few more words Mike left me alone to pick out my clothes.

"These'll do." I said after grabbing some clothes my size.

Although my clothes were made from magic I could take them off of my body and they would still exist as long as I kept fueling their existence with my magic so after grabbing some clothes I found an empty locker and changed into them before throwing my magical clothes into the locker.

"Damn dude, you're ripped as fuck." Mike's voice came from beside me again.

"I work out." I said stating the obvious.

"I can tell bro, but I can't say I'm not surprised, when you've got your clothes on you look like a regular dude." Mike said as he looked around for anyone before continuing.

"Can you hook me up with some juice bro? I've been wanting to get started for a while now but can't find any suppliers." Mike said lowly not wanting people to hear him.

"Hahahahaha!" I burst into hearty laughter hearing the teenager's words.

Mike looked surprised hearing my laughter before his expression changed into one of embarrassment.

"You… don't use steroids do you?" Mike said clearly regretting his previous words.

"No, I do not." I replied as I began walking out of the locker room.

"Heh, yeah…" Mike said releasing an awkward chuckle.

Exiting the locker room in greeted by the sight of a border, a border that separated the girls and boys.

"C'mon, we've got basketball today." Mike said as he walked over to the boy's side of the border trying to look good for all of the girls.

'Yikes.' I said inwardly as I cringed at what I was seeing.

"Cringe right?" An extremely pale man said from beside me.

'Emmett Cullen.' I said to myself already knowing someone was approaching me.

"Yeah, I'm getting secondhand embarrassment just watching." I replied to the 70 year old man who stood around 6 foot 5 (or) 195cm.

"Tell me about it, I see this same shit every day." Emmett said before laughing loudly.

"The names Emmett Cullen and you?" Emmett asked me with a friendly smile.

"Tristan Swan." I replied matching the man's smile.

My opinion of Emmett was pretty good. In the Twilight movies he was the most laid back of any of the characters and I could match that energy.

"Pleasure to meet you Tristan, hope we'll be good friends." Emmett said with a goofy smile as he held his hand out for a handshake.

"I guess we'll see." I replied with a smile as I shook the vampire's hand.

"You any good at Ball?" Emmett asked me in an attempt to keep the conversation flowing.

"Mhm, I'm alright." I replied with a thoughtful expression before answering.

"Hehe, I guess you'd only be so-so with your height." Emmett said with a teasing grin. If you said what Emmett said to a person you only just met most would get annoyed with you but not me, I thought it was funny.

"Hahaha, you might be big but I bet you're one of the no brain and all brawn type guys." I said matching the man's teasing grin.

Hearing my words Emmett sent out a hearty laugh which was soon accompanied by my own laughter. I didn't have many friends, heck Bella was my only friend, so I was enjoying this moment.

"Stop dicking around and get over here you two!" The teacher yelled at us causing our laughter to end.

"Let's get over there before the guy pops a blood vessel." Emmett said as we began walking to the boy's side of the gym.

After Emmett and I got to our side of the gym we were soon briefed on today's activity, basketball.

"Alright get going and if I see any foul play… your ass is grass motherfucker." The teacher whose name I had yet to find out said with a serious glint in his eyes.

"Come on short stuff, let's see what you've got." Emmett said taunting me since we weren't on the same team.

I smiled in response not bothering to speak since the game had only just started.

Emmet's team started with the ball and mine and Mike's team started in defense.

"Someone get on Emmett!" A random shouted causing Mike to run at Emmett only to get knocked over.

"You're too small for that." Emmett said teasingly as he looked down at Mike.

"Gotcha." I said with a smile as I swiped the ball from Emmett's hand and ran toward the other team's hoop.

"I didn't even sense him…" I heard Emmett say with confusion laced in his voice.

'Like a vampire could sense me if didn't want them to.' I said inwardly knowing that no vampire or wolf could sense even the smallest trace of me if I didn't let them. Shoot, they didn't even know I wasn't human since I use magic to make myself appear as if I was. Magic is such a wonderful thing, oh how I love it so.

Still running down the court at human speeds I was soon intercepted by two boys who were slightly taller and a third who was way taller than me but it didn't matter.

The first boy was crossed up in an unbelievable manner leaving him with wide eyes.

As for the second boy, I simply dribbled around him and for the third boy I stopped at the three-point line before backstepping once and shooting a three.

"Decent." I said as I turned around and began walking back to the other side of the court not even bothering to watch the shot I just took since I knew it would go in.


"Lucky shot!" Emmett said with a grin clearly growing excited for our game.

"Heh, maybe." I replied with a smile, Emmett had completely brushed off what I had done a few moments ago.

After that we continued playing basketball and although I was playing well I made sure I didn't outperform Emmett, it should be mentioned that in school I was human and a human could never outdo a vampire even if they were controlling themselves as the Cullens do.

"You gonna join the basketball team or what?" Mike asked me as we were changing back into our school clothes.

"No, I'm not really a team sports kind of guy." I replied truthfully.

"That's a pity, I'm sure we'd have done great together." Mike said before continuing.

"Well see ya, I'm hungry as hell." Mike said before taking his exit.

Not seeing Emmett anywhere I also made my exit and as soon as I did I saw a girl with her face in a book waiting patiently outside of the locker room.

"Bella." I said getting the girl's attention.

"Huh? Oh, c'mon let's go get lunch, I'm hungry." Bella said going from confused to understanding to wanting to get a move on in just a single moment.

"Yeah…sure." I replied as we began walking to the lunch room using the map as a guide and fortunately for us, the cafeteria was close to the gym.

"The lines pretty long." Bella said before releasing a sigh, her stomach was grumbling a lot so I knew she was hungry.

"Yup, but it shouldn't take too long to get our food at this speed." I said to Bella.

"Hope so." Bella replied as we both began to read our books, something we did a lot.

Slowly but surely we worked our way up the line until finally, it was our turn to get… the food? I don't even think it qualified as food, it looked horrid.

"Can we even eat this?" Bella said after we took a seat at an empty table.

"Dear sister thee mustn't, only death awaits." I said with my hand over my heart feigning a serious tone.

"Shut up…" Bella said as she rolled her eyes.

"So did you meet the girl you spoke about yesterday?" Bella said changing the topic.

"Nope." I replied nonchalantly as I scanned my tray of food, I didn't need to eat to live like humans so there was absolutely no way I would eat the 'food' in front of me.

"Haha, maybe she's avoiding you." Bella said with a teasing smile.

"Maybe." I replied hoping that wasn't the case.

'I'm slowly approaching the deep end already…' I said inwardly.

"I'm just joking, I seriously doubt she's avoiding you, the little ice prince of Phoenix High." Bella said taking her teasing up another notch.

"Ugh, please stop…" I said with my hands over my ears, I seriously hated these Japanese nicknames, the cringe was enough to take a life.

Seeing my reaction Bella began laughing but not loud enough to draw more attention to us, we already had enough of that.

"Find any boys you like?" I said with a smile.

"No, you know how it is." Bella said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, I do, nobody likes the silent girls who turn crazy when they get their first boyfriend." I said with a teasing smile.

"I won't go crazy just because I'm a silent person." Bella replied.

"You can't fool me woman." I said before seeing Bella's eyes widen slightly.

'Has the cafeteria scene begun?' I said inwardly as I turned around and looked in the same direction as Bella.

'Indeed it has.' I said to myself as I watched the Cullens enter the cafeteria.

First came Emmett and Rosalie who were arm and arm. Emmett had a big goofy smile on his face as he spoke to his wife Rosalie who had a deep scowl on her face, the opposite of her husband.

Emmett noticed me looking his way and waved his hand at me which caused Rosalie to look at me as well and she obviously wasn't as nice as Emmett so she snorted in my direction as if I was a bug.

'Good luck with her buddy.' I said inwardly knowing that although Rosalie was beautiful I would get tired of her attitude.

Next came Jasper and… I have no clue who that was. A woman obviously but I couldn't identify her but all I knew was it wasn't Alice who was holding on to him and that alone made me happy.

Third to enter was Edward and although Bella's eyes had widened at the sight of the first Cullen now her breath stopped completely and Edward noticed instantly.

'Holy shit this is soooooo weird.' I said inwardly as I looked at Edward and Bella who were locked in an intense staring contest, weirdos.

(a/n: Bella and Edward will be mates in this fic.)

Edward began walking towards our table which startled his family but I wasn't too worried about that, Alice had just walked in.

Walking into the cafeteria Alice did a thorough scan of the entire cafeteria until her eyes landed on me making her smile brightly and causing my heart to skip a beat, I heard her giggle at that.

'How is she cuter than yesterday?' I said to myself confused at how much my feelings grew in one night.

Alice was still standing near the cafeteria doors watching me until she waved her hand at me as if telling me to come to her.

"I'll… be back in a bit." I said to the still entranced teenager as I walked past Edward who quickly sat down in the seat beside the one I was just in.

Walking across the cafeteria I could hear everyone speaking about me, Bella, and the Cullen but I couldn't bring myself to care about their words, I was far too entranced by Alice.

"Hi." Alice said after I arrived in front of her.

"Hey." I replied unsure how to start the conversation.

After saying our hellos to each other we stood in silence just staring at each other in an attempt to burn each other's appearance into our minds, I didn't want to forget Alice and she didn't want to forget me.

'Holy hell, I'm having a twilight moment.' I said inwardly after snapping out of my daze.

"You wanna sit down somewhere?" I asked and received a smile from Alice.

"Mhm, sure." Alice said as we made our way to an empty table and sat on the opposite sides of it.

"Tristan, I have a question." Alice said seriously after we sat down.

"Shoot." I said wondering what her question was.

"Is this you?" Alice asked after pulling a magazine out of her bag.

The magazine she pulled out was a Vogue male model magazine and on the front of it was your truly, Tristan Swan.

"Yeah," I replied truthfully.

My modeling career wasn't something I've hidden at all. My family knew and everyone at my previous school knew, it wasn't a secret but I didn't just go around saying "I'm a model" to everyone.

"Oh my god!" Alice squealed cutely.

"What's wrong?" I questioned with a smile, her presence alone made me feel good.

"I'm one of your biggest fans! I've been following your modeling career since your debut!" Alice said excitedly.

"Really?" I replied with an arched eyebrow, I began modeling at 12 so she had been a fan for a 5 years.

"Mhm! My favorite picture of yours was the one where you were cuddling with a lion!" Alice said still excited about the situation.

"Oh? It's been a long time since I did that." I said with a smile which caused Alice to pause for a moment before standing up and sitting beside me.

"Beside the lion picture these are also my favorite." Alice said with a smile from the seat beside me as she took three more photos out of her bag.

'Does she keep these on her?' I asked myself feeling that if she did it would be kinda cute.

"This one is so cute." Alice said with a giddy smile as she pointed at the picture of me holding a baby.

"This one gives me hero vibes." Alice said as she pointed at the picture of me riding a horse.

"And in this one you look super sexy." Alice said but instantly regretted it as she realized what she had said.

"Pfft!" I heard a collection of laughs from the Cullen table which made Alice look at them with a glare.

"Sexy?" I questioned Alice with an arched eyebrow and a smile.

"Um…" Alice said as she looked away in embarrassment.

"You're pretty funny Alice." I said with a smile.

Alice looked back at me when I said that but didn't respond immediately, instead she began to stare into my eyes with a dazed expression on her face.

"Do you think so?" Alice asked with a curious expression on her face.

"Yeah, I do." I replied with a smile.


The school bell rang forcing Alice and me out of our pink atmosphere and I couldn't say I was happy about it, I had gotten way more into this than I thought I would.

"Looks like it's time for class." I said to the pixie who had a small frown on her face.

"Yeah…" Alice replied clearly unhappy.

"Alice you ready to go?" A feminine voice sounded from behind me.

Alice and I looked back and were greeted by the sight of a scowling woman, Rosalie.

"Yeah." Alice replied as she stood up.

"I'll see you later Tristan." Alice said with a smile before walking away with Rosalie but not before glancing back at me a couple of times.

Seeing that Alice had left I knew that it was time for me to leave as well so with that thought in mind I made my way back to the table I sat at with Bella.

"Yo." I said to the smiling monster Bella.

"Hehe, yo." Bella replied with a smile.

"Ew, stop." I replied feigning a grossed out expression.

"Ha, you won't ruin my mood Shorty, let's get going." Bella said after throwing our lunch trays into the trashcan next to us.

"Yeah yeah." I replied as we began walking out of the cafeteria.

To be continued…

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