Unduh Aplikasi

Bab 8: ch 8

Carl, Ahsoka, and Rex watch on as the other clones cut threw the door. " how we gonna get out of here?" Rex asked as he put on his helmet.

"I have an idea." Ahsoka responded to Rex as she positioned herself in front of the door.

"Witch is?" Rex asked to get more insight to her plan.

" just make sure you both have those set to stun, were not trying to kill anyone." Ahsoka says as she gets ready.

"Ya well tell that to them." Rex complains as he sets his pistols to stun. Carl already had his set to stun so he just got his blaster ready for when the door was clear. They could see the clones were almost done cutting threw the door, "there almost threw." Rex says as he points his pistols at the door.

"Wait" Ahsoka says as the cutting was seconds away from being done. "Wait." The cutting around the door just finished, "NOW!" She says as she uses the force to push the door smashing into a few clones.

As the clones that weren't smashed by the door were distracted Carl and Rex started stunning the clones moving out of the room. More clones came from down the hall shooting at them causing them to duck and weave some shots before Ahsoka rushed out deflecting the shots away. They continued like that for a few seconds with Ahsoka deflecting the shots about to hit Carl or Rex while rex and Carl continued to stun the clones as they came.

"R7 find us a path out of here" Ahsoka says as she deflects shot after shot. R7 goes to the nearest port and starts closing blast doors till they take down all the clones leaving a path for them to take.

After everything settled down Rex asked looking at both Ahsoka and Carl, "alright. Now what?"

"The escape pods have been destroyed, taking the shuttle will be our best bet." Ahsoka responded. Ahsoka then looked to Carl, "you can come with us if you want."

Carl shakes his head. "If you have forgotten I got my own ship."

Ahsoka amongst all the chaos she completely forgot this fact. But from her memory the ship was parked in the back of the hangar bay and would be hard to reach and plus he didn't have any other hyperspace routes. "Are you sure? It may be hard to get to your ship in all this and didn't you say you didn't have any other hyperspace routes?"

Carl having complete faith in HK-47 in completing the mission he assigned him responded, "I'll be fine I have faith in my abilit-"

Before he could finish his sentence the communication device he took to stay in contact with HK-47 went off, {master I am pleased to report mission objectives have been accomplished. Items acquired and hyperspace routes retrieved. I am also pleased to report I have also downloaded schematics on starship and land vehicles} there was silence as Ahsoka and Rex looked at Carl with questions on their faces. {master?} the com went off again.

In a flash Carl took out the communication device, "that's great HK. You're on the ship now right?"

{affirmative master} HK-47 responded.

" ok stay there don't let anyone take the ship and be on standby to take off in a hurry." HK gives his affirmative then carl cut the com. He sees Rex having a stern glare and Ahsoka looking on amused at the situation. "I can explain."

Ahsoka crosses her arms over her chest tilting her hip to the side, "oh this should be good."

Carl takes a deep breath "ok so who you just heard was HK-47 my assassin/protocol droid that's stayed on the ship as I arrived and because I knew all this would happen I-"

He was interrupted right there by Rex, "you knew this would happen?"

Carl was confused cause he thought he explained this already but he remembered Rex wasn't there, "oh ya that's old news, I explained to Ahsoka already about all that. Not how I know, that can wait for after we're out of this mess."

Rex looked to Ahsoka and she just shrugged, "everything he has told me on what he knows seems to be lining up with everything that's happening so far." She answered his unasked question.

Carl continued, "anyway cause I knew all this was going to happen I told HK to get some hyperspace routes and equipment if possible."

"So you were stealing from us." Rex says in a accusatory tone.

Carl shrugs helplessly, " I mean technically yes but all this." Gesturing to the entire ship. "Will be useless to everybody soon."

Ahsoka felt uneasy, "why?"

In a nonchalant manner. "The ship will crash into the moon of a planet."

"WHY!!" Rex asked this time.

"Maule is going to destroy the hyperdrive and thats when-" the ship rocks violently and sparks start to come from the halls. " shit he already destroyed it we're wasting time we have to move." Ahsoka and Rex realize the gravity of the situation so they all rushed down the hall to the hangar bay.

As soon as they reach the control station for the hangar bay Carl and Rex started stunning all the clones present. After all the clones were dealt with Rex when to the controls to see the situation. " hanger bay doors are sealed, everything is locked down. If they weren't trying to kill us, I would be proud."

"R7 start unlocking the doors on bay 12 and 20. Cheep prep the shuttle. GG find out what happened to this ship." All the droid beep in confirmation.

"What don't believe what I said about maule?" Carl asked a little offended.

Ahsoka sent an apologetic smile, "it's not that I don't believe you as I can tell you're being truthful, I just would prefer confirmation."

Rex then pipes in "ya no offense kid."

Carl waves it off, "no no I get it."

The the droid GG starts beeping it's findings to them. Rex then says "the hyperdrive is offline?" The droid beeps some more, "destroyed, I-it's completly gone." Then something beeps on the console and rex looks at it, "we're caught in that moon's gravitational field." After he said that he looks to Carl, "well kid I believe you now."

Carl rolls his eyes at rexs comment, "gee thanks."

Ahsoka looked amused for a moment before getting serious. "R7 open the main hangar doors." R7 at the port he was at gets to work and the main hangar doors open up revealing the moon the ship was heading on a collision course with. "we need to get out of here."

Rex then turned to the R7 droid, "any luck with those doors." It beeps something at Rex.

Carl thinks, 'I should learn that droid language I feel left out of the conversations.'

Ahsoka then asked, "and the shuttle?" R7 beeps again and this time some hangar bay doors open revealing one shuttle close and the ebon hawk further down. "There it is." She turns to Carl, " and your ship seems to be fine as well."

Before she could say more, more doors in the hangar bay opened up revealing more clone troopers who rushed out forming up in lines and face the control room of the hangar bay. Rex then says in a dejected tone, "they were waiting for us." The clones finish lining up and Rex starts getting flustered. "So what do we do? Fight our way to the shuttle?"

" There'r too many." Ahsoka says then She t looked at Rex. "Besides, I don't want to hurt them"

Rex seemed to be in disbelief, "I hate to tell you this, but they don't care. This ship is going down, and those soldiers, my brothers, are willing to die to take you, me, and him along with them." He finished pointing at Carl.

They Stare at each other for a bit Carl feeling awkward for the most part. Ahsoka then walks up to Rex taking his helmet and removing it revealing Rex with tears coming down his face. Ahsoka places her hand on his shoulder, "you're a good soldier Rex. So is every one of those men down there. They may be willing to die, but I am not the one who's going to kill them."

Rex then looks dejected, "so we're just going to surrender, admit defeat? Is that it?"

"No." Ahsoka says in contemplation.

"Well I don't see any other option." Rex says looking down.

Ahsoka then looks out the window thats overlooking all the clones lined up. "I have an idea." Rex looks interested as she turned to him. "Don't worry it's a good one…. I think." Carl already knows what her plan will be and he still thinks it's crazy. She then turned to the three droids, "can I count on the three of you?" The droids beep in confirmation and Ahsoka nods, "good I'll explain on the way." She finished as she got up and made her way to the hanger bay followed by Rex, carl, and the droids.

(Some time later in the main hanger bay)

Carl, Ahsoka, and Rex can be seen entering the main hanger with Rex having his pistols pointed to the backs of carl and Ahsoka escorting them along. "HOLD YOUR FIRE!!" Rex yells to the clones that raise their weapons ready to shoot both carl and Ahsoka. He pushes carl in the back to show force to sell the act more. "I said hold your fire Jessie. I have the situation under control." Rex says as they come to a stop a good distance away from the firing squad aiming at them.

"You have your orders sir. Now execute them, or I will" the clone Jessie states re aiming his blaster pistols.

"The order was to execute the Jedi for treason." Rex moves to walk in front of Carl and Ahsoka and gesture at them. "The problem is Ahsoka Tano is no longer a Jedi, hasn't been for some time now. And we have confirmed captain Carl isn't a Jedi as well. He has no affiliation with anyone."

Jessie lowers his blaster pistols for a sec, "sir…. You said yourself were under special orders from darth sidios to eliminate Ahsoka Tano and any other clone who disobeys order 66. You also said yourself captain Carl will be executed for the assisted escape of said Ahsoka Tano from the bridge of the ship." Carl couldn't help but think at this moment that if he would have stepped away from Ahsoka he would have been safe.

Over to the side the three droids were out of site and messing with a port geting ready to enact Ahsokas plan. Ahsoka sees this and whispers to Rex. "Just keep him talking, a little bit longer.

Rex thinks and looks at Jessie. "Jessie…Jessie listen to me, we've know each other a long time. If we don't get this right, we will be the ones committing treason, not them." Rex finished as he points at ahsoka and Carl.

Jessie without hesitation raised his blaster pistols and aimed at them. " commander Rex, you're in violation of order 66. I accuse you of treason against the grand army of the republic. You'll be demoted in rank from commander, and subject to execution, along with the traitor Ahsoka Tano and her accomplice captain Carl Dearman."

There was a pause but Ahsoka could see the droids ready to execute her plan, "ready?" She said. Carl got ready to use the force, he would be aiming to grab those pistols off of Jessie cause he had to ditch his blaster to sell this little act.

Rex then turned back to look at the two of them and shrugged, "eh I didn't like much being a commander anyway"

all the rest of the clones were geting ready to shoot when all of a sudden A loud warning noise came over the speakers and ahsoka yelled, "NOW!!" Then not a second later sections of the floor the clones were standing on including Jessie lowered fast causing them to fall. Before Jessie fell Carl stretched both hands out and used the force on his blaster pistols and due to the sudden drop Jessie didn't have a good hold on them so they slipped from his grasped right into Carls, witch he promptly set to stun, and started shooting the clones along with Rex making there way to the ships.

From the side they could see that darth maule was sprinting ahead making his way for the transport ship. "Rex the ship." Carl and Rex looked over and saw maule running. As Rex didn't have a shot so he kept shooting at the clones tho Carl tried to shoot and stun maule but he managed to evade the shots before Carl had to refocus on the clones shooting at them.

Ahsoka, using force jumps, manages to get close to maule but In response to this he starts using the force and starts throwing things in her way and towards her, "you wanted this chaos." Maule said as he tossed a rather big object that Ahsoka had to jump over. Ahsoka almost got close enough to strike maule with her lightsabers but maule dodged and used the force to push Ahsoka back causing her to put her lightsabers in the ground trying to stop Before she went over the ledge that the clones fell into at the beginning. As she was going over the ledge one of the droids shot out a cable that caught her, stoping her fall.

Rex quickly rushed over to help Ahsoka up, thus letting maule get to the shuttle first and start prepping it for takeoff. Carl made his way to the edge were Ahsoka was As she started to climb the cable. The clones that fell at the beginning were below her and they started to wake up, so before they could start shooting at her carl used the force to lift Ahsoka in the air and onto the platform he and Rex were on. As Ahsoka got her footing she said thanks then the clones started shooting from below as they tried to catch maule before he left.

The transport ship maule was in was taking off so Ahsoka promptly got behind it and started using the force to try and bring it back down. This cause maule to push the engines further, making the ship stay in one place as Ahsoka hung on.

More clones have now entered the hanger bay and reengaged all three of them. Rex and Carl moved to cover Ahsoka as she tried to bring the ship down. Carl knew this wouldn't work so he got out his communication divice and hurriedly spoke into it. "HK take off bring the ship to me, we may have more people coming as well"

{right away master} could be herd on the com and then a little further down the hangar bay the ebon hawk could be seen powering up its systems.

As Carl continues shooting he yells at Ahsoka, "we don't have time for this, Let him go. I have HK bringing the ship to us now."

Rex at this point agrees, "I agree commander. We won't hold out much longer." He then continues to shoot the clones coming at them but there's no end.

Ahsoka looks back at both Carl and Rex doing their best to defend her. She then looks over at the ebon hawk and sees it start to retract its landing gear, maneuvering out. She then look at the transport shuttle she is holding with the force that holds maule. After a few seconds of contemplation she lets go of the force and maules ship promptly takes off. She then takes out her lightsabers and start to deflect shots to lessen the burden on Carl and Rex.

At this point they have formed a triangle formation with Ahsoka in the front, Carl and Rex behind her. This was effective in holding off the clones till they heard the sound of the ebon hawk coming up behind them and lowering the ramp for them to get in. Ahsoka motioned for them to get on first as she deflected the shots slowly backing up. Carl and Rex both quickly backed up and got on the ramp and continued shooting from there. Then Ahsoka quickly use the force and sprinted to the ramp.

Once they were all on bored Carl hit the button to close the ramp and went straight to the cockpit we're HK should be, followed by Ahsoka and Rex.

Once carl was in the cockpit he could see that HK-47 was already taking them out of the hangar bay as if you looked out the viewport you could see the venetor falling apart heading for the moon. Carl sat in the other pilot seat, "HK plot a corse for mustafar." Maybe he can still do something.

{right away master} HK-47 responds as he maneuvers the ship and plots the hyperspace route to mustafar.

Ahsoka cuts in, "wait we should land and give those troopers a proper burial, and what's at mustafar?" Rex nod to Ahsokas question.

Carl continues to help HK plot the course responds, "we can come back and do that. I have this moon saved in the nav computer. But we need to hurry to mustafar cause we may be able to change something." Carl isn't even sure what it is he can do. he just feels going to mustafar is the right call, and one thing he learned from Star Wars is to trust that feeling.

At this point they were already in hyperspace. {it will take about two days to reach mustafar master} HK informed carl.

Carl sighed he just hope he can do something. 'Maybe use force heal on padme? I only used it on animals on that planet I was on but it shouldn't be different. But will that work? Would force heal give her life energy to live?" All this was running threw carls mind then Ahsoka cleared her throat to get his attention. He looks at Ahsoka and Rex then turns his chair to face them. 'No use delaying anymore' Carl thought to himself resigning to tell them whatever it is they want to know even if it revels his reality jumping. He's tired of trying to keep it secret and he's thinking it's too much trouble, Carl just hopes they can handle the truth. "Ok, ask anything you want."

Ahsoka and Rex after seeing they were already in hyperspace sat down in the other chairs in the cockpit. Ahsoka starts off, "first why are we going to Mustafar you said something about changing something?"

Carl sighs, " we're on our way to mustafar cause that's we're your master Anikin skywalker and master obiwan kinobi are right now."

Ahsoka perks up at this, "so we're going to go assist them right now? Great hopefully they will know what to do in this mess." wincing at Ahsokas statement knowing that kinobi and anikin will be fighting to the death. Ahsoka catches that, "what is it? I can feel your unease."

Carl looks at Ahsoka, "depending on when we get there they might be in a fight to the death."

Before Carl could say anymore Ahsoka stood up abruptly "THATS IMPOSSIBLE!! I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT!!!!" She yelled with a very disapproving face. It was preposterous to her. Anikin and obiwan were like brothers. They couldn't possibly fight each other like that.

Rex also comments, "I do have to say kid even tho you've been right so far, this definitely takes the cake."

Carl raised his hands in a calming down motion to both of them. Ahsoka slowly sits back down but her glare stays on Carl waiting for the explanation. "Ok first Ahsoka maule already kinda touches on it at mandalor. I think he told you about Anikin being groomed to be the dark lords new apprentice?"

Ahsokas eyes widen, "he was telling the truth."

Carl nodded, "yes he was. I'm not saying his idea of outright killing Anikin is the right choice but he was correct in that he was being groomed. The chancellor has been around Anikin since he was a kid. He helps anikin with 'advice' that lead anikin more and more to his side."

Ahsoka still couldn't believe it, " I still can't believe anikin would betray all he has fought for." She looks to Carl if there was more to it.

Carl then tells her, " you would most likely be correct, but he's afraid. He's probly told you about his mother and how he had dreams before she died?" He asked and Ahsoka nods wondering were he was going with this. " well recently he's been having the same type of dreams about his wife dying from child birth."

Ahsokas confused, "but anikin isn't married. Jedi can't get married." She states and Carl just gives her a blank stare then looks to Rex. Carl believes Rex at least figured out padme and anikin had a relationship if not married.

Rex coughed into his hands. "Actually commander, it's highly possible general skywalker is married to senator amidala. He has frequent calls to her in private, and usually has me stand guard to let him know if anyone is coming." He looks sheepish as he says this.

Ahsoka is flabbergasted, now that she thought back on all the interactions anikin and padme had it's so obvious. Ahsoka then looks at Carl, " now the main question how do you know all this? " Rex also looks at Carl wanting to know.

Carl paused trying to find the best way to explain. " well I guess first thing to say, I'm not from this reality."

Rex and Ahsoka were confused, "reality, you mean you're beyond the unknown region?"

Carl shook his head, "no I mean reality. We're I'm from no ship can take you. I think the best way to describe it is another plain of existence?" Carls not sure on that term but they wouldn't get it otherwise, the Star Wars universe is so vast they would think he's just from this reality but from a different galaxy.

Ahsoka and Rex seam to get it but then Rex asked, "what does any of that have to do with what you know? In fact how would you know all this when you're not from our reality as you say." After Rexs comment Ahsoka couldn't help but agree.

This is when Carl looks at both Ahsoka and Rex, "As I said to Ahsoka before this will be more unbelievable than what I've already told you."

Rex then comments, "what? More unbelievable than being from another reality?"

Carl nods his head, "yes." Seeing that they were both quiet Carl continued, "just for your information I just learned about this not to long ago myself but to sum it up my reality can view other reality's threw dream or thought. Probably something do to with the force or something like it. But anyway cause of that in my reality yours has been shown in the form of tv- I mean holo programs. I'm not to sure on all the technical stuff but I've seen and watched most major events in this universe."

Ahsoka and Rex were stunned by the news, " so we're just a form of entertainment were your from?" Ahsoka said a little put off.

Carl tread carefully when answering her question. " you have to keep in mind everyone thinks this reality is a work of fiction. If they knew the events were real maybe it would be treated differently or something." Carl didn't really know how to answer. It is entertainment where he is from and even if people knew it was real he's not really sure if people would stop watching it for entertainment.

Ahsoka smiled at carls words. Ahsoka then got up and started to walk out of the cockpit. " I'm going to go relax and meditate on all this. let me know if there's anything you need." She says as she's walking out.

Rex also stands up, " I guess I'll do the same" he nods at Carl and follows right behind Ahsoka leaving HK-47 and Carl in the cockpit.

Carl then checks the systems of the ship and leans back in his chair, 'well that went better than expected.' He thought to himself as he sat there thinking on everything that happened.

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