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90.69% Games We Play -Shaman / Chapter 39: Vikings on the Move

Bab 39: Vikings on the Move

Venelana waited for a while for her daughter to rest. Lady Gremory can see the signs of sex on her daughter. Rias went somewhere to get railed to the point that she could barely operate.

This act was the rebellion she was expecting from her. But to think that she will go this far.

'If she didn't want this marriage, she should have told us properly.' The brown-haired devil lady sighed as she massaged her forehead.

Now she has this mess to deal with!

After 16 hours of sleeping, Rias finally woke up. Venelana went to see her immediately.

"Well? What kind of mess did you get yourself into?" Lady Gremory asked with crossed arms.


"Don't pretend you returned in such a state. With whom did you sleep?"

"...Oh… It was Raynor Valeron."


"By Satans!" For a second, Venelana needed to lean against the wall.

"Do you know what you have done?" Rias' mother asked with a concerned voice.

"I do. He marked me as his like he did to Sona~ now I belong to him." Rias explained as she slowly sat down. Her body was full of hickey marks.

"Raynor is a sour subject in Devil society. And now you did this. Are you trying to create a discord? If you didn't want that marriage, you should have explained it properly. Now we have this." The brown-haired devil explained with a sigh.

"Explained properly? I told you years ago I don't want it. What is there to explain? Not that it matters anymore. Raynor's esoteric magic has claimed me as his." Rias quite proudly explained to her.


"You should tell the Phenex clan that their marriage contract should be cancelled."


"...I will speak with your father about this. Now rest." Venelana sighed as she walked away. She needs to speak with her husband, Zeoticus, and the Phenex clan.

She didn't expect Rias to take such drastic measures. From what she heard about Raynor, he can become hostile quickly.

One wrong move, and they could end up on his bad side.


"You are oddly quiet," Raynor commented as he made breakfast in the kitchen.

"What do you want me to say?" Tsufaame, floating around him with crossed arms, finally spoke up.

"I don't know. That's why I am asking."


"I was thinking how you will mess up my race further." She finally said what she was thinking.

"Mess up? And how will I do that?"

"Don't lie. I am a devil, you know. I have seen what you did to that Gremory. Devil kin is a curious species. Others will get interested in you. That will lead to a discord. Proud devils will attack you, causing you to retaliate.

I can see you killing High-Class Devils."

"Hmm, yes, my thought process was around the same lines."

"So you don't deny that?" His response made her look at him dumbly. Is he serious, revealing his intentions just like that!?

"Why should I? I am a hunter. I adjust according to circumstances and how the situation develops."

"So devils, in the end, are just prey to you."

"I can't change what I am, Tsufaame."

After saying that, the Leviathan didn't reply. Instead, she just looked at what he was doing.

Once breakfast was complete, he started to eat. His senses already told him that Sona was waiting outside. He rolled his eyes at her—Japanese-like behaviour. The girl is supposed to be his Fiance. So why is she shy?

So he won't be shy and summoned her into his kitchen.


Sona looked at him, and he looked at her. Instead of saying anything, he motioned for her to sit.

"...So?" The Sitri Heiress started the conversion first.


"Did you do anything with that thing you were working on?" The Black-haired devil clarified while pushing her glasses up.


"The soul of a Leviathan." The Heiress rolled her eyes, clarifying even more.

"Oh, she is here. Bound to me."

"Hmm?" Sona looked around, but she didn't sense anything.

"Don't try to look; you don't sense souls yet. You can't see or talk with her. Not that Tsufaame has much to say." The Shaman explained to her as he started to eat his food.

"Indeed. The current generation is just the worst I have seen so far." The Leviathan nodded at Raynor.

"Tsufaame? The daughter of the Original Leviathan. I see. So it was her which you took. Well, how does this power work?" Sona asked curiously.

Before answering, the Hunter swallowed his food.

"It's conduit shamanism? I guess. It's like a wand for Harry Potter wizards. With this conduit, I can wield Tsufaame's power."

"...Interesting." Sona stroked her chin while listening to that.

"By the way. I spoke with Rias Gremory."

Sitri Heiress stiffed for a second. She looked sharply at him.

"What did she tell you?"

"She became a summon for me." He shrugged his answer. He didn't see much about this. Rias is more like a bed-warmer beauty for him, which he can use to cause more chaos in the Underworld.


Sona started whispering under her breath.

"Damn you! So you did your move! grrr!"

Raynor could hear how his fiance reacted.

"And? What else happened?"

"Well, she tried to seduce me, so I put her to sleep after having my way for more than 12 hours." The Shaman stabbed a sausage with a knife, slicing it apart.

"...Wait… you."

"What? She tried her devil tactics, so countered with 'Raynor tactics'."

'So he fucked her until she couldn't move!?'

Sona gulped down. Now she wants to do it! To hell with this! If Rias is doing it, so will she!

Raynor is her fiance! Not Rias! This is making her pissed!

"That's not fair! I am your fiance! Not Rias!"

"Hmm, you are. But you constantly gave me vibes of a 'fun time' only after marriage. Not very devil-like of you." He pointed out with his fork at her.

Instead of answering, she only narrowed her eyes at him. What he said is true. So she will act on it! If this is the case, she will ensure he thinks about her first instead of Rias or some other woman he can summon!

"I understand. It appears I made a mistake."

'Raynor is the action-first type of person. That goes to almost everything.'

Sona started to 'adjust' to this development.

"I don't see what kind of mistake it is. I only got a new summon."

Like always, Raynor doesn't see the issue. The Heiress doesn't know if she should laugh or cry. Having Rias as a 'toy' gives one power over Crimson Lucifer himself.

The black-haired Heiress wonders if Raynor knows that. Sirzechs should contact him soon.

"She is still the younger sister of Crimson Satan. He will look for you." Sona pointed out with a resigned sigh.

"I know."

He only said two words, which made her slightly gulp. Was he fully expecting that?

'Of course he was. That is most likely the reason why he so readily accepted Rias.'

'Opportunistic as it gets.'


As the pair were walking to school, it slowly started to snow.

"...Does it often snow at this time of the year?" Sona asked him as she extended her hand and allowed snow to land on her palm.

"No. We only get snow, which sticks around in January, sometimes mid-December." Raynor watched what Sona was doing while explaining to her. His eyes ended up going up, and he looked at the sky.

He had this feeling that someone was watching him.

"I can sense it, too. A divine perception. A god is watching us."

Tsufaame said to him. She looked around as well.

'How do you know about godly perceptions?'

"For your information, I felt something similar from HIM all those years ago. The very same PERSON who killed my mother." The Leviathan said with a disgusted tone.

'Oh, right. I sometimes mix up things with you people. You were around when the original four died. After all, they needed descendants.'

The brown-haired devil groaned when she heard that.

"Yes, mister smartass. I am quite old."

'Wasn't my intention.'

"Strange, don't you think?" Sona commented. To her comment, Raynor nodded, took her other hand and started to lead her.

"It is. We should keep on going."

The Heiress slowly nodded, seeing how he 'shifted' from casual to serious.

Is this snow artificial?

The pair continued to walk. Around 10 minutes later, they were in class, and the Shaman pondered who could have caused that snowfall.

'Slavic god or Norse god?' Raynor drew the letter 'S' for Slavs and the letter 'N' for Norse. For a few seconds, he pondered on these two Pantheons.

'If I were a betting man, I would pick 'Norse'. I know jack shit about Slavs. Are they even around?'

'Plus, we are closer to Norse here than Slavs. Or not? I mean, Poland is considered West Slavic, but Russia should have most of the population.'

For a second, he drew a couple of circles around those two.

'Well, whatever. I still need to check Rias~'

[Rias Gremory]

[Type: Devil]

[Bloodline: Gremory, From 72 Devil Pillars]

[Magic: Destruction, Devil, Dark, Soul, Human]

[Talents: Managing, Finances, Dancing, Speech, Sex]

[Obedience: 85%]

[Loyalty: 95%]

'Damn… she truly is a 'Mistress' type.' Raynor was impressed by what he saw. This girl was a natural bed warmer.

His gut feeling was right.

"Ray, you okay?"

"Hmm? Yeah, what about it?"

"Nothing. It's just strange it has been snowing the whole morning. But it's too warm for snow, and it is not sticking around; it makes it wet and puddles all over the place."

Arno said with a sigh. The Shaman nodded at him. His eyes went to the side as he looked over the window. It was still snowing.

'Whatever it is, is it baiting me? Or someone else? I should wait until classes end and then check this out.' Raynor's pen tapped the paper as he thought about this strange situation.

One thing he is confident of is that it's a powerful being.

'Maybe an interesting prey to hunt.' Part of him whispered.

'Indeed. However, for now, I'll wait.' With one more look at the window, Raynor returned to his doodling.


Once classes ended, Raynor swiftly sneaked out, went outside behind the school, and entered the forest.

As he did that, the snow got more intense around his area. Such development confirmed that it is a being directly related to Snow itself. With Tsufaame's previous comment, he was sure this was a Godling or elemental of some sort.

Not that he needed to wait for long, as sure enough, a man dressed in leather and steel greeted him. He was blond with a beard and wore a helmet similar to that of Vikings of old.

"You are a Norse God."

"Father said you are an interesting human. I came to see that myself.

I am Ullr, Norse God of Snow and Hunt."

"Told you so!" Leviathan puffed her chest while saying that. She was right!

"And it appears my father is right. To think that there is a person who has Leviathan's soul anchored like this."

Tsufaame looked surprised for a second before looking curiously at the Norse God.

"...God Ullr, is there a reason you are here like this?" Raynor asked with a guarded tone.

"Is there a reason for a hunter to meet another hunter? It has been over a millennium since I had a partner in crime, as they say.

I want you to come with me to hunt." Ullr said with a slowly growing smile.

The Shaman slowly started to smile as well.

This situation is when a guy meets a fellow hobbyist, and they start hanging out.

"Sure thing."

With a hand motion, Raynor's clothes changed. When Ullr saw his clothes, he started to stroke his beard.

"So this is the Shamanism I heard. It's a very peculiar method. You are replacing high-end materials with magic weaving.

My respect, it has to be tedious work." The Norse God concluded.

"It was at first. But over time, it became the norm."

"Hoh… I see." After saying that, Ullr pulled out something.

It was a skiing set. He then walked over and handed it to Raynor.

"Are we going skiing?" The Shaman asked with a confused look.

"Indeed. Now, follow me. We have something to take care of."

"...And what is?" Once again, Raynor was having second thoughts on this. But the Norse God swiftly clarified to him.

"Don't worry; everything you hunt in this expedition is yours to keep."

The Shaman's eyes glittered with excitement!

"By Lucifer, how quickly he bought you over."

"He is a hunter. Devil, what do you understand?" Ullr said with an eye roll.

"You can see me and hear me?" Tsufaame once again was surprised and curious about this. She already used to be ignored.

"Of course I can. I am a God. The method you are chained eludes me, but I can see and hear you."

"I see."

"So where are we going?" Raynor asked as he got over his excitement and giddiness.

"Niflheim, we will hunt Jotuns."


"...Cool as fuck…" Raynor replied with wide eyes. Ullr just bought him over again.


"...Rias…" Sirzechs sighed, then massaged his temples before leaning into his throne.

In front of him was his little sister. Who was standing almost proudly? Or more like someone who got her 'freedom' back.

"Do you have any idea what you have done?"

"Got out of an arranged marriage?"

"No, the specific word would be you jumped away from a chicken on the wolf."

"...Brother, it should be from a wolf to a bear." Rias clarified.

"I know what I said. Riser Phenex is nothing more than a chicken compared to that cold-blooded killer you decided to get with.

The government is trying its hardest to play it safely with him. But you decided to do that. Now I have to play my hand." Sirzechs said as he closed his eyes.

"... 'Your hand'?" Rias was confused for a second.

"Yes. To make concessions, he has not only you but Serafall under his wing as his summon. Do you understand?

He is becoming an intricate part of our society. Imagine if he summons you to fight against another supernatural faction. It could cause a misunderstanding."

This titbit of information made Rias' eyes widen. This revelation was a surprise! Serafall? That's a Satan! And Raynor has her!?

He was much more capable than she initially thought!

"I understand. But I don't see that much of a problem. He is a hunter, so let him hunt. It's not that he is going around killing people."

Still, Rias didn't see issues here. Her behaviour made the pair of devils in front of her frown slightly.

Rias doesn't understand the concept of independence, or she doesn't care about that as she was Raynor's summon.

"I see your point. But I am not his guardian or babysitter; I can't control him. As we speak, my men are working to fill up his forest with rare and exquisite animals.

I do hope this will satisfy him for a while. But we don't have a limitless supply of rare animals." The Crimson Satan explained while massaging his forehead.

"Then leave this to me. I could try diverting his interest somewhere else. I have Sona on my side, so we come up with something."


Even if Rias explained her plan, Sirzechs doesn't want her near a guy with thousands of souls around him!

On top of that, he practises soul and blood arts. It is one of the most controversial types of magic in the world, even among devils.

"Fine. I don't think I can stop you. Then do what you must. But, I will say it, be careful. He is dangerous."

"I know, that's why I went to him."


What Rias said is true. After doing it with Raynor, her parents relented, and this time, they only gave slight comments before letting her go.

Her plan to get away from an arranged marriage was a success!

After the conversation ended, Rias left in a crimson circle. Grayfia immediately started to speak.

"What are you going to do?"



"Nothing. Because I was planning to help her when she was dissatisfied with her arranged marriage, this time, she did this of her own volition.

I can only warn her." The Crimson Satan said with a sigh.

"...But that man. He casually slaughtered his way through the entire Old-Satan faction. He killed three Ultimate Class Devils. It was executions, not fights.

He did that because of a slight." Grayfia recalled what she saw. Her eyes had some hints of fear.

"I know. But at this point, they went the whole way. I don't think Valeron will do anything to her." Sirzechs saw him as being ruled by the laws of nature. If he is doing things to his sister, he doesn't see her as a threat and more like a companion.

"And if you are wrong?" Grayfia pushed for an answer.

"I hope I am not. I don't want to find out what will happen after that." Sirzechs had a sour look. The hunter's weaponry is lethal. If he has a jump on him, the Crimson Satan has no idea how those weapons react to his Power of Destruction. He never tested it against ritualistic weaponry with meaning carved into it.


As Rias returned to her castle, Sona was waiting for her. The Sitri Heiress was sitting there and drinking tea.

Behind her were Akeno and Tsubaki. Rias' Queen has a nervous smile on her lips.

"...Rias, we have to discuss the actions you took a couple of days ago.

"...Hehehe, what do you want to know?" The Crimson-Haired Devil pretended not to catch the drift of the discussion.

"Don't play around. You know what I mean."

"I do."

"Then why all of sudden that!?" Sona asked with an embarrassed blush.


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