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66.66% The Dragon & The Wolf / Chapter 8: Celebrations

Bab 8: Celebrations

Alicent Hightower was so tired. Her eyelids weighted heavily on her eyes and her muscles were on the verge to tear. 

Her daughter Helaena had been crying for half an hour and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find the way to calm her down. Earlier this day, she had thought to spend the afternoon in the gardens to enjoy the sunlight and relax with her children. Aegon had been easy to entertain with his numerous toys and many handmaidens, but Helaena. Helaena was a terror. And Alicent was desperate to know why. She spoiled her so much, she was giving her every minute she could spare. But every time she had tried to give her to one of her handmaiden in order to relax and read, Helaena had started crying again. And after many failed attempts to entrust her with another nanny, Helaena had cried without a single break for the past thirty minutes. As she rocked her, she felt her arms growing weaker and her mind fading. But she couldn't afford to look weak in front of her handmaidens, and more importantly, she refused to be a bad mother no matter how hard it was. Her children were all she had, they were her only joy in the hardship that was her life. She could not abandon them!

The doors to the garden opened as Princess Rhaenyra, her sworn shield Ser Criston Cole and her adviser Arthur Stark, walked towards her. Now Alicent felt tenser that ever as dread began to fill her heart. Stories of what had happened at Storm's End had reached the Red Keep, and the Queen had been horrified when she had heard that the Stark had ripped a dornish Prince's throat with his bare teeth and eaten his heart. How could Rhaenyra walk so casually with such a brutal man by her side? And then… there was the Wolf! That thing was taller than the Princess itself! What if it decided to eat her precious children? Fortunately, her handmaidens were quick to pick Aegon up the moment they spotted the beast, and Ser Harold and Ser Rickard Thorne stood tall between the Princess and the Queen.

"Welcome back to the Red Keep, Princess." The Lord Commander greeted despite Helaena's cries. "We were not expecting you for at least two more months."


"Unfortunate events pushed me to cut my tour short, Ser," Rhaenyra answered in an annoyed tone as she frowned at her half-sister.


"We heard a Dornish Prince was killed in a rather gruesome way." Ser Rickard commented as he eyed the Stark severely.

Arthur did not look away despite the Kingsguard's hard stares, yet he had the decency to look apologetic. 

"Lord Arthur won a trial by combat to defend the heir to Raventree Hall after Lord Bracken's murder attempt." Ser Criston surprisingly informed his sworn brothers. "Prince Qyle Martell tried to take advantage of this unfortunate event to humiliate the Princess by declaring himself as Lord Boremund's champion. Lord Arthur did nothing but protect himself and the Princess."

Everyone's eyebrows shot up at the stormlander's explanation, except for Rhaenyra's who smiled at her sworn shield to thank him for his support.

But as she was about to speak to strengthen Arthur's defense, her half-sister's cries doubled in intensity so much so that Shadow groaned in protest. Alicent blushed in embarrassment when all pairs of eyes turned to her. She accelerated the pace rocking Helaena but that seemed to have the opposite effect, as her daughter cried harder. 

Without warning, Arthur Stark walked past Ser Harold and Ser Rickard, and slightly bend his head forward to cast a stern look at the royal baby.

"Enough." He commanded with a firm tone, and Helaena stopped crying. She was now eyeing warily this tall new person who had expressed his displeasure. Her mother, on the other hand, was petrified in terror.

Arthur let out a deep sigh.

"I mean no offense, your Grace, but I believe you've spoiled her a bit too much." He gently informed his queen. "Remember that she knows nothing, and if crying is the only way she found to gain your attention, she will cry herself to sleep if it means being in your arms all day long."

Alicent was stunned, she looked at her quiet -yet frightened- child for a moment, before looking back to the Stark.

The latter had a compassionate and apologetic smile on his face.

"I know it is hard, but you need to allow your handmaidens to take care of her no matter how hard she cries, in the end she will realize that she needs to be good in order to get your attention. It is cruel, but it is how it works. Trust me, I have enough little brothers and cousin to know how capricious babies can be."

The Queen looked at her daughter once again and suddenly felt a surge of relief course through her body as she sighed. She gave Helaena to one of her handmaidens and maintained a strong figure despite her tiredness.

"Thank you, my lord, I will try to follow your advices."

"I am glad I could help, my Queen." Arthur bowed.

The Reachwomen would have smiled had she not spotted Rhaenyra's frown after the Stark had called her 'his Queen'. She quickly decided to cut this conversation short.

"I wish we could speak more, but the King has summoned Prince Daemon the moment the Prince landed in the Dragon Pit. We should hurry to the throne room or we will miss the reception."

Rhaenyra's frown was quickly replaced by a fake smile that Alicent had never grown used to since she had married Viserys. She felt her heart ache.

"Of course, my Queen, lead the way."







As the King was putting on his crown and unsheathing Blackfyre with his small council and Kingsguard surrounding him, the whole Court was entering the throne room in order to get a good glimpse of the return of The Rogue Prince. Not for the first time, Rhaenyra thanked the Seven for Shadow, for the direwolf was more than enough intimidating to allow her, her adviser and her kingsguard an excellent spot with plenty of space near the steps that led to the Iron Throne. Her eyes crossed her father's as he noticed her presence, then, he looked at Arthur, and his gaze hardened for half a second. The Princess prevented a grimace from crumpling her face. She started to think of a way to defend the actions of her adviser, but the sudden silence informed her that her uncle was on his way. She pushed her thoughts away and turned her head to await his arrival. A few seconds later, Prince Daemon Targaryen entered the throne room. His hair was cut shorter as he wore armor and had a crown made out of driftwood on his head. Holding what appeared to be a small warhammer, he slowly went up the court, but the presence of the massive black direwolf at his niece's side caught his attention, his eyebrows rose in surprise as he identified the creature and took note of its size. Rhaenyra smiled cockily as she started to scratch the animal behind the ear, making it relax while her uncle looked genuinely impressed by her gesture. Then his dark purple eyes fell on the direwolf sewn on her adviser's doublet, and just like his brother before him, his gaze hardened. Arthur remained impassive as he caught his Prince's stare, but Rhaenyra could sense a tension as invisible as strange between the two men. Daemon ended up ignoring the northerner in order to reach the throne, but he stopped when a Kingsguard knight pointed his sword at his chest.


The Rogue Prince held out the hammer, revealing it was the same one used by the Crabfeeder to nail his victims to the stakes before feeding them to his pets. "Add it to the chair." He said while dropping the hammer to the ground as its clang echoed around the room.


Viserys stood there in silence. The two brothers had not seen each other since Daemon's exile. Then, as Ser Harrold Westerling picked up the hammer, the king commented, "You wear a crown. Do you also call yourself 'King'?"


"Once we smashed the Triarchy, they named me 'King of the Narrow Sea,'" Daemon reported as the crowds murmured after hearing the title, Rhaenyra noticed Arthur shaking his head in amusement, "But I know that there is only one true king, Your Grace," He bent the knee and took off the driftwood crown to offer it to his brother, "My crown and the Stepstones are yours."


Viserys smiled quickly as he looked behind Daemon and noticed someone else wasn't there, "Well, where is Lord Corlys?"


"He sailed home to Driftmark," Daemon answered.


"Who holds the Stepstones?" Viserys asked again.


"The tides," Daemon answered, "the crabs and 2,000 dead Triarchy corsairs staked to the sand to warn those who might follow. I have slain the Crabfeeder myself in your name, Your Grace."


Viserys nodded absentmindedly then walked down from the throne's steps until he stood before Daemon and took the driftwood crown. After examining it momentarily, he handed it to the Kingsguard and looked at his brother again. All were silent and holding their breaths as they waited for the king's response.


"Rise," Viserys said as the Rogue Prince obeyed. Then, after a brief moment of silence, Viserys placed his hand on Daemon's shoulder, the two brothers embraced one another, causing all court members to clap.


"The realm owes you a great debt, Daemon," Viserys said.


Daemon nodded as the two began to walk out of the throne room, with everyone following them.




There was a celebration in the gardens as all court members were enjoying the festivities. Nobles were conversing with one another, children running and laughing, while Rhaenyra was at the food table, enjoying a lemon cake. She had been upset when Shadow had been banned from the festivities, but Arthur's presence by her side helped her to cool off her temper. 

"Nervous?" He asked even if he knew the answer.

"Are you not?"

"I am wary." Arthur admitted as he crossed his arms to look around. "But I would not say I am nervous."

Rhaenyra followed his gaze, and noticed all the worried looks that were sent towards her adviser. However, many looked away when they crossed her stare.

"Cowards." She muttered, Arthur chuckled quietly.

"Some of the Stormlords present at Storm's End spread a rumor according to which I would have devoured Prince Qyle's heart after I killed him."

Rhaenyra snorted and rolled her eyes.

"That's it? I expected them to pretend that you had escaped Storm's End during the full Moon, naked as a newborn to go howling with Shadow in the woods."

Arthur snorted in dismay as the Princess suppressed a giggle as she saw his appalled face.

"I'm pretty sure that if they spread any tales about my nakedness, yours is involved as well." He replied casually as he sipped on a cup of wine.

Rhaenyra swallowed her biscuit wrong and started choking as Arthur remained perfectly impassive as he gently stroke her back.

The Princess regained her breath and cleared her throat, she greedily accepted her adviser's cup when offered, and threw him a strange look.

"What?" Arthur said as he took his cup back. "You have never howled before?"

This time, she actually laughed, and motioned for a servant to bring her her own cup of wine.

"Since when are you so crass?" She asked with a smile.

"If you think…" He paused to throw a threatening glare at the servant who had remained before them after his princess had been served. The young man quickly left. "If you think that was crass, then you have never truly heard me speak." He said casually as he eyed the King and his brother.

"That is a bit sad when you say it like that." She sighed as she sipped on her cup. "My Father is angry at you."

"Why wouldn't he be? I killed a Dornish Prince, that could mean war. And because of me, you are now back in the Red Keep, unbetrothed. And… and well… I suppose our dear Lord Hand has reported all the accusations of the Lords you turned down in Storm's End."

She gritted her teeth, but her adviser's calm demeanor was enough to ease her worries.

"Which begs the question: why are you not worried?"

"Because I don't fear your father." He replied as he downed his cup. "And I have no regret. Now, I believe we've stalled the King long enough. So let's get this over with," he turned to look at her in the eyes, "no matter what happens, do not try to defend me, I need to stand my ground by myself."

Rhaenyra frowned, clearly not happy with that demand.

"If you expect me to keep my mouth shut, Arthur Stark, then you know nothing."

The Northerner shook his head in amusement.

" I do know something, Rhaenyra Targaryen; I know you won't let me down. Please let me defend my actions before you interfere in any way."

"I will, if I find you convincing." She replied with a mocking smirk.

Arthur merely shook his head as they walked towards the King, the Queen and the Prince. The Northerner's grey eyes briefly crossed Otto Hightower's brown glaze as they frown at one another, before they both focused on Viserys.


"I will not revisit this debate," the latter insisted as his daughter and her Stark friend were approaching, "You were always mother's favorite. "He turned to Alicent, "It's no great mystery. Our mother had no regard for custom, tradition, or rules. And I, sadly, was no great warrior."


Alicent simply smiled as she saw her step-daughter approach, if she worried, she hid it well.


"Congratulations on your victory," Rhaenyra told Daemon, although everyone saw Viserys giving a very noticeable glare at her while pretending not to see who was at her side.


"Thank you, Princess," Daemon answered politely before facing the Northerner with a deep purple glare. "Now, you look quite famished, would a Dornish pie sate your appetite?"


Arthur almost snorted at the Prince's joke, he didn't need to look around to know that all eyes were on them, and that he needed to play Daemon's game to remain strong despite the King's presence.


"No thank you, my Prince. I have tried it once and found I had no taste for princely meals."


Some distant gasps erupted from the crowd as Rhaenyra stared at her adviser, wondering if he had lost his mind. Viserys looked furious.

But Daemon laughed out loud, a true amused and genuine laugh that eased the tension around them.

"That is good to hear, most people around here bark a lot more than they bite, at the very least, you are good for something."

The insult might have been subtle enough for some people, but Arthur did not like being called a dog, not one bit.

"I assure you, my Prince, I do not bark, and my bites are for those who seek to harm or insult the Princess."

His eyes briefly turned in Otto's direction for less than a second, Daemon was less subtle and smirked at the Hand.

"Good man," he praised. "I hope you don't mind regaling us with the tale of your trial by combat. I haven't heard much from it since I have arrived and pardon me, but I doubt you ate a Martell's heart no matter what foolish tales idiots spread."

Arthur almost breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the Rogue Prince's stare at Otto Hightower. Apparently they had found common ground, and Daemon was more interested in the Lord Hand than he was in him. That was good enough for the Stark.

On the other hand, Viserys frowned at his brother, he had wanted to settle this matter privately.

"You are right, I did not," Arthur said. "It all started during the Princess' courtship…"

"Ah, a sadder carnage than mine," Daemon interrupted him dramatically, "you bled more hearts than Maegor himself, my niece."

Rhaenyra rolled her eyes and smirked at her uncle's antics, she had missed him.

"Too many lords came at Storm's End ill prepared," she answered, "None of them had the fate of the Seven Kingdoms at mind when they tried to propose; I wish for the King Consort to be wise, smart, strong, and young enough to outlive my father. And all they had to offer were their castles and lands. I did not find the future King Consort yet, uncle, but I intend to resume my courtship here in the Red Keep. Where, I hope, my suitors will be more interested in the future of the Realm than they will be in my appearance."

"Now, now, you can't blame them for being hypnotized, Princess, you are the Realm's Delight after all." Daemon said in a sweet voice.

"I am the Realm's Future, Uncle. And sooner or later, everyone in the Seven Kingdoms will have to realize that."

It pained Rhaenyra a little to answer to Daemon that way, but it was part of the strategy that Arthur and her had devised during the last day of their journey. She needed to empathize on the fact that she was looking for a King Consort, and that the Realm was all she worried for in her search. A way to protect herself from her Father's anger, to warn all of her future suitors that she was not interested in relinquishing her claim no matter how mighty their castle were, and to remind everyone at Court that she was not to be trifled with. 

"I am glad you think that way," Viserys sighed with relief, "but I believe Lord Arthur was not done with his story."

"Arthur?" Daemon repeated as he looked at the Stark's grey eyes. "That doesn't sound very Northerner."

"All the Brandons had unfortunately been taken, I'm afraid." 

The Rogue Prince laughed again.

"Now I know why my niece kept you around." Arthur barely refrained himself from frowning, he did not like being called a fool. "But my brother is right; do regale us, please."

"Well, as I have stated, it all happened during the Princess' courtship. Willem Blackwood was introducing himself to the Princess and Jerrel Bracken kept interrupting him by mocking him. In the end, these two settled this with a duel that Lord Willem won. But Lord Bracken attacked him after he had killed his son. I prevented the heir to Raventree Hall's unfortunate death by punching Lord Bracken, and Lord Boremund declared me guilty of breaking guest rights."

A sept-like silence followed Arthur's words, Daemon and Viserys frowned while Alicent looked genuinely surprised.

"Our oncle, Lord Boremund Baratheon, declared you guilty of breaking guest rights after you prevented a murder in his castle?" Viserys asked, confused.

"May I add that Lord Willem was stuck under Lord Jerrel's body when Lord Bracken was attacked?" Rhaenyra said as she sipped on her cup. "Lord Willem is a twelve-year-old boy, Lord Jerrel was seventeen, the poor boy was easy prey to anyone with steel at hand."

She truly shouldn't have been surprised when she heard the Court members whisper around her, yet she was, and she barely managed to keep an impassive figure.

Viserys seemed to ponder her words for a few seconds, Rhaenyra prevented him from speaking his mind.

"After that, Arthur demanded a trial by combat, as was his right as a member of a noble house. Lord Boremund had seemed ready to fight for himself, but my adviser was wise to point out that no Stark nor Baratheon should die for another stupid squabble between Brackens and Blackwoods."

"A fair point." Alicent interfered, nodding.

Arthur chose this moment to speak again, looking at his King straight in the eyes.

"Lord Boremund came up with a peaceful solution; I was to be banished from Storm's End and the Stormlands, unless a champion that wasn't a Stormlander were to announce himself. That is when Prince Qyle declared himself Lord Boremund's champion."

"He insulted me." Rhaenyra cut in. "Called me the 'Princess of the Six Kingdoms' and 'a skinny woman draped in silk'. He would have kept bragging had Arthur not stopped by saying, and I quote:…"

"Don't quote me." Arthur interrupted her.

Rhaenyra put on a mischievous smile.

"Why not? You were so eloquent."

"Please don't." The Stark almost begged, sighing.

Rhaenyra did not listen to his plea, she was not going to be known for her mercy, at least not towards Arthur who was so bent on telling the truth.

"How noble of you to leave your desert in order to rid the World of your pathetic existence. Your sacrifice to preserve your people's reputation and pride shall not be forgotten."

Some people laughed, including Daemon, others like Viserys and Alicent frowned, Arthur just sighed in dismay at his Princess' antics.

" That was well said." Alicent reassured. "Why didn't you want to be quoted?"

"Because he obviously thought my dear niece was going to say something else." Daemon answered with a mocking tone towards the Queen whose cheeks burned in embarrassment.

Viserys threw him a severe look in retaliation, silently warning him to mind his manners, his brother simply shrugged.

"Was it really necessary to kill a Dornish Prince in such a gruesome way, Lord Arthur?" Otto Hightower interfered for the first time. "The reports we've read were quite… disturbing, to say the least."

"Did your reports mentioned that Prince Qyle had managed to disarm me?" The Northerner asked, ignoring Daemon's mocking chuckle. "I wanted to strangle him at first but I had to prevent him from stabbing me with his dagger, so I ripped his throat off with my bare teeth."

He went back to his King to give him a hard stare as he ignored the gasps around him.

"I know that what happened was a tragedy, Your Grace, and I am sorry it happened. However, I do not regret my actions, the only thing that I regret is that the Dornish might harm my family in retaliation, no matter how foolish Prince Qyle had been. I have warned my uncle, I just hope that no one will try something stupid."

Viserys took a long moment to look at the Stark's grey eyes, then he looked at his daughter, who was unsurprisingly supporting her adviser, Otto seemed resigned, which meant that he had no further argument to add. Daemon seemed to have taken a liking to the Northerner, and Alicent apparently expected him to be reasonable, given the pleading look in her eyes. Finally, he sighed in tiredness.

"Given those circumstances, it is hard to blame you for your actions, Lord Arthur." He admitted. "I thank you for defending my daughter's honor."

"There is no need to thank me, Your Grace, I only did what I had to do."

Rhaenyra rolled her eyes at that but added nothing, instead, she focused on her father.

"Now that my courtship ended rather abruptly, I would like to resume it here, in the Red Keep, where no Dornish would interrupt it and where no one would be stupid enough to draw steel. With your blessing, Father, I will send the ravens myself."

"Very well." Viserys answered with another tired sigh. "Now please, let us resume this celebration, we have had enough tension for today."

"I will drink to that," Rhaenyra smiled as she sipped, "and to you, uncle."

Daemon only smiled as she lost herself in his deep gaze.




Alicent surprisingly enjoyed the festivities, everyone except her father had been in a rather good mood, and Arthur intervention this morning had put her mind at ease regarding her children. She was glad someone had offered her a solution instead of having to figure everything out by herself. For the first time in a while, she could enjoy a strong cup of wine and relax without too many worries since everyone was talking about Daemon, Arthur Stark's trial by combat or Rhaenyra's courtship.

The Queen saw the one she used to love as a sister sitting on a bench, surprisingly enough, she was alone. She hesitated for a second, took a deep breath to muster her courage, and went to sit by her side. Rhaenyra looked surprised but did not reject her, this was progress.

"Sounds like your tour was more eventful than anyone could have possibly imagined." Alicent commented with a smile


"I endured it as long as possible," Rhaenyra answered glumly. "were it not for Arthur and Shadow, I would have happily rowed myself back to King's Landing after the first day."




Alicent looked at her sad friend and thought, "'Shadow', it is the direwolf's name, right?"


Rhaenyra looked up to see her stepmother's worried glance, and chuckled.

"Don't be afraid of him, he is… well his size makes him intimidating, but deep down he is just an overgrown puppy."

Alicent snorted, barely holding back a genuine laugh.

"You are telling me this… wolf whose almost the size of a horse… enjoys being scratched behind the ears?"

"No, he would rather be scratched on the nape, on the size of the neck and on the top of the skull." Rhaenyra replied with a mischievous smile.

The Queen could not believe her hears, yet she shouldn't be all that surprised; doing something that dangerous so casually was exactly what she'd expect Rhaenyra to do.

"And what does your adviser say about the way you pet his wolf?"

Once again, the Princess snorted.

"He accuses me of spoiling his beast," she said in a fake-scandalized tone, "but I bet he would just love it if I were pet him the way I pet Shadow."

"Rhaenyra!" Alicent exclaimed, shocked yet amused.

"Oh don't give me that, Arthur might be a big northerner but his heart is bigger than he'd care to admit."

"Sounds like the kind of friend you need."

The Princess stopped smiling, and looked around to stare at all the court members who were laughing, drinking and plotting without a care in the World.

"He is the only friend that actually tells me what I need to hear, no matter how hard it is for me to hear it. If not for him, I would not have been able to see how hard I needed to work or how treacherous and numerous my enemies are. Having him by my side is a breath of fresh air and a great help to ease the pressure on my shoulders."

Alicent hesitated, she did not want to upset her friend, not after the first friendly conversation they have had in years. So she worded a question in a way that would at least spare her from her friend's fury should she burn to quickly.

"Rhaenyra…" The Princess looked back at her Queen. " Some people at Court think that Arthur is whispering in your ear, manipulating you into marrying him." Rhaenyra snorted in dismay, rolled her eyes and shook her head. "But I know not to trust the gossips of the Red Keep… so… can you please tell me the truth?"

"Arthur loves the North more than he would ever love me." The Princess answered with a hint of sadness in her voice that Alicent immediately noticed. "He made it clear that he was here for his country's best interests since the first time we've met. He wants me to marry Ser Laenor Velaryon in order to strengthen my claim to the Throne but… well you know why I don't want that."

Alicent nodded a bit sadly, still surprised by the Northerner's good advice.

"You almost sound disappointed."

Rhaenyra smiled at her, a rather sad smile in the Queen's opinion.

"If he were to propose to me, I would say no." She said genuinely. "But I would nonetheless be happy to know he cares so deeply about me. Arthur is not one to lie or deceit, a proposal from him would be out of genuine love. Contrary to all those lords and heirs who only want my name and my Valyrian blood for their offspring."


"It's the fate of every other noble girl, Rhaenyra. For people like us, marriages are all about what can be gained," Alicent commented, "besides, it's every maiden's dream to have men running after her."


Rhaenyra laughed callously, "How romantic it must be to get imprisoned in a castle, strapped in the birthing bed, and squeeze out heirs. And it is not a dream, it is a bloody nightmare to see an endless line of men and boys lust after me."


Those comments cause Alicent to go silent.

Rhaenyra looked at her friend and saw her reaction to her comments. Realizing how insensitive she was being, she quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry."

"It's all right, for what it is worth; I'm glad you have a friend. I find I have few friends lately. I like to believe I'm still the Lady Alicent, but all anyone sees when they look at me now is 'The Queen'."

Rhaenyra smiled sadly, and put her hand on her friend's shoulder.

"I've missed you too." She whispers. "And perhaps I could ask Arthur to share some of his Northern wisdom with you, you looked like you needed it this morning."

Alicent smiled back at her friend.

"Perhaps this is a good idea."




Arthur had left the festivities early, for he had soon grown tired of the southerners' gossips and honeyed lies. He was now sitting on the edge of his window with a foot dangling in the air and Shadow's head on his thigh as he watched the nobles leave the gardens one by one. In the end, only Daemon and Rhaenyra remained.


"You seemed content in Dragonstone" The Princess said in High-Valyrian. "So why did you come back?"

Daemon remained silent.

"There is surely more to your return than simply taunting my father." She added.

To this, the Rogue Prince smiled and gently rubbed his niece's necklace.

"You should not let him get this close in public." Arthur thought as Shadow started to growl lowly. "Daemon's reputation alone could damage yours."

He scratched his Direwolf's head in order to calm him as Rhaenyra spoke again in the common tongue:

"So… what do you want?"

"Only the comforts of home." He replied as he made his way to a buffet.

The Princess almost snorted.

"I had not thought you particularly comfortable in this home. Though I do suppose you seem changed by your adventures. More mature, perhaps."

"You've matured yourself these last four years, Princess. You'll get used to the attention."

"The attention I can endure. It's the rest I could do without. Those Lords all think they can buy me with a big enough castle."

"There are worse things to be sold for." Daemon answered as he made himself comfortable.

"Marriage is only a political arrangement. Once you are wed you can do as you like."

Rhaenyra frowned and scoffed in dismay.

"For men, marriage may be a political arrangement but for women, it is a death sentence."

"Would that it were, I would have been rid of my Bronze Bitch ages ago."

He handed his cup to her.

"Your wife is lucky you did not impregnate her"

Daemon laughed.

"I doubt a child could grow in such hostile environs. You can't even have a private conversation with your own niece without having dogs listening to it."

Rhaenyra looked at the servants who were taking away the half-eaten dishes, wondering who her uncle was talking about.

"No my dear, it was your own dog I was talking about, the one listening to us from a window."

It was then that she finally realized that Arthur's chamber was above the gardens, she frowned in anger at her uncle.

"Do not insult him."

"Is it not what he is?" Daemon asked, rising his eyebrows in surprise at his niece's iron tone. "A dog that barks and bites your ennemies for you and stays at your side no matter what happens? Though I heard you enjoyed petting him."

"Daemon, do not test my patience. Arthur is the only friend I have, the only one who has been here for me since you left, the only one who has been protecting me from Otto's plots and who's been helping me mature. He is no dog and you will cease your insults at once."

The Rogue Prince looked genuinely surprised and even a bit annoyed.

"Do not make the same mistake as your father, he too, thought he had a loyal friend who revealed himself a leech that slowly started to suck his blood."

"Do not compare my friend to that cunt." Rhaenyra demanded with an icy tone. "He gave me plenty of reasons to trust him, and I have yet to hear one to distrust him."

"The fact that he is listening to our conversation should give you a hint."

"He does not understand what we are saying and he does not trust you, he is simply looking out for me."

Daemon simply stared at her, his face impassive, his look contemplative. 

"What has he done to earn such loyalty from you?"He asked genuinely curious.

Rhaenyra looked to the side, remembering the moments she spent in Arthur's company and the first night they met. She remembered the White Hart and the speech of acknowledgment he had given on Aegon's nameday and the many times he cheered her up when she was feeling down.

"He saved my life for once, he is always here when I need him the most and he is the most honest person in my entourage."

Perhaps Daemon realized that this was not an argument that he could win, for he simply sighed in defeat.

"Even Northerners can lie, sweet niece."

"I know." Rhaenyra answered, nodding and remembering the night she spent with Shadow and the looks the Stark and her had given to one another on her ship. "But there are things you cannot fake."

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