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42.3% Genshin Impact: A New Sixth / Chapter 11: Answers

Bab 11: Answers


I sat up in my bed and slowly turned towards Noctis' bed. He was as always still fast asleep, but I couldn't help but notice how peaceful and comfortable he looked. Seeing him peaceful after what happened two days ago was relieving and even caused me to smile a little.

I will never admit it to Noctis, but I was seriously worried about him back then. It was horrifying coming out of a nice shower just to see him there covered in that vile crimson.

He promises to tell me what caused his panic attack today, but only after the meeting with Monsieur Neuvilette. I found it more odd that he got me to arrange this whole meeting just so he can observe  Monsieur Neuvilette.

He definitely has some ulterior motive. I just can figure out what it could be, I don't see anyway it could link with his panic attack...

But, it must. Right? Him organising this meeting and his panic attack happening are too close chronologically for it to be a coincidence.

I was drawn from my train of thought when Noctis began to shuffle in his bed. I looked back over to him and saw him still laying down, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

I feel like he's always so sleepy... or maybe he just looks it..?

"Morning~" He spoke through a deep stretch and yet another yawn...

"Good morning, Today we have the meeting with Neuvilette." His head slowly turned towards me and it seemed he was pouting? "Ugh! I'm so tired... Why do we have to get up soo early!"

"It's 12pm actually, we slept in for quite a while..." he stared at me in confusion, disbelief even as if what I had said was completely made up gibberish. "12pm? Late!?"

I stared at him blankly, "Well I'm just saying 12pm isn't even considered the morning..." He flicked his hand at me in a dismissive nature. "bullshit, 12pm is basically the start of the day." I deadpanned at his response.

"You're lucky the meeting is at 5pm..." I said blankly as I watched him pull the cheap hotel duvet over his face.

"When do we get to change hotel! This duvet is so scratchy... Feels like a burlap sack.." And just then a light bulb went off in my mind.

"Get up right now and we may have time to find another hotel, a better one." And like a spring he shot up from his sleeping position. His neck snapped towards me and his eyes gleamed with joy.

Without me noticing he had somehow gotten out of his bed and grabbed my hands in a thankful manner. "Oh thank you so much!" he screamed as tears of joy streamed down his cheeks, before I could even get a single word out I was interrupted again. "I feel like I could marry you right now-"

He had trailed off slightly at the end realising what he had send and I watched as his eyes went wide and he quickly let go of my hands and looked away. I too looked away quickly as soon as I felt a warm flush throughout my face.

"I'm sorry, I got a bit excited.." feeling the hot flush lessen I slowly looked back to him, as he spoke he rubbed the back of his head in a way that made it seem he was embarrassed. "It's fine just... Think before you speak next time." Noctis nodded lightly and it seemed we both unanimously agrees to move on from this subject.

"Well then, uhm... I'm just going to have a shower then we can walk the town looking for a better hotel." Noctis said I nodded in understanding.



Noctis and I, who had just finished checking out of the hotel, stood out into the beautiful and bustling streets of Fontaine. The sun rested high in the sky bathing Fontaine in a not unbearable, but comforting warmth. Its golden glow reflected off of the many beautifully built structures and buildings, lighting the streets of Fontaine nicely.

As we began walking through the Court of Fontaine I noted the Noctis would observe every little detail of the city, down to the walls, paving, shops and markets, with a scrutiny of admiration and wonder.

"You really like architecture that much?" I asked with a friendly but curious tone. "It's a wonder how differently humans can develop their architecture and life styles." He responded while still admiring the surroundings.

"Humans? You speak as if you're not one yourself?" I asked while tilting my head slightly. Before answering a let out a light chuckle. "Don't think too hard about it."

I stayed silent as we continued to stroll around the city. While Noctis was just admiring 'human development' I was looking for a suitable hotel. At this point I don't really mind sharing a room with Noctis as long as we have two beds. Oh and of course a better room in general...

I have to agree with Noctis that previous hotel was super uncomfortable, the bed felt like a rocket, the duvet felt as Noctis said like a burlap sack, I'm pretty sure my mattress was ripped as well.

After about 10 minutes of walking I spot a rather empty but fancy looking hotel and grab Noctis' arm before he strolls away without realising I had stopped. "This place looks nice." I said as I turned to Noctis.

Noctis turned back to me and let out a confused "Huh?" before realising what I had meant. "Oh a hotel, I got so distracted I forgot we were looking for one.." he surveyed the hotel's exterior for a second before speaking once more. "Well, you were right with the food." He said with a shrug as he began walking towards the door.

"That's unlike you." I teased with a smile causing him to turn back and look at me. "What's unlike me." He asked visibly confused. "Taking a recommendation from me." He smiled slightly and then gave a cheeky response. "Well it's near impossible for you to pick out another hotel that's that bad." My smile slowly shrunk and turned into a scowl.

"The first hotel was not the fault of my judgement but rather the fault of our late arrival into Fontaine!" his own teasing smile grew as he began to speak. "Sure, feel free to blame it on whatever you must." I rolled my eyes before walking past him towards the door of the hotel, I grabbed the handle and pulled it open.

When I looked inside of the hotel I was in awe, the reception alone was full of luxuries such as, expensive looking sofas with  polished and vanished mahogany legs, sapphire blue padding and cushions. The sofas on their own looked more expensive than everything we had in the previous hotel room if their values had all been multiplied a hundred times.

Along with Sofas I also noticed the tables were all made of expensive wood that had been well maintained and polished. The floor of the reception was made of an expensive rock, possibly marble or granite.

Looking around the room my eyes drifted to a male receptionist with short brown hair. He had a neat – navy blue suit on with a red tie.

Before walking up to him I noticed Noctis behind me, he was also admiring the lobby. 'See I pick amazing hotels' I thought to myself while looking back at him with a smug smile.

I walked up to the receptionist who greeted me kindly. "Good afternoon miss." I nodded in response and then tried to speak but was interrupted. "I'm guess you two would like a room." I looked at him confused and then spoke. "Why would you assume we just wanted one room, may I ask?"

The receptionist eyes widened a little bit in surprised seemingly worried he had offended me it seemed. "Oh dear, I'm sorry miss I just assumed from the quarrel that I witnessed outside you two were lovers." A small flush of pink coated my face and I looked behind me to see whether or not Noctis had heard. Luckily he was too busy admiring a table.

"We aren't Lovers." I said in a slight whisper to the receptionist. "So, may I ask how much one room is per night?" The receptionist looked down and begun to flip through the book that was on his desk, after a short moment he looked back towards me. "One night is around 350,000 Mora." My eyes widen at the mention of such a hefty price tag.

I rubbed my eyes before speaking again. "Well, then, Yes we will be taking one room.." the receptionist nodded in response and turned around toward a wall which had many different keys with different numbers hung up. When he turned back around I handed him the Mora and he handed me the key numbered 104.

I got Noctis away from admiring the lobby and together we walked to the room number. "I'm excited to see our new room, how much was it by the way..?" I paused and slowly turned to him. "350,000 Mora..." I watched as his eyes visibly widened. "That's for a week right?" I shook my head and his jaw fell agape. "This better be some amazingly divine room.."

I slowly crept open the door to our new room and we both leaked in. The moment we saw it our jaws both dropped. The room was big, like really big from where we were standing a living, or sitting room was visible. It had had 3 sofas all having 3 seats each around a large mahogany coffee table of sorts. The living room also had a large window and door that lead onto a sizeable balcony that looked over the streets of Fontaine.

In the house we had our own private kitchen that was stocked with food and ingredients in the centre of the kitchen their was another large table this time raised more with regular dining chairs around it. Probably the most expensive dining room I had ever seen.

The bathroom had a luxurious sink and a large mirror. The shower and bath were  separate from each other and the bath looked more like a swimming pool and the shower felt like its own room and their was a closet with somehow warm towels in it. The toilet was separate from the bath and shower room. On its own being about the same size as our old hotel room.

As me and Noctis explored the almost endless hotel suite we could only help but notice their was only one room left. We opened the door and inside was one emperor sized bed with expensive and lavish duvets and pillows. There was even  a bedside table on each side with a lamp each.

"it's nice and all but I'm not seeing another bedroom?" Noctis said confused. "I told the guy we weren't lovers." I said as a mumble but from the look of utter confusion I received from Noctis, he definitely heard it.

"We can sort this out later, unpack your belongings and then we should head to the Palais Marmonia." I said while turning towards Noctis who was still staring at me bewildered. "So, we're just going to brush passed that then."

I shook my head slightly. "I have no clue what your talking about just hurry up and get unpacked." Noctis sighed in defeat and begun to unpack the items he had taken with him.

While Noctis was unpacking I went towards a door on the side of the bedroom thinking it would be a closet, but when I opened it I was shocked to see another bathroom. "This is good to have, but right now I'd rather have a big wardrobe." I mumbled to my self not wasting anytime to admire the overly luxurious lavatory.



I entered the Palais Marmonia and begun waking towards the receptionist melusine with Noctis following suit. As I was walking down the hall Noctis sped up slightly to be by my side. "So, I just want you to talk about the house of hearth helping Fontaine take preventive measures against the prophecy." I released a sigh before stopping in the middle of the Palais Marmonia and looking towards Noctis with annoyance.

"You've already explained what you want me to do." I paused to think for a while and during the pause neither Noctis or I broke eye contact. "Yet I have no idea why you want this whole meeting just to observe Monsieur Neuvilette. You really must be gay."

"It's not like that" he mumbled with an agitated pout. "Sure... Well anyway, remember you owe me an explanation of why you had a panic attack." Noctis bit the corner of his bottom lip, a gesture that showed he was anxious.

But why?

"I'm a man of my word I suppose." He spoke while staring into space, like he wasn't present in the conversation, as if remembering something unpleasant.

I gestured with the nod of my head towards the melusine who was waiting at the end of the hall behind her desk with a small smile as she focused on some paperwork. Noctis responded with a nod of agreement and we both continued walking to the direction of the melusine.

"Good day." I said pleasantly towards the melsuine. She looked up from her paperwork and towards me and Noctis, after a short while she seemed to remember something. "You're the Harbinger who asked for the meeting."

"Indeed we were told to come her by 5pm." After speaking both me and the melusine both looked towards the clock which had just struck 5pm. "Yes I believe Monsieur Neuvilette is ready to see you both now, just go in there." She said as she gestured to a room on my right.

"Thank you." I stated simply as I walked towards the door with Noctis close behind. I knocked on the door and not even a second later I heard Neuvilette's voice.

"You may enter." In response I slowly pushed the door open and walked in. Sat on his chair holding a lavish goblet of sorts was Monsieur Neuvilette. He seemed to be taking a break right now.

He gestured to the two seats opposite his desk and Noctis and I both sat down. "We are sorry if we are intruding on your break." Neuvilette's face didn't really change much but he spoke out in his normal tone assuring us we hadn't.  "You're not intruding I was just having a water break. It truly is the best beverage."

"Very well then if you insist I would like to move onto the point of this meeting." Neuvilette stayed silent and gave a nod as he placed his water goblet down, waiting for me to continue.

Neuvilette and I began to discuss possible ways that the House of Hearth could help prepare preventive action towards the prophecy, we also discussed, in the worst case scenario, how the House of Hearth could help evacuate civilians from the rising water.

I also informed him about the magic pockets that my children, Lyney, Lynette and Freminet were hanging out. To my surprise he offered to pay for a portion of the materials needed in making the pockets and I graciously accepted.

During the conversation Noctis hadn't spoke once so I peaked at him through the corner of my eye. His amethyst eyes gleamed with scrutiny as he observed every little action Neuvilette made. Noctis was completely focused and hadn't looked away for a single second. I watched as his eyes scanned every last detail of Neuvilette's features.

I got a bit worried Neuvilette would think Noctis is trying to threaten him, but I noticed every now and then Neuvilette seemed to observe him with curiously as well. As if they had seen each each before but couldn't place their finger on where or how.

I decided to bring the meeting to an end bidding Neuvilette goodbye and many thanks while also dragging Noctis out of the office and back towards our new hotel.

Once back in the hotel Noctis seemed instantly back to normal, flopping onto tje large bed and sinking into the comfort of an actual mattress. "I could so fall asleep right now!" he exclaimed while stretching his arms above his head and yawning.

"Uh? No..? You owe me an explanation, remember?" Noctis closed eyes for a while, took in a deep breathe and slowly exhaled. He slowly got into a sitting position resting his back on the headrest of the bed.

"Fine... where to begin..." he stayed silent for a while doing what I could only imagine as going through all his old memories.

"To start..." his voice was shaky and his fist were clenched. He took a shaky breathe and swallowed hard before trying to speak again. "The ones I called family..." His voice tremored with emotions of misery, regret and most visibly, pain. I sat next to him on the bed and held one of his hands with the two of mine in an attempt to comfort him.  He gave me a sad smile and then began to speak once more.

"The ones I called family were all killed violently by... Phanes, The Primordial One and their shades when they took over this world..."

I didn't speak because I could tell how hard it was for Noctis to tell me this. In all honesty I was stunned, I didn't even know how to react to this information. The only thing I knew is that it couldn't be a lie. I was sure of it because Noctis isn't one to show his true emotions often.. I could only help but feel sorry for him and his family.

I watched as Noctis wiped away a stray tear with his free hand and took another breathe. "The reason Phanes killed my family is because we were the rulers of this world." My eyes widened at the absurdity of his claim. There was no way. It couldn't be possible. If this was true.

That would mean...

"I am one of seven Dragon Sovereigns, precisely, The Electro Sovereign."


(A/N) Another 5am chapter let's go. Anyway I hoped you enjoyed the chapter it is slightly longer. I thought to make longer since it's the big reveal about Noctis, though I wonder if it was obvious already.

I also wanted to clear something up I say that Noctis' whole family died. They obviously didn't as Apep in sumeru is still kicking.

The reason Noctis says their all dead is because he sees them all battered up and beaten by Phanes and his gang and doesn't get to check if they're alive. So yeah

See you next chapter and thanks for reading!









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