The light from the burning cars was starting to die back, and I could no longer see my hand in front of my face.
I needed to find a safe place for the night, but where?
To leave the highway meant that I might lose my way in the darkness, but I was too visible here on the road. Anyone coming by would be able to see me, and putting a bullet to my head might be the nicest thing they could do.
I had to stay on the road and be invisible at the same time.
No big deal.
I looked around at all the abandoned vehicles. I could sleep in one of them. The creatures wouldn't be able to get the drop on me, and neither could any humans.
I used the dying light to find a SUV out on the shoulder of the road, hidden deep in the shadows. Most would overlook it. It was perfect.
Making my way to the driver's side door, I was surprised to see that it was unlocked.
I jsut discovered a new circle of Hell that Dante didn't mention before....
Elementary school christmas concerts.
The longest two and a half hours of my life.
Just imagine if that was your eternal punishment though.... lol