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84.61% Overlord The Vampire Lord / Chapter 33: The Supreme Palm Of Buddha

Bab 33: The Supreme Palm Of Buddha

Chita and one other of his guild members appeared in this world 300 years ago, within that time, the other guild member died and lost the only world Item they had to the Deep Darkness Dragon Lord.

the following years, Chita did not dare to step out. instead, he left everything to the NPC, one of the smarter NPC could come up with a way for him to not only take up over the world but to also have the beast race rule. the first step was the soul eaters, following their rampage and a good amount of the beast race dying, Chita secretly took over, while hiding from the world.

He didn't mind taking things slow and learning the world, so he spent years changing the ways of the Demi-human, uniting the races together while waiting for their numbers to improve while helping improve their strength.

it was 100 years after his arrival that the Sage Minatour appeared, how did he die you may ask? Chita and him clashed, their ideals didn't match so Chita killed him. he came without a guild or others with him. what he did have was a world item, which Chita wanted, that world item was deadly, but he was outnumbered and quickly killed, giving them the Kingdom Shaker.

with this, Chita was able to rest at ease. that horn couldn't take control of him with this world item in his hands, so he began trying to locate the Deep Darkness Dragon Lord, but even after 200 years he had not found him. And yes, the body Ainz had was a fake and not the Minarour Sage's real body, Chita had it and had studied it for himself. which annoyed Ainz,

now, the players from 600 years ago, 500 years ago, 400 years ago, 300 years ago, and 200 years ago were noted, leaving the players from 100 years ago. Since Chita also agrees with the theory that every 100 years new players appear, Ainz and Dracula are more serious about this matter now, enough so that Dracula returns to the guild to sit down.

"Demiurge any clue on where this Deep Darkness dragon lord is? I believe we should be looking into him. wild magic and a world item working together.... that doesn't scare any of you? As for the player I can search for, I plan to go see this city in the sea or whatever it is called, if there is something there, let's use it to bring me back to life, and finish this act." Dracula said lazily while eating a cupcake,

"... my apologies, I will look right into it," Demiurge said with a deep frown, Ainz looked towards Demiurge and at Chita who was standing behind Dracula like a loyal dog, they had of course used the world item, Downfall of Castle and Country to make him loyal.

"Dracula, you faced the holder of the Demon Orb... do you think this horn is anything like that?" Ainz asked softly, world items that had to do with summoning were annoying. the Demon Lord was able to summon an endless legion of powerful demons, making one a one-man army. a group once tried to use it against Dracula, but all Ainz knew was that the person was killed.

"If it's anything like that... then we could be in trouble. I'm an army of beasts, some casters, other healers, warriors, assassins, and the list just goes on. they just keep coming and coming. it's like that Hydra, you cut on the head but two more grows to take its place. but with the demon orb, you cut 1 head and 10 takes its place. all measures to flee are blocked, the only way to win is to defeat the one with an orb. but he is surrounded by them and teleports all over the place with the help of the demons. just having that thing is like having an endless army with you." Dracula said calmly, making everyone frown deeply.

"How did you win? I heard you killed him right?" Ainz asked, stories of Dracula being abused were common, but he didn't have the time to follow up on every last one of them.

"simple, I killed and killed, collected a huge amount of blood to cast the ultimate blood spell. blood sacrifice," Dracula said to which Ainz nodded under everyone's confusion as they didn't know much of Dracula's blood magic as he barely used it.

"Blood Sacrifice allows you to gather blood which I can then sacrifice to have just about any effect. from boosting my speed, and strength, to cast almost any spell I want. so long as I collected enough blood I could do it all, without the cost of my MP, and no casting time." Dracula said calmly, leaving the NPC stunned slightly.

"Is that why you have been collecting all of that blood?" Shalltear asked, to which Dracula nodded slightly.

"I have enough to cast super-tier magic, I might cast super-tier magic and see if I can grant a wish I have been thinking about," Dracula said calmly, to which everyone nodded not asking about the wish I spoke about.

"Dracula... your actions are great. but how do you plan to rebuild your name after all of this? yes, it has the added benefit of not only drawing out powerful beings, but it's also strengthening the hold I gave... but still" Ainz asked, to which Dracula shrugged

"in a few hundred years, we would have completely removed such matter from the river of time. Shalltear, let's go towards the kingdom in the sea. or was it a city?" Dracula said, to which Ainz just sighed softly. he had a lot of work to do. For one they had to use the world-class item on every person within Chita's guild and get them under their full control

The city on the sea, there was not much information on this, Ainz didn't bring anyone from here as this place was hard to find. but with the Platinum Dragon Lord, they were able to locate it. it was on the deepest part of the sea, and every few months, the city would surface. As for where he couldn't say for sure. although he did warn us of someone's extreme downfall down there. a woman whose strength rivals even the dragon gods,

Sadly, Dracula and Honyopenyoko couldn't go there as Momon and the others managed to locate them, something which made Honyopenyoko.

"How did you find us?" Honyopenyoko asked with a deep frown, to which Laykus smirked slightly, a prideful smile which pissed Honyopenyoko off. but she didn't explain, it would have been foolish to explain,

"Kill" Honyopenyoko ordered, causing Dracula to shoot off at high speed, which shocked everyone there as Dracula was far stronger than before. waiting no time, She unleashed the power of her sword of Darkness and swung down, unleashing great power that rivaled a tier 8 attack.

but Dracula cut through it, not slowly down in the slightest, only stopping when Momon got in his eyes, his swords forcing Dracula to jump back, only to jump forward, causing the two to start clashing. Honyopenyoko taking this chance along with the Pleiades moved to kill Laykus, Gazef, and the others,

but Honyopenyokopath was blocked by Ainz who appeared, enraged Shalltear shot forward to clash with AInz leaving Dracula to face Momon.

"a magic cast dare to face me alone? foolish. Dracula, kill Momon. take the battle into the air and force Momon to use up all of his MP." Honyopenyoko said, making Momon secretly raise an eyebrow at how smart that was. She gave them a reason to take this battle into the sea... both Dracula and Momon secretly gave Dracula a thumbs up.

but just as Dracula was about to grow wings, he stopped in his actions, turning around and pulling out his sword, just in the top to block in the incoming sword which sent him flying back at a speed that only kept growing and growing,

Dracula tried to get off the arrow, but he realized this arrow would just follow him. gritting his teeth, he moved his swords out of the way, allowing the arrow to into his chest, causing his face to twist from the arrow made out of light.

'A world-class item... I think I faced off against the folder of this one before. yup, the lost city of Atlantis. the guild leader of the Water God Guild.' Dracula thought while getting off the ground, before growing wings. back where Dracula had just disappeared from, AInz, and everyone else were frozen in shock as Dracula had just disappeared from their sight, crushing through countless arrows in the process

from the sea, a small city slowly grew. standing on the tallest building was a beautiful woman with a bow in her hands. She rubbed her eyes as if she had just awakened, she looked at everyone there for a moment before she looked at Dracula who was flying towards her, the chains of chaos spinning wildly.

"I will not allow such disrespect over the home of our creator. Honyopenyoko, you are not free to do as you wish here." She said in a soft voice, pulling back the bow, but not aimed towards Honyopenyoko but towards Dracula, Dracula grinned behind his mask, he shot to the sky dodging the arrow, but the arrow made a sharp u-turn without losing any speed, but instead growing faster.

Dracula shot towards the woman, whose eyes narrowed while looking at Dracula's action. She did nothing, not even bothering to move as Dracula got close to her, before moving out of the way, causing the arrow to fly towards her. but at the last second, the arrow turned, shooting towards Dracula.

everyone looked at the sky at the blinding levels of speed shown, but even with Dracula at full speed, he could not outrun an arrow that kept growing faster and faster. Dracula's legs touched the ground, while he turned to face the arrow, using his unique ability Juggernaut, and his stored speed.

arrows and sword met, creating a shock wave that sent the waters flying all over the place. to the shock of the woman who fired the arrow, the arrow stopped... but only for a split moment as Dracula's speed was all used up, his bones shattered, followed by the arrow flying straight through him. before it lost all of its power... but Dracula healed the next moment, 

"such fast recovery speed..." She said in a soft voice, she aimed her bow towards Dracula, before unleashing a rain of arrows which swallowed the sky. all of them might be slightly weaker than the first two arrows, but they had the same ability, unstoppable until they hit Dracula.

"Dracula uses the world-class item." Honyopenyoko roared in worry, a moment passed before the belt around Dracula moved, transforming into copies of the blade of chaos that Dracula used, cutting through all of the arrows shooting toward him before he shot toward the woman.

the woman's eyes narrowed for a moment before she did something that shocked Ainz, Momon, and Dracula. Wild magic was used to charge the next arrow, which shot towards Dracula at blinding speed.

Dracula moved quickly, to block, but not even his Billion Blade could cancel out this arrow. he was sent flying back, but the other sword moved, cutting the arrow in half. with that, Dracula caught his footing and shot forward, while arrows shot toward him. This time Dracula wasted no time in trying to block, he cut through every arrow, but cutting through every arrow slowed him down slightly, leading to him being pushed back

"hero Momon, a little help." The woman said, snapped Momon out of his shock for a moment, but he nodded and shot forward to support the woman. Dracula's hands flashed, cutting through the arrows that he couldn't dodge or block, while also having to deal with Momon.

The Bow the Heavens. the ultimate blade, it's said that any narrow fired from this bow shall never miss, and always hit its target. it also grows ever faster, if anything gets in its way, it would either dodge it or fly through it. It said, that once you're locked onto this bow unless you have a world item, you're a goner

but this ability to lock onto people was canceled out by Dracula's shoes of Apoll. oddly enough, the world item couldn't have its following ability on Dracula, but the owner of the bow could still lock onto Dracula and cast other spells when others couldn't

with wild magic added onto this bow, the bow ability is enhanced. world items could no longer block it, it seems to only be stopped once Dracula cuts the arrow. this was interesting for Dracula, what would happen if other world items were used with wild magic? 

what would happen to his shoes? or his spacetime swords? or even his Vampire Lord Robes? Dracula's eyes browed, he had to get this woman and drink all of her blood,

'Dracula movement is growing smoother... how would Shalltear explain this?' Momon thought, a deep frown on his non-existent face. but he let out a deep breath once the woman with the bow began talking

"His movement is growing sharper, maybe all that blood he absorbed is being refined or something. at this rate, he would be fighting as well as when he is alive., he might even come back to life. Momon, what should we do?" She called could, causing Momon to cheer slightly inside, he would take the explanation

pretty much what she was saying was... well, you know how you eat too much food? it takes some time for your body to absorb all of that energy. She believed Dracula had absorbed so much blood, that his body had not preserved all of that blood just yet. but in this battle, it was, speeding up the process of him coming back to life.

"Would Momon be able to finish Dracula off hearing that?" Gazef asked frowning at the woman's words. if they were in Momon's shoes, they were sure they would hesitate to cut down Dracula's size any moment he could come back to life.

"... I will kill him. continue to limit his movement. Dracula would not want this." Momon said while his armor glowed golden. this golden form meant he was burning through a huge amount of his life for the biggest amount of his life force. back then, Momon had restored his lost lifeforce with Ainz all mightily magic, but he was about to use it up right now.

Dracula jumped, his body twisting to dodge Momon's blades, while he continued to cut the arrows. meanwhile, Momon attacks cut the sea with each wing, each wing capable of reaching the button of the sea, a scene which moved the woman as this was above level 100 level of powers... yet Dracula was moving, dodging them all with such skilled movement.

"It must be on instincts... knows my fighting style that even after death.." Momon said a helpless tone in his voice, the woman looked at him in pretty. but her eyes suddenly turned towards the sky, as a huge golden Buddha statue appeared.

"Momon, get out of the way." a voice that made everyone's eyes widen sounded, they all watched as Momon quickly shot back while Dracula who was cutting through the arrows looked at the sky, not coming from his spot. From everyone's point of view, Dracula's hands disappeared, they were moving so fast, cutting the arrows which dropped to the ground before turning into energy that disappeared

"Thats... the Supreme Palm Of Buddha," Momon said in shock, A Super TIer spell. but it wasn't an attack, but a seal that would seal the person hit with the spell. As an ultimate move of Good and Light energy, it would surely trap Dracula.

"Don't allow him time to charge an attack... I'm sorry." Evileye said while bringing her arms, Dracula looked at the falling palm for a moment, before he began spinning, and threw one of the blades of chaos towards Evileye.

Evileye's pupils shrank before she closed her eyes, she couldn't do anything else, but the blades of chaos suddenly moved to the side. opening her eyes, Evileye was stunned. she as good as everyone knew that blade was coming towards her, why did it suddenly miss her?

"No!" Honyopenyoko roared, entering her blood Frenzy, she shook Ainz off and shot toward the Dracula.

"My Love, hurry. fly towards me." Honyopenyoko roared, to which Dracula just turned towards her, before removing his mask and looking at her with a complex look. Honyopenyoko flew to his side, hugging him deeply. he ignored the arrows which pierced through him.

"You're back... I worked so hard," Honyopenyoko said, while Dracula hugged her back, covering her head so she didn't see the giant in coming palm.

"I'm sorry... I caused you all trouble." Dracula said with a gentle smile while looking towards Evileye, who burst forward while screaming his name. but it was too late, the palm fell, and in its place, a mountain formed.

Evileye landed on top of the mountain, her tears raining down her face, a scene which left everyone unable to say anything for some time. just as Dracula came back to life, he was sealed. 

"what spell was that?" the woman on top of her guild asked in a soft voice, she had felt a hint of wild magic in that magic. Momon he had run to her side and looked at her for a moment before explaining.

"The supreme Palm Of Buddha, the strongest sealing spell for undead... with that, Dracula would be gone forever. If I may ask, you don't seem to be a player." Momon asked, to which the woman shook her head while giving him a gentle smile. a smile that could charm anyone, she was truly beautiful. almost as if she walked out of a painting, 

"My name is Tiamat, created by the supreme ones to protect their homes." She said to which Momon nodded slightly,

"So they are not here?" Momon asked, to which She nodded slightly while looking toward the sky

"I await their return, until then. I will keep everything just the way they left it. but to do that, I might need to work with you, sir Momon. in my help is needed, I'm willing to land you my hand," She said with a gentle bow, to which Momon nodded slightly, but just as he was about to speak, a crack was hard.

a crack so quiet, yet somehow so loud, it caused everyone's head to slowly turn towards the mountain, by now, Ainz had left with the Piedlades, taking them under his control since the one who once controlled them couldn't fight back for their control.

Evileye who was on the mountain slowly looked down, as a crack ran along the mountain. she knew into the sky, and along with everyone watched the Moutain turning into dust of light...

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