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12.12% Kakashi: A new life another world / Chapter 3: lamentations (Revised)

Bab 3: lamentations (Revised)

Kakashi was panting on the floor.

This battle was exhausting for his body, Kakashi was having difficulty moving, his muscles were throbbing in pain.

His chakra was almost depleted, Kakashi was struggling to cover his Sharingan with his bandana, he was feeling the disadvantages of using the first gate.

The current state of his body showed Kakashi that using the first gate with his current body had more side effects than he would have when he was in his adult form.

A child's body would not have the necessary strength and muscular constitution to withstand such physical wear and tear.

Kakashi could barely move, his muscles were numb, he couldn't exert any force with his body.

He was trying to regain his strength, moving the little chakra he had left throughout his body, Kakashi didn't want to waste too much time in that place.

Knowing that at any moment more monsters could appear, and in that physical state he was in, a battle against unknown creatures could be deadly.

But before he could leave, Kakashi would first check the body of the Witcher, who he had just killed, and only then could he leave that place.

Kakashi's goal was to get anything of value he could find from Brehen's body.

Being in this unfamiliar place without any support or money, Kakashi needed any valuable object he could get.

He was also trying to find some information, which could give some clue as to where he was.

Kakashi knew he needed money and information, he hoped he could find something that would give him some direction.

After a little rest Kakashi was able to move his body again.

Standing up with difficulty Kakashi was recovering, his energy slowly but he still didn't move towards the Witcher's body.

Hearing footsteps approaching, Kakashi decided to turn around to face the person approaching.

Watching the man for a while, Kakashi waited for him to arrive at his side.

"Thank you for your help", looking at the man, Kakashi showed his sincerity.

Kakashi was already prepared to escape with the replacement jutsu, but the man managed to get the Witcher's attention long enough for Kakashi to catch his breath.

"I'm the one who has to thank you, you saved and protected me and my family", Antoni placed his hand on Kakashi's shoulder, he was looking at him gratefully.

"Few people would put themselves at risk for complete strangers, so I'm very grateful" Antoni was feeling strange talking to Kakashi, it wasn't very common for an adult to have to act that way towards a person who looked like a child.

Antoni was observing Kakashi's behavior.

'There's something strange about this boy, his tone and behavior don't at all resemble the attitudes of a child, you can tell he's in pain and tired, but the boy doesn't complain'.

His distrust was justified, what Antoni and his family went through would make anyone cautious.

Kakashi knew he couldn't keep talking for long, he knew that other monsters could appear at any moment, so he hurried and went to the man's body.

Searching thoroughly, Kakashi took everything of value he could find on the body.

Taking the silver sword, the crossbow, a small bag that the Witcher carried near his waist and a necklace with a feline head pendant.

These were the only things of value that could be found on Brehen's body.

Most of his armor was damaged by the explosion and Kakashi's Raikiri, only the lower part of his armor was still usable and had some value, but Kakashi didn't want to waste too much time in that place.

After removing all valuable items from the Witcher's body, Kakashi began to retrieve his kunais and shurikens that were used in battle.

He didn't know why, but something told him that there would be no easy way to get other kunais and shurikens before returning to Konoha, and he couldn't be without his shinobi tools.

Antoni was watching the boy work, he noticed the agility and familiarity that Kakashi had when searching for objects in a body.

This attitude showed that Kakashi was already used to doing this kind of thing.

'What kind of life did this boy have? He was not afraid when facing monsters and the Witcher, he also didn't even hesitate for a second when he took the Witcher's life.'

Knowing that Kakashi's actions were not normal for someone his age, Antoni became increasingly cautious.

"My name is Antoni, your name is Kakashi, right? Pakkun talked a little about you", Antoni tried to talk to Kakashi wanting to know more about him, Antoni wanted to check if it would be safe to take Kakashi to his family.

Antoni was grateful for what the boy did for his family, but Kakashi showed a coldness and cruelty that a child his age shouldn't have, even if the Witcher was a bad person, most people would hesitate when killing a person.

But the boy in front of him didn't hesitate when he took the Witcher's life, and the problem was that if this boy had malicious intentions against his family, he couldn't do anything, Antoni saw the boy kill the man who massacred his entire village.

He knew that if Kakashi's goal was to harm his family, he wouldn't be able to stop him.

The level of power needed to kill a Witcher was something few had, so Antoni knew he wouldn't be able to protect his family from Kakashi.

Kakashi turned his gaze to Antoni "Yes, my name is Kakashi, is your family okay?" Antoni nodded and once again showed a grateful look.

"Yes, thanks to you my family and I will be able to see the little ones grow up, I don't know how to thank you for what you did for us" they walked while getting to know each other better.

Antoni would decide along the way whether it was safe to trust Kakashi.

Trying to clear up his doubts, Kakashi asked Antoni as they walked, "Antoni, what country are we in?"

A little confused by the boy's strange question, Antoni replied without really understanding his intentions, "We are in the Kingdom of Redania, on the outskirts of the village of Lello."

Looking at Antoni confused, Kakashi had never heard of this Kingdom of Redania.

Doubts began to hover in his head, Kakashi began to piece together small clues that he had obtained since the moment he woke up.

Doubts began to appear in his head, Kakashi knew if he was still in the world where he was born.

Analyzing all the information he had, Kakashi discovered that there was a strong possibility that he was no longer on his home world, Kakashi could not understand where he was or what led him to that place.

First he thought about the possibility of it being Kaguya, but even if she sent him to another world, something didn't make sense about how or why she turned him into a child again.

Nothing made sense, Kaguya could have just killed him, she had no reason to send him to another world, something wasn't right and Kakashi would find out what he had to do to return.

Caught up in his thoughts, Kakashi then noticed sounds of footsteps in the grass nearby, something approaching them, 'I think they're finally arriving.'

Kakashi didn't realize how long this fight lasted, but he knew it lasted long enough for the monsters to arrive, so without thinking twice Kakashi grabbed the man by the arm and headed towards the horse, which was tied to a nearby tree.

"Let's go quickly, more monsters are approaching, we can't stay here anymore", so the two got on the horse and the man took them towards the cabin.

Antoni led them on horseback, like a ninja Kakashi never needed to use any means of transportation other than his own feet, as it was faster to jump from branch to branch than go on a horse or cart for a mission.

Realizing that the danger had already passed, Kakashi's mind once again erupted with his thoughts, he didn't know what to do, but one thing was certain he couldn't report his situation to anyone.

He didn't have a powerful country to protect him, so he couldn't be discovered.

Not knowing how poseurs would react to a person from another world, it was better for Kakashi to keep this secret.

Kakashi didn't want to be alert 24 hours a day to protect himself from possible threats.

'I have to find a way to get home, but before that I have to decide what story I'm going to tell people.'

The way to the cabin was silent, the only thing that could be heard were the voices of two people talking, Antoni still wanted to know more about Kakashi.

So he walked to the cabin as far as possible, Antoni was still wary of Kakashi.

Kakashi was observing the surroundings trying to find small animals to be able to slaughter, but he found nothing, all he had in his way were some strange looking fruits that Kakashi didn't know if they were poisonous.

The view from the path to the hut was relaxing in its own way, if Kakashi wasn't in that dangerous situation, he might have even enjoyed the moment.

Lost in thought, Kakashi could see something in front of him.

From a certain distance an old-looking wooden hut was visible, it was relatively large, something that could fit eight people without much difficulty, in front of the hut it was possible to see the silhouette of a person with long blond hair.

Pakkun was also visible next to that person, they were waiting for Kakashi and Antoni, Anna was very worried about her husband's safety.

Arriving a short distance away from the hut, Kakashi was now able to identify the blonde as the woman he saved earlier, she came running towards him with her eyes red and full of tears, she was crying.

Antoni got off the horse and ran towards his wife, they hugged tightly, tears came out of the woman's eyes, she tried to say something but her voice didn't come out, only relief was visible on her face, today she thought she would lose another loved one, but the gods did not abandon her.

Her husband returned without any injuries, Anna was happy and furious at the same time, happy that her husband had returned to her and her daughter and furious that he had left them behind and faced the danger alone, 'Stupid Antoni, he doesn't know what their lives would be miserable without him, wasn't it enough that I lost everything? He still had to put himself at risk.

In a single day she lost everyone she knew in her entire life, in addition to losing her relatives, the only people she had were these five people, and her irresponsible husband even put himself in danger once again.

Anna didn't care if others called him a coward, for her Antonia was the best man in the world, while other husbands were usually hard on their wives he was the most caring person in the world, even though he was tired he helped her take care of her daughter .

Antoni always brought her her favorite foods, he made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, even when Anna was obviously disheveled, Antoni told her that she was the most beautiful, he was unique, so she didn't care what what other people thought of him.

Anna just wanted her husband safe by her side.

'Even though I'm happy he's back safely, I'll have to punish him, Antoni will leave when we leave here and go to some other city. I will punish him, so he never risks his life. like that stupid way again'.

Observing that scene, Kakashi then gets off his horse and approaches his dog, "Pakkun, you've been watching them for a while, are they trustworthy?"

Pakkun nodded slightly "So far they haven't given me any reason to distrust them while you two were away, I found out more about their situation."

"They lived in a nearby village, which had problems with monsters so they hired an expert, a Witcher, that's what they called the man you fought, they told me that those monsters you killed, their name was Endregas and they were relatively common in that area, they also said that a man named Daniel who was part of their family left to divert the attention of the Witcher, I believe it is the body you found", Pakkun narrated some more facts such as the massacre that happened in the village of Lello.

After narrating the information he obtained, Pakkun looked at Kakashi.

"Kakashi, I believe we are no longer in the same world, the information I obtained is very different from that of our world, I wish I could go to Konoha and ask for help, but unfortunately I can only go if someone summons me."

Kakashi already expected this result, but knowing that he would have no one to ask for help would make his situation even more complicated.

'I'll have to find out more about this world, to see if there's any way to get back, but for now my best course of action would be to mingle with some natives,' looking at the couple in their sweet moment, Kakashi decided.

'This family could be a good starting point, until I can get closer to someone more influential.'

Watching the two lovebirds hug, Kakashi was waiting for them to stop their little moment.

So that he could find out where there was a lake nearby, Kakashi waited a long time, but they didn't let him go, Kakashi then made a sound with his mouth to get their attention.

After they let go in embarrassment, "Antoni, can you tell me if there is somewhere I can clean myself, I can't rest properly when I'm in this state," Kakashi did so while showing his blood stained clothes.

Antoni looked at him strangely, then realized that it must really be very uncomfortable to remain like that.

"There's a lake nearby, if you want to go I can accompany you there", Anna who was next to him hugged his hand tightly "Do you want to abandon us again?".

Anna glared at him fiercely, "Antoni, if you go anywhere you'll have to take everyone with you," Antoni tried to argue that this time he wouldn't be in danger and would just take the boy to the lake and come back immediately, but his Appeals failed to convince his wife.

Antoni's pleas were useless, in fact she didn't even want to go, Anna was just scared, she didn't want to take her eyes off her husband again.

Seeing the difficult situation he found himself in, Kakashi decided to intervene on the poor man's behalf.

"You don't need to take me and just point me in the direction and I'll go alone", even reluctantly, Antoni pointed the direction.

Kakashi understood Antoni, he looked like a 5 year old child, any adult man wouldn't want to leave a 5 year old child alone, to venture into a forest full of monsters.

Observing the way the woman acted, who didn't want to let her husband go to a place that could be dangerous, Kakashi instructed her.

After losing so many important people in one day, she didn't want to risk losing anyone else and knew that her husband would never take the family to a possibly dangerous place.

That's why she used this pretext, Anna may seem selfish, but no one in her situation wouldn't want to risk their loved ones.

Arriving at Lake Kakashi completely takes off his clothes and washes them on the banks of the lake.

Then he puts them to dry on a nearby branch and then takes a dip in the lake while Pakkun stands guard.

While diving, Kakashi noticed three large fish swimming around the lake.

Deciding he would catch them, Kakashi quickly approaches them and quickly kills them.

After cleaning himself completely, Kakashi leaves the lake with the three fish in his hands.

Kakashi cleans the fish, removing scales and organs.

Then he lights a fire, puts the fish to cook, Kakashi brings his clothes closer to the fire.

He decides that he will take two fish for the family, Kakashi hopes to gain even more sympathy from them with this attitude.

Even though they seemed trustworthy, Kakashi wouldn't trust them anytime soon, he would observe them and only then choose the best way to interact with the family.

But Kakashi was aware that they would be his best camouflage for a while, so he would have to earn their trust.

After deciding on the plan of action he would take with his family, Kakashi got dressed, took the fish and returned to the cabin.

The first step to gaining trust would be to show that he could help them with food and safety.

When Kakashi arrived at the cabin, he surprised the family with the two fish he caught.

They were hungry, they spent the night running away and were unable to eat anything, the food they brought was lost on the way and the food found in the hut was in no condition to be consumed.

It had been a long time since anyone stayed in the hut, everything edible that was there, such as fruits, bread and dried meat, were in an advanced state of putrefaction even by the standards of this world, so the only food they had was what Kakashi brought.

Ilona and Anna caught the fish and began to share it with their families.

They were also hungry, but their priority was to feed the little ones and if there was anything left over, they would share it among the adults.

When she was about to eat, Ilona noticed Kakashi, who was leaning against the wall watching his family, she noticed that he wasn't eating anything, Ilona then looked at the small piece of fish and the fish head that were in her hand.

That was all that was left for her, the fish head had little edible meat, most of it was bone and fish skin, Ilona was hungry, but her conscience wouldn't let her eat something while a boy the age of little son went hungry.

Even though she was excited, Ilona approached Kakashi to offer her share to him.

Noticing the woman approaching, Kakashi began to notice her features.

'This must be Ilona, she matches well with the description Pakkun gave about her, in fact she is a beautiful woman', Kakashi was admiring the woman's beauty, even if the clothes didn't do justice to her beauty, it was indeed a beautiful woman.

Ilona had green eyes with a dark tone, her hair was the color of blood, a strong and highlighted red, her clothes could not hide her beautiful figure with fat in the right places.

It was impressive for a woman to maintain such beauty, even after two children and living in a remote place.

After she was in front of Kakashi she gave him a gentle and comforting smile, "Kakashi isn't it? I'm not hungry, could you do me a favor and eat my share? I don't like wasting food."

Immediately realizing her intentions, Kakashi discovers that the woman in front of her is very kind and a great person. Ilona, despite being very hungry, decides to give the little food she had to a boy she had just met.

"Thank you for your kindness, but there's no need to worry, I've already fed," Kakashi denied her request.

"Ilona, you are a very kind woman, but you also need to eat, you have to be healthy to take care of your children", Ilona didn't insist anymore, she thanks Kakashi for all his help and went to sit near her children.

Kakashi had already noticed everyone in the room and began to associate their faces with their names, based on Pakkun's descriptions.

First he took good notice of the young girl who was standing next to Ilona.

She was very similar to her mother, her face and body seemed to belong to a younger version of Ilona.

Júlia, Ilona's daughter, had red hair like her mother's, but she had light yellow eyes, almost the color of honey, which differed from her mother's emerald eyes.

Another difference was her skin color, Ilona had tanned skin, which showed that she worked in the sun, while Júlia had very pale skin, like someone who rarely went out in the sun.

She had the skin of a scholar who spent the day locked in her studied room, her parents overprotected her just like Júlia was a beautiful boy since she was little.

They were afraid that something would happen to her, so they limited her outings, Júlia only went out at night accompanied by her mother, in the morning and afternoon she studied.

Turning his gaze to the side, Kakashi notices the small boy.

Gabriel, had strong features, he must have inherited it from his father, he had dark brown hair and eyes the same color.

His skin had a more tanned color, the color of a healthy child playing in the sun.

After analyzing that small family of three, Kakashi turned his gaze to Antoni's family.

The man who accompanied him to the hut, his name was Antoni, he had black hair and dark eyes, he had a masculine build, with slightly prominent muscles on his arms and chest.

Antoni had a scruffy beard, strong features and had tanned skin.

Looking to the side, Kakashi saw his wife, her name is Anna, a blonde woman with long hair, she had fine features, and brown eyes, she had a thinner body, compared to Ilona.

Then he turned his gaze to his daughter who was in her arms.

They shared the same characteristics, the only difference was that her hair was darker and she had eyes similar to her father's.

Cecilia was a beautiful girl, who looked like a little doll.

Kakashi, after he observed everyone, noticed better where they were.

It was a rustic cabin, with little furniture, it only had two beds, 4 chairs and a small wood stove in that space.

Observing the atmosphere of the place, which was not very good, Kakashi began to think about how he could get closer to these families.

The atmosphere in the place was heavy, they were relieved to be alive, however they were still in mourning.

They lost many important people in a single day, the family was still going through one of the stages of grief.

The members of this family are in different stages of grief, some are in denial, others are angry, and Julia, the young woman in the group, is in the depression stage.

This situation was something very difficult to address, especially with the information Kakashi had.

He knew he would have to tell them about the body he found in the middle of the forest, but he didn't know how to approach that subject, especially when the wound was still so fresh.

Kakashi knows that the best way to deliver hard and painful news like this would be to be direct and clear, no tactic or fancy words he uses to deliver this information will have any positive effect.

Nothing could ease the pain of knowing that they had lost another loved one, few people have the mental strength to withstand so many consecutive losses.

He knew that these losses would mark these people on the face of their lives.

Kakasho tried to speak, but he couldn't address that situation, he himself still hasn't completely overcome the losses he had, even after so many years.

Losing someone you loved was a feeling you can't describe, even after having experienced it.

Oblivious to this atmosphere among the adults, the children went to Kakashi.

"Big brother, you don't look much different from us," the boy said, measuring his size against Kakashi's.

"How old are you?" Gabriel asked confused.

Kakashi looked at that scene and gave a small smile, the mood softened a little, nothing like an innocent child to break a bad mood.

"I'm not much older than you, I'm between 5 and 6 years old", that was the stipulated age that Kakashi gave for this body, based on his height and face shape.

He decided it would be better, playing the role of a child, it would be easier to be accepted by the family, if they thought they were dealing with a small child.

This information took everyone by surprise, they knew he was young, but they expected him to be older, they thought Kakashi must be a half-breed of some race with long vitality.

The family expected Kakashi to be much older than he looked, because a 5-year-old child demonstrating that kind of strength was something they couldn't believe.

"I told you he was our age," the boy said, his eyes brightening as he looked at a girl his size next to him.

Gabriel turned his gaze to Kakashi once more, "So where are your parents? A 5 year old like you shouldn't go out alone."

"That's what my mother always says", said the boy with a little pride.

Showing that he was a good boy who obeyed his parents.

But his demonstration had no effect, on the adults present in the room, they knew him and knew how agitated Gabriel was. 

They also guessed that the reason a 5-year-old boy was alone in the forest was that he had lost his parents. 

The adults focused their attention on the gray-haired boy in front of them, waiting to see what would happen next. 

Unlike what they expected, the boy responded in a calm and mature way "I don't have parents, my mother died when I was born and my father followed me when I was 4 years old, I'm alone in this world". 

They sighed internally, thinking how difficult this boy's life must have been, since it wasn't normal, he was so mature at that age. 

Then the boy looked at his mother "Mommy, can he be my brother? Since he doesn't have a mother, you can be his mother too." 

His speech scared everyone, even though Kakashi showed maturity, he was still a child, these words were very offensive and could make him angry. 

For everyone's break, his question didn't seem to affect Kakashi, he was calm as if what Gabril said didn't affect him. 

He waved at Ilona, as if telling her not to worry about it, Ilona was ready to scold her son when she saw that wave. 

"I can't be his mother, Kakashi already has his mother, even though she was no longer with us", Ilona felt she should explain to her son, in this world full of orphans, not everyone was as understanding as Kakashi. 

"When my father arrives, I will ask him to make you my brother", Gabriel was not yet confirmed, he would ask his father, who used to grant his wishes. 

Without knowing what he did, Gabriel deliberately made the atmosphere of the place depressing again.

 Everyone was sad and didn't know how they would tell the boy that his father would never come back. 

They sat around the cabin, an oppressive atmosphere hung in the air, a sepulchral silence residing in the cabin. 

No one wanted to say anything, everyone was stuck in their thoughts, they wanted to find their relative who caught the Witcher's attention, so that he could escape.

 But they were afraid to find out that he was already dead, but there was a small ray of hope that he was still alive. 

So they didn't come to look for him, because that little hope was like a poison, it hurt more than anything, but it also gave them the feeling that maybe they could find their loved one again.

Kakashi saw the situation and realized he had to speak now and give them time to truly cry, they couldn't have this false hope.

Knowing that the denial phase was the most damaging to a person's soul, more than any bad news he could give.

Looking around, Kakashi made up his mind.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, I found a body in the middle of the forest, it was because of that body that I was able to follow the clues and find you and save you."

Kakashi paused briefly to gauge their reaction.

"I believe that this body is the man you are looking for, he had this bag with money and this ring on his body, do you recognize it?"

Everyone present recognized the ring as Daniel's wedding ring, tears began to flow from the eyes of the adults, who had their fear confirmed, they asked for another loved one.

Kakashi saw the silent screams of those present, but he did not regret it, he knows that the period of mourning is necessary, he himself did not have this period at the right time and spent years suffering with pain and regret.

Sometimes it was better to feel the pain of grief all at once, because otherwise they could feel that pain, in a fractional way, for a long time.

The children didn't understand what was happening.

His parents were crying, and they both didn't know why.

They ran towards them and tried to comfort them, but it was no use, the adults were crying like babies, they were finally releasing all the pain they felt in the last 18 hours, all the despair, anger, hatred and pain were being released by their crying. .

Kakashi left the cabin a little and sat waiting, he gave the family time to be alone, so they could grieve.

And so that day finally ended, with Kakashi resting outside the hut, while the family spent the night alone with their thoughts and lamentations.

Aphis Aphis

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