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6.06% Kakashi: A new life another world / Chapter 1: lost (Revised)

Bab 1: lost (Revised)

In a thick woodland, where the only sound that could be heard was the gentle pitter-patter of rain.

They struck the leaves of the trees and the damp soil.

Patches of dirt were already starting to gather in different spots around the area.

In this barren landscape where only trees and greenery were visible.

On the floor, there was a young man with gray hair unconscious.

Raindrops gently caressed his face, causing it to twitch with every moist drop from the sky.

The cold sensation of the water against his skin was slowly drawing him back to reality from the realm of dreams.

As his awareness came back, he was puzzled about the events unfolding.

He felt a weight on his body, his thoughts were clouded with confusion.

Struggling to rise, the young boy was gradually becoming more awake.

Seated and sensing and observing the surroundings he was in, his thoughts became more lucid.

Noticing that he was in an unfamiliar location, he felt disoriented.

The young man strives to recall something that will provide him with explanations.

'Where am I? How did I end up in this location?'

He pondered upon these inquiries.

After recovering a little from the confusion, fragments of memories came back to him.

Reminiscences of your past location before emerging in this unfamiliar environment.

The images were still vivid in his mind, the devastating war that had occurred.

His previous errors and shortcomings have returned to torment him once more.

Kakashi retained all his memories, up to the point when he summoned Susanoo.

After this fact, your mind goes blank and no other memories emerge.

It seemed like something had happened, but Kakashi couldn't remember that event.

Regardless of his efforts, Kakashi couldn't remember any additional details.

This prevented him from getting answers about his circumstances.

Understanding that finding solutions to your queries would be a challenging task.

Kakashi resolved to start by determining his location, leaving the remaining inquiries for later.

Standing up, Kakashi was ready to seek shelter somewhere to protect himself from the rain.

It was when he noticed his body quirk, Kakashi realized that everything around him seemed bigger than it should be.

Realizing the strangeness of his situation, Kakashi quickly looks down at his hands.

Observing his hands, Kakashi is surprised, noticing that they are decreasing in size.

However, it wasn't only them, Kakashi examined his entire body and realized he had become smaller.

Kakashi found himself in a state of bewilderment, prompting him to take off his headband and inspect his visage.

Pondering the possibility that his body had been changed, Kakashi wanted to find out what he looked like at that moment.

With the help of his bandana, Kakashi is able to have a clearer view of his own face.

His appearance had returned to almost exactly the same as when he was 5 years old.

Some discrepancies were evident, like the prominent scar running down his left eye.

When viewing his left eye, Kakashi recognized the familiar pattern.

Kakashi didn't know how, but he had regained his Sharingan.

'How did this happen? Why do I have this body again? Why do I have the Sharingan again? Am I in a genjutsu?'

Kakashi's mind was filled with these urgent questions.

Then he focused and calmed down.

Keeping control of his chakra, Kakashi shakes it quickly.

Curious to confirm if he was under a spell, Kakashi employed the usual technique to dispel illusions.

However, everything remained the same in his surroundings, Kakashi verified that there was no Genjutsu present.

Kakashi found himself in a perplexing scenario that was beyond his comprehension.

He was completely unaware of what was happening, everything seemed unfamiliar.

Considering the idea that he might be trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Kakashi became wary.

However, these feelings were so authentic that they could not possibly be a Genjutsu.

Convinced that a Genjutsu of this magnitude would effectively deceive him and leave him completely unaware of it, Kakashi believed that it could not be that technique.

Despite his best efforts, Kakashi was trying to figure out a solution to his situation.

But crucial information needed to solve this enigma was missing.

Aware that finding a solution to his issues would be impossible without accurate information.

Kakashi chooses to check his equipment, so he can explore the place looking for answers.

Since he was aware of the clear physical limitations resulting from his recent transformation.

Upon returning to the body of a child, his physical prowess, velocity, and chakra reserves were significantly diminished.

In order to avoid being taken off guard during a battle, Kakashi made sure to be thoroughly prepared.

There were 7 kunais, 23 shurikens, 5 explosive tags, shinobi rations, some sealed equipment scrolls, and a compact emergency kit, in his possession.

He had a basic Jonin kit for missions, it wasn't his custom gear, however, Kakashi had no reason to complain.

This equipment has already proven to be extremely useful, it would be of great help in any future conflicts.

After a few minutes the rain began to show signs of ending.

The sunlight emerged and brightened up the thick woodland, reviving that area.

Sensing his chance to better check the area, Kakashi quickly leaves his hiding spot.

Kakashi climbed into the highest branches of a tree to improve his perspective.

With the aim of discovering something that would help him identify his location.

He tried to look for any indication of human existence around the place, but to no avail.

Only trees could be seen by Kakashi, stretching in all directions as far as he could see.

Aware that he could not depend on his vision or any other tracking devices, Kakashi had to find his location using traditional methods.

Estimating your approximate time from the temperature and brightness of the sun.

He realized that the sun had recently appeared on the horizon, estimating that it was somewhere between 6 to 8 o'clock in the morning.

By studying the sun's position, Kakashi also identified the four cardinal points: North, South, East, and West.

After finding out the time and determining the four directions, Kakashi made the decision to venture out and explore the location.

Opting for the route with fewer trees, Kakashi decided to head west.

Moving swiftly between the towering trees, Kakashi wasn't pushing himself to his limits in terms of speed, considering the unfamiliar surroundings and the potential risks that lay ahead.

Kakashi was vigilant, carefully observing the surroundings and scanning for any potential dangers.

After some time of walking along the trail, Kakashi eventually started to come across indications of wildlife.

Tiny rodents and birds soaring in the air, Kakashi felt a sense of recognition towards them.

However, upon further inspection, he noticed that they had distinct variations in comparison to the species he had previously encountered.

The species had variations in their sizes, colors, and other racial characteristics that made it impossible for Kakashi to determine their identity.

Aware that these creatures could be the sole ones he would come across in a long time.

He chose to hunt for food.

It is more advisable to save your ninja reserve for a more critical time of scarcity.

While Kakashi selected his prey for the hunt.

He spotted an individual's corpse and chose to investigate the situation more closely.

Kakashi walked towards the location of the corpse, a potent odor wafting through the air.

After inspecting the entire vicinity near the corpse, and confirming the absence of any immediate threat.

He chooses to get closer and examine the body for clues.

Examining the body, based on his experience, Kakashi looked for any information that would give him direction.

Based on the odor and state of the corpse, Kakashi concluded that the individual had passed away just a couple of hours ago.

His odor had not yet become rancid and his limbs were not fully rigid.

Watching the blood flowing from the injuries, Kakashi's conviction about the time of death of the man only grew stronger.

Examining the facial features of the deceased more closely.

Attempting to discover a distinctive feature that could assist in the identification of the individual.

However, the scars on the individual's facial area prevented any identification of distinct characteristics.

His facial features are so altered that it would be impossible for anyone to identify him.

Basic, ragged garments that do not appear to have belonged to a wealthy individual, that was what the deceased was dressed in.


Gazing at the physique, Kakashi notices shallow incisions meticulously placed in strategic spots.

In order to restrict the target's mobility and ability to flee.

Kakashi considered the possibility that the man may have suffered torture.

However, this concept was quickly abandoned, since there were no indications of torture on the individual's physique.

While inspecting the body further, Kakashi observed a portion of the man's chest had been completely turned off, showing a significant bite mark.

However, the chest was not the sole region displaying evident indications of an animal's bite, a large portion of the man's anatomy was absent.

Kakashi discovered signs of decaying flesh in the bitten regions, showing an advanced stage of decomposition.

It examines the consistency, hue of the flesh, and the aroma within the chewed sections.

The creature that attacked the man was poisonous.

The monster's venom was potent, however, that wasn't the only factor that bothered Kakashi.

Upon examining the corpse, Kakashi noted that the creature's bite was powerful enough to break human bones with ease.

The monster's bite caused his leg and a section of the corpse's arm to be severed.

Noticing signs of resistance from the man, who struggled while being devoured by the animals.

Kakashi began to ponder, unable to determine what kind of creature could have caused those injuries.

Despite finding all the clues on the man's corpse, Kakashi had no idea what kind of being the man had to face.

Examining the deceased's wounds, Kakashi proceeds to inspect the body's clothing for any clues that could provide him with additional information.

He discovered a small bag, which contained some irregular silver and bronze coins.

Inside the tiny pouch, there were 30 bronze coins and 2 silver coins.

(Hello everyone, I chose to simplify and use a currency system based on the price of the material, for example: Bronze = 1 unit, Silver = 10 units and Gold = 100 units.)

Kakashi was unfamiliar with this currency, unsure of the amount he possessed, when he stumbled upon a silver ring.

Once all the examinations on the corpse were completed and no further assistance could be provided, he made the choice to grant the deceased a respectful burial.

He had already noticed two distinct footprints made by humans nearby.

One of them belonged to the victim and the other belonged to someone else, which Kakashi decided to investigate.

Kakashi also spotted animal tracks that matched the footprints left by the beasts that attacked the man.

After examining the footprints, Kakashi determined that the most efficient method to discover any indication of civilization was to trace the paths left behind.

By following the footprints, Kakashi noticed that the traces were fading away, making it harder to follow the man's trail.

Whenever he ventured into the woods, his footprints would gradually disappear from the dampness caused by the rain.

Noticing the challenge of following the path by himself, Kakashi opts to call upon Pakkun for assistance in locating the man's footsteps.

Summoning Technique.

Pakkun who looked like a puppy, despite his small size, was the most cunning of his summons and was a great tracker.

Looking for Kakashi, Pakkun was perplexed to see only a miniature version of him.

Thinking that Kakashi was just joking, Pakkun speaks in a harsh tone.

"I'm not feeling very playful right now, Kakashi. Why did you give me a ring?"

Kakashi was unsure how to communicate this situation to Pakkun, as he was also confused about what was happening.

"Pakkun, I'm not kidding, I'm stuck in this form...", Kakashi then explained what he knew to Pakkun.

"Let me clarify this, you just woke up a short time ago, in these woods with your body in this condition, and you have no recollection of what happened?"

"Right," Kakashi indicated the footprints and handed Pakkun a fabric scrap to sniff.

"I want you to discover the paths along which the individual associated with this perfume traveled."

"Okay, follow me".

As Kakashi followed Pakkun along the path, he found traces of dried blood on some trees.

Examining the evidence found at the site, there was but a sole rational inference to be made regarding the occurrence.

The footsteps of the second person belonged to a killer who was playing with the man, who died.

Only weakening it, thus limiting its defense options.

He had the opportunity to end his life a while back, but he chose to inspire the man with a feeling of hope.

Afterwards, he guided him to the spot where the beings who were consuming him existed.

Abandoning him to suffer a slow and painful death in the clutches of the animals.

Kakashi identified signs of opposition from the individual, traces of activity were visible nearby.

Bolts attached to some trees and the earth, some were broken while others were cut by a sharp tool.

Once the area was inspected, Kakashi trailed Pakkun to the next destination.

They discovered a spot that functioned as a provisional refuge for a household.

In total, the footprints of 8 individuals were discovered, including 3 adult males, two young children, a teenager, and two adult females.

He found footprints that matched the corpse he discovered earlier and the killer's footprints.

The killer's footprints appeared more recent, indicating that he was stalking the group.

After analyzing the clues found, Kakashi began to consider a hypothesis.

It is possible that the deceased intentionally used himself as bait.

In an attempt to distract the killer, he bravely gave up his life to create a distraction so he could escape the rest of the group.

By gradually murdering the man, the killer demonstrated his confidence in being able to locate the rest of the group whenever he wanted.

It felt like a sick murder game, Kakashi had encountered someone like this killer before.

Individuals who derive satisfaction from mentally tormenting their targets.

Aware that he needed to locate these individuals as quickly as possible, Kakashi chose to track their steps.

He and Pakkun hurriedly followed the footprints left by people, going at a surprising speed.

"Kakashi, there's a group of people ahead, their situation looks dire, I smell blood."

Arriving at the location, they witnessed a worrying sight: a man in his early thirties, accompanied by two women and three children, was surrounded by threatening creatures.

They were creatures very similar to giant lizards, the beings also had characteristics of arachnids.

It was as if it were an experiment by a mad scientist, similar to Orochimaru, the creatures were a bizarre mix of species.

Kakashi had never witnessed anything like this in his entire life, and to make matters worse there were three of these entities close to the group of humans.

Noticing that the man's arm was in bad shape, Kakashi was preparing to intervene in that situation.

Understanding the need to obtain data about that region, Kakashi realized that the best way to obtain information was through that group that was in front of him.

He needed to rescue that team, seeking to understand how to deal with these creatures, Kakashi began to observe them from a distance.

When examining the lifeless body, Kakashi was aware of the dangers that those creatures could pose to him.

His claws, fangs, and tail were something Kakashi should be worried about.

Being aware of what he should avoid, Kakashi now needed to discover the creature's defensive ability.

Raising his headband, he activated his Sharingan, seeking to identify weak points in the being's anatomy.

Observing the being's body, Kakashi noticed that there was a robust armor around it, its epidermis demonstrated a high degree of hardness.

However, his armor restricted the being's mobility, due to its weight and lack of flexibility, which reduced his movements.

Searching for vulnerable points on the creature's body, such as blind spots and gaps in its protection.

Kakashi hoped to find some gap or weak point that could give him a slight advantage in battle.

Analyzing the creature's protection, Kakashi noticed that some parts had structural vulnerabilities, such as the joints and the center of the back.

Places where Kakashi could use to land a lethal attack.

After examining his opponents, Kakashi devises his attack strategy and opts for the most cautious approach.

He chooses to use his clones to confirm the veracity of his assumptions.

Due to the floor being damp, a replica would need to move cautiously underground using its mole technique.

While the other would execute the attack from above.

Eager to neutralize the beings quickly, Kakashi had noticed a man, closely observing the group.

Even though Kakashi had already spotted the man, he chose to wait to find out his intentions.

Upon realizing that he would need to ensure the safety of these individuals to obtain information, Kakashi decided to protect them.

With the shadow clone technique, three versions of Kakashi were at the highest point of the tree.

Without the need to communicate verbally, the clones already had full knowledge of their tasks.

One clone takes a dagger and approaches silently among the trees, waiting for the right moment to deliver a fatal blow, while the other enters the sodden ground.

Kakashi remains high up, keeping an eye on everything, waiting for the ideal moment to take action.

The behavior of the creatures was peculiar, it gave the impression that they were making it difficult for the group to escape.

As if they were reserving that target for another creature.

As Kakashi observed the situation, people's cries drew his attention to the need for his clone to act immediately.

"Uncle, how are you feeling?"

A 13-year-old girl screamed with concern to the man who was holding her injured arm, while she was bleeding profusely, she tried to stop the bleeding with the help of her aunt.

The clone was impatient, the situation was getting worse and if more of these animals appeared.

He couldn't rescue those people.

Thus, he appeared from beneath one of these wild beings, imbuing his Kunai with chakra.

To ensure the perfect angle of attack, aiming to hit the joint close to the creature's neck.

Determined to eliminate the being once and for all, the clone accumulates a significant amount of chakra that extends throughout his left arm and up to his kunai.

Landing a blow with all his energy, the clone was dumbfounded by what happened.

The blow he delivered exceeded his expectations, the creature's resistance was not as great as it appeared.

His blow went through the creature's armor without any problems, and the clone's arm passed completely through the being's neck.

Causing the death of the being in such a simple and easy way, which was frustrating, all those studies and strategies were meaningless.

When the clone tried to remove the limb from the entity's body, he noticed that his arm was trapped.

Upon witnessing the death of one of their own, the other creatures advanced towards the clone.

Abandoning the siege they had established around the family.

Taking a different kunai from his bag, the clone infuses it with chakra and waits patiently for the opportune moment.

To launch it at the head of another of these beings, but even with this preparation his attack failed.

With its tail, the creature managed to block the clone's kunai, suffering minimal damage.

The sharp kunai struggled to pierce the surface of the tail, demonstrating its incredible toughness.

Taking advantage of the situation, the other creature attacked the clone, making it disappear in white smoke.

As the beast destroyed one clone, the other emerged from the trees holding a kunai imbued with wind-style chakra, piercing the center of the being's back.

The kunai pierced the creature's body, gently touching its heart with its sharp tip.

Fulton: wind blade jutsu.

Activating his jutsu, the clone released a strong wind that passed through the creature.

The blade of wind ravaged the creature's organs, muscles, and protective covering, leaving a trail of destruction across its body.

Knowing he needed to quickly attack the other creature before it shifted its focus to him, the clone quickly advanced.

Using the Rasengan, the clone hit the monster, causing it to collide with a tree that shattered into pieces.

Green blood spurted from its mouth as the creature lay still.

Facing the crowd, the clone ran towards them.

Noticing that everyone was surprised by the recent events, he understood the urgency of snapping them out of their torpor as quickly as possible.

If he approached the injured man, the clone helped him control the bleeding, then looked at the entire group.

"We must get out of here immediately."

He said, holding the petrified girl's hand and pulling her away from the scene.

Time was running out and he was well aware of it.

He needed to get them out of that place immediately.


Julia witnessed the rapid destruction of the sinister beings that posed a threat to her family.

Just when she thought all hope was lost.

She thought that death had arrived, when she noticed the bodies of the three creatures that were dead on the ground.

However, the brief joy quickly turned to shock when Julia and her family noticed the color of their savior's hair, they were frozen in disbelief.

They remembered every detail of the previous 12 hours, every bit of suffering and horror they had experienced when facing a monstrous figure that had a human form.

Noticing the young man approaching, Júlia tries to escape, but her physical abilities betray her.

None of her family members could move, it seemed that everyone had surrendered and was simply waiting to die.

Julia and her family experienced tragic events caused by a Witcher.

It all started a month ago, when a boy from the village was found dead and mutilated near the forest.

Upon learning of this, the men of the village gathered together and tried to track down the beast responsible for the boy's death.

However, their efforts were in vain and many people died in the process.

After the failed attempt, all the residents came together to raise funds in order to hire the services of a qualified professional, a Witcher.

Brehen, a graduate of the school of the cat, agreed to help the residents of Lello by embarking on a mission to locate the mysterious beast responsible for her recent losses.

He managed to eliminate the Foglers, who were devastating the region.

All the villagers were filled with happiness when they were finally able to return to their normal routines, but the excitement was fleeting.

The Witcher demanded a higher fee for his services, but the villagers no longer had the funds to fulfill his request.

Therefore, he requested a different type of compensation.

He insisted on spending a night with Julia, Brehen wanted her virginity as payment.

Julia's father, Daniel and the village leader refused, supported by the rest of the villagers, leading to the Witcher's expulsion.

Daniel had a strong feeling, so he made the decision to temporarily leave the village with his family until things calm down.

He contacted his brother Antoni and his family to join them.

To accompany them out of the city, they gathered together and decided to leave the urban center the next day.

However, they did not have this opportunity on the same day, Brehen attacked the village of Lello and massacred all its residents, while Júlia and her family fled.

Brehen successfully caught up with them and Daniel distracted him, but they were unable to reach the hunting lodge in the forest.

They found themselves being surrounded by mobs, preventing them from having any chance of reaching the hut.

Once again they believed they were going to die, but Kakashi appeared and saved them.

Aphis Aphis

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

English is not my first language, so there may be some errors, so I ask you to help me by correcting the obvious errors.

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