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64.28% Evil Degenerate Reborn in The Walking Dead / Chapter 8: Ch 8 The Long Walk

Bab 8: Ch 8 The Long Walk

"So what's the plan?" I asked Rick after sitting down.

Before he could answer Andrea walked into the room and walked up to me.

She let out a mischievous smirk while sitting in the chair next to mine and snuggling up to me.

The fact that she leaned into me and snuggled on my arm was clear evidence of what had happened between us.

Rick who was about to tell me the plan froze for a moment and his eyebrows went up in shock upon seeing Andrea snuggling up to me.

"Vertum We were only gone for an hour...." Rick spoke while pinching his nose as he sighed.

"Nearly two old man, but that's beside the point....What's the plan?" I asked and Rick shook his head before responding.

"The streets are filled for miles around and the sewer tunnel only leads to one other ladder since everything else is blocked off with inch thick steel grating." Rick spoke

"I sense a 'but' in your statement...what's the good news?" I asked.

"We came up with a plan, We rub ourselves down in Geek guts and sneak past them." Glenn spoke and waited for my response.

"It could work, those undead are dumb and if we smell like a corpse and walk like a corpse surely we'd be able to.....I've thought about doing something like that but the stench would be intense." I spoke and everyone felt a bit relieved I was backing up the plan.

"There are Rain coats we could use in that section." Andrea spoke while pointing to a corner of the store I hadn't seen yet since I wasn't interested in anything here.

"Raincoat would work perfectly, but I recommend putting a layer of cloth over top to keep the stench and juices in place.... someone go check on the roof." I spoke while standing up.

"I go upstairs, maybe the radio is working again." Morales spoke.

"Alright, let's go get ourselves a corpse or two." I spoke and everyone got ready.

We walked to the side alley where we had first entered.

When we reached the double doors Glenn stopped us and moved a chair towards the doors.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You can see through the gap at the top, that way we know what we're dealing with." Glenn spoke while putting his eye against the top of the door and staring intensely.

"There are more than a dozen.....let me count.." Glenn muttered.

"More or less than thirty?" I asked.

"Less than Thirty, but as soon as they start getting rowdy, more geeks will swarm from around the corner..." Glenn spoke while coming down from the chair and setting it aside.

"Alright, when those doors open I want all of you behind me, when I give the signal rush forward and grab two of the most rotten looking corpses." I spoke.

"W...What if they chase us.." Jaqui spoke a bit afraid.

"Don't worry about that, I'll keep an eye to make sure nothing happens." I spoke and she nodded but couldn't bring herself to look into my eyes, she had caught a view of my dripping cock for a split moment when she found Andrea and I fucking... She was too embarrassed to even look at me.

I readied myself and my rifle before speaking.

"Alright Jaqui and Andrea open the doors on my word." I spoke and both women moved forward and prepared themselves.

Rick and Glenn stood just behind me with gloves so they could grab corpses.

"Open." I spoke and the two double doors were unlocked and pushed open.


The sound of the doors opening was followed by a cacophony of low snarls from the walkers who turned to inspect the noise.

One seemed to get a clear look and took one step towards us before...




The only aware zombie hit the floor like a sack of potatoes.

Immediately the other walkers snarled out loud.


Before they could get very far a flurry of suppressed 22.lr began spraying forth from my rifle and walkers began dropping like flies in front of us.




As they charged forward I began dropping one after another to the point where they began stumbling over each other.

As the zombies piled up I fired upon the last one, immediately I called out to my new 'team'

"Go Now." I spoke.

Instantly the four of them sprinted out and quickly searched for the most rotten looking walkers.

As soon as Jaqui and Andrea grabbed one corpse that looked decent a swarm of walkers ambled in from around the corner.

They'd been alerted from the snarls of the other zombies and were here to feast on our flesh.

"Hurry Up." I ordered while walking forward to get a clear shot.

Before long another barrage of 22.lr swarmed forward like a monsoon of angry bees.

I would have preferred the 5.56 upper but that would have to wait so I could use it on enemy survivors....these walkers didn't deserve green tip ammo to be used on them after all.

I focused myself on the walkers and began unloading mag after mag in quick succession as if lost in a trance.


Walker after walker slumped and crashed into the ground as another suffered the same fate until I was broken out of my trance.

"VERTUM LETS GO!!!" Glenn shouted so I turned and sprinted inside in a split second.

The walkers slipped on corpse after corpse so they began crawling towards me but I was gone and back inside before long.

The doors were shut closed and locked down.

"Alright we got em, they smell So bad though...." Glenn spoke while looking down at the two limp rotten corpses.

"Andrea and Jaqui go get us raincoats and some cloth." I spoke and immediately they scurried off to gossip with each other while they were away.

After ten minutes they had both returned with raincoats for everyone and waited nearby patiently.

"Alright let's get started." I spoke while walking forward to the corpses.

Rick walked forward with his Axe while Glenn watched on.

"Bash the brains to mush...I'll cut open the guts and make them into paste after you're done." I spoke while wrapping cloth around the walker skulls to keep their juices inside.

As soon as I had finished Rick walked closer slowly and looked down at the two bodies.

He knelt beside one and pulled out his leather wallet.

We watched as Rick rifled through the wallet until he held two new things in his hand, a driving license and a worn out picture which he'd pulled from the wallet.

"His Name was Wayne Dunlap...Georgia license, born, 1985. And was an Organ Donor.... He had twenty-eight dollars in his pocket when he died, and a picture of his girlfriend..... With love, from Rachel. He was just like us one day...." Rick spoke gravely.

He closed his eyes and muttered a few words of self comfort before beginning his dirty work with an overhead swing.




Wayne's wrapped skull let out a sickening crunch and goop flowed out from the edges of his head wrap.

Glenn and Jaqui gagged and left the room to throw up somewhere while Rick turned to the next walker for the same treatment.

It seemed that the hot Georgia sun was rotting the corpses some...good thing winter would be here soon anyway.




The second skull shattered and Rick's face turned green before he ran off with Axe in hand to vomit in disgust....

usually The Walkers were trying to kill you, but when they just lay there it humanizes them quite a bit which unnerved Rick greatly from just bashing those heads in.

I moved forward with gloves on and began cutting open the walkers quite easily since the flesh was soft and mushy.

Eventually the guts and organs were free to see so I started chopping away inside of the chest cavity and turning the half rotten organs into something akin to a guacamole bowl.

At the same moment that I was doing this Glenn had walked back in and immediately threw up all over the floor from both the sounds and disgusting sight of what I was doing.

"Oh don't be like that Glenn, you'll be slathered in this shit soon enough anyway." I spoke and he responded a bit queasy.

"Ugh....I can't help it, Do you think it'll work?" Glenn asked while walking up to me but keeping his eyes elsewhere.

By that point I had finished so I moved onto the next corpse and began moving it's shirt up so I could use my dagger.

"Should work just fine, you've seen how stupid those undead are and they seem to respond to movement, sound, and smell..." I spoke and Glenn responded immediately in excitement.

"So we can mask our smell with these guts and out movement and sound with a bit of acting." He responded with an optimistic smile.

"It should be possible but you have to remember that no plan survives first contact with the enemy, something or several somethings will go wrong during this plan one way or another....." I spoke and saw Glenn's face turn dark out of fear.

"Don't worry, If humans are good at anything then it's improvising." I spoke just as Rick walked into the room again and he got our attention.

"I think it's better for only a few to head out to find some vehicles for us....T-Dog has fresh wounds that will stink like dinner to those monsters...and we can't take a handcuffed Merle on foot while acting as walkers." Rick spoke and waited for my answer.

"I don't mind that plan, but who will go?" I asked and looked around the room.

"I'll do it, I'll get the ride for us....plus I already know the streets and where to hide or run." Glenn spoke and I nodded while patting his back.

"Thank you." I spoke just as Rick spoke again.

"I'll be going as well, no reason to have someone else take the risk when I came up with the idea." Rick spoke.

Before long Glenn and Rick stood in full PPE which consisted of knee length hooded raincoats with a rot juice soaked poncho over top.

the putrid stench from the guts slathered poncho would surely hide them from the walkers sense of smell.

"Alright looks like you two are ready." Andrea spoke from a distance to stay away from the horrid stench.

"Good luck." I spoke while helping Rick and Glenn up through a side window with a rope.

Both of them landed down onto the crunchy gravel below and immediately began moving slowly and clumsily like a walker.

"Was that good?" Glenn whispered up at me.

"Yes, but don't talk since they can smell your breath." I whispered back and that made him shut his mouth immediately.

"See you soon." I told Rick and closed the window back again as Andrea and Jaqui waited patiently.

All it took was one glance at Andrea and her soft tits to get my cock throbbing again so I'd need a bit of time alone.

"Jaqui go upstairs with T-Dog and Morales while we stay here and watch the doors." I spoke.

"Yes, I'll get going since T-Dog needs his wounds cleaned anyways." Jaqui spoke and gave Andrea a sneaky look as if telling her that she already knew what we'd get up to.

Eventually Jaqui had left and I was left alone with Andrea.

"Come on, we have some time before they get back...Why don't you sit down and let me take care of you~" Andrea spoke and guided me to a nearby padded office chair.

"Just sit back and relax while I take care of you~" Andrea said while unbuckling my belt and pulling down my pants with blushed cheeks.

She'd never given a blowjob since she thought they were gross but now she wanted to please me and this seemed like something guys liked.

Eventually she gave my pants one final tug and something long and thick came swinging out.


My cock slapped Andreas face heavily and pressed against her soft cheeks and warm breath with the perfect pressure.

Andrea immediately took a deep sniff of my cock and felt herself immediately want to lick and slobber like a whore.

She looked at my cock hungrier as she moved her soft warm hand to it.

"It's so Big~ How did it ever fit~" Andrea spoke and stuck out her tongue erotically while nearing my cock.


Her warm pink tongue felt electrifying against my shaft as she slowly made her way towards my tip where a bubble of thick and warm precum was forming.

Andrea saw the bubble of cum and ran her tongue across my tip so she could slurp it up for herself.

Next she tasted it's musky flavor for a long moment before putting her plump lips back onto my cock and sliding the tip into her mouth.

I could feel Andreas inexperience as she played with my tip by rolling her tongue around it but her clumsy movements only increased my enjoyment even more.

She moved her hands into the shaft and began tag teaming my cock with her hands and mouth as best she could.







I could already see the glazed look in Andreas face as she began to get into the rhythm of sucking me off.

One of Andrea's hands had wandered into her tight jeans and her cute little fingers were already rubbing and slicking on her soft pink pussy as she savored my cock.

After fifteen minutes of slurping on my cock with barely any technique but plenty of desire, my cock began to throb and swell heavily.

I saw Andreas eyes widen in realization of what would happen soon enough but she kept on slurping and slobbering while stroking my cock.

"Swallow It, I'm Coming." I spoke while holding a big handful of Andreas hair while my other hand was slid into her shirt while grabbing onto her big soft bazookas.

My hips bucked forwards and I unloaded into her soft wet mouth with gusto.

Andrea closed her eyes and prepared herself for her first mouth creampie.









Rope after rope of thick hot cum shot into Andreas eager mouth, waves of pleasure coursed through my body as I lost myself in the ecstasy.

I could feel her mouth tighten and clench every time Andrea swallowed another mouthful of Semen and it only brought me further into Nirvana.

After a liter of hot baby batter had been fed to my blonde Milf she took her lips off my cock and began breathing heavily to catch her breath while moaning and squirting from fingering herself.

"OHHHHH~" Andrea moaned loudly from between my legs and slumped into my lap with my cock right beside her face.

A trail of semen had pooled and began dripping down my tip towards Andrea as she leaned into me.

She saw the drop coming towards her and opened her pink mouth and slurped the semen greedily before catching her breath and looking up at me with hazy lovestruck eyes.

"Too much~ But it's so Good~" Andrea moaned out and moved her mouth back towards my cock for a second round.

I just leaned back in my seat and relaxed as she began slurping on my tip once again but even more erotically this time...

. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .


T-Dog and Morales sat beside each other as they tried to use the radio to connect back to camp.


Just as Jaqui walked out onto the rooftop and made her way towards them.

"Give it up, there's no way that damn radio will work for you or that border jumper beside you Hahahahaha!!!" Merle laughed out loud.

T-Dog wanted to walk up and start beating the tied up man but Morales stopped him.

"Stop amigo, don't let him anger you so much ey, El es un idiota comoquiera." Morales spoke in half Spanish while holding T-Dog back.

"What's the problem, wasn't it was working a few days ago?" Jaqui asked and knelt beside the radio like the other two guys.

"It's like there's a Jammer or something, Este radio es una mierda." Morales muttered while tweaking the emitters.

While they were chatting amongst themselves they didn't realize their radio beams were making it out to the world but the latent signal jammers which the army had installed scrambled most of it.

Part of the sunset protocol involved jamming radio and phone waves to prevent the spread of panic, now there were thousands of cities with jammers of all kinds.

Many had died long ago but some remained through being uv powered and others only worked sporadically but one in Atlanta was currently fucking with them.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .

(Back At Quarry Camp)

Most of the camp residents sat around Dale's radio as they listened in carefully.

Dale was on the handpiece while Shane stood beside him.

Amy watched from nearby nervously, there had been garbled transmissions for a while now but literally nothing could be made out for now.

{"/_~$~**@...Surrounded....#****/*°~*#?*"**"&°+!@~#*&-_#?@$~!"-&$!?//$+*"?_+#*$-&**#*@*!-?"?~!$°"**&°+**/_&+--/****_°@... Bradburys....**@+°_**...."}

The transmission Resounded out loud but only two words were clear.

'Surrounded' and 'Bradburys' the department store were the only intel which made Amy's heart fill with fear almost immediately.

"We Need To Go Save Them!!!" Amy screamed out immediately along with desperate cries from a few others.

"Nobody is going anywhere!!!, Amy your sister knew what she signed up for, Mrs.Morales your husband did as well.....we will not have more people for than is necessary." Shane spoke out loud to the agitated group of people.

Their arguing continued for a few more minutes before Amy stormed off in anguish since she knew there was nothing she could do to help.

Lori was about to run after her but Shane grabbed and pulled her back before Lori got very far.

"Let the girl go, there's nothing you can do to change the situation she's in....just give her time and hope they make it back to us."

Shane spoke to calm Lori down.

"But she's in pain, I have to go talk with her..." Lori pleaded.

"Everybody is suffering, leave her alone for now and let her deal with herself in peace." Shane spoke and walked back with Lori to the radio.

The camp decided to make a few more attempts to get a clear signal but it kept ending up in failure.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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