Unduh Aplikasi
85.71% Evil Degenerate Reborn in The Walking Dead / Chapter 11: Ch 11 Unnamed ⚠️

Bab 11: Ch 11 Unnamed ⚠️

(Hey everyone it's Author Chan 👋 here, remember all those warnings in the description page of this novel? Well they've always been there, and it's for a reason.....so know that you've been forewarned about what content should be expected here.)

(💀Also this ch is super long so bring a water bottle.)

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I moved slowly through the forest while spreading my senses and slowing my breathing down greatly to hear better.

Immediately the sounds of people talking and the crackling of flames, the thick smoke and scent of people soon fulled my nose as I moved closer.

"But Peter, You've gone to shit five times now, no way in hell am I going to watch out for you again hahaha." I heard an obnoxious male voice say out loud then a female voice responded.

"Come on Ben go with him, we don't know if one of those corpses will sneak up on him...and he's been drinking a bit too..."

The voice of a young woman resounded in my ears and immediately my mouth watered I was more than in the mood for some blood and sex after all but I focused my attention once more and heard the voices once again...

"I...I'll be fine! Besides....I've hardly drank any, Richie is the one whose been snogging down all the booze hahaha...." I heard one somewhat slurred voice say.

then the snapping dry twigs and crushing the soft grass clearly entered my ears as Peter moved into the woodline.

I made sure my rifles suppressor was tight one more time before moving forward with my rifle raised while making nearly no noise as the cute chirping of birds and rustling of the wind in the trees muffled most of it.

But for now I moved through the forest with ease towards the sounds of snapping twigs.

Before long I spotted a man walking deeper into the woods while humming a pretty little tune...I saw a double barreled shotgun in his hand but it was dangling and bumping into trees as the tipsy man clumsily made his way towards any good shitting spot he could find.

Eventually the man found a right spot and set down his shotgun before struggling to unbuckle his pants as he whistled happily.

I approached from behind with my dagger already drawn and sleeves up so they wouldn't get stained.

Just as he unbuckled his belt I stood within grabbing distance and snatched you a handful of his long chestnut hair and pressed my long razor sharp dagger against his throat.

The man nearly let out a scream but I whispered in his ear first.

"Shhhhh...not one word or my knife will rip into your soft throat before you can blink....then I'll cut through your spine as I rip your fucking head off am I understood...." I spoke with barely containable bloodlust.

The man shivered and trembled but kept his mouth shut from pure fear...the dagger had already cut a bit of his skin and I was barely pressing it against him.

"Tell me, did you find a stash here in these woods?" I asked coldly.

"Y..Yes....W..We Did...." The man spoke out fearfully.

"How did you find it?" I asked.

"W..We were camped on the opposite side of the highway....Kyra heard you guys and we came to check it out....please I'm sorr...." Was all the man got to say before I slid my blade deeply across his throat while pulling back on his hair.




My dagger let a stream of beautiful crimson lifeblood spray forth into the ground below and into a nearby tree as Peter squirmed and spasmed and gurgled for a few moments before his body became completely limp.

I held onto his hair as Peter dangled loosely before bringing the blade to his throat once more.

With a few more slices his vertebrae was separated and the last of his flesh was severed as his body thudded to the ground and his head came clean off into my hand.

I flipped his severed skull around and gazed into Peters lifeless dead eyes for a few long moments before tossing it deeper into the woods for some hungry critter to make a meal and continued on to the others....

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(Close By)

Four people sat around a campfire while sharing a bottle of peach schnapps and eating cans of food that they'd scavenged from a stockpile they just scored, they were two men, two women, and one sleeping dog.

A shaggy and mature German shepherd with 'Jake' stamped on his name tag was laid down asleep at the feet of a redhead woman aged about twenty six.

Kyra was the redhead, she had bright green eyes and was sitting next to her husband Ben while chatting with the two across from them.

Ben was a tall and reliable looking man who exuded confidence although his goatee was questionable.

Across from them was a slumped redheaded drunk named Richie who looked about nineteen and his cute girlfriend Tara who was about seventeen, she was indisputably the spitting image of Olivia Rodrigo.

Richie called out to the redheaded girl across from him.

"Hey Kyra pass me the damn bottle already!" Richie asked with a somewhat slurred voice...he was drunk but definitely still functional.

"Not a chance little brother, you've had more than me, Ben, and Peter so I think you've had enough for now, tell him babe." The woman scolded her drunken younger brother before asking her husband to back her up.

"Richie just let us have a bit more and you can finish the bottle eh?" Ben, The redheads husband spoke and finally got him to back down.

The drunken man turned to his own brunette girlfriend.

"Tara my cutest girlfriend can you help me out p.. please I just want o..one more sip..." Richie begged but even his girl saw that he'd had enough.

"No more babe, what if something happens huh? What if those corpses show up here and you're too drunk to run?" The pretty brunette spoke with a look of deep concern for her boyfriend, it seemed she was deeply in love.

"Alright alright....D...Do...*HICKUP ...Do you think tonight I'll finally get lucky? We've been dating for so long now..." The drunken man spoke and tried to kiss his pretty brunette girlfriend but she pushed him away, and rather easily.

But for some reason she wasn't in any mood to even give him a peck on the cheek right now, when he said that they'd been dating for so long she visibly winced although Richie was too drunk to notice.

"Get off me Richie or else....you know how I feel about that."

Tara spoke sternly and the drunken man was once again brought low as he felt the whole world seemed to be against him, his sister jumping into his conversation only made him feel worse.

"Richie don't be such a pervert, leave the poor girl alone for once....I'm surprised such a pretty girl like Tara ended up going out with a brat like you anyway."

Kyra roasted her drunken little brother with a barely hidden smirk, she loved nothing more than to make fun of him although everyone knew she was just joking.

A few more moments passed before a strange chill ran down everyone's spines....the German shepherd at Kyra's feet rose up from it's slumber and let out a low whine while looking around at the woods suspiciously.


The dogs antics caught the attention of everyone around the campfire who thought the dog had a bad dream.

"It's okay buddy, it was just a nightmare is all." Ben spoke to his wife's dog and rubbed the German shepherds head for a few moments but pulled his hand back instinctively when the large dog let out a low but fearsome growl.


The fearsome hound growled but Ben quickly noticed that it wasn't growling at him, it was growling at the woods.

Before Ben or anyone else could even look over at what Jake was growling at, the large dog leapt up and charged towards the treeline with surprising speed while letting out some intimidating barks.

One moment his shaggy dark fur was seen speeding forward and the next a loud snap made everyone become disoriented as they saw the beloved dog tumble and roll into the ground and spray chunks of meat and blood around.


The supersonic crack from a bullet was heard from firing my first shot at the charging dog.

the round entered through the neck and ripped down it's shoulder and past one of it's lungs before bursting out from it's side in a bloody and chunky mess.


The large dog tumbled hard into the ground and began to writhe and whine while desperately trying to bite it's phantom attacker that it thought was latched to it's neck.

but sadly for the courageous hound, the perceived bite from it's foe was actually a green tip 5.56 that had just ripped through it's body.



The German shepherd gave out a few loud whines before expiring, seeing that everyone was frozen in shock I called out.


They turned in a panic to see me walking out of the treeline with my rifle raised up and trained directly on them.

The firey redhead didn't seem to understand the severity of the situation however.

"You killed my dog you fucking bastard!!!" Kyra yelled out angrily after her dog had gone completely still.

"The beast charged and I defended myself as per any law, by the way, those pistols are mine, that food is mine, that tent is mine, that shotgun is mine.....I never thought I'd be disrespected like this by lowly thieves." I spoke and it immediately drew out an angry groan and sting of insults from the drunken man.

I turned to Tara, Richie's pretty young girlfriend and spoke.

"You there, I know he's drunk but if he tries anything or insults me much more I'll blow his brains all over this ground." I spoke and immediately she started whispering for Richie to calm down.

I had long since noticed that both Kyra and her husband Ben both had pistols tucked into their waistbands so I gave my orders to them first.

"hey you redheaded twat listen closely because if you do this wrong things will end very badly...are you listening?" I asked coldly.

"Yes...I'm listening." Kyra spoke coldly.

"Do everything slowly, using your thumb and pinky you will take my pistol out of your waistband and set it down there." I spoke towards Kyra with my rifle aimed in her direction.

she snarled before her husband nudged her arm and she finally accepted before beginning.

I watched intently as Kyra slowly drew the pistol from her hip and set it down on a nearby where I had told her.

"Good go back to where you were, now you with the shit around his chin disarm yourself." I spoke while gesturing towards Ben and his ugly goatee.

He seemed offended but was smart enough to know that any talking back was the wrong move so he simply nodded and walked over to the chair before slowly drawing the pistol as I told him.

Just as the pistol was about to be set down his redheaded wife Kyra rushed and grabbed for one of the shotguns.

Time seemed to move in slow motion as she picked it up an racked the slide back but before she could pump forward and chamber a shell. . . .


My Faithful M16 fired before she even managed to finish racking and a small steel tipped projectile was flying at 3200 feet per second.


The small bullet shattered through her occipital bone with ease and immediately the hydrostatic shock from the massive speed of the projectile spread out as it broke out through the back of her skull and tumbled into a nearby poplar tree.


The hydrostatic shock which coursed through her skull made it swell and bulge in slow motion before bursting open like an over ripe watermelon from the back as the projectile exited violently in a shower of blood and gore.


Her limp corpse hit the ground hard and it felt as if the world had gone completely still.

It all happen in a split second yet for everyone present it felt like the longest moment if their lives, although that was all an illusion since we all just had massive levels of adrenaline coursing through our veins.

With my heightened senses I saw the looks on each of the people's faces as they saw their lovely companion get slaughtered.

Richie the drunks eyes immediately widened and his BP spiked which saw him faint almost immediately at seeing his beloved older sister have her brains spattered.

Tara let out an ear piercing scream at seeing the haunting sight but the thick forest didn't let her cries travel very long and terror gripped her so tightly that she found herself unable to think let alone flee.

Ben who had been setting down the pistol obediently let out a separate very and fumbled for his gun but dropped it into the soft earth before.

As he tried to get his hands on the pisto I aimed my rifle at his pelvis and let loose two rounds.






Ben let out a terrible scream as he collapsed into the floor with his pelvis shattered.

somehow he hadn't passed out and his ear piercing screams were proof of that, every pain receptor in his mind was firing off in a horrifying food of pain and suffering which no person should experience.

I kicked away the pistol then took some time to really look down at him and enjoy the view.

As I enjoyed the screams, Tara looked at me with trembling eyes from nearby as she held onto her fainted boyfriends arm for some kind of comfort.

She had never even killed a walker or held a weapon and now that she was in this situation Tara froze up completely from fright.....big mistake.

"Alright that's enough, Don't scream so much!"

I yelled out and gave Ben a hard kick to the mouth which completely shattered his teeth and cut up his lips into ribbons.


The heavy sound of my boot impacting his face would forever haunt Tara who heard it clear as day.


Ben's jaw and teeth cracked under the powerful kick and offered little resistance against me.


His shattered lips and broken teeth spurted out copiously.

"And I was going to be so merciful....." I muttered aloud which Tara heard clear as day, she let out a small yelp upon seeing me kick been which drew my attention.

She saw me turn to her and I saw tears running down her soft cheeks but she was too terrified to run.

She looked so pretty as I walked up to her even though her tears.

I just walked up and separated her arms from the unconscious Richie.

She let out a few sounds of protest but I didn't listen to her in the slightest.

I grabbed her fainted boyfriend and dragged him away a few feet to the edge of camp before tying him up snugly.

The entire time Tara just sat there while trembling in fear and silently praying, I walked up to her and soon I was standing over her.

she heard my footsteps stop in front of her so she meekly opened her eyes and looked up at me in terror.

"Aren't you going to run?" I asked and it was like she snapped out of her state of shock.

Tara let out a scream and scrambled to get away from me as best she could.

I just chuckled at her attempt before moving to grab her.... It was far too late to run away anyways

She didn't get very far before I caught hold of her ankle and began dragging her back to one of the sleeping mats they had laid out in an open tent, her boyfriend was only a few feet away and was just barely coming out of his dazed state.

I grabbed Tara's soft face and forced her to look directly at me which she had been avoiding.

"Don't panic, I was very clear when I came here right...if things were made difficult you'd regret it right?" I asked and caressed her soft cheek as she squirmed around in panic.

I waited a few long months for a reply but none came. "If you don't answer me it seems our little talk will end now." I spoke a bit disappointedly.

She almost seemed relieved by my words one moment but that didn't last long.




I latched my hand onto her slender throat and gave it a firm squeeze, her beautiful brown eyes widened in shock but I just continued.

"Such a Shame, I thought we might come to an understanding but I guess this is our goodbye." I spoke nonchalantly as she tried in vain to claw my tight grip away to little effect, by now her entire face was bright red.

"Why are you fighting me so much, do you have something to say?Are you trying to talk?"

I asked just as she was turning purple.

With the last of her life force she nodded weakly which brought a smile to my face, at least she had a well to live although her survival instincts were dogshit.

I let go and she slumped in my arms while coughing loudly and gasping for air for a long while.




"I...I.... I'm sorry....w...we didn't mean to.... To steal from y...you..." She pleaded just as her boyfriend Richie started grunting and cussing while pulling violently at his bindings to little effect.

"Possible but extremely unlikely since Peter already told me the truth.... but the damage is done and I need my pound of flesh now that I've been insulted...a bit of restitution to put my wounded heart at rest."

I spoke as my hands wandered down her athletic form yet supple body and gave her soft body a squeeze.

Her eyes widened in realization of what I wanted and she shivered in terror of losing her first time being raped by a psychotic killer.

"Don't worry to much, I swear on my blood that If you behave I'll be extremely gentle since it is your first time."

I spoke softly to her while gently rubbing her head to calm her down since I needed to drain my seed and having her cooperative would make it much more enjoyable, a struggling woman is fun but what I had planned would be even better.

From nearby Richie was screaming out loudly at us.


Richie roared in a drunken stupor which awoke Ben from a near coma like state as he closed a bit of blood but didn't do anything to move since he was already at deaths doorstep.

I saw him writhing and groaning in pain but he seemed completely out of it already, his mouth was completely broken and he leaked blood out copiously... He'd be very dead very soon.

"Do we have a deal girl? Will you behave or do I have to tie you down and force you?" I asked and a shudder passed through her.

I saw the hesitation and indecision in her face an needed to strike while the iron was hot, of she wouldn't give me an answer I'd cut up her boyfriend until she did.

I turned to her boyfriend with a disdainful look on my face and took half a step towards him while dragging her along since it's your her up and make her watch.

To my pleasant surprise, immediately I was stopped by Tara grabbing onto my arm as tears ran down her pretty face, she could read my intentions clearly and desperately wanted to stop me.

"P...Please Don't....I'll Behave I Promise...." Tara spoke with pleading eyes as her hands trembled.

"Good..Good.." I spoke and gently rubbed her cheek clean off tears with my thumb.

"What do you know how to do so far?" I asked Tara who didn't even dare to look at me directly.

She was to scared to speak so she just shook her head to signify 'nothing'

"That's fine, it just means I'll be even more careful not to hurt you." I spoke and took her cute face into my hands before leaning in and placing a soft and loving kiss on her lips.

I'd shown her how violent and ruthless I was toward an enemy, now I had to show her how gentle I could actually be.

Contrary to what Tara wished, I wasn't actually planning on letting her leave with her boyfriend after I took her purity now.

Honestly I was planning to just fuck her or the redhead when I first found them, but after overhearing that she was a Virgin, and the fact that she became so docile rather quickly I'd not mind keeping her for myself.

The only issue was that she had already seen how violent and vicious I could be and it'd be impossible to get her to love me now....so I'd resort to the second best method and the most reliable.

A little Stockholm syndrome never hurt anyone anyways and eventually she would even be happy to be mine even if we stayed out like this, and if she didn't acclimate I'd just have to drown her to get rid of the hassle.

But for now I placed my lips on hers again and this time kept them on and began to slowly kiss her a bit more internally than last time.


Richie roared out and it just made me want to kiss her even more so I did.

After a few long minutes of kissing and gently touching her body Tara relaxed a bit since she saw that I wasn't trying to hurt her.

She somehow expected for my kisses to be painful or violent but she only felt slow and tender kisses which she had never experienced even from Richie since it was against her beliefs to do so before marriage.... At least that was what she whole heatedly thought until recently.

Eventually when I felt she was ready I stuck my tongue out as we kissed and it pressed against her plump lips, it took a bit of pushing and maneuvering but eventually my tongue slid past her defenses and into her sweet delicious mouth.


Tara let out a loud involuntary moaning yelp from the strange and electrify feeling in her mouth as I used my tongue to explore and savour every inch of her soft sweet tongue and flavorful lips.

Richie who saw all this from nearby was so full of rage that I was tongue kissing his Virgin girlfriend that he somehow came out of his drunken stupor from pure anger although he still couldn't break free from his bindings no matter how much strength he exerted.

I continued kissing Tara slowly and methodically for a long while before noticing that she needed to take a breath of fresh air.

I separated from Tara's delicious mouth as she caught her breath but even still she was still quite afraid so I tried to calm her down .

"See, if you behave there is nothing to be scared of....now we are going to continue okay?" I asked while gently rubbing her back.

she looked up at me with unease although she wasn't tense with fright or pulling away from me either which was a good sign.

"O..Okay..." She spoke at a whisper so I kissed her irresistible lips once more.

Before long one hand had wandered to her plump and tight ass while my other hand started rubbing her nipples through her shirt.

"Ohh~ Don't~" Tara subconsciously moaned out at my erotic touch which drew out a series out loud cusses and curses from Richie who was only a few meters away and could hear every last sound of our lewdness. . .

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(Back in Box Truck With The Cowboy And The Whore)

"Should we go and check in him already? Or should we leave? Those quiet gunshots were a while ago..." Lori spoke on and on nervously but Rick just wrapped an arm around her.

"Dont worry about that boy, it's like he was born for the end of the world unlike us..... Vertum never wastes time or acts without thought, so we'll give him whatever time he needs since he's probably doing something important, not like we're in a rush anyways since camp is nearby and there's plenty of sunlight out."

Rick spoke and leaned back in the padded truck seat to relax.

Lori just sighed and sat still for a little while until she heard something deeper into the forest, immediately she nudged Rick to get his attention.


"Did you hear that....I heard something..." She spoke a but worriedly and Rick looked to the forest with his shotgun already in hand while trying his best to hear whatever Lori was talking about.

He could only hear the rustling of trees and the gentle chirping of songbirds.

"I'll keep an eye out so just relax." He told Lori and kept his eyes on his surroundings just to be sure....

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(Back in the forest)

Tara was laying down flat with her hands covering her face as I began unbuckling her jeans and pulling off her pants as Richie screamed and she cried.



I didn't like to see such a pretty girl cry when I didn't want to make her suffer, and Tara was quickly growing on me so I wanted to calm her down.

"It's okay, hey look at me..."

I spoke after letting go of her pants, she took a long moment but eventually Tara slowly took her hands away from her face and looked at me while sniffling.

"I promise it won't hurt okay... Just let me take the lead and wait until it's over." I spoke softly and she nodded cutely before wiping her face.

I took that as a sign that she'd be ready for the first step so my hands moved to her pants and before long they were past her ankles and I pulled them off completely before tossing them nearby

I looked down at Tara and immediately my mouth watered, she had slightly caramel skin and an athletic but perky build like a gymnast.

looking down at her thighs and legs I saw that she was wearing baby blue panties and smelled of sweet raspberries which made my cock throb and mouth water.

I reached for her panties to pull them off as Richie tossed and turned in a Blood rage nearby.


He bellowed out and panted heavily from his vigorous but uneventful exertions.

As soon as Tara's panties came off she closed her legs to hide her most precious place but I had already gotten a good look at it with my heightened senses.

Her pretty teen pussy was clean shaven and bare, her pussy lips were small and clean like a clam and her little pink clit was poking out ever so slightly, I found the fact that she was clean shaven strange in the middle of an apocalypse.....

"Don't try to hide it, come on girl tell me why you're shaved? Was it done special occasion?Was Richie over there finally going to get lucky?" I quickly inferred what had happened and asked as she did her best to hide her lewd body from me.

Tara didn't seem to want to answer so I sighed and looked over at Richie.

"If you don't tell me what I want to know I'll go cut off his thumbs and make him easy then." I spoke and immediately she spilled her secrets.

"I...I..it's...it's our one year...anniversary today...I...I...I was going to...." She started speaking but couldn't bring herself to say it.

"You were going to give yourself to him.... Tell me girl, did he even remember your anniversary?" I asked while gently caressing her cheek.

Tara shut her eyes and shook her head to signify that he didn't, even more tears ran down her cheek but I was sure that was from the pain of having Richie forget such a special day instead of me.... They even had a calendar in their tent so that idiot had no excuse in her mind.

I looked over at Richie who had gone completely silent as he cried bitter tears at hearing her words.

A sick smile appeared on my face as I watched him suffering for a few moments before he locked eyes with me and saw the demented fun I was having....he realized that this was all just me entertaining myself with their suffering.

He realized that his sister and brother In law were dead all because I wanted to have some fun.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He let out a loud and long scream in hopes that a walker or a person might hear and come to the rescue but nothing happened.

"Nobody is coming, it's just you, your girlfriend, and Me in these woods right now Richie...now be quiet so Tara and I can enjoy ourselves or I'll start carving prices of you until you are quiet...." I spoke in all seriousness before turning to Tara and placing my hands on her supple, fit,vand beautiful thighs.

I grasped them both and spread her legs apart slowly and forcefully to reveal her Virgin pussy once more.


Tara begged after her extremely good looking legs were forced apart.

Tara's eyes widened in shock when she saw my head moving down between her thighs.

I kissed my way up her thighs slowly as she squirmed around and let out small cute grunts while trying to push my head away to little effect.

I neared her precious Virgin pussy and ran my tongue all the way from the devil's highway up to her cute little clit that was hiding away.

Since she was a Virgin her clit was extremely sensitive do my lewd stimulation caused her thighs tighten instinctively around my head as she let out a weird shriek of mental pain but physical pleasure.

she'd never experienced anything like this and now there was a completely unknown and electrifying sensation shooting up from her precious place.

"OhHHhH~" Tara moaned out once strangely and immediately she covered her mouth with her small hands as I continued licking her pussy.

Her untouched pussy tasted slightly of pee but after a few moments of eating her out that flavor was replaced with something which I didn't imagine would be this delicious.

I tasted her love juices as Tara's body reacted naturally from my tongue licking her pussy lips and teasing her Virgin clit expertly.

It didn't take long before Tara began moaning out from behind her hands as her tight pussy started oozing her love juices more and more as she squirmed around.

She was still afraid of me but her body was hot and incredibly aroused from my skilled tongue attacks.

Tara wanted to resist and hate every moment but the waves of perverse pleasure that she was feeling was too much for her young and inexperienced mind to handle.





Her involuntary moans filled my ears just as much as Richie which meant he heard his Tara moaning lewdly when she was supposed to be hating every second of this.

Before long her athletic legs tightened around my head and she let out an unmistakably erotic squeal as she orgasmed from being eaten out by her rapist.





Her pretty little pussy began spraying her nectar out while my mouth was still completely latched onto her pussy.




Like a ravenous beast I greedily drank every drop of Tara's delicious sweet nectar that sprayed into my mouth but I didn't stop my erotic attacks since my tongue continued licking an teasing her pussy the entire time.

Richie who was hogtied and had half his face in the dirt as he cried out desperately for me to stop now.

"PLEASE!!! NO MORE I BEG YOU!!! LEAVE HER ALONE...." He begged as tears ran down his face and snot down his nose but I simply continued to enjoy her tasty love juices.

I separated from Tara's and looked down at her only to find that she was still was still lost in the sauce.

I stood up and began unbuckling my belt so I could enjoy her to the fullest without getting my khaki pants wet.

She had a completely blushed face and neck, her eyes were glazed over in pleasure and Tara panted while recovering from the mind shattering orgasm she was just forced to endure by someone she didn't know or love on her what was supposed to be her special day.

Before long my cock came out and throbbed heavily as a bubble of precum formed at my tip, slowly the large drop of pre cum dripped down onto her bare stomach, she was looking to the sky and I was out of her field of vision do she didn't see any of this happening.

Then Tara felt the warm droplet fall into her navel and looked down to see what it was, but due to her still recovering from a mind-blowing orgasm she failed to notice something throbbing writhing grabbing distance.

Tara looked at her navel only to find a white drop of warm liquid, she furrowed her brows wondering what it was until she saw the outline of something massive hovering over her and turned her head up to look at it. . .


Tara let out a loud scream and tried to crawl away upon seeing what I had planned to take her virginity with.

but I held her from running and moved my hand over her mouth and waited for her to become focused once more.

"Calm down, relax..." I spoke while rubbing her soft cheeks once more to keep her relaxed.

"I can't do it!!! I can't!!! It's too big it'll kill me!!!"

She screamed out in a panic as I held her.

Richie who was nearby struggled against his bindings so hard that his fingers became purple from all the pressure but even still he couldn't get free and had to watch as his girlfriend was coerced into taking a giant thick dick right in front of him.

"I promised it wouldn't hurt right? That only stands if you behave well, so stop fighting or I'll make this much worse for you." I spoke while grabbing her face with one of my hands and forcing her to look into my eyes.

She squirmed and struggled for a few long moments since my huge cock was pressing against her belly as I held her down and she felt terror upon seeing my huge throbbing cock, but eventually she realized there was no escaping and didn't want to do this the hard way when the easy way was just laying there quietly.

I felt Tara relax a bit in my arms and I kissed her forehead once before letting go of her and positioning myself back to between her legs.

Tara voluntarily spread her legs apart and revealed her pretty little kitten once more and it seemed even more pretty than the last time but that might have been me throbbing cock talking.

grabbing my cock with one hand I moved it toward her little pink pussy that was still dripping with delectable love nectar after orgasming earlier.

Tara looked down in horror at my cock which was like her arm and shut her eyes while wincing in anticipation of the pain but only felt blissful pleasure as her clit was slowly rubbed by something girthy and hot.

She was too afraid to look but after a few long momentd Tara let out a muffled moan and was compelled by sheer curiousity to see what was happening.

Tara slowly took her hands away from her face and looked down to see my rubbing the tip of my cock against her little clit which felt miles better than those few times she had played with herself back home.

Tara slowly began getting into the mood again even though she was still very stressed and would have preferred to run away than getting raped even if I was being gentle.... But the pleasure was just to much.

"Ahhhh~" she moaned out and I just continued to stimulate her clit with the tip of my cock rhythmically.

I was doing this to relax her a bit since I didn't want her to have a bad experience during actual sex.

if I was going to keep her after having my fun I'd need to train her to be obedient, and although sometimes you need a whip to train a stubborn pet, a treat often gets better and longer lasting results.

I kissed her cheek then spoke.

"I'm going to start now Tara, okay..... remember that it will hurt less if you look into my eyes." I lied hehe.

If she was looking directly into my eyes as I took her purity she'd never get that out of her mind and she'd grow even more attached to me even though she dreads me at the moment.

As the only person who could keep her safe, and the person who took her purity eventually she'd become more and more dependent on my affections.... although only time would tell if the plan would work.

I was inwardly gleeful that this was all going this well, Tara looked into my eyes as my cock lined up with her little Virgin pussy and softly pressed against her entrance...

I gave her a small kiss on the lips before beginning.

With a slow push forward, her cute little pussy lips stretched out to their limit as they swallowed the tip of my cock into her precious place.

I pushed forward, but almost immediately I was stopped by a thin membrane which had been protecting Tara's precious virginity until today... Until I took it from her and claimed her for myself.

All of Tara's plans and dreams of living a happy life with Richie and having a few kids would be turned to dust as soon as I broke through her hymen since then I'd never let her go to someone else.

The thought of making her mine made my cock throb heavily while my tip was still inside her pussy, as my cock swelled a bit I felt Tara's pussy squirming and panicking from the strange sensation of being stretched out from the inside.


Tara let out a small groan when my cock swelled inside of her but didn't seem to be in too much discomfort due to the slow and methodical work I had put so I'd be able of easing her into it.

But now was the time to make this girl a woman... My woman.

My tip kissed her hymen once more and I took a glance over at Richie for a split moment since I hadn't heard his banshee like cussing for a little while.

His face was cold and emotionless but the tears of rage and impotence that ran down his face and onto the soft soil below made me enjoy Tara's tight hole even more.

I pushed forward slowly and her precious hymen ripped apart smoothly as my thick cock was squeezed and massaged by every tight hot fold of her pussy.

Tara winced and let out a small pained noise and winced as my cock ripped through her purity.

She might've normally she'd a year from this lbut she was soon distracted completely as I neared my lips to hers for another kiss so I could taste

She tried in vain for a few seconds to turn her face away but soon enough I had grabbed her face and was shoving my tongue down her throat and slurping all of her tasty spit greedily as my cock finished it's slow advance and softly pressed against her cervix.

"MPHHHHHH~" Tara let out a loud involuntary moan when my cock kissed her sensitive cervix gently.

I held myself deep inside of her while kissing her for a few minutes so her pussy would acclimate to having my cock into inside of her, if she weren't a virgin I might've been more vigorous but there'd be time enough for that later.

For now I was dealing with a delicate Virgin whose boyfriend I'd kill soon enough so I needed her to at least not fear sleeping with me.... being gentle would have to be enough.

As I kissed Tara longer and longer I felt her pussy slowly relax as its tight squeeze became less tight and began contracting against my cock involuntarily as she adapted to my size and girth.

Her tongue also became more comfortable eventually and began reciprocating my kisses with some of her own.

Seeing that she was now more aroused and pliable I began to slowly thrust my cock in an out of her tight pussy.

I had to go slow since even though she was completely drenched her hole was still far too tight for me to move in and out freely.

My hips moved rhythmically back and forth as Tara did her best to hold her voice in.

her boyfriend was nearby and tried to hold back for his sake as best she could....

but within a few minutes, her soft erotic moans were freely being let out into the air as my cock kissed her cervix again and again with every thrust.










Tara squealed out loudly and sprayed copious amounts of her sweet nectar all over my cock as she lost herself in an even deeper into ecstasy from her orgasm.

Her tight squeezing pussy and beautiful lewd aheago face made my cock throb heavily and swell it while deep inside of her.


Her eyes widened and flash of panic passed through Tara's face as she half focused on me for a moment mid orgasm before my cock began spurting thick hot seed into her young and fertile womb.

When Tara felt my hot semen squirt into her ovulating sensitive womb, fill it to the brim, and continuing to spurt more and more seed inside and stretch her deepest most precious place which no man had ever touched she lost herself in an even more extreme orgasm that left her body trembling as she screamed out in pleasure at the feeling of being impregnated by someone who wasn't her future husband....

her eyes rolled back and her athletic legs wrapped tightly around my waist as her tight pussy squeezed and milked my cock greedily of all it's semen.






once I had fished cumming deep inside and had my cock drained she panted heavily and mumbled incoherently on the sleeping pad while completely lost in ecstasy.

I caressed her face gently and brought her in close to me for another kiss but was stopped by her dainty hands.

"No don't....please~ I already did what you asked...." She spoke out softly and did her best to push me away from her.

I let my face be pushed away but my cock was still plugging up a huge amount of my semen inside of her.

normally I might teach her how to act with a few backhands but stopping now might work to my advantage.....

"Fine, I'm a man of my word, you finished your end of the deal so I will stop..." I lied and just kissed her cheek softly but inwardly I was upset that she dated to deny me a kiss after all we did...I'd take it out on her BF instead hehe....

We both looked down at where we were connected as I slowly pulled my cock out of her pussy which was suctioning my cock powerfully as if not wanting to let go.

But eventually with a loud pop my cock came free as Tara squirmed and let out a strange noise.....the floodgates were opened and copious amounts of thick hot cum began pouring out of her pussy and completely drenching part of the sleeping mat she was laying on.

I caressed her face once more but she pulled away from me with fear that I'd want to do it again.

"Don't worry, our deal is done....help me separate my things from this garbage you all have and I'll leave in peace." I spoke and she nodded before trying to get up but found her legs a bit numb.

"Give it a few minutes and they'll work again, after that clean yourself then start helping." I spoke before standing up an putting my pants and other gear back on.

I gave the pretty girl one more look before starting to move all the guns in camp into a duffle bag, there were several pistols and shotguns which were left by Rick and I.

It seemed these liberal cunts only had the guns they found here which they stole from us, there were a few knives and a baseball bat scattered around but that was the extent of their armory.

I gave the knives a long look before grinning with a plan for how I'd get rid of that cunt Richie.

After making sure all the guns were separated I walked over to Richie who was still completely silent, I knelt beside him just as Tara was walking out of the tent with wobbly feet after wiping as much semen as she could from her little pussy and putting her pants back on.

She saw that I was near Richie and I saw the fear in her eyes but I wasn't going to kill him just this moment....a few moments more perhaps.

"Relax girl I'm not going to hurt him, Richie you thieving bastard...you'll pack up the rest of my stuff since you and that dead cunt were responsible for stealing it okay little guy." I spoke with a shit eating grin which would surely piss him off even more.

It seemed to have worked since his face remained completely cold but his eyes started to tremble and his hands strained tightly against his bindings....but he saw this as his opportunity to slay me, cut off my head, and shit down my throat. (Metaphorically of course)

"....Fine...." He spoke coldly and I just smiled and nodded before pulling out my razor sharp dagger that glimmered beautifully.

With two quick slashes his hands and legs were free and he slowly stood from the ground while massaging his bruised and bleeding wrists.

Tara rushed towards him with a bit of disinfectant and bandages, then the girl proceeded to deftly clean and wrap both his wrists in a minute....Tara avoided looking into his eyes out of shame but if she did, Tara would have seen an entirely new person behind those cold green eyes.

normally Richie would have been wincing or crying from the pain of his wrist wounds but now his heart was cold and black...filled with nothing but a vile hatred for which could never be sated in a million years.

I also didn't miss the fact that Tara seemed quite proficient at cleaning his wounds, almost too good as if she was medically trained which made me want to keep her for myself even more.

Before long Richie and Tara began to pack bags of my things, they moved slowly but I still had three hours of sunlight so I could be here all day and I didn't give a dusty fuck if Lori and Rick waited a while...

. . .. . . . . .... . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .


(Honestly it's not even the complete chapter I had in mind but it just stretched out too far so I will have to cut it down. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it)

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