She stretched. Her back popped in ways she was definitely trying not to be alarmed by.
It was, admittedly, probably nothing more than long-built up stress from her time in Ceiori.
She ought to get a massage to work those out, but in her experience 'massage' usually just ended in sex.
Which was.
Not at all a problem. She was not even complaining a little bit about that particular correlation.
Especially when her masseuse was almost always Phoenix.
...Which, come to think of it, was probably why most of them ended in sex, really.
But that wasn't the point.
The point was that she wasn't looking for a side-trip into sex, she just wanted to loosen up her back without getting a whole core work out.
Oh well.
She wasn't exactly doing any heavy lifting, so her body would just have to survive for a while longer.
She was here for a purpose.
Vaughn lingered in the library...
Where was he?
Yo like what's ridiculous is I had PLENTY of time to write this chapter?? But while I was sitting up writing I kept ending up with my eyes closed. And that wasn't enough, oh no!
Ohoho no.
In my first draft if you could see the amount of time Isabelle just repeated herself - literally - and thought in circles??